Plant tissue culture, development and biotechnology / 1st ed.
作 者:edited by Robert N. Trigiano, Dennis J. Gray.
Addressing several specialized areas generically termed biotechnology, Plant Tissue Culture, Development and Biotechnology uses a broad range of species that are studied via laboratory exercises. Based on the editors’ previous textbooks Plant Development and Biotechnologyand Plant Tissue Culture Concepts and Laboratory Exercises – Second Edition, the book provides detailed perspectives and hands-on training in this rather diverse field. It concentrates on plant development and its application in biotechnology, while maintaining as broad of a base as possible. Supporting laboratory exercises are provided.
INTRODUCTION Introduction to plant tissue culture, development and biotechnology, D.J. Gray and R.N. Trigiano SUPPORTING METHODOLOGIES AND GENERAL CONCEPTS Getting started with tissue culture -- media preparation, sterile technique and laboratory equipment, C.A. Beyl Laboratory Exercise: Nutrition of cell and organ cultures, J. Capponetti and R.N. Trigiano Plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture and development, C.A. Beyl Elements of in vitro research, M.E. Compton Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Proper use of microscopes, D.T. Webb Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Plant histological techniques, R.N. Trigiano, D.J. Gray, K.R. Malueg, K.A. Pickens, Z.-M. Cheng, and E.T. Graham A brief introduction to plant anatomy and morphology, R.N. Trigiano, J.A. Franklin and D.J. Gray Seed development and germination, F. Chen, R.C. Martin, S. Song and H. Nonogaki Concept/Labortory Exercise: Molecular tools for studying plant genetic diversity, T. Rinehart, X. Wang, R.N. Trigiano, N.R. Rowland and R.E. DeVries Molecular approaches to the study of plant development, A. von Arnim and B.-H. Kim PROPAGATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS Propagation from meristematic tissue -- shoot culture, M.E. Kane Laboratory Exercise: Micropropagation of Sygonium by shoot culture, M.E. Kane Laboratory Exercise: Micropropagation and in vitro flowering of rose, M.E. Kane, T. Johnson and P. Kauth Laboratory Exercise: Micropropagation of potato by node culture and microtuber production, M.E. Kane Commercial laboratory production, G.R.L. Suttle Detection and elimination of microbial endophytes and prevention of contamination in plant tissue cultures, A.C. Cassells Laboratory Exercise: Culture indexing for bacterial and fungal contaminants, M.E. Kane, P. Kauth and T. Johnson Propagation from nonmeristematic tissues -- Organogenesis, R. Geneve Developing a molecular understanding of in vitro and in planta shoot organogenesis, L. Meng, S. Zhang and P.G. Lemaux Laboratory Exercise: Direct shoot organogenesis from chrysanthemum and african violet leaves, R.N. Trigiano, L.M. Vito, M.T. Windham, S. Boggus, and D. Hadziabdic Propagation from nonmeristematic tissues - nonzygotic embryogenesis, D.J. Gray Developmental and molecular aspects of nonzygotic (somatic) embryogenesis, X. Yang and X. Zhang Laboratory Exercise: Embryogenic callus and suspension cultures from leaves of orchardgrass, D.J. Gray, R.N. Trigiano and B.V. Conger Laboratory Exercise: Direct non-zygotic embryogenesis from leaves of cineraria, R.N. Trigiano, M.C. Scott, and K.R. Malueg CROP IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES Protoplasts -- an increasingly valuable tool in plant research, J.W. Grosser and A.A. Omar Laboratory Exercise: Demonstration of principles of protoplast isolation using chrysanthemum and orchardgrass leaves, R.N. Trigiano Laboratory Exercise: Isolation, culture and fusion of tobacco and potato protoplasts, R.E. Veilleux and M.E. Compton Haploid cultures, D. Hadziabdic, P.A. Wadl and S.M. Reed Laboratory Exercise: Haploid plants from tobacco and potato anthers, P.A. Wadl, D. Hadziabdic and S.M. Reed Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Embryo rescue, T. Eeckhaut , K. Van Laere and J. Van Huylenbroeck Promoters and gene expression regulation, Z.T. Li and D.J. Gray Genetic engineering technologies, Z.T. Li, S.A. Dhekney and D.J. Gray Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Transformation of plant meristems, J.H. Gould Laboratory Exercise: Genetic transformation of chysanthemum and tobacco using Agrobacterium tumefaciens, M.M. Young, L. Padegimas, N.A. Reichert and R.N. Trigiano Laboratory Exercise: Genetic transformation of tobacco and production of transgenic plants, S.A. Dhekney, Z.T. Li and D.J. Gray Genetically modified plant controversies: Sensational headlines versus pragmatic research, H.A. Richards, L.C. Hudson, M.D. Halfhill and C.N. Stewart, Jr. Cryopreservation of plant cells, tissues and organs, B.M. Reed, M.N. Normah and S.V. Kushnarenko Laboratory Exercise: Vitrification as a method to cryopreserve shoot tips, S.V. Kushnarenko, B.M. Reed and M.N. Normah Laboratory Exercise: Cryopreservation of orthodox and recalcitrant seed, M.N. Normah, W.K. Choo, S.V. Kushnarenko and B. Reed Plant Biotechnology for the Production of Natural Products, A. Kirakosyan, E. M. Seymour and P. Kaufman Laboratory Exercise: Pigment production in Ajuga cell culture, M.A. Lila and R.B. Rogers Variations in tissue culture, R.M. Skirvin and M. Norton THE BUSINESS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Biotechnology entrepreneurship in the 21st century: From bench to bag, D.W. Altman Intellectual property protection for plants, C. Eisenshank INDEX
Plant tissue culture, development and biotechnology / 1st ed.
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