The number of biology-related issues in our society is growing constantly. This book helps readers digest a wealth of scientific information with relevant references and examples. Includes new Links to Life feature-- ends each chapter on a relevant note with short, informally written segments on familiar topics, such as " Health Food." Contains Earth Watch, Health Watch, and Scientific Inquiry Essays that introduce readers to the exploration of key environmental and health-related issues. Features a striking illustration program with consistent, strategic use of color, revised multi-part figures, and updated labels and captions. A fascinating reference for anyone interested in learning more about biological issues in our world.
An Introduction to Life on Earth
The Life of a Cell
Atoms, Molecules, and Life
Biological Molecules
Cell Membrane Structure and Function
Cell Structure and Function
Energy Flow in the Life of a Cell
Capturing Solar Energy: Photosynthesis
Harvesting Energy: Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration
DNA: The Molecule of Heredity
Gene Expression and Regulation
The Continuity of Life: Cellular Reproduction
Patterns of Inheritance
Evolution and Diversity of Life
Principles of Evolution
How Organisms Evolve
The Origin of Species
The History of Life
Systematics: Seeking Order Amidst Diversity
The Diversity of Viruses, Prokaryotes, and Protists
The Diversity of Fungi
The Diversity of Plants
Animal Diversity I: Invertebrates
Animal Diversity II: Vertebrates
Plant Anatomy and Physiology
Plant Anatomy and Nutrient Transport
Plant Reproduction and Development
Plant Responses to the Environment
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Homeostasis and the Organization of the Animal Body
Nutrition and Digestion
The Urinary System
Defenses Against Disease
Chemical Control of the Animal Body: The Endocrine System
The Nervous System and the Senses
Action and Support: The Muscles and Skeleton
Animal Reproduction
Animal Development
Behavior and Ecology
Animal Behavior
Population Growth and Regulation
Community Interactions
How do Ecosystems Work?
Earth's Diverse Ecosystems
The Life of a Cell
Atoms, Molecules, and Life
Biological Molecules
Cell Membrane Structure and Function
Cell Structure and Function
Energy Flow in the Life of a Cell
Capturing Solar Energy: Photosynthesis
Harvesting Energy: Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration
DNA: The Molecule of Heredity
Gene Expression and Regulation
The Continuity of Life: Cellular Reproduction
Patterns of Inheritance
Evolution and Diversity of Life
Principles of Evolution
How Organisms Evolve
The Origin of Species
The History of Life
Systematics: Seeking Order Amidst Diversity
The Diversity of Viruses, Prokaryotes, and Protists
The Diversity of Fungi
The Diversity of Plants
Animal Diversity I: Invertebrates
Animal Diversity II: Vertebrates
Plant Anatomy and Physiology
Plant Anatomy and Nutrient Transport
Plant Reproduction and Development
Plant Responses to the Environment
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Homeostasis and the Organization of the Animal Body
Nutrition and Digestion
The Urinary System
Defenses Against Disease
Chemical Control of the Animal Body: The Endocrine System
The Nervous System and the Senses
Action and Support: The Muscles and Skeleton
Animal Reproduction
Animal Development
Behavior and Ecology
Animal Behavior
Population Growth and Regulation
Community Interactions
How do Ecosystems Work?
Earth's Diverse Ecosystems
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