Unit 1 New Frivends,New Faees
Topic Meeting people; describing people
Functions Introducing yourself
Vocabulary Personal information;personal descripions
Lesson A Meeting new people
Lesson B Describing yourself and others
Unit 2 Uaeation!
Topic Weather;vacation habits and preferences
Functions Giving and suggesting
Vocabulary Weather;vacational travel
Lesson A How's the weather?
Lesson B The weather
Unit 3 All About You
Topic Pastimes and preferences
Functions Inviting;accepting and declining invitations
Vocabulary Sports;teams and clubs
Lesson A My favorite pastimes
Lesson B Sports and pastimes
Unit 4 Change
Topic Making changes in your life;plans and dreams
Functions Making and responding to requests
Vocabulary Changing for the better;plans after graduation
Lesson A I need a change
Lesson B Plans and dreams
Unit 5 Around the World
Topic Neighborhoods and cities
Functions Asking for and giving directions
Vocabulary Places in the neighborhood; talking about cities
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Unit 6 Home Sweet Home
Topic Houses, apartments, rooms, and housing
Functions Showing surprise
Vocabulary Places in a house; student housing
Lesson A Housing
Lesson B Where I live
Unit 7 Your Health
Topic The body, and health
Functions Talking about health problems
Vocabulary Body parts
Lesson A Health and body
Lesson B Staying healthy
Unit 8 Yobs and Ambitions
Topic Professions; job interviews; personalities
Functions Asking about jobs
Vocabulary Abilities; personality
Lesson A Jobs
Lesson B Myjob
Topic Meeting people; describing people
Functions Introducing yourself
Vocabulary Personal information;personal descripions
Lesson A Meeting new people
Lesson B Describing yourself and others
Unit 2 Uaeation!
Topic Weather;vacation habits and preferences
Functions Giving and suggesting
Vocabulary Weather;vacational travel
Lesson A How's the weather?
Lesson B The weather
Unit 3 All About You
Topic Pastimes and preferences
Functions Inviting;accepting and declining invitations
Vocabulary Sports;teams and clubs
Lesson A My favorite pastimes
Lesson B Sports and pastimes
Unit 4 Change
Topic Making changes in your life;plans and dreams
Functions Making and responding to requests
Vocabulary Changing for the better;plans after graduation
Lesson A I need a change
Lesson B Plans and dreams
Unit 5 Around the World
Topic Neighborhoods and cities
Functions Asking for and giving directions
Vocabulary Places in the neighborhood; talking about cities
Lesson A Places in my city
Lesson B Cities and towns
Unit 6 Home Sweet Home
Topic Houses, apartments, rooms, and housing
Functions Showing surprise
Vocabulary Places in a house; student housing
Lesson A Housing
Lesson B Where I live
Unit 7 Your Health
Topic The body, and health
Functions Talking about health problems
Vocabulary Body parts
Lesson A Health and body
Lesson B Staying healthy
Unit 8 Yobs and Ambitions
Topic Professions; job interviews; personalities
Functions Asking about jobs
Vocabulary Abilities; personality
Lesson A Jobs
Lesson B Myjob
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