Mind on Statistics
作 者:(美)杰西卡·M.尤茨(Jessica M.Utts),(美)罗伯特·F.赫卡德(Robert F.Heckard)著
chapter statistics success stories and cautionary tales
1.1 what is statistics?
1.2 seven statistical stories with morals
1.3 the common elements in the seven stories
key terms
chapter 2 turning data into information
2.1 raw data
2.2 types of data
2.3 summarizing one or two categorical variables
2.4 finding information in quantitative data
2.5 pictures for quantitative data
2.6 numerical summaries of quantitative variables
2.7 bell-shaped distributions of numbers
key terms
.chapter 3 gathering useful data
3.1 description or decision? using data wisely
3.2 speaking the language of research studies
3.3 designing a good experiment
3.4 designing a good observationalstudy
3.5 difficulties and disasters in experiments and
observational studies
key terms
chapter 4 sampling: surveys and how to ask questions
4.1 the beauty of sampling
4.2 simple random sampling and randomization
4.3 other sampling methods
4.4 difficulties and disasters in sampling
4.5 how to ask survey questions
key terms
chapter 5 relationships between ouantitative variables
5.1 looking for patterns with scatterplots
5.2 describing linear patterns with a regression line
5.3 measuring strength and direction with correlation
5.4 why the answers may not make sense
5.5 correlation does not prove causation
6.1 displaying relationships between categcal variables
6.2 risk, relative risk, odds ratio, and increased risk
6.3 misleading statistics about risk
6.4 the effect of a third variable and simpson's paradox
6.5 assessing the statistical significance of a 2×2 table
key terms
chapter 7 probability
7.1 random circumstances
7.2 interpretations of probability
7.3 probability definitions and relationships
7.4 basic rules for finding probabilities
7.5 strategies for finding complicated probilities
7.6 using simulation to estimate probabilities
7.7 coincidences and intuitive judgments about probability
key terms
chapter 8 random variables
8.1 what is a random variable?
8.2 discrete random variables
8.3 expectations for random variables
8.4 binomial random variables
8.5 continuous random variables
8.6 normal random variables
8.7 approximating binomial distribution probabilities
8.8 sums, differences, and combinations of random variables
key terms
chapter 9 means and proportions as random variables
9.1 understanding dissimilarity among samples
9.2 sampling distributions for sample proportions
9.3 what to expect of sample means
9.4 what to expect in other situations: central limit theorem 309
9.5 sampling distribution for any statistic
9.6 standardized statistics
9.7 student's t-distribution: replacing σwith s
9.8 statistical inference
key terms
chapter 10 estimating proportions with confidence..
10.1 the language and notation of estimation
10.2 margin of error
10.3 confidence intervals
10.4 calculating a margin of error for 95% confidence
10.5 general theory of confidence intervals for a proportion
10.6 choosing a sample size for a survey
10.7 using confidence intervals to guide decisions
key terms
chapter 11 testing hypotheses about proportions
11.1 formulating hypothesis statements
11.2 the logic of hypothesis testing: what if the null is true?
11.3 reaching a conclusion about the two hypotheses
11.4 testing hypotheses about a proportion
11.5 the role of sample size in statistical significance
11.6 real importance versus statistical significance
11.1 what can go wrong: the two types of errors
key terms
chapter 12 more about confidence intervals
12.1 examples of different estimation situations
12.2 standard errors
12.3 approximate 95% confidence intervals
12.4 general confidence intervals for one mean or paired data
12.5 general confidence intervals for the difference betw two means (independent samples)
12.6 the difference between two proportions (independent samples)
12.7 understanding any confidence interval
key terms
chapter 13 more about significance tests
13.1 the general ideas of significance testing
13.2 testing hypotheses about one mean or paired data
13.3 testing the difference between two means (independent samples)
13.4 testing the difference between two population proportions
13.5 the relationship between significance tests and confidence intervals
13,6 choosing an'appropriate inference procedure
13.7 the two types of errors and their probabilities
13.8 effect size
13.9 evaluating significance in research reports
summary of procedures for hypothesis tests
key terms
chapter 14 more about regression
14.1 sample and population regression models
14.2 estimating the standard deviation for regression
14.3 inference about the linear regression relationship
14.4 predicting the value of y for an individual
14.5 estimating the mean y at a specified x
14.6 checking conditions for using regression models for inference
key terms
chapter 15 more about categorical variables
15.1 the chi-square test for two-way tables
15.2 analyzing 2 ~ 2 tables
15.3 testing hypotheses about one categorical variable: goodness of fit
key terms
chapter 16 analysis of variance
16.1 comparing means with an anova f-test
16.2 details of one-way analysis of variance
16.3 other methods'for comparing populations
16.4 two-way analysis of variance
key terms
chapter 17 turning information into wisdom
17.1 beyond the data
17.2 transforming uncertainty into wisdom
17.3 making personal decisions
17.4 control of societal risks
17.5 understanding our world
17.6 getting to know you
17.1 words to the wise
appendix of tables
answers to selected exercises
supplemental topic 1 additional discrete random variables
supplemental topic 2 nonpammetric tests of hypotheses
supplemental topic 3 multiple regression
supplemental topic 4 two-way analysis of variance
supplemental topic 5 ethics...
chapter statistics success stories and cautionary tales
1.1 what is statistics?
1.2 seven statistical stories with morals
1.3 the common elements in the seven stories
key terms
chapter 2 turning data into information
2.1 raw data
2.2 types of data
2.3 summarizing one or two categorical variables
2.4 finding information in quantitative data
2.5 pictures for quantitative data
2.6 numerical summaries of quantitative variables
2.7 bell-shaped distributions of numbers
key terms
.chapter 3 gathering useful data
3.1 description or decision? using data wisely
3.2 speaking the language of research studies
3.3 designing a good experiment
3.4 designing a good observationalstudy
3.5 difficulties and disasters in experiments and
observational studies
key terms
chapter 4 sampling: surveys and how to ask questions
4.1 the beauty of sampling
4.2 simple random sampling and randomization
4.3 other sampling methods
4.4 difficulties and disasters in sampling
4.5 how to ask survey questions
key terms
chapter 5 relationships between ouantitative variables
5.1 looking for patterns with scatterplots
5.2 describing linear patterns with a regression line
5.3 measuring strength and direction with correlation
5.4 why the answers may not make sense
5.5 correlation does not prove causation
6.1 displaying relationships between categcal variables
6.2 risk, relative risk, odds ratio, and increased risk
6.3 misleading statistics about risk
6.4 the effect of a third variable and simpson's paradox
6.5 assessing the statistical significance of a 2×2 table
key terms
chapter 7 probability
7.1 random circumstances
7.2 interpretations of probability
7.3 probability definitions and relationships
7.4 basic rules for finding probabilities
7.5 strategies for finding complicated probilities
7.6 using simulation to estimate probabilities
7.7 coincidences and intuitive judgments about probability
key terms
chapter 8 random variables
8.1 what is a random variable?
8.2 discrete random variables
8.3 expectations for random variables
8.4 binomial random variables
8.5 continuous random variables
8.6 normal random variables
8.7 approximating binomial distribution probabilities
8.8 sums, differences, and combinations of random variables
key terms
chapter 9 means and proportions as random variables
9.1 understanding dissimilarity among samples
9.2 sampling distributions for sample proportions
9.3 what to expect of sample means
9.4 what to expect in other situations: central limit theorem 309
9.5 sampling distribution for any statistic
9.6 standardized statistics
9.7 student's t-distribution: replacing σwith s
9.8 statistical inference
key terms
chapter 10 estimating proportions with confidence..
10.1 the language and notation of estimation
10.2 margin of error
10.3 confidence intervals
10.4 calculating a margin of error for 95% confidence
10.5 general theory of confidence intervals for a proportion
10.6 choosing a sample size for a survey
10.7 using confidence intervals to guide decisions
key terms
chapter 11 testing hypotheses about proportions
11.1 formulating hypothesis statements
11.2 the logic of hypothesis testing: what if the null is true?
11.3 reaching a conclusion about the two hypotheses
11.4 testing hypotheses about a proportion
11.5 the role of sample size in statistical significance
11.6 real importance versus statistical significance
11.1 what can go wrong: the two types of errors
key terms
chapter 12 more about confidence intervals
12.1 examples of different estimation situations
12.2 standard errors
12.3 approximate 95% confidence intervals
12.4 general confidence intervals for one mean or paired data
12.5 general confidence intervals for the difference betw two means (independent samples)
12.6 the difference between two proportions (independent samples)
12.7 understanding any confidence interval
key terms
chapter 13 more about significance tests
13.1 the general ideas of significance testing
13.2 testing hypotheses about one mean or paired data
13.3 testing the difference between two means (independent samples)
13.4 testing the difference between two population proportions
13.5 the relationship between significance tests and confidence intervals
13,6 choosing an'appropriate inference procedure
13.7 the two types of errors and their probabilities
13.8 effect size
13.9 evaluating significance in research reports
summary of procedures for hypothesis tests
key terms
chapter 14 more about regression
14.1 sample and population regression models
14.2 estimating the standard deviation for regression
14.3 inference about the linear regression relationship
14.4 predicting the value of y for an individual
14.5 estimating the mean y at a specified x
14.6 checking conditions for using regression models for inference
key terms
chapter 15 more about categorical variables
15.1 the chi-square test for two-way tables
15.2 analyzing 2 ~ 2 tables
15.3 testing hypotheses about one categorical variable: goodness of fit
key terms
chapter 16 analysis of variance
16.1 comparing means with an anova f-test
16.2 details of one-way analysis of variance
16.3 other methods'for comparing populations
16.4 two-way analysis of variance
key terms
chapter 17 turning information into wisdom
17.1 beyond the data
17.2 transforming uncertainty into wisdom
17.3 making personal decisions
17.4 control of societal risks
17.5 understanding our world
17.6 getting to know you
17.1 words to the wise
appendix of tables
answers to selected exercises
supplemental topic 1 additional discrete random variables
supplemental topic 2 nonpammetric tests of hypotheses
supplemental topic 3 multiple regression
supplemental topic 4 two-way analysis of variance
supplemental topic 5 ethics...
Mind on Statistics
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