

作   者:吕云翔,杨雪编著





  《大学实用计算机英语教程》按照最新《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,以大学本科二年级学生Kevin与他的同学在一个酒店管理信息系统的实际项目中进行专业实践,直至经过求职面试进入一个IT企业工作为线索,将IT行业中所需的英语听说读写译基本技能与项目从开始到结束的整个流程有机融合起来,同时涉及计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、计算机网络、数据库、计算机安全、电子商务、系统分析与设计、软件工程等相关知识。   《大学实用计算机英语教程》包括10章,每章都分为听与说、读与译以及写作部分,听与说部分描绘了软件开发各流程的技术场景,读与译部分给出了软件工程及相关的技术文章,写作部分则重点介绍如何撰写技术/商务文档和技术报告等。   《大学实用计算机英语教程》注重听、说、读、写、译能力的全面发展,适合作为高等院校本科“计算机英语”课程的教材,也可作为广大技术人员和自学者的参考读物。《大学实用计算机英语教程》光盘中含有听力录音、课文译文、习题答案、技术文档样例,并为教师提供PPT,需要的教师可登录华章网站(www.hzbook.com)下载。




unit 1 starting a software project 1

part 1 listening & speaking 1

dialogue: starting a software project 1

listening comprehension: software engineering 3

dictation: mythical man-month & no silver bullet 4

part 2 reading & translating 5

section a: software engineering 5

section b: computer hardware 8

part 3 simulated writing: memo 13

unit 2 capturing the requirements 16

part 1 listening & speaking 16

dialogue: communication with customers 16

listening comprehension: software requirements 18

dictation: the difference between customer & end-user 19

part 2 reading & translating 19

section a: software requirements 19

section b: computer software 22

part 3 simulated writing: software requirements specification 27

.unit 3 planning the project 31

part 1 listening & speaking 31

dialogue: software project planning 31

listening comprehension: software project planning 33

dictation: four variables in projects 34

part 2 reading & translating 35

section a: software project planning 35

section b: operating system 38

part 3 simulated writing: software project plan 42

unit 4 working in a team 46

part 1 listening & speaking 46

dialogue: team structure 46

listening comprehension: project team 47

dictation: agile software development 48

part 2 reading & translating 49

section a: team structure 49

section b: computer network 52

part 3 simulated writing: powerpoint presentation 58

unit 5 designing the system 61

part 1 listening & speaking 61

dialogue: software design 61

listening comprehension: software design 62

dictation: user interface design 63

part 2 reading & translating 64

section a: software design 64

section b: database 68

part 3 simulated writing: software design specification 72

unit 6 implementing the system 77

part 1 listening & speaking 77

dialogue: creating high-quality code 77

listening comprehension: writing the code 79

dictation: concentrate on the vital few, not the trivial many 80

part 2 reading & translating 81

section a: computer programming 81

section b: the internet 86

part 3 simulated writing: progress report .. 91

unit 7 testing the system 94

part 1 listening & speaking 94

dialogue: software testing 94

listening comprehension: software testing 95

dictation: smoke test 96

part 2 reading & translating 97

section a: software testing 97

section b: the web and e-mail 100

part 3 simulated writing: software test specification 105

unit 8 delivering the system 110

part 1 listening & speaking 110

dialogue: software deployment 110

listening comprehension: software delivery 111

dictation: bug & debugging 112

part 2 reading & translating 113

section a: software maintenance 113

section b: computer security 117

part 3 simulated writing: user guide 121

unit 9 taking an interview 125

part 1 listening & speaking 125

dialogue: interview 125

listening comprehension: expansion company 127

dictation: software configuration management 128

part 2 reading & translating 129

section a: careers for computer professionals 129

section b: electronic commerce 134

part 3 simulated writing: resume 139

unit 10 beginning your work 142

part 1 listening & speaking 142

dialogue: beginning your work 142

listening comprehension: the organizational structure of a company 144

dictation: open source movement 145

part 2 reading & translating 146

section a: the organizational structure of a company 146

section b: information system design and analysis 150

part 3 simulated writing: business e-mail 154

glossary(词汇表) 157

abbreviations(缩略语表) 181

bibliography(参考文献)... 187



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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