英文共同题名:World class readings for iBT TOEFL: a reading skills text
1 lt s the 21st century...where s my robot?
reading skill:ldentifying main ldeas
2 j.k.rowling:a m agical author
reading skill:understanding verbs in readings
3 the world cup trophy
reading skill:understanding pronoun reference
4 the pizza story
reading skill:skimming1
5 austerlia s living teddy bears
reading skill:distinguishing main ldeas and details
6 the power of the wind
reading skill:finding the right meaning of words
7 yao ming
reading skill:scanning1
8 esperanto as a second language
reading skill:skimming2
9 mystery on mount everest
reading skill:understanding word families
10 danger:asteroids ahead?
reading skill:understanding phrasal verbs
11 machu picchu,city in the clouds
reading skill:scanning2
12 bird watching in taiwan
reading skill:understanding vocabulary from context
13 the last flight of the concorde
reading skill:know the meaning of prefixes
14 the legend of nessie
reading skill:making lnferences
vocabulary lndex
reading skills chart
answer keys,audio scripts,and puzzle solutions:units 1-14
quizzes:units 1-14
answer key:quizzes
reading skill:ldentifying main ldeas
2 j.k.rowling:a m agical author
reading skill:understanding verbs in readings
3 the world cup trophy
reading skill:understanding pronoun reference
4 the pizza story
reading skill:skimming1
5 austerlia s living teddy bears
reading skill:distinguishing main ldeas and details
6 the power of the wind
reading skill:finding the right meaning of words
7 yao ming
reading skill:scanning1
8 esperanto as a second language
reading skill:skimming2
9 mystery on mount everest
reading skill:understanding word families
10 danger:asteroids ahead?
reading skill:understanding phrasal verbs
11 machu picchu,city in the clouds
reading skill:scanning2
12 bird watching in taiwan
reading skill:understanding vocabulary from context
13 the last flight of the concorde
reading skill:know the meaning of prefixes
14 the legend of nessie
reading skill:making lnferences
vocabulary lndex
reading skills chart
answer keys,audio scripts,and puzzle solutions:units 1-14
quizzes:units 1-14
answer key:quizzes
英文共同题名:World class readings for iBT TOEFL: a reading skills text
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