Part 1 Registration
第1部分 登记接号
UNIT 1 Registering for Treatment挂号
UNIT 2 At the Emergency Room在急诊室
UNIT 3 At the Drugstore在药房
UNIT 4 Traditional Chinese Medicine传统中医
Part 2 Departments in Hospital
第二部分 医院科室
UNIT 1 At the Internal Medical Department在内科
UNIT 2 At the Surgical Department在外科
UNIT 3 At the Dermatological Department在皮肤科
UNIT 4 At the Orthopaedic Department在骨科
UNIT 5 At the Ophthalmic Department在眼科
UNIT 6 At the Stomatological Department在口腔科
UNIT 7 At the E.N.T.Department在耳鼻喉科
UNIT 8 At the Digestive Department在消化科
UNIT 9 At the Respiratory Department在呼吸科
UNIT 10 At the Neurologic and Psychiatric Department在神经精神科
UNIT 11 At the Urology Department在泌尿科
UNIT 12 At the Gynecologic and Obstetric Department在妇产科
UNIT 13 At the Paediatric Department在儿科
UNIT 14 At the RadiOgraphical Department在放射科
Part 3 Common Diseases
第三部分 常见疾病
UNIT 1 Common Ductless Glands常见内分泌系统疾病
UNIT 2 Common Cardiovascular Diseases常见心血管疾病
UNIT 3 Diseases of Hematopoietic System造血系统疾病
UNIT 4 Common Infectious Diseases常见传染病
UNIT 5 Common Tumours常见肿瘤疾病
UNIT 6 Venereal Diseases性病
Part 4 Admission and Nursing
第四部分 住院与护理
UINT 1 Admission住院
UNIT 2 Operation手术
UNIT 3 Having an Injection打针
UNIT 4 Nursing护理
UNIT 5 Discharge出院
Part 1 Registration
第1部分 登记接号
UNIT 1 Registering for Treatment挂号
UNIT 2 At the Emergency Room在急诊室
UNIT 3 At the Drugstore在药房
UNIT 4 Traditional Chinese Medicine传统中医
Part 2 Departments in Hospital
第二部分 医院科室
UNIT 1 At the Internal Medical Department在内科
UNIT 2 At the Surgical Department在外科
UNIT 3 At the Dermatological Department在皮肤科
UNIT 4 At the Orthopaedic Department在骨科
UNIT 5 At the Ophthalmic Department在眼科
UNIT 6 At the Stomatological Department在口腔科
UNIT 7 At the E.N.T.Department在耳鼻喉科
UNIT 8 At the Digestive Department在消化科
UNIT 9 At the Respiratory Department在呼吸科
UNIT 10 At the Neurologic and Psychiatric Department在神经精神科
UNIT 11 At the Urology Department在泌尿科
UNIT 12 At the Gynecologic and Obstetric Department在妇产科
UNIT 13 At the Paediatric Department在儿科
UNIT 14 At the RadiOgraphical Department在放射科
Part 3 Common Diseases
第三部分 常见疾病
UNIT 1 Common Ductless Glands常见内分泌系统疾病
UNIT 2 Common Cardiovascular Diseases常见心血管疾病
UNIT 3 Diseases of Hematopoietic System造血系统疾病
UNIT 4 Common Infectious Diseases常见传染病
UNIT 5 Common Tumours常见肿瘤疾病
UNIT 6 Venereal Diseases性病
Part 4 Admission and Nursing
第四部分 住院与护理
UINT 1 Admission住院
UNIT 2 Operation手术
UNIT 3 Having an Injection打针
UNIT 4 Nursing护理
UNIT 5 Discharge出院
Speak English for medicine
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