chapter 1 商务交际
b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n
section 1 greetings问候 3
section 2 reception接待 7
section 3 calling on customers拜访客户 13
section 4 at the banquet商务宴会 17
section 5 relaxation休闲待客 21
section 6 seeing off为客送行 27
chapter 2 日常工作
d a i l y w o r k
section 1 making and receiving calls接打电话 33
section 2 trade mark and patent商标与专利 37
section 3 market research市场调研 41
section 4 business conferences商务会议 45
chapter 3 市场营销
m a r k e t i n g
section 1 recommendation产品推荐 53
section 2 advertisement and promotion广告与促销 57
section 3 quality质量 61
.section 4 color and size颜色与尺寸 65
section 5 style式样 69
section 6 paying the bill付款 72
section 7 after-sales service售后服务 77
chapter 4 商务出行
t r a v e l l i n g
section 1 booking tickets订票 85
section 2 transportation 交通工具 90
section 3 reserving a room订房间 95
section 4 at the hotel入住旅馆 101
section 5 at the restaurant在饭店 105
section 6 private banking services私人银行业务 110
chapter 5 对外贸易
f o r e i g n t r a d e b u s i n e s s
section 1 establishing business relationship 建立业务关系 117
section 2 inquiry询盘 124
section 3 offers发盘 130
section 4 counter-offers还盘 134
section 5 discussion on the price价格磋商 140
section 6 orders下订单 146
section 7 sample样品 152
section 8 terms of payment付款方式 156
section 9 packing and shipment包装及装运条款 163
section 10 settlement结算 170
section 11 insurance保险 177
section 12 making and adjusting a claim 索赔与理赔 183
chapter 6 商务谈判
b u s i n e s s n e g o t a t i o n
section 1 opening the discussion起始谈判 191
section 2 during the process of negotiation 谈判过程中 195
section 3 tone of discussion谈判语气 202
section 4 closing the discussion结束谈判 207
chapter 7 电子商务
e-c o m m e r c e
section 1 shopping online网上购物 213
section 2 finding customers online网上找客户 217
section 3 e-marketing网络营销 222
section 4 e-mail电子邮件 226
section 5 e-bank网上银行 230
section 6 online auction 网上拍卖 235
section 7 online stock网上炒股 239
chapter 8 求职应聘
section 1 self-introduction自我介绍 245
section 2 family background家庭背景 249
section 3 educational background教育背景 252
section 4 work experience工作经验 255
section 5 personal ability个人能力 259
section 6 remuneration and benefits薪酬与福利 262
chapter 1 商务交际
b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n
section 1 greetings问候 3
section 2 reception接待 7
section 3 calling on customers拜访客户 13
section 4 at the banquet商务宴会 17
section 5 relaxation休闲待客 21
section 6 seeing off为客送行 27
chapter 2 日常工作
d a i l y w o r k
section 1 making and receiving calls接打电话 33
section 2 trade mark and patent商标与专利 37
section 3 market research市场调研 41
section 4 business conferences商务会议 45
chapter 3 市场营销
m a r k e t i n g
section 1 recommendation产品推荐 53
section 2 advertisement and promotion广告与促销 57
section 3 quality质量 61
.section 4 color and size颜色与尺寸 65
section 5 style式样 69
section 6 paying the bill付款 72
section 7 after-sales service售后服务 77
chapter 4 商务出行
t r a v e l l i n g
section 1 booking tickets订票 85
section 2 transportation 交通工具 90
section 3 reserving a room订房间 95
section 4 at the hotel入住旅馆 101
section 5 at the restaurant在饭店 105
section 6 private banking services私人银行业务 110
chapter 5 对外贸易
f o r e i g n t r a d e b u s i n e s s
section 1 establishing business relationship 建立业务关系 117
section 2 inquiry询盘 124
section 3 offers发盘 130
section 4 counter-offers还盘 134
section 5 discussion on the price价格磋商 140
section 6 orders下订单 146
section 7 sample样品 152
section 8 terms of payment付款方式 156
section 9 packing and shipment包装及装运条款 163
section 10 settlement结算 170
section 11 insurance保险 177
section 12 making and adjusting a claim 索赔与理赔 183
chapter 6 商务谈判
b u s i n e s s n e g o t a t i o n
section 1 opening the discussion起始谈判 191
section 2 during the process of negotiation 谈判过程中 195
section 3 tone of discussion谈判语气 202
section 4 closing the discussion结束谈判 207
chapter 7 电子商务
e-c o m m e r c e
section 1 shopping online网上购物 213
section 2 finding customers online网上找客户 217
section 3 e-marketing网络营销 222
section 4 e-mail电子邮件 226
section 5 e-bank网上银行 230
section 6 online auction 网上拍卖 235
section 7 online stock网上炒股 239
chapter 8 求职应聘
section 1 self-introduction自我介绍 245
section 2 family background家庭背景 249
section 3 educational background教育背景 252
section 4 work experience工作经验 255
section 5 personal ability个人能力 259
section 6 remuneration and benefits薪酬与福利 262
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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