Essentials of genetics = 遗传学基础 / 6th ed.
作 者:William S. Klug,Michael R. Cummings,Charlotte A. Spencer[著].
In 1973, the pioneering evolutionary geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky published an article, the title and thesis of which is now widely quoted:"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." In the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, as we continue to move further into the era of genomics, it is equally relevant to state that: "Ourknowledge of biology will always remain incomplete until the genetic basis of all aspects of biological processes is made. clear." We are rapidly moving closer to realizing this goal.
1 Introduction to Genetics
2 Mitosis and Meiosis
3 Mendelian Genetics
4 Modification of Mendelian Ratios
5 Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes
6 Chromosome Mutations:Variation in Number and Arrangement
7 Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
8 Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages
9 DNA Structure and Analysis
10 DNA Replication and Synthesis
11 Chromosome Structure and DNA Sequence Organization
12 The Genetic Code and Transcription
13 Translation and Proteins
14 Gene Mutation.DNA Repair,and Transposition
15 Regulation of Gene Expression
16 Cell—Cycle Regulation and Cancer
17 Recombinant DNA Technology
18 Genomics and Proteomics
19 Applications and Ethics of Genetic Engineering
20 Developmental Genetics
21 Ouantitative Genetics
22 Population Genetics
23 Evolutionary Genetics
24 Conservation Gcnctics
2 Mitosis and Meiosis
3 Mendelian Genetics
4 Modification of Mendelian Ratios
5 Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes
6 Chromosome Mutations:Variation in Number and Arrangement
7 Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
8 Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages
9 DNA Structure and Analysis
10 DNA Replication and Synthesis
11 Chromosome Structure and DNA Sequence Organization
12 The Genetic Code and Transcription
13 Translation and Proteins
14 Gene Mutation.DNA Repair,and Transposition
15 Regulation of Gene Expression
16 Cell—Cycle Regulation and Cancer
17 Recombinant DNA Technology
18 Genomics and Proteomics
19 Applications and Ethics of Genetic Engineering
20 Developmental Genetics
21 Ouantitative Genetics
22 Population Genetics
23 Evolutionary Genetics
24 Conservation Gcnctics
Essentials of genetics = 遗传学基础 / 6th ed.
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