Comprehensive postgraduate English curriculum:thirty-two weekly lessons for developing life skills in American English
This text is also perhaps unique in that it is written for both students and teachers working together. The author has intentionally chosen not to produce a separate “Teacher\''s Edition,“ but to encourage students and teachers to work more closely, as one, to achieve their goals. Success,the author believes, comes best from a unified effort.
lesson one introductions and tongue twisters ⅰ
lesson two “murder of a very famous person“ activity
lesson three photo observation training
lesson four photo observation examination
lesson five creativity and you
lesson six “creative thinking“ activity
lesson seven “wander walk“ activity
lesson eight “dating game“ activity
lesson nine “student photo“ or “wander walk“ presentations ⅰ
lesson ten “student photo“ or “wander walk“ presentations ⅱ
lesson eleven (option 1) culturali lesson: american football and baseball
lesson eleven (option 2) cultural lesson: american music and dance history
lesson twelve public speaking and presentation skills
lesson thirteen cultural lesson: american holidays / christmas
lesson fourteen student selected topical presentations ⅰ
lesson fifteen student selected topical presentations ⅱ
lesson sixteen firstsemester tongue twister final examination
lesson seventeen spring festival reports and tongue twisters ii
lesson eighteen “clues to a death“ activity
lesson nineteen conference planning and organization
.lesson twenty conference committee responsibilities
lesson twenty-one resume/.c,v. writing skills
lesson twenty-two cover letter writingskills
lesson twenty-three “twenty years from now“ activity
lesson twenty-four individual resume evaluations and critiques
lesson twenty-five finding opportunities for today & tomorrow
lesson twenty-six conference committee presentations
lesson twenty-seven job search applications
lesson twenty-eight interviewing skills ⅰ
lesson twenty- nine interviewing skills ⅱ
lesson thirty answers to interview questions
lesson thirty-one interview practice and evaluations
lesson thirty-two second semester tongue twister final examination
lesson two “murder of a very famous person“ activity
lesson three photo observation training
lesson four photo observation examination
lesson five creativity and you
lesson six “creative thinking“ activity
lesson seven “wander walk“ activity
lesson eight “dating game“ activity
lesson nine “student photo“ or “wander walk“ presentations ⅰ
lesson ten “student photo“ or “wander walk“ presentations ⅱ
lesson eleven (option 1) culturali lesson: american football and baseball
lesson eleven (option 2) cultural lesson: american music and dance history
lesson twelve public speaking and presentation skills
lesson thirteen cultural lesson: american holidays / christmas
lesson fourteen student selected topical presentations ⅰ
lesson fifteen student selected topical presentations ⅱ
lesson sixteen firstsemester tongue twister final examination
lesson seventeen spring festival reports and tongue twisters ii
lesson eighteen “clues to a death“ activity
lesson nineteen conference planning and organization
.lesson twenty conference committee responsibilities
lesson twenty-one resume/.c,v. writing skills
lesson twenty-two cover letter writingskills
lesson twenty-three “twenty years from now“ activity
lesson twenty-four individual resume evaluations and critiques
lesson twenty-five finding opportunities for today & tomorrow
lesson twenty-six conference committee presentations
lesson twenty-seven job search applications
lesson twenty-eight interviewing skills ⅰ
lesson twenty- nine interviewing skills ⅱ
lesson thirty answers to interview questions
lesson thirty-one interview practice and evaluations
lesson thirty-two second semester tongue twister final examination
Comprehensive postgraduate English curriculum:thirty-two weekly lessons for developing life skills in American English
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