1.精心选文,时尚有趣。本书精选热门话题、哲思小品和名篇名段70篇,涵盖时尚短文、幽默故事、励志短文、景点篇章、科技知识、诗词歌赋等,满足多种阅读兴趣。 2.重点词汇讲解。每篇文章后面附有该文中出现的重点词汇和词组,随学随记。 3.参考译文,增强对篇章的理解。 每篇文章有相应的参考译文,既能帮助读者更好地理解文章,也能提升语言功底和翻译能力。 4. 特设Time for fun栏目,增加阅读趣味性。全书共有8章,每章的末尾特设Time for fun栏目,有趣味广告词、笑话、优秀作文、名言警句等,生动活泼,在玩乐中就能提高英语水平。 5. 附赠MP3光盘,边听边练。 全书70篇文章附有MP3音频,由母语人士录入,发音纯正,语速适中,感情饱满。方便读者练习听力和口语。
Week 1Day 1 The Little Prince(Excerpt)小王子(节选)Day 2 You Could Die from Chasing Fun享乐有度Day 3 The Human Seasons人生四季Day 4 The Rise of We Media自媒体的兴起Day 5 The Call of Spring——Groundhog Day春天的召唤——土拨鼠日Day 6 The Rose and the Amaranth玫瑰与不凋花Day 7 The Age of Thrills刺激年代Time fo FunWeek 2Day 1 On Leadership论领导力Day 2 Two Poems诗两首Day 3 Love Your Life热爱你的生活Day 4 The English Character英国人的性格Day 5 An Illusion一种错觉Day 6 Pygmalion皮格马利翁Day 7 A Letter to My Daughter一封写给女儿的信Time fo FunWeek 3Day 1 Much to Live for生命的追求Day 2 Yao Ming:New Center style姚明:新式中锋Day 3 Tall Tale无稽之谈Day 4 Nanotechnology:Beyond Your Wildest Dreams纳米技术:远远超乎想象Day 5 A Tale of Two Cities(Excerpt)双城记(节选)Day 6 Two Poems诗两首Day 7 Jimmy:Picture Books for Adults畿米:给大人看的漫画Time fo FunWeek 4Day 1 Youth青春Day 2 Two Fables寓言两则Day 3 Does It Make a Difference?这样做有用吗?Day 4 Jane Eyre(Excerpt)简爱(节选)Day 5 Winner Never Quit成功者决不放弃Day 6 Rave the Day锐舞终日Day 7 Echo回声Time fo FunWeek 5Day 1 Great Expectations(Excerpt)远大前程(节选)Day 2 Cost of Love母爱无价Day 3 Persistence毅力Day 4 Anthrax,Another Terrorist Weapon炭疽热,恐怖分子又一种武器?Day 5 The Garden of Eden伊甸园Day 6 Hallowe’en万圣节前夕Day 7 Two Poems诗两首Time to LearnWeek 6Day 1 Podcasting,the Next Big Thing?播客,又一热点?Day 2 Antelope and Lion羚羊和狮子Day 3 Learn Constantly不断学习Day 4 Do You Fear the Wind?你可害怕寒风凛冽?Day 5 The Fox and the Rooster狐狸和雄鸡Day 6 The Price of a Miracle奇迹的价格Day 7 My Kid Could Paint That!Maybe Not我的孩子也会画!不一定Time to LearnWeek 7Day 1 The End of a Dream美梦告终Day 2 A Strange Present一件怪怪的礼物Day 3 Vacations in Space到太空度假去Day 4 Keeping Pleasant保持愉快的心情Day 5 Flipping for Einstein为爱因斯坦疯狂Day 6 A Man Called They此君大名叫“他们”Day 7 Qrio Goes to SchooI可利欧去上学Time to SpeakWeek 8Day 1 Self-shortening Shirts自动伸缩衬衫Day 2 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening风雪夜林边停Day 3 Winston Churchill’s Address(Excerpt)温斯顿丘吉尔的演说(节选)Day 4 Tulip(Excerpt)郁金香(节选)Day 5 Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address林肯在葛底斯堡的演说Day 6 Hip-hop World嘻哈音乐的世界Day 7 How to Be Happy快乐的秘诀Time to SpeakWeek 9Day 1 Exploring the Oceans海洋探索Day 2 Attitude is Everything态度决定一切Day 3 Spring Song春之歌Day 4 The Sonic Cruiser音速巡航机Day 5 New Pictures of an 0Id Universe宁宙初生Day 6 Father and Daughter父亲和女儿Day 7 Yoga瑜伽Time to EnjoyWeek 10Day 1 Trouble on the Table餐桌上的麻烦Day 2 I Have a Dream(Excerpt)我有一个梦想(节选)Day 3 Three Days to See(Excerpt)假如给我三天光明(节选)Day 4 Pitch in for the Planet为这颗星球努力Day 5 Who Moved My Cheese?谁动了我的奶酪?Day 6 The Rising Popularity of Extreme Sports极限运动日渐流行Day 7 The Wisdom of 0fie Word一句话的智慧Time to Enjoy
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