Unit 1 闪亮登场:我就是三战孙悟空的白骨精
自我推荐Self Recommendation/1
Topic 1 和面试官打招呼Greeting the Interviewer/2
第1计 Good morning,sir.I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview早上好,先生。非常高兴我能获得这个面试的机会。
第2计 Morning Sir.I've come to apply for the position as an office secretary.早上好,先生。我是来应聘办公室秘书一职的。
Topic 2 说明个人信息Description of Personal Information/8
第3计 l am just over twenty-six,and I live at No.12 Baigudong Rood,Kulou shan.我刚满26岁,住在骷髅山白骨洞12号。
第4计 I was born on June 22,1 983 and I have been married for two years.我1983年6月22日出生,已经结婚两年了。
Topic 3 性格爱好介绍Introduction of Your Character and Hobbies/14
第5计 I’m a multi-tasked individual and I know f can work well under stress.我是一个可以同时承担数项工作的人,能在压力下很好的工作。
第6计 My favorite hobbies are playing games and having spots.and I think maybe it is just the reason why I am SO energetic and vigorous:我最大的爱好是玩游戏和做体育运动,我想也许这就是我精力如此充沛的原因吧。
Unit 2 有素养的脸是成功的通行证:白骨精也是高学历
教育背景Educational Background/20
Topic 1 学校学历Diploma/21
第7计 According to my academic records SO far,I am confident to get my Master of Business Administration this coming July.根 据迄今为止我的在校成绩来看,我有信心在今年七月份获得工商管理硕士学位。
第8计 I didn’t minor in any Subject when 1 was in university,but l attended English and computer courses.大学期间我没有辅修过任何科目,但是我学习过英语和计算机的课程。
Topic 2 学习成绩Academic Record/27
第9计 I took more than 50 courses in university,including Marketing Principles,Statistics,and So on,and was one of the top students in the class.大学期间我学过五十多门课程,包括市场营销原理、统计学等,而且我是班上最优秀的学生之一。
第10计 My records were excellent,and my overall G PA was 9 on a 10 scale,which was the highest in my class.我的成绩很好,总平均成绩按10分制是9分,是我们班最高的。
Topic 3 学习过程中完成的研究或策划 Researches or Designs Achieved in Learning Process/33
第11计 I used to participate in a Gene Database Design and my duty was to pick up the useful information.我参加过一个基因数据库的设计,负责收集有用信息。
第12计 During my postgraduate years.I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis& dispose project.读研期间,我承担并完成了一个污水分解和处理项目。
Unit 3 真金不怕火炼:白骨洞苦练十年,白骨精绝技藏身
个人技能Personal Skills/39
Topic 1 英语水平English Proficiency/40
第13计 I think my English is good enough to communicate with English speaking people.我认为我能用英语和说英语的人很好地交流。
第14计 I am able to take dictation in English and transcribe them rapidly into Chinese.我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其改写成中文。
Topic 2 计算机水平Computer Level/46
第15计 I have a good understanding and working knowledge of computers and experience in PC operation.我了解计算机,具备电脑应用知识,有操作个人电脑的经验。
Topic 3 各种资格证书/52
Unit 4 此处不留人,自有留人处:白虎岭太小,容不下白骨精
Topic 1 希望获得一份更好的工作/59
Topic 2 想拥有升迁机会/65
Topic 3 工作环境/71
Unit 5 机遇只给有准备的头脑:白骨精偏提当年勇
Topic 1 以往的工作经历/78
Topic 2 工作成就/85
Topic 3 评价之前的工作/92
Unit 6 一山更比一山高:众妖谈目标,惊煞我等凡人
Unit 7 让自己的价格与价值对等:白骨精期望高薪
Unit 8 职位诚可贵,修养价更高:白骨精虽狂,但决不失礼貌
Unit 9 趁热打铁:大胆白骨精询问结果有妙招
Unit 10 职场最高境界:白骨精要走,决不回头
自我推荐Self Recommendation/1
Topic 1 和面试官打招呼Greeting the Interviewer/2
第1计 Good morning,sir.I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview早上好,先生。非常高兴我能获得这个面试的机会。
第2计 Morning Sir.I've come to apply for the position as an office secretary.早上好,先生。我是来应聘办公室秘书一职的。
Topic 2 说明个人信息Description of Personal Information/8
第3计 l am just over twenty-six,and I live at No.12 Baigudong Rood,Kulou shan.我刚满26岁,住在骷髅山白骨洞12号。
第4计 I was born on June 22,1 983 and I have been married for two years.我1983年6月22日出生,已经结婚两年了。
Topic 3 性格爱好介绍Introduction of Your Character and Hobbies/14
第5计 I’m a multi-tasked individual and I know f can work well under stress.我是一个可以同时承担数项工作的人,能在压力下很好的工作。
第6计 My favorite hobbies are playing games and having spots.and I think maybe it is just the reason why I am SO energetic and vigorous:我最大的爱好是玩游戏和做体育运动,我想也许这就是我精力如此充沛的原因吧。
Unit 2 有素养的脸是成功的通行证:白骨精也是高学历
教育背景Educational Background/20
Topic 1 学校学历Diploma/21
第7计 According to my academic records SO far,I am confident to get my Master of Business Administration this coming July.根 据迄今为止我的在校成绩来看,我有信心在今年七月份获得工商管理硕士学位。
第8计 I didn’t minor in any Subject when 1 was in university,but l attended English and computer courses.大学期间我没有辅修过任何科目,但是我学习过英语和计算机的课程。
Topic 2 学习成绩Academic Record/27
第9计 I took more than 50 courses in university,including Marketing Principles,Statistics,and So on,and was one of the top students in the class.大学期间我学过五十多门课程,包括市场营销原理、统计学等,而且我是班上最优秀的学生之一。
第10计 My records were excellent,and my overall G PA was 9 on a 10 scale,which was the highest in my class.我的成绩很好,总平均成绩按10分制是9分,是我们班最高的。
Topic 3 学习过程中完成的研究或策划 Researches or Designs Achieved in Learning Process/33
第11计 I used to participate in a Gene Database Design and my duty was to pick up the useful information.我参加过一个基因数据库的设计,负责收集有用信息。
第12计 During my postgraduate years.I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis& dispose project.读研期间,我承担并完成了一个污水分解和处理项目。
Unit 3 真金不怕火炼:白骨洞苦练十年,白骨精绝技藏身
个人技能Personal Skills/39
Topic 1 英语水平English Proficiency/40
第13计 I think my English is good enough to communicate with English speaking people.我认为我能用英语和说英语的人很好地交流。
第14计 I am able to take dictation in English and transcribe them rapidly into Chinese.我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其改写成中文。
Topic 2 计算机水平Computer Level/46
第15计 I have a good understanding and working knowledge of computers and experience in PC operation.我了解计算机,具备电脑应用知识,有操作个人电脑的经验。
Topic 3 各种资格证书/52
Unit 4 此处不留人,自有留人处:白虎岭太小,容不下白骨精
Topic 1 希望获得一份更好的工作/59
Topic 2 想拥有升迁机会/65
Topic 3 工作环境/71
Unit 5 机遇只给有准备的头脑:白骨精偏提当年勇
Topic 1 以往的工作经历/78
Topic 2 工作成就/85
Topic 3 评价之前的工作/92
Unit 6 一山更比一山高:众妖谈目标,惊煞我等凡人
Unit 7 让自己的价格与价值对等:白骨精期望高薪
Unit 8 职位诚可贵,修养价更高:白骨精虽狂,但决不失礼貌
Unit 9 趁热打铁:大胆白骨精询问结果有妙招
Unit 10 职场最高境界:白骨精要走,决不回头
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