Practical English for computer and internet use


作   者:傅轶飞编著





随着信息技术的发展,人类已步入网络时代。网络改变了人类生活的方方面面。网络与英语同日常生活密不可分。计算机与网络交际英语(简称网络英语)已成为日常英语中不可或缺的部分。 无疑,计算机与网络将与人类终身相伴,随着经济全球化及人才竞争国际化的进一步发展,该部分英语的重要性将日益凸显。本书对日常生活中与计算机及网络相关的英语术语、词汇、惯用法及表达方式进行系统地总结归纳,选材独特,与时俱进,从双核、四核电脑到3G手机,无一不紧扣时代脉搏。 本书以对话形式介绍计算机与网络英语知识,形式活泼,内容逼真;对话浅显,易学易记。提供扩充词汇,便于学习提高。本书既可用作口语教学用书,口语自学用书,也可用作高校选修及学生课外阅读用书,适用于对计算机及网络交际英语感兴趣的广大教师、研究生、在校本科生以及有志出国留学的学生;同时也适用于各种软件学院学生及爱好网络英语的读者群。以上读者,特别是有一定英语基础,且渴求得到此方面指点的人,均可在短期内从书中受益。更多>>


  一、Basics of PC
   (一)Personal computer
   1. Types of PCs
   1) PC & Mac
   2) Desktop
   3) Notebook & Laptop
   4) Palmtop
   5) Stock mobile
   2. System or Windows
   1) Windows
   2) Starting up & Turning off
   3) Stand-By & Sleep / Hibernate
   4) Managing window
   5) Icons on desktop
   3. Computer problems
   1) Computer virus
   2) Computer crash
   3) Reformat
   4) Virus protection
   (二) Hardware
   1.Computer components
   1) DIY PC
   2) Display / Monitor
   3) Case
   4) CPU
   5) Other components
   2. Mouse
   1) Kinds of mouses
   2) Touchpad
   3) Basic mouse skills
   4) Touch screen
   3. Movable disk
   1) Floppy disk
   2) USB floppy disk
   3) U-disk
   4) Other terms for U-disks
   (三) Software applications
   1. Microsoft Office Software
   1) Word
   2) PowerPoint
   3) Excel
   4) Outlook
   2. Other software applications
   1) Chatting software--QQ
   2) Chatting software--Messenger
   3) Phoning software--Skype
   4) Antivirus software
  二、The Internet
   (一)Info of the Internet
   1. Basics of the Intemet
   1) About the Intemet
   2) Types of networks
   3) www
   4) Hacker
   2. Internet connections
   1) Dial-up connection
   2) Broadband connection
   3) Wireless connection
   4) Mobile connection
   3. Internet resources
   1) Downloading
   2) Downloading onto an MP4 player
   3) Downloading a converter
   4) Uploading
   5) other online resources
   (二) Surfing the Internet
   1. Browsing for the latest headlines
   1) Major news websites
   2) The New York Times
   3) The Sun & the Times
   4) The Age
   2. Listening live & watching live
   1) Listening live
   2) Watching live
   3) Watching films online
   4) Watching video news
   3. Browsing university websites
   1) Info search on uni websites
   2) Course Info on Oxford & Cambridge uni websites
   3) Fee info on Harvard uni website
   4) Fee info on Yale uni website
   5) Accommodation info on Sydney & Melbourneuni websites
   4. Online library
   1) Online London Library
   2) Searching for books online
   3) Borrowing e-books online
   4) My Library
   (三)Life on the Internet
   1. Email
   1) Basics of Email
   2) Folders in Email box
   3) Managing Email
   4) Spam or junk mail
   2. Online chatting
   1) Types of chat
   2) Special language in chat rooms
   3) Type chat
   4) Voice chat
   3. Basics of blog
   1) About the blog
   2) Common blog websites
   3) Open a blog
   4) Daily visits
   4. Other services on the Internet
   1) Online games
   2) Online shopping
   3) Online job hunt
   4) Trading stocks online
   5. Mobile & the Internet
   1) Bluetooth mobile
   2) Entertainment-based mobile
   3) 2 SIM card mobile
   4) 3G mobile



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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