

作   者:国家统计局社会科技和文化产业统计司 (编者), 中宣部文化体制改革和发展办公室 (编者)







目录 一、经济和社会发展概况 Economic and Social Development 1—1 国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product 1—2 国内生产总值构成 Composition of Gross Domestic Product 1—3 地区生产总值 Gross Regional Product 1—4 按三次产业分地区生产总值(2015年) Gross Regional Product by Three Strata of Industry (2015) 1—5 按三次产业分地区生产总值构成(2015年) Composition of Gross Regional Product by Three Strata of Industry(2015) 1—6 人口数及城乡构成 Population in Urban and Rural Areas 1—7 人口数及年龄结构 Population and Age Composition 1—8 分地区年末人口数 Population at Year—end by Region 1—9 分地区人口数及城乡构成(2015年) Population at Year—end in Urban and Rural Areas by Region (2015) 1—10 按三次产业分就业人员数及构成(年底数) Number of Employed Persons at Year—end and Composition by Three Strata of Industry 1—11 按城乡分就业人员数(年底数) Number of Employed Persons at Year—end in Urban and Rural Areas 1—12 按行业分城镇单位就业人员数(年底数) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Uruts at Year—end by Sector 1—13 全社会固定资产投资实际到位资金及构成 Actual Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country and Composition 1—14 分地区全社会固定资产投资实际到位资金(2015年) Actual Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Region(2015) 1—15 按主要行业分全社会固定资产投资 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Sector 1—16 分地区居民人均可支配收入与消费支出(2015年) Per Capita Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure by Region (2015) 1—17 居民收入与支出 Income and Consumption Expenditure 1—18 货物进出口总额 Total Value of Imports and Exports 1—19 分地区货物进出口总额(2015年) Total Value oflmports and Exports by Region (2015) 1—20 一般公共预算收入及增速 General Public Budget Revenue and Its Increase Rate 1—21 一般公共预算支出及增速 General Public Budget Expenditure and Its Increase Rate 1—22 分地区一般公共预算收入和支出(2015年) General Public Budget Revenue and Expenditure by Region (2015) 1—23 旅游业发展情况 Development of Tourism 1—24 国内旅游情况 Domestic Tourism 1—25 分地区接待入境过夜游客 Number of Overseas Visitor Arrivals by Region 1—26 分地区国际旅游(外汇)收入 Foreign Exchange Eamings from International Tourism by Region 二、文化及相关产业发展情况 Development of Culture and Related Industries 2—1—1 文化及乡关产业法人单位数 Number of Legal Entities Engaged in Culture and Related Industries 2—1—2文化及相关企业法人单位位数(2015年) Number of Legal Entities Engaged in Culture and Related Industries (2015) 2—1—3 分地区文化及相关产业法人单位数(2015年) Number of Legal Entities Engaged in Culture and Related Industries by Region (2015) 2—1—4 文化及相关产业增加值及占GDP比重 Value—added of Culture and Related Industries and Its Percentage to GDP 2—1—5 文化及乡关产业法人单位增加值及构成 Value—added and Composition of Culture and Related Industries 2—1—6 分地区文化及相关产业法人单位主要指标(2004年) Basic Statistics on Legal Entities Engaged in Culture and Related Industries by Region (2004) 2—1—7 分地区文化及相关产业法人单位主要指标(2008年) Basic Statistics on Legal Entities Engaged in Culture and Related Industries by Region (2008) 2—1—8 分地区文化及相关产业法人单位主要指标(2013年) Basic Statistics on Legal Entities Engaged in Culture and Related Industries by Region (2013) 2—2—1 文化及相关产业固定资产投资实际到位资金 Actual Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets of Culture and Related Industries 2—2—2 文化及相关产业主要行业固定资产投资实际到位资金(2015年) Actual Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets of Culture and Related Industries by Sector (2015) 2—2—3 按类别分文化及相关产业固定资产投资情况(2015年) Investment in Fixed Assets of Culture and Related Industries by Category (2015) 2—2—4 分地区文化及相关产业固定资产投资情况 Investment in Fixed Assets of Culture and Related Industries by Region 2—2—5 文化及相关产业施工和投产项目情况 Basic Statistics on Projects of Culture and Related Industries under Construction and Put into Use 2—2—6 文化及相关产业主要行业施工和投产项目情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Projects of Culture and Related Industries under Construction and Put into Use by Sector (2015) 2—3—1 居民人均可支配收入与文化娱乐消费支出 Per Capita Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure on Education,Culture and Recreation of Households 2—3—2 分地区全国居民人均文化娱乐消费支出 Per Capita Consumption Expenditure on Culture and Recreation of Nationwide Households by Region 2—3—3 分地区城镇居民人均文化娱乐消费支出 Per Capita Consumption Expenditure on Culture and Recreation of Urban Households by Region 2—3—4 分地区农村居民人均文化娱乐消费支出 Per Capita Consumption Expenditure on Culture and Recreation of Rural Households by Region 2—3—5 分地区居民人均文化娱乐消费支出(2015年) Per Capita Consumption Expenditure on Culture and Recreation of Households by Region(2015) 2—3—6 文化娱乐用品及服务价格指数 Price Indices of Articles and Service for Culture and Recreation 2—3—7 按城乡分文化娱乐用品及服务价格指数(2015年) Price Indices of Articles and Service forculture and Recreation in Urban and Rural Area (2015) 2—4—1 文化产品进出口情况 Imports and Exports of Cultural Commodities 2—4—2 按商品类别分文化产品进出口情况(2015年) Imports and Exports of Cultural Commodities by Category of Commodities (2015) 2—4—3 按贸易方式分文化产品进出口情况(2015年) Imports and Exports of Cultural Commodities by Type of Trade (2015) 2—4—4 按企业性质分文化产品进出口情况(2015年) Imports and Exports of Cultural Commodities by Registration Status of Enterprises (2015) 2—4—5 文化产品前十五位出口市场 Ranking List of Exports of Cultural Commodities by Country (Region) of Destination 2—4—6 文化产品前十五位进口市场 Ranking List of Imports of Cultural Commodities by Country (Region) of Origin 2—5—1 全国一般公共预算文化体育与传媒支出 Expenditure for Culture, Sport and Media of National Government Revenue 2—5—2 地方一般公共预算文化体育与传媒支出 Expenditure for Culture, Sport and Media of Regional Government Revenue 2—6—1 国内文化及相关产业专利授权情况 Basic Statistics on Granted Patent Applications on Culture and Related Industries 2—6—2 按类别分文化及相关产业专利授权情况 Basic Statistics on Granted Patent Applications on Culture and Related Industries by Category 三,文化及相关产业法人单位发展情况 Condition on Legal Entities of Culture and Related Industries 3—1—1 规模以上文化制造业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(2015) 3—1—2 按类别分规模以上文化制造业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—1—3 分地区规模以上文化制造业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—1—4 按类别分规模以上文化制造业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—1—5 分地区规模以上文化制造业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—1—6 规模以上文化制造业企业科技活动情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(2015) 3—1—7 按类别分规模以上文化制造业企业科技活动情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—1—8 分地区规模以上文化制造业企业科技活动情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Cultural Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—1—9 按类别分规模以下文化制造业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Industrial Enterprises under Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—1—10 分地区规模以下文化制造业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Industrial Enterprises under Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—2—1 限额以上文化批发和零售业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Wholesale and Retail Trades Enterprises above Designated Size(2015) 3—2—2 按类别分限额以上文化批发和零售业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Wholesale and Retail Trades Enterprises above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—2—3 分地区限额以上文化批发和零售业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Wholesale and Retail Trades Enterprises above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—2—4 按类别分限额以上文化批发和零售业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Wholesale and Retail Trades Enterprises above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—2—5 分地区限额以上文化批发和零售业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Wholesale and Retail Trades Enterprises above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—2—6 按类别分限额以下文化批发和零售业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Wholesale and Retai l Trades Enterprises under Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—2—7 分地区限额以下文化批发和零售业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Wholesale and Retail Trades Enterprises under Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—3—1 规模以上文化服务业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry above Designated Size(2015) 3—3—2 按类别分规模以上文化服务业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—3—3 分地区规模以上文化服务业企业基本情况(2015年) Basic Statistics on Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—3—4 按类别分规模以上文化服务业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry above Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—3—5 分地区规模以上文化服务业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry above Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—3—6 按类别分规模以下文化服务业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry under Designated Size by Category(2015) 3—3—7 分地区规模以下文化服务业企业主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Cultural Enterprises of Service Industry under Designated Size by Region(2015) 3—3—8 按类别分文化服务业事业和其他单位主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Public and Other Cultural Institutions of Service Industry by Category(2015) 3—3—9 分地区文化服务业事业和其他单位主要财务指标(2015年) Main Economic Indicators of Public and Other Cultural Institutions of Service Industry by Region(2015) …… 四、主要文化行业发展情况 五、港澳台地区统计资料 六、国际统计资料 附录一 中国入选世界文化遗产项目 附录二 主要统计指标解释 附录三 文化及相关产业分类(2012)



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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