UNIT 1TEXT Ⅰ "We've Been Hit!"TEXT Ⅱ Rethinking Skyscrapers UNIT 2TEXT Ⅰ The Virtues of Growing OlderTEXT Ⅱ Closing the Gap UNIT 3TEXT Ⅰ My Stroke of LuckTEXT Ⅱ A New Attitude to Gratitude UNIT 4TEXT Ⅰ Cultural EncountersTEXT Ⅱ DoesYour Body Betray You? UNIT 5TEXT Ⅰ Fourteen StepsTEXT Ⅱ The Power of Belief UNIT 6TEXT Ⅰ The Diary of the Unknown SoldierTEXT Ⅱ Life Goes On UNIT 7TEXT Ⅰ Letter to a B StudentTEXT Ⅱ College Pressures UNIT 8TEXT Ⅰ Focus on Global WarmingTEXT Ⅱ The Villain in the Atmosphere UNIT 9TEXT Ⅰ What Is Happiness?TEXT Ⅱ The Art of Unhappiness UNIT 10TEXT Ⅰ The Jeaning of AmericaTEXT Ⅱ Happy Birthday to You UNIT 11TEXT Ⅰ Open the Door to ForgivenessTEXT Ⅱ Forgiveness UNIT 12TEXT Ⅰ The Importance of Moral Intelligence in
ChildrenTEXT Ⅱ Across America, Grief and Horror UNIT 13TEXT Ⅰ Speech at the Graveside of Karl MarxTEXT Ⅱ Reminiscences of Karl Marx UNIT 14TEXT Ⅰ The Wedding StoryTEXT Ⅱ GossipGLOSSARY 显示全部信息
ChildrenTEXT Ⅱ Across America, Grief and Horror UNIT 13TEXT Ⅰ Speech at the Graveside of Karl MarxTEXT Ⅱ Reminiscences of Karl Marx UNIT 14TEXT Ⅰ The Wedding StoryTEXT Ⅱ GossipGLOSSARY 显示全部信息
英文共同题名:An integrated English course
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