Oral english course for colleges


作   者:(喀)斯坦利·蒙诺编著(standly Munoh)







01 How to Improve Our Spoken English
02 Our Childhood Thoughts, Imaginations, Memories, Experiences, and Dreams
03 Food: Eating Habits and Eating Cultures
04 Our Hobbies and/or Spare Time Activities: How to Avoid Boredom, Have a Rest, Relax, Have Fun, Do Some Helpful Things, and Shun Trouble When We Are Free
1st Review Session
 Reviewing Spoken English Lessons/Corners/Salons 01-04 "
05 Cross Cultural Similarities, Differences, Experiences, Shocks, Impressions and Stereotypes
06 Transportation : The Various Ways/Means of Traveling, Commuting, or Just Getting Around
07 Our Ideal Jobs, Careers and/or Professions
08 Self Improvement: Some New, Special, and Useful Skills or Knowledge We Would Like to Learn
2nd Review Session
 Reviewing Spoken English Lessons/Corners/Salons 05-08
09 Some Good and Bad Habits, Behaviors, and Attitudes in Our Society
10 Relationships and Our Preferred Personality Types and/or Qualities
11 Our Ideal Living Places: Homes and Hotels
12 The Weather, the Seasons, and the Climate
3rd Review Session
 Reviewing Spoken English Lessons/Corners/Salons 09-12
13 The Environment
14 Sports
15 Places of Interest: The Best Destinations We Would Like to Go to If We Had Time and Money
16 Festivals and Holidays in Our Country and Around the World
4th Review Session
 Reviewing Spoken English Lessons/Corners/Salons 13-16
17 How to Manage, Handle, and/or Deal with Pressure, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Anger, and/or Paranoia, so as to Keep Happy
18 Success and Fame, Successful and Famous People, and Our Heroes: Who's Got a Better Chance to Become One; and What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages/ Sacrifices (If Any ) ?
19 The Various Ways/Tools of Contacting and Keeping in Touch with People Faraway from Us
20 Myths, Rituals, Luck, and Coincidences
5th Review Session
Reviewing Spoken English Lessons/Corners/Salons 17-20
21 Discoveries, Inventions, and Innovations Which We Consider to Be Very
 Important in Improving Human Living Conditions
22 Common Consumer Worries, Concerns, Experiences, and Complaints
23 Education: Campus Life and Academic Orientation
24 How to Perceive, Approach, and Deal with Foreigners, Strangers, and/or So-Called "Outsiders": Some "Shoulds" and  "Shouldn'ts" or "Dos" and "Oon'ts"
6th Review Session
 Reviewing Spoken English Lessons/Corners/Salons 21-24
Map of China
Map of the World
Answers to the Reading Comprehension Homework



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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