chapter 1 兴趣爱好
h o b b i e s
section 1 asking about hobbies询问兴趣 3
section 2 reading阅读书报 7
section 3 music and instruments音乐、乐器 11
section 4 photographing拍照、摄影 15
section 5 fishing垂钓闲情 18
section 6 seeing a film观看电影 21
section 7 tv programs电视节目 25
section 8 going to the theatre去看戏剧 29
section 9 surfing on the internet网上冲浪 33
chapter 2 体育运动
s p o r t s
section 1 favorite sports喜爱项目 39
section 2 sports games体育比赛 42
section 3 fitness exercises健身运动 47
section 4 keeping fit减肥塑身 50
chapter 3 聚会多多
p a r t i e s
.section 1 making an invitation发出邀请 57
section 2 birthday party生日宴会 62
section 3 wedding ceremony婚礼庆典 66
section 4 at a dance在舞会上 69
section 5 karaoke 卡拉ok 72
section 6 having a toast 祝酒助兴 75
section 7 taking leave and seeing off告别辞行 79
chapter 4 节假活动
h o l i d a y s a n d f e s t i v a l s
section 1 at weekends周末时光 85
section 2 outing and camping 郊游宿营 88
section 3 going on holidays休闲度假 91
section 4 traditional festivals传统佳节 96
section 5 on festivals在节日里 100
chapter 5 交通出行
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s
section 1 losing the way走失、迷路 107
section 2 driving a car开车自驾 111
section 3 by air乘坐飞机 114
section 4 by train乘坐火车 117
section 5 by bus乘公交车 120
section 6 by taxi乘出租车 123
chapter 6 逛街购物
s h o p p i n g
section 1 expressing requirements说明要求 129
section 2 trying on试穿试戴 133
section 3 on sizes关于尺寸 136
section 4 on colors关于颜色 139
section 5 on price关于价格 143
section 6 paying the check付款结账 147
section 7 after-sales service售后服务 150
chapter 7 美发服务
h a i r d r e s s i n g s e r v i c e s
section 1 hairstyles说明发型 157
section 2 getting haircuts剪短头发 160
section 3 dyeing the hair and getting perms 染发、烫发 163
section 4 at the beauty parlor在美容院 166
chapter 8 餐馆就餐
a t t h e r e s t a u r a n t
section 1 reservation and choosing seats 预订、选位 173
section 2 ordering dishes开始点菜 177
section 3 comments on dishes点评菜品 181
section 4 etiquette during a meal进餐礼仪 184
section 5 at the fast food restaurant在快餐店 188
chapter 9 闲聊话题
c h a t t i n g t o p i c s
section 1 chatting about families闲聊家庭 193
section 2 chatting about houses闲聊住房 198
section 3 chatting about love闲聊爱情 203
section 4 chatting about marriage闲聊婚姻 207
section 5 chatting about friendship闲聊友情 211
section 6 chatting about study闲聊学习 214
section 7 chatting about work闲聊工作 218
section 8 chatting about dreams闲聊梦想 223
section 9 chatting about weather闲聊天气 226
section 10 chatting about environment闲聊环境 231
section 11 chatting about health闲聊健康 234
section 12 chatting about eating and drinking 闲聊饮食 238
section 13 chatting about mood闲聊心情 242
section 14 chatting about time闲聊时间 247
section 15 chatting about others闲聊他人 250
section 16 chatting about pets闲聊宠物 253
section 17 chatting about dressing闲聊衣着打扮 256
section 18 chatting about idolatry闲聊偶像崇拜 260
section 19 chatting about personal finance 闲聊个人理财 264
chapter 1 兴趣爱好
h o b b i e s
section 1 asking about hobbies询问兴趣 3
section 2 reading阅读书报 7
section 3 music and instruments音乐、乐器 11
section 4 photographing拍照、摄影 15
section 5 fishing垂钓闲情 18
section 6 seeing a film观看电影 21
section 7 tv programs电视节目 25
section 8 going to the theatre去看戏剧 29
section 9 surfing on the internet网上冲浪 33
chapter 2 体育运动
s p o r t s
section 1 favorite sports喜爱项目 39
section 2 sports games体育比赛 42
section 3 fitness exercises健身运动 47
section 4 keeping fit减肥塑身 50
chapter 3 聚会多多
p a r t i e s
.section 1 making an invitation发出邀请 57
section 2 birthday party生日宴会 62
section 3 wedding ceremony婚礼庆典 66
section 4 at a dance在舞会上 69
section 5 karaoke 卡拉ok 72
section 6 having a toast 祝酒助兴 75
section 7 taking leave and seeing off告别辞行 79
chapter 4 节假活动
h o l i d a y s a n d f e s t i v a l s
section 1 at weekends周末时光 85
section 2 outing and camping 郊游宿营 88
section 3 going on holidays休闲度假 91
section 4 traditional festivals传统佳节 96
section 5 on festivals在节日里 100
chapter 5 交通出行
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s
section 1 losing the way走失、迷路 107
section 2 driving a car开车自驾 111
section 3 by air乘坐飞机 114
section 4 by train乘坐火车 117
section 5 by bus乘公交车 120
section 6 by taxi乘出租车 123
chapter 6 逛街购物
s h o p p i n g
section 1 expressing requirements说明要求 129
section 2 trying on试穿试戴 133
section 3 on sizes关于尺寸 136
section 4 on colors关于颜色 139
section 5 on price关于价格 143
section 6 paying the check付款结账 147
section 7 after-sales service售后服务 150
chapter 7 美发服务
h a i r d r e s s i n g s e r v i c e s
section 1 hairstyles说明发型 157
section 2 getting haircuts剪短头发 160
section 3 dyeing the hair and getting perms 染发、烫发 163
section 4 at the beauty parlor在美容院 166
chapter 8 餐馆就餐
a t t h e r e s t a u r a n t
section 1 reservation and choosing seats 预订、选位 173
section 2 ordering dishes开始点菜 177
section 3 comments on dishes点评菜品 181
section 4 etiquette during a meal进餐礼仪 184
section 5 at the fast food restaurant在快餐店 188
chapter 9 闲聊话题
c h a t t i n g t o p i c s
section 1 chatting about families闲聊家庭 193
section 2 chatting about houses闲聊住房 198
section 3 chatting about love闲聊爱情 203
section 4 chatting about marriage闲聊婚姻 207
section 5 chatting about friendship闲聊友情 211
section 6 chatting about study闲聊学习 214
section 7 chatting about work闲聊工作 218
section 8 chatting about dreams闲聊梦想 223
section 9 chatting about weather闲聊天气 226
section 10 chatting about environment闲聊环境 231
section 11 chatting about health闲聊健康 234
section 12 chatting about eating and drinking 闲聊饮食 238
section 13 chatting about mood闲聊心情 242
section 14 chatting about time闲聊时间 247
section 15 chatting about others闲聊他人 250
section 16 chatting about pets闲聊宠物 253
section 17 chatting about dressing闲聊衣着打扮 256
section 18 chatting about idolatry闲聊偶像崇拜 260
section 19 chatting about personal finance 闲聊个人理财 264
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