Nature of biology. Book 1 / 3rd ed.


作   者:by Judith F.Kinnear and Marjory Martin





Nature of Biology Book 1 3E is a comprehensive textbook resource written specifically to meet all requirements of units 1 and 2 of the VCE Biology Study Design. Nature of Biology Book 2 3E covers units 3 and 4 of the study design.The popular elements of previous editions are retained, and new features are introduced to engage students interest and ensure their understanding of biological concepts is developed clearly over the two years of study.Features New chapter introductions that relate topics to real and contemporary contexts High-quality, clearly labelled illustrations and unique images that bring the text to life and encourage discussion Australian case studies, personal stories and an expanded range of 'Biologist at work' profiles regular sets of 'Key ideas' and 'Quick-check' questions to test understanding of the key knowledge points New 'Biochallenge' pages that focus on applying knowledge in response to visual stimuli and data 'Chapter review' questions that specify the relevant key skills and include links to website to encourage further researchNature of Biology Book 1 3E is now supported by eBookPLUS!What is eBookPLUS'eBookPLUS gives students access to engaging digital support. This gives 24/7 access to the on-line text along with a wealth of ICT resources making student learning more engaging! eBookPLUS can also be purchased independently of the text.JacarandaPLUS is the on-line home of all our digital resources for teachers and students.All JacarandaPLUS websites that host the eBookPLUS and eGuidePLUS will be live by the end of 2008 for use in 2009.For further information call 1800 JAC PLUS (1800 522 7587) or go to


Unit 1 Unity And Diversity
Area of study 1 Cells in action
Chapter 1 Cells: discovery and exploration
Chapter 2 Structure and function of cells
Chapter 3 Cells: what are they made of?
Chapter 4 Cell replication
Area of study 2 Functioning organisms
Chapter 5 Obtaining energy and nutrients for life
Chapter 6 Distribution of materials
Chapter 7 Reproduction
Chapter 8 Ordering the living world
Unit 2 Organisms And Their Environment
Area of study 1 Adaptations of organisms
Chapter 9 Habitats and environmental resources
Chapter 10 Physiological adaptations for survival
Chapter 11 Behaviour for survival
Chapter 12 Reproductive strategies for survival
Area of study 2 Dynamic ecosystems
Chapter 13 Ecosystems and their living communities
Chapter 14 Population dynamics
Chapter 15 Flow of energy and cycling of matter
Chapter 16 Changes to ecosystems over time
Appendix A Scientific measurement
Appendix B Tree of life
Appendix C Classification of living things



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