Business idioms international


作   者:(英)Christopher Goddard著





本书特色:   本书旨在向英语学习者提供最有用,国际上最通用的和最不易混淆的短语。本书在编排及选材上具备以下几个特色:   1.每个英语国家都有适用于不同目的、不同场合的短语,比如:书面语与口头语;街头语言和俚语;中性的、非正式与正式的用语;专业的科技用语等。以英语为第二语言或者一门外语的英语学习者面临的问题是,如何避免使用太正式或太不正式的英语,以及在某些场合使用了不恰当的语言。2.本书的第二个特色是书中所有短语并未局限于英语国家的某些特定地区或文化。换句话说,虽然书中的语言可能源于某个英语群体,但全世界所有说英语的人们都可以使用和理解这些语言。3.语言的目的是清楚地交流信息和想法,所以本书着重于不会被误解或不易混淆的短语。4.对母语是英语的读者来说,短语学习是很自然的事,但对母语非英语的学习者而言,在适当的时候找到适当的字眼可能会出现问题。因此书中的短语是按功能来编排的,便于读者在正确的场合、正确的时机找到正确的词语。目录也依照功能编排,目录下列出相关短语及例句。


Unit 1 Speaking Generally 一般而言 ·as a rule ·as usual ·the exception proves the rule/an exception to therule ·for the most part ·to hold good ·in general/in particular ·inprinciple ·in theory/in practice ·nine times out of ten ·no exception·on paper ·on the wholeUnit 2 The Nature of Things 事物的本质 ·as such ·to consist of ·in itself ·in the nature of ·in its own right·in the shape of ·of its own accordUnit 3 Connection 关联性 ·according to ·in accordance with ·as to ·to do with ·hand in hand·in conjunction with ·in connection with ·to refer to ·in terms of·on behalf of · (be/get/keep/stay) in touch with ( lost/out of touch)·with regard toUnit 4 Cause and Effect 原因与结果 ·to arise from ·to bring about ·to give rise to ·to have an effect/impact on ·to result in ·to stem from ·to trigger offPractice A The Planning Meeting 安排会议Unit 5 Priorities 优先次序 ·above all all important ·first and foremost ·the first step ·last butnot least ·to take first placeUnit 6 Purpose anti Objective 目的与目标 ·to aim at ·the aim of the exercise ·to arrange for ·game plan ·togo ahead ·to go for it ·in order to ·to make up one's mind ·a meansto an end ·on purpose ·to put together ·to set up ·to tackle ·to takeaction on ·to take steps ·to take the initiative ·with a view toUnit 7 Focusing 强调 ·to come to the point ·the fact of the matter is ·to focus on ·to getdown to business ·to get to the bottom of ·hard facts ·in contrast to·in fact ·in reality ·in (this) respect ·a matter of ·to spotlight ·tozero in onUnit 8 Time 时间 ·ahead of time/schedule ·at first ·at once ·as yet ·at/from the outset·for the time being ·in the course of ·in future ·in the future ·in thelong run ·in the long term ·in the meantime ·in a moment ·in time ·tolook forward to ·moment of truth ·on time ·fight/straight away ·so far·time outPractice B The Marketing Game Plan 营销与行动计划Unit 9 Quantities 数量 ·to amount to ·and so no ·as a whole ·at all ·at least ·at the most·at the outside ·to average out at ·to be exact ·give or take ·a good/great deal of ·in the aggregate ·in all ·in all shapes and sizes ·in excessof ·in full ·more or less ·on average ·on a (large) scale ·or soUnit 10 Position and Movement 位置与移动 ·back and forth ·every other/second ·in lieu of ·in place of ·in turn·to vary from ... toUnit 11 Degrees of Difficulty and Probability 困难程度与可能性 ·at will ·for sure ·in all probability ·in any case ·it's as simple as that ·no problem ·of course ·to rule out ·a safe bet ·to stand to ·to take placeUnit 12 Effective Methods 有效率的方法 ·to allow for ·better sate than sorry ·bit by bit ·to carry out ·to checkover ·a dry/dummy run ·in depth ·in detail ·the ins and outs ·to keepan eye on ·to look into ·to make sure/certain ·to plan/think ahead ·totake care (not) to ·to think out ·to try outPractice C A Technical Demonstration 技术演示Unit 13 Ineffective Methods 无效率的方法 ·at random ·by trial and error ·to cut comers ·hit and miss ·the lineof least resistance ·a short cut ·a soft option ·to take a chance ·to takethe easy way out ·to take/run risksUnit 14 Progress 进展 ·all systems go ·to break new ground ·to break the ice ·to breakthrough ·to come up with ·to forge ahead ·to get to first base ·to makeheadway ·to make progress ·to open doors ·a step forward ·to takeshape ·to take a stepUnit 15 Problems and Solutions 问题和解决之道 ·all or nothing ·back against the wall ·to compete against ·to cope with ·to cut one's losses ·a drawback ·to face up to ·in the last resort·a long shot ·to make do with ·make or break ·on the blink ·to run/be up against ·to save the situation ·a snap decision ·the tip of theiceberg ·without fail ·worth doingUnit 16 Positive Results 正面的结果 ·to bear fruit ·the end product ·for sale ·in the black ·to make aprofit ·to make money ·to make... work ·to pay dividends ·to payone's way ·to pull off ·to take effectPractice D Evaluation and Action 评估与行动Unit17 Negative Results 负面的结果 ·to be/go out of action ·to break down ·a dead end ·dud ·to go dead·to go wrong ·in the red ·in vain ·to make a loss· to pay the penalty/price ·to reach a stalemate ·to be/fall short of ·to take theconsequences ·a vicious circleUnit 18 Tactics 战术 to back down ·to back out ·to break off ·to keep one's options open·to lay it on the line ·to mean business ·to play ball ·to put pressureon ·to rely on ·to soften up ·to stand/stick out for· to take a firm line/stand ·to talk out of ·to talk round ·to withdraw fromUnit 19 Attitudes Opinions and Discussion? 态度:意见与讨论 ·to argue against ·to be against ·the ball is in your court ·to changeone's mind ·the facts speak for themselves ·to get across ·to get one'spriorities right ·to have an open mind ·in my opinion ·to insist on ·tomake one's point ·to make clear ·a matter of fact ·to point out ·to putthe record straight ·to be taken aback ·to take the long view ·to take the view that ·to talk overUnit 20 Developing Ideas and Arguments 想法与论点的展示 ·as we have seen ·as well (as) ·to begin (or start) with ·by thesame token ·by the way ·in addition (to) ·in other words ·inpassing ·in the first place ·in the same way ·to put it (differently)·what is morePractice E A Presentation 陈述Unit 21 Disagreement and Criticism 意见相左与批评 ·as far as (it) goes ·at cross purposes ·to be beside the point(a) credibility gap ·to have doubts about ·(a) matter of opinion·on the contrary ·out of the question ·to pass the buck ·to shift theblame (or responsibility) (onto) ·to split hairs ·up to a point(a) value judgementUnit 22 Conditions 情况或条件 ·aslong as ·in case ·it (or that) depends (on) ·it (or that)remains to be seen ·on condition thatUnit 23 Logic and Reason 逻辑与理由 ·to account for ·common sense ·to hold water ·to make sense ·to prove (the) case ( or point) ·to tie in (with)Unit 24 Balancing Arguments 论点的平衡 ·either way ·for (and) against ·on balance ·on the one handon the other (hand) (the) pros and cons ·to take into account (orconsideration) ·to weigh upPractice F A Plan for Negotiation 谈判的计划Unit 25 Steps to Understanding 理解步骤 ·at first sight ·at a glance ·to be in the dark ·to be in the picture·crystal clear · (a) first impression ·to leave open ·on the face ofit ·on second thoughts ·on the surface(a) second opinion ·tosee the light ·to see reason ·to sleep on it ·to throw light on ·wiseafter the event ·with hindsightUnit 26 Summarising 总结 ·all in all ·a bare outline ·in brief ·in effect ·in essence ·in anutshell ·in a word ·the long and the short of it ·that is ( to say)Unit 27 Steps to Compromise and Agreement 妥协和同意的步骤 ·to agree on/to/with ·to be in line with ·common ground ·tocompromise ·to do business with ·to draw up ·give and take ·to goalong with ·in agreement with ·in so far as ·to make a deal with ·tomeet half way ·off the record ·on these lines ·on these terms ·otherthings being equal ·to see eye to eye ·to settle one's differences ·tosmooth out ·to take note of ·to take the point ·to think over ·to thrashout ·what if...? ·without prejudiceUnit 28 Reasons for Decisions 作决定的理由 ·the acid test oo base on ·in/under the circumstances·in that case· in the final analysisin the light of ·in view of · on the basis of· onthe ground ofPractice G The Negotiation 谈判Tapescript and Answer Key 录音稿及答案Index 索引



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