Introductiion to Business Statistics:4th ed.
Ronald M.Weiers博士是商务统计与市场营销研究领域富有经验的教师和教材编写者。他是Indiana Universyty of Pennsylvania杰出教师奖的获得者,《市场营销研究》和《商务统计导论》的作者。他还是各种机构的市场营销、技术和汽车工业顾问,其中有科尔曼公司和美国能源部等。他编写了8本有关汽车方面的书,包括汽车的维修保养和如何高效安全的给汽车提供烯料等内容。Weiers表士给美国能源部、国家公路交通安全管理局、国家公共服务研究中心提供研究报告建设。
Weiers编写的教材因其讲解透彻、案例丰富受到高度评价。本书采用一种非式的、以学生为导向的方式来介绍基本统计学概念。本书使用非专业术语来描述统计学概念,通过概念在现实中的应用和学生的经历来阐述。由于认识到很多商学院学生对本门课程的恐惧,Weiers提供了大量的学习辅助材料和有趣味的应用,而这些统计学的应用都是来自学生们很熟悉的现实世界的事例。 更多>>
business statistics:introduction and background
1 a preview of business statistics
2 visual description of data
3 statistical description of data
4 data collection and sampling methods
5 probability:review of basic concepts
6 discrete probability distributions
7 continuous probability distributions
8 sampling distributions and estimation
9 estimaton form sample data
10 hypothesis tests involving a sample mean or proportion
11 hypothesis tests involving two sample means or proportions
12 analysis of variance tests
13 chi-square applications
14 nonparametric methods
15 simple linear regression and correlation
16 multiple regressiln and correlation
17 model building
18 models for time series and forecasting
19 decision theory
20 total quality management
1 a preview of business statistics
2 visual description of data
3 statistical description of data
4 data collection and sampling methods
5 probability:review of basic concepts
6 discrete probability distributions
7 continuous probability distributions
8 sampling distributions and estimation
9 estimaton form sample data
10 hypothesis tests involving a sample mean or proportion
11 hypothesis tests involving two sample means or proportions
12 analysis of variance tests
13 chi-square applications
14 nonparametric methods
15 simple linear regression and correlation
16 multiple regressiln and correlation
17 model building
18 models for time series and forecasting
19 decision theory
20 total quality management
Introductiion to Business Statistics:4th ed.
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