· 针对于不同教授课时间的教学进度参考
·配套activity bank cd-rom,包括补充听力练习资料,并可自行设计课堂活动内容。
·audio cd含有学生用书听力部分的录音资料。
rob jenkins,i iove teaching .i iove to see the expressions on my students'faces when the light goes on and their eyes show such sin-cere joy of learning.i knew the first time istepped into an esl classroon that this was where i needed to be and i have never questioned that resolution. i have worked in business,sales,and publishing,and i' ve fond chalenge in all,but nothing can compaer to the satisfaction of reaching people in such a personal way .
thanks to my family who have put up late hours and ealy mornings,my santa ana college,school of continuing educating who believe in me and are a source of tremen-dous inspiration.
student book/lesson planner units
pre-unit getting to know you
unit 1 balancing to your lifel
unit 2 consumer smarts
unit 3 housing
unit 4 our community
unit 5 health
unit 6 getting hired
unit 7 on the job
unit 8 civic responsibility
vocabulary list(1)
vocabulary list(2)
grammar raference
listening scripts with supplemental listengings from the activity bank 3
teaching hints
grammar challenge to the teacher
grammar chalenge answer key
stand out activity bank4 cd-rom
and stand out audio cd 4
pre-unit getting to know you
unit 1 balancing to your lifel
unit 2 consumer smarts
unit 3 housing
unit 4 our community
unit 5 health
unit 6 getting hired
unit 7 on the job
unit 8 civic responsibility
vocabulary list(1)
vocabulary list(2)
grammar raference
listening scripts with supplemental listengings from the activity bank 3
teaching hints
grammar challenge to the teacher
grammar chalenge answer key
stand out activity bank4 cd-rom
and stand out audio cd 4
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用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问
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