Part 1 Meetingon the Campus 第一部分 相会校园
UNIT 1 Interview for School 入学面试
UNIT 2 Greetings 打招呼
UNIT 3 Introduction 介绍
UNIT 4 Talking about Weather 谈天气
UNIT 5 Talking about Hobbies 谈爱好
UNIT 6 Saying Goodbye 道别
Part 2 In the Class 第二部分 在课堂上
UNIT 1 Cheeking Attendance 考勤
UNIT 2 Lateness 迟到
UNIT 3 Reading 阅读
UNIT 4 Explaining the Text 讲解课文
UNIT 5 Correctness 纠正
UNIT 6 Writing Exercise 写作练习
UNIT 7 Asking Questions 提问
UNIT 8 Audio-listening Class 语音课堂
UNIT 9 Discussing in Chass 课堂讨论
UNIT 10 Homework 家庭作业
UNIT 11 In the Lab 在实验室
UNIT 12 Academic Study 专业学习
Part 3 Activities after Class 第三部分 课外事宜
UNIT 1 In the Library 在图书馆
UNIT 2 Choosing Courses 选课
UNIT 3 General Revision 复习
UNIT 4 Examination 考试
UNIT 5 At the Office 在办公室
UNIT 6 Writing a Term Paper 写学期论文
UNIT 7 Attending a Lecture 听讲座
UNIT 8 At English Corner 在英语角
UNIT 9 Going for Postgraduate Study 读研
Part 4 Studying Abroad 第四部分 异国学习
UNIT 1 Talking about Going Abroad 谈论出国
UNIT 3 Handling the Application for Admission 办理入学申请
UNIT 4 Applying for Financial Aid 申请经济资助
UNIT 5 Visa for Studying Abroad 留学签证
UNIT 6 Visiting Advisor 见导师
UNIT 7 Registration and Payment 注册及交费
UNIT 8 Paper and Defense 论文与答辩
UNIT 9 Graduation 毕业
Part 5 Tonebetween Teachers and Students 第五部分 师生语气
UNIT 1 Confirmation and Encoura-gement 肯定与鼓励
UNIT 2 Grumbling and Criticism 抱怨与责备
UNIT 3 Giving Compliments 赞扬
UNIT 4 Congratulations and Wishes 祝贺与祝愿
UNIT 5 Apologies and Excuses 道歉与原谅
UNIT 6 Sympathy and Consolation 同情与安慰
UNIT 7 Expressing Thanks 致谢
UNIT 8 Advice 建议
UNIT 9 Making Requests 请求
UNIT 1 Interview for School 入学面试
UNIT 2 Greetings 打招呼
UNIT 3 Introduction 介绍
UNIT 4 Talking about Weather 谈天气
UNIT 5 Talking about Hobbies 谈爱好
UNIT 6 Saying Goodbye 道别
Part 2 In the Class 第二部分 在课堂上
UNIT 1 Cheeking Attendance 考勤
UNIT 2 Lateness 迟到
UNIT 3 Reading 阅读
UNIT 4 Explaining the Text 讲解课文
UNIT 5 Correctness 纠正
UNIT 6 Writing Exercise 写作练习
UNIT 7 Asking Questions 提问
UNIT 8 Audio-listening Class 语音课堂
UNIT 9 Discussing in Chass 课堂讨论
UNIT 10 Homework 家庭作业
UNIT 11 In the Lab 在实验室
UNIT 12 Academic Study 专业学习
Part 3 Activities after Class 第三部分 课外事宜
UNIT 1 In the Library 在图书馆
UNIT 2 Choosing Courses 选课
UNIT 3 General Revision 复习
UNIT 4 Examination 考试
UNIT 5 At the Office 在办公室
UNIT 6 Writing a Term Paper 写学期论文
UNIT 7 Attending a Lecture 听讲座
UNIT 8 At English Corner 在英语角
UNIT 9 Going for Postgraduate Study 读研
Part 4 Studying Abroad 第四部分 异国学习
UNIT 1 Talking about Going Abroad 谈论出国
UNIT 3 Handling the Application for Admission 办理入学申请
UNIT 4 Applying for Financial Aid 申请经济资助
UNIT 5 Visa for Studying Abroad 留学签证
UNIT 6 Visiting Advisor 见导师
UNIT 7 Registration and Payment 注册及交费
UNIT 8 Paper and Defense 论文与答辩
UNIT 9 Graduation 毕业
Part 5 Tonebetween Teachers and Students 第五部分 师生语气
UNIT 1 Confirmation and Encoura-gement 肯定与鼓励
UNIT 2 Grumbling and Criticism 抱怨与责备
UNIT 3 Giving Compliments 赞扬
UNIT 4 Congratulations and Wishes 祝贺与祝愿
UNIT 5 Apologies and Excuses 道歉与原谅
UNIT 6 Sympathy and Consolation 同情与安慰
UNIT 7 Expressing Thanks 致谢
UNIT 8 Advice 建议
UNIT 9 Making Requests 请求
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