本书共由五个话题范围(Topic Area)组成,每个话题范围含有八个单元,每个单元涉及一个话题,包含三个部分。Part I(Warm-up)内含Section A和Section B两个部分。Section A含有三组对话,内容生动、有趣,旨在引起学生的兴趣,激活他们对有关话题的原有知识(Prior knowledge)便于进一步的学习。另外,设计对话时还加入了英语叙述、描绘、说明和辩论常用的功能意念项目,为考生下一步的操练提供示范。Section B含有六个问答题,均按照大学英语四、六级口试的要求设计。考官就有关话题的六个方面向考生提问。为了避免考生回答问题时无话可说,或者乱说一气,我们提供了语言提示和词语解释。
topic areaⅰ:leisure time,hobbies,preferences andexperiences
unit 1 keeping pats
unit 2 working for a big company of a small one
unit 3 traveling
unit 4 fast food
unit 5 extreme sports
unit 6 living in a mobile world
unit 7 football
unit 8 video games
topic areaⅱ:education and school life
. unit 1 life on campus
unit 2 doing part-time jobs
unit 3 increased university enrollment
unit 4 quality-oriented education
unit 5 teacher-student relationship
unit 6 learning strategies
unit 7 studying abroad
unit 8 lifelong learning
topic areaⅲ:people,human relationship and relevant comment
unit 1 friends and friendship
unit 2 pop stars,ldols and fans
unit 3 on honesty
unit 4 on depression
unit 5 on happiness
unit 6 on cooperation and competition
unit 7 on praise and criticism
unit 8 family members and their relationships
topic areaⅳ:hometown
topic areaⅴ:social problems
附录 考题索引
unit 1 keeping pats
unit 2 working for a big company of a small one
unit 3 traveling
unit 4 fast food
unit 5 extreme sports
unit 6 living in a mobile world
unit 7 football
unit 8 video games
topic areaⅱ:education and school life
. unit 1 life on campus
unit 2 doing part-time jobs
unit 3 increased university enrollment
unit 4 quality-oriented education
unit 5 teacher-student relationship
unit 6 learning strategies
unit 7 studying abroad
unit 8 lifelong learning
topic areaⅲ:people,human relationship and relevant comment
unit 1 friends and friendship
unit 2 pop stars,ldols and fans
unit 3 on honesty
unit 4 on depression
unit 5 on happiness
unit 6 on cooperation and competition
unit 7 on praise and criticism
unit 8 family members and their relationships
topic areaⅳ:hometown
topic areaⅴ:social problems
附录 考题索引
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