Computer-integrated manufacturing = 计算机集成制造 / 3rd ed.
作 者:James A. Rehg.
james a.rehg是宾夕法尼亚州立大学阿尔纳分校工程系的副教授,教授电子机械工程技术专业的自动化控制课程。他撰写了5本自动化和机器人技术方面的专著并发表了大量的专业论文。他因为在教学领域里的杰出成绩而多次获得嘉奖,并被社区大学评论员协会评为全国优秀导师。
henry w,kraebber是普度大学西拉斐特分校机械工程技术系的教授,教授计算机集成制造技术专业的制造操作、制造质量控制、集成系统等课程。他多年从事相关课题的研究工作,成果颇丰。
preface viii
part 1 introduction to cim and the manufacturing enterprise 1
1 the manufacturing enterprise 3
1-1 introduction 3
1-2 external challenges 7
1-3 internal chal!enges 10
1-4 world-class order-winning criteria 15
1-5 the problem and a solution 22
1-6 learning cim concepts 26
1-7 going for the globe 28
1-8 summary 35
bibliography 35
questions 36
problems 37
projects 38
appendix 1-1: the benefits of a cim implementation 40
appendix 1-2: technology and the fundamentals of an operation--authors'
commentary 41
2 manufacturing systems 43
2-1 manufacturing classifications 45
.2-2 product development cycle 52
2-3 enterprise organization 54
2-4 manual production operations 59
2-5 summary 62
bibliography 63
questions 63
projects 64
case study: evolution and progress--one world-class company's
measurement system 65
appendix 2-1: clm as a competitive weapon 68
part 2 the design elements and production engineering 69
3 product design and production engineering 71
3-1 product design and production engineering 72
3-2 organizational model 74
3-3 the design process: a model 75
3-4 concurrent engineering 86
3-5 production engineering 93
3-6 summary 102
bibliography 102
questions 103
projects 104
case study: repetitive design 105
4 design automation: cad and pdm 107
4-1 introduction to cad 107
4-2 the cost of paper*based design data 110
4-3 cad software 111
4-4 cad: yesterday, today, and tomorrow 121
4-5 application of cad to manufacturing systems 129
4-6 selecting cad software for an enterprise 129
4-7 product data management 134
4-8 summary 136
bibliography 137
questions 137
projects 138
appendix 4-1: web sites for cad vendors 139
appendix 4-2: b-splines to nurbs 140
appendix 4-3: web sites for computer companies 142
5 design automation: cae 143
5-1 design for manufacturing and assembly 144
5-2 cae analysis 152
5-3 cae evaluation 163
5-4 group technology 177
5-5 production engineering strategies 184
5-6 design and production engineering network 204
5-7 summary 210
bibliography 211
questions 212
problems 213
projects 213
appendix 5-1: ten guidelines for dfa 215
appendix 5-2: web sites for cae vendors 216
appendix 5-3: web sites for rapid prototyping vendors 217
part 3 controlling the enterprise resources 219
6 introduction to production and operations planning 221
6-1 operations management 222
6-2 planning for manufacturing 223
6-3 mpc model--manufacturing resource planning (mrp ii) 228
6-4 production planning 234
6-5 master production schedule 240
6-6 inventory management 245
6-7 planning for material and capacity resources 248
6-8 introduction to production activity control 252
6-9 shop loading 254
6-10 input-output control 257
6-11 automating the planning and control functions 258
6-12 summary 259
bibliography 259
questions 260
problems 261
projects 264
appendix 6-1: priority rule systems 265
7 detailed planning and production-scheduling systems 271
7-1 from reorder-point systems to manufacturing resource
planning (mrp ii) 271
7-2 material requirements planning 273
7-3 capacity requirements planning 285
7-4 manufacturing resource planning 288
7-5 features of modern manufacturing planning and control systems 291
7-6 summary 300
bibliography 302
questions 303
problems 304
projects 305
appendix 7-1: wight's bicycle example 306
appendix 7-2: abcd checklist 308
appendix 7-3: an erp example using winman 318
8 enterprise resources planning, and beyond 323
8-1 mrp ii: a driver of effective erp systems 326
8-2 information technology 327
8-3 the decision to implement an erp system 330
8-4 identifying erp system suppliers 332
8-5 developing technologies: converging and enabling 335
8-6 integrating systems to manage design data 341
8-7 summary 348
bibliography 350
questions 351
projects 351
9 the revolution in manufacturing 352
9-1 just-in-timemanufacturing 353
9-2 synchronized production 364
9-3 the emergence of lean production 366
9-4 modern manufacturing systems in a lean environment 369
9-5 summary 374
bibliography 375
questions 375
projects 376
case study: production system at new united motor manufacturing, part 1 376
case study: production system at new united motor manufacturing, part 2 378
part 4 enabling processes and systems for modern
manufacturing 383
10 production process machines and systems 385
10-1 material and machine processes 387
10-2 flexible manufacturing 405
10-3 fixed high-volume automation 413
10-4 summary 417
bibliography 419
questions 420
projects 421
appendix 10--1: history of computer-controlled machines 422
11 production support machines and systems 425
11-1 industrialrobots 426
11-2 program statements for servo robots 448
11-3 programming a servo robot 454
11-4 automated material handling 461
11-5 automatic guided vehicles 465
11-6 automated storage and retrieval 476
11-7 summary 480
bibliography 481
questions 481
projects 483
case, study: agv applications at general motors 484
12 machine and system control 486
12-1 system overview 487
12-2 cell control 493
12-3 proprietary versus open system interconnect software 497
12-4 device control 499
12-5 programmable logic controllers 500
12-6 relay ladder logic 502
12-7 plc system and components 506
12-8 plc types 511
12-9 relay logic versus ladder logic 513
12-10 computer numerical control 521
12-11 automatic tracking 525
12-12 network communications 529
12-13 summary 531
bibliography 532
questions 533
projects 534
appendix 12-1: turning g codes 535
13 quality and human resource issues in manufacturing 537
13-1 quality foundations 538
13-2 total quality management 543
13-3 quality tools and processes 547
13-4 defect-free design philosophy 557
13-5 the changing worldorce 561
13-6 self-directed work teams 562
13-7 summary 567
bibliography 569
questions 569
projects 570
index 571
part 1 introduction to cim and the manufacturing enterprise 1
1 the manufacturing enterprise 3
1-1 introduction 3
1-2 external challenges 7
1-3 internal chal!enges 10
1-4 world-class order-winning criteria 15
1-5 the problem and a solution 22
1-6 learning cim concepts 26
1-7 going for the globe 28
1-8 summary 35
bibliography 35
questions 36
problems 37
projects 38
appendix 1-1: the benefits of a cim implementation 40
appendix 1-2: technology and the fundamentals of an operation--authors'
commentary 41
2 manufacturing systems 43
2-1 manufacturing classifications 45
.2-2 product development cycle 52
2-3 enterprise organization 54
2-4 manual production operations 59
2-5 summary 62
bibliography 63
questions 63
projects 64
case study: evolution and progress--one world-class company's
measurement system 65
appendix 2-1: clm as a competitive weapon 68
part 2 the design elements and production engineering 69
3 product design and production engineering 71
3-1 product design and production engineering 72
3-2 organizational model 74
3-3 the design process: a model 75
3-4 concurrent engineering 86
3-5 production engineering 93
3-6 summary 102
bibliography 102
questions 103
projects 104
case study: repetitive design 105
4 design automation: cad and pdm 107
4-1 introduction to cad 107
4-2 the cost of paper*based design data 110
4-3 cad software 111
4-4 cad: yesterday, today, and tomorrow 121
4-5 application of cad to manufacturing systems 129
4-6 selecting cad software for an enterprise 129
4-7 product data management 134
4-8 summary 136
bibliography 137
questions 137
projects 138
appendix 4-1: web sites for cad vendors 139
appendix 4-2: b-splines to nurbs 140
appendix 4-3: web sites for computer companies 142
5 design automation: cae 143
5-1 design for manufacturing and assembly 144
5-2 cae analysis 152
5-3 cae evaluation 163
5-4 group technology 177
5-5 production engineering strategies 184
5-6 design and production engineering network 204
5-7 summary 210
bibliography 211
questions 212
problems 213
projects 213
appendix 5-1: ten guidelines for dfa 215
appendix 5-2: web sites for cae vendors 216
appendix 5-3: web sites for rapid prototyping vendors 217
part 3 controlling the enterprise resources 219
6 introduction to production and operations planning 221
6-1 operations management 222
6-2 planning for manufacturing 223
6-3 mpc model--manufacturing resource planning (mrp ii) 228
6-4 production planning 234
6-5 master production schedule 240
6-6 inventory management 245
6-7 planning for material and capacity resources 248
6-8 introduction to production activity control 252
6-9 shop loading 254
6-10 input-output control 257
6-11 automating the planning and control functions 258
6-12 summary 259
bibliography 259
questions 260
problems 261
projects 264
appendix 6-1: priority rule systems 265
7 detailed planning and production-scheduling systems 271
7-1 from reorder-point systems to manufacturing resource
planning (mrp ii) 271
7-2 material requirements planning 273
7-3 capacity requirements planning 285
7-4 manufacturing resource planning 288
7-5 features of modern manufacturing planning and control systems 291
7-6 summary 300
bibliography 302
questions 303
problems 304
projects 305
appendix 7-1: wight's bicycle example 306
appendix 7-2: abcd checklist 308
appendix 7-3: an erp example using winman 318
8 enterprise resources planning, and beyond 323
8-1 mrp ii: a driver of effective erp systems 326
8-2 information technology 327
8-3 the decision to implement an erp system 330
8-4 identifying erp system suppliers 332
8-5 developing technologies: converging and enabling 335
8-6 integrating systems to manage design data 341
8-7 summary 348
bibliography 350
questions 351
projects 351
9 the revolution in manufacturing 352
9-1 just-in-timemanufacturing 353
9-2 synchronized production 364
9-3 the emergence of lean production 366
9-4 modern manufacturing systems in a lean environment 369
9-5 summary 374
bibliography 375
questions 375
projects 376
case study: production system at new united motor manufacturing, part 1 376
case study: production system at new united motor manufacturing, part 2 378
part 4 enabling processes and systems for modern
manufacturing 383
10 production process machines and systems 385
10-1 material and machine processes 387
10-2 flexible manufacturing 405
10-3 fixed high-volume automation 413
10-4 summary 417
bibliography 419
questions 420
projects 421
appendix 10--1: history of computer-controlled machines 422
11 production support machines and systems 425
11-1 industrialrobots 426
11-2 program statements for servo robots 448
11-3 programming a servo robot 454
11-4 automated material handling 461
11-5 automatic guided vehicles 465
11-6 automated storage and retrieval 476
11-7 summary 480
bibliography 481
questions 481
projects 483
case, study: agv applications at general motors 484
12 machine and system control 486
12-1 system overview 487
12-2 cell control 493
12-3 proprietary versus open system interconnect software 497
12-4 device control 499
12-5 programmable logic controllers 500
12-6 relay ladder logic 502
12-7 plc system and components 506
12-8 plc types 511
12-9 relay logic versus ladder logic 513
12-10 computer numerical control 521
12-11 automatic tracking 525
12-12 network communications 529
12-13 summary 531
bibliography 532
questions 533
projects 534
appendix 12-1: turning g codes 535
13 quality and human resource issues in manufacturing 537
13-1 quality foundations 538
13-2 total quality management 543
13-3 quality tools and processes 547
13-4 defect-free design philosophy 557
13-5 the changing worldorce 561
13-6 self-directed work teams 562
13-7 summary 567
bibliography 569
questions 569
projects 570
index 571
Computer-integrated manufacturing = 计算机集成制造 / 3rd ed.
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