作 者:[美]Andrew K. English,[美]Laura Monahon English[编]
该系列丛书分《听说》(Focus on Listening and Speaking)和《读写》(Focus on Reading and Writing)两大系列。其中《听说》的每个单元设置七大版块。大量操练听说,将听力理解能力与表达能力完美结合。
遵循外国人学习英语的普遍规律,由著名美国教育专家Frances Boyd 和Carol Numrich主持、召集英美30多位常年从事对外英语教学的专家和教师编更多>>
1 untruth and consequences
theme: media
reading one: peeping tom journalism,nancy day
reading two: focus on bomb suspect brings tears and a plea,rick bragg
grammar: passive voice
style: topic sentences
2 crime and punishment
theme: justice
reading one: crimebusting:what works?metbods of punishing,jonhn di consiglio,james anderson,and patricia smith
reading two: micbael fay's caning,sarah fenske and tram kim nguyen
grammar: gerunds and infinitives
style: the three-part paragraph
3 dying for their beliefs
theme: edicine
reading one: dying for their beliefs:christian scientist parents on trial in girl's death,jeffrey good
reading two: norman cousins's laugh therapy
grammar: past unreal conditionals
style: opinion essays
4 the calm after the storm
. theme: natural disasters
reading one: my first night alone in the caribbean,gabriel garcia marquez
reading two: the story of an eyewitness,jack london
grammar: identifying adjective clauses
style: descriptive writing
5 from trash to treasure
theme: conservation
reading one: st.paul couple give composting a worm welcome,chuck haga
reading two: earthship homes catch old tires on rebound,eva ferguson
grammar: advisability and obligation in the pats
style: cause and effect
6 give and learn
theme: philanthropy
reading one: justin lebo,phillip hoose
reading two: mandatory volunteering
grammar: tag questions
style: punctuation
7 homing in on education
theme: education
reading one: teaching at home hits new high with internet,dorothy lepkowska
reading two: the fun they had,isaac asimov
grammar: direct and indirect speech
style: concessions
8 we've come a long way
9 the grass is always greener
10 take it or leave it
answer key
1 untruth and consequences
theme: media
reading one: peeping tom journalism,nancy day
reading two: focus on bomb suspect brings tears and a plea,rick bragg
grammar: passive voice
style: topic sentences
2 crime and punishment
theme: justice
reading one: crimebusting:what works?metbods of punishing,jonhn di consiglio,james anderson,and patricia smith
reading two: micbael fay's caning,sarah fenske and tram kim nguyen
grammar: gerunds and infinitives
style: the three-part paragraph
3 dying for their beliefs
theme: edicine
reading one: dying for their beliefs:christian scientist parents on trial in girl's death,jeffrey good
reading two: norman cousins's laugh therapy
grammar: past unreal conditionals
style: opinion essays
4 the calm after the storm
. theme: natural disasters
reading one: my first night alone in the caribbean,gabriel garcia marquez
reading two: the story of an eyewitness,jack london
grammar: identifying adjective clauses
style: descriptive writing
5 from trash to treasure
theme: conservation
reading one: st.paul couple give composting a worm welcome,chuck haga
reading two: earthship homes catch old tires on rebound,eva ferguson
grammar: advisability and obligation in the pats
style: cause and effect
6 give and learn
theme: philanthropy
reading one: justin lebo,phillip hoose
reading two: mandatory volunteering
grammar: tag questions
style: punctuation
7 homing in on education
theme: education
reading one: teaching at home hits new high with internet,dorothy lepkowska
reading two: the fun they had,isaac asimov
grammar: direct and indirect speech
style: concessions
8 we've come a long way
9 the grass is always greener
10 take it or leave it
answer key
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