part one 初来乍到·the new guys
1. 求职面试 job interviews 2
2. 公司报到 first day in the company 9
3. 公司状况 working environment 15
4. 公司规定 company rules and regulations 22
5. 工作要求 work requirements 28
part two 工作时间·working time
1. 分配工作 assigning work 36
2. 询问进度 inquiring progress 42
3. 明确职责 clarifying responsibility 48
4. 请示上级 asking for superior 53
5. 汇报工作 reporting work 59
6. 电话沟通 telephone communication 64
7. 提出建议 making suggestions 71
8. 解释失误 explaining missteps 77
9. 请求晋升 asking for promotion 82
10. 请求加薪 asking for a raise in pay 88
11. 表扬下属 praising the underling 94
12. 批评下属 criticizing the underling 99
.13. 赞扬老板 praising the boss 104
14. 提出抱怨 making a complaint 109
15. 上班迟到 being late for work 114
16. 申请假期 asking for leave 121
17. 工作加班 working overtime 127
18.工作代班 working covering 132
19. 招聘新人 recruiting a new staf 136
20. 会议讨论 have a meeting 144
21. 职位调动 position transferring 150
22. 离职原因 reasons for leaving the job 155
23. 提拔与降职 promoting and demoting 162
24. 加薪与减薪 raise and reduction in pay 168
25. 跳槽与失业 changing jobs and losing jobs 174
part three 同事交往·getting along with colleagues
1. 跟同事打招呼 saying hello to colleagues 180
2. 跟同事道别 saying goodbye to colleagues 187
3. 帮助同事 helping colleagues 193
4. 感谢同事 giving thanks to colleagues 198
5. 赞美同事 praising colleagues 203
6. 担心同事 worrying about colleagues 208
7. 表达歉意 expressing apology 214
8. 安慰同事 comforting colleagues 220
9. 提醒同事 reminding colleagues 225
10. 谈论同事 talking about colleagues 230
11. 拜访同事 calling on colleagues 236
12. 邀请同事 inviting colleagues 239
13. 赠送礼物 present-giving 244
14. 同事约会 engagement between colleagues 249
15. 同事有难 colleagues with troubles 255
16. 产生矛盾 causing conficts 261
17. 同事离职 colleagues leaving 267
18. 同事退休 colleagues retiring 271
19. 同事生病 colleagues falling ill 276
20. 同事生日 colleagues' birthday 282
21. 同事结婚 colleagues getting married 287
22. 节日问候 festival greetings 294
part four 办公室闲聊·chatting in the office
1. 天气情况 weather condition 302
2. 兴趣爱好 interests and hobbies 308
3. 电影电视 movie and tv play 313
4. 书籍杂志 books and magazines 321
5. 饮食烹饪 food and cooking 330
6. 音乐舞蹈 music and dance 336
7. 体育比赛 sports and games 342
8. 周末度假 weekend and vocation 348
9. 宠物生活 pets and daily life 354
10. 运动健身 exercise and fitness 360
part one 初来乍到·the new guys
1. 求职面试 job interviews 2
2. 公司报到 first day in the company 9
3. 公司状况 working environment 15
4. 公司规定 company rules and regulations 22
5. 工作要求 work requirements 28
part two 工作时间·working time
1. 分配工作 assigning work 36
2. 询问进度 inquiring progress 42
3. 明确职责 clarifying responsibility 48
4. 请示上级 asking for superior 53
5. 汇报工作 reporting work 59
6. 电话沟通 telephone communication 64
7. 提出建议 making suggestions 71
8. 解释失误 explaining missteps 77
9. 请求晋升 asking for promotion 82
10. 请求加薪 asking for a raise in pay 88
11. 表扬下属 praising the underling 94
12. 批评下属 criticizing the underling 99
.13. 赞扬老板 praising the boss 104
14. 提出抱怨 making a complaint 109
15. 上班迟到 being late for work 114
16. 申请假期 asking for leave 121
17. 工作加班 working overtime 127
18.工作代班 working covering 132
19. 招聘新人 recruiting a new staf 136
20. 会议讨论 have a meeting 144
21. 职位调动 position transferring 150
22. 离职原因 reasons for leaving the job 155
23. 提拔与降职 promoting and demoting 162
24. 加薪与减薪 raise and reduction in pay 168
25. 跳槽与失业 changing jobs and losing jobs 174
part three 同事交往·getting along with colleagues
1. 跟同事打招呼 saying hello to colleagues 180
2. 跟同事道别 saying goodbye to colleagues 187
3. 帮助同事 helping colleagues 193
4. 感谢同事 giving thanks to colleagues 198
5. 赞美同事 praising colleagues 203
6. 担心同事 worrying about colleagues 208
7. 表达歉意 expressing apology 214
8. 安慰同事 comforting colleagues 220
9. 提醒同事 reminding colleagues 225
10. 谈论同事 talking about colleagues 230
11. 拜访同事 calling on colleagues 236
12. 邀请同事 inviting colleagues 239
13. 赠送礼物 present-giving 244
14. 同事约会 engagement between colleagues 249
15. 同事有难 colleagues with troubles 255
16. 产生矛盾 causing conficts 261
17. 同事离职 colleagues leaving 267
18. 同事退休 colleagues retiring 271
19. 同事生病 colleagues falling ill 276
20. 同事生日 colleagues' birthday 282
21. 同事结婚 colleagues getting married 287
22. 节日问候 festival greetings 294
part four 办公室闲聊·chatting in the office
1. 天气情况 weather condition 302
2. 兴趣爱好 interests and hobbies 308
3. 电影电视 movie and tv play 313
4. 书籍杂志 books and magazines 321
5. 饮食烹饪 food and cooking 330
6. 音乐舞蹈 music and dance 336
7. 体育比赛 sports and games 342
8. 周末度假 weekend and vocation 348
9. 宠物生活 pets and daily life 354
10. 运动健身 exercise and fitness 360
English notes from fortune 500 enterprises
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