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100 topics for daily English situations
简介:全!话题包罗万象 精!词汇精心遴选 新!例句富有个性 绝!练习功能强大 海量语汇再现原生态的交流情景。200篇对话、100套主题词汇和句型库、18套多功能练习,让你置身于原生态的英美生活情景,掌握各种场景下的沟通方式。 深入的对话让你口语升级。本书超越“生存口语”的层次,深入到英美社会生活的细微之处,与一般的口语书比较,有更广泛的交流话题、更丰富的表达方式、更浓厚的交谈趣味,能全面提高学习者的口语水平。 生动的语言让你表达得体。本书语言秉承生动、简洁、有效的原则,便于模仿记忆,并且迅速运用到实际交流中。对话中大量汇集英美耳熟能详的固定表达法,让谈话者表达得体、谈吐幽默。 灵活的方式让你自主学习。无论用于课堂教学还是自学,本书都具有相当大的伸展度和灵活性。全部对话都配有MP3。读者可以根据自身的学习目的和喜好,有选择地进行口语、听力、语音、听写、口笔译、词汇等各种练习。 本书越过了“生存口语”的层次,深入到社会生活的细微之处。与同类型的书相比,拥有更广泛的话题、更生动的表达、更浓厚趣味。作者Carol Rueckert是资深的英语教学专家,又深入英美社会生活多年。她用100个场景、200篇对话细致展现了当下英美的风土人情,以及英语国家普通百姓的沟通方式。本书将帮助你突破口语瓶颈,实现多话题、深层次的英语交流。 英文介绍: Introduction Students studying English today do so for a variety of reasons—to get a better job, to study abroad, to travel, to make friends with other English-speakers, or simply to learn something new. No matter what the reason is for learning English, most students want the same thing—materials with useful English. With this book, 100 Topics for Daily English Situations, students will not only have access to a wealth of vocabulary words organized by useful everyday topics, but they will also learn how these words can be used in “real English” dialogues. This book includes 100 chapters. Each chapter is based on a useful topic for daily English and includes a list of important sentences, key words/phrases, and two dialogues. As the English that is used in today’s world is becoming increasingly mixed (ie. neither British English nor American English), there is a mix of both American English and British English phrases and words used throughout the book. Also, the names used in the book include some of the most popular names for 2006, so if students are looking for a new English name, this might be a useful resource! In order to make use of this book, it is recommended that instead of working through the book in order, students find the topics that are of most interest to them to study first. After choosing a topic, it is advised that students first brainstorm what they know about the topic first by listing words, phrases, and ideas that they are already familiar with. Then, students can read through the key words and add the new words to a “vocabulary notebook” so that the words can be reviewed in an orderly fashion in the future in order for them to be moved from short-term memory to long-term memory. Students can then preview the dialogues by reading through the key phrases and reading through the main dialogues with a partner. While students might find memorizing some of the key phrases useful, it should be noted that the goal of communicating in another language is to be able to deal with spontaneous speech and not to recite memorized pieces. Therefore, students should focus more on understanding how to use the words in a sentence than on memorizing the dialogues in full. In order to practice spontaneous speech, students might find it useful to come up with their own dialogues, using some of the key words and phrases from each chapter, by either writing new dialogues down on paper or, ideally, by orally producing their own dialogues with another English-speaking student or tutor. Finally, this book can be used in a variety of ways. Independent learners might choose to use this book for self-study purposes. Those who have access to a “language exchange partner” or a private tutor might find it useful to practice the dialogues in their English sessions. Teachers might also find this book to be a useful core textbook, especially those teaching “Conversational English”. Whatever your goal in learning English, the more fun you have with the language, the more likely it is that you will be successful! Hopefully, this book will allow you to have fun-and at the same time, to achieve your English language learning goals. 随书附赠MP3录音光盘。
作者: 谢忠明主编
简介: “谢忠明课堂”讲义是恩波教育四六级辅导讲义的总结与提升;“谢忠明课堂”凝聚了谢忠明领衔的恩波四六级教学专家团队的心血与汗水;以谢忠明领衔的恩波英语研究所潜心研究四六级,找出命题规律,举一反三,让考生轻松进考场,考出理想的高分。 滴水穿石 谢忠明团队成员均为一线辅导老师,“著、述”有机结合,水乳交融,二十年的浸润使团队深谙学生每一项“命门”。所谓“源于真题,高于真题”,高瞻远瞩,举重若轻,书中每一句解析都来自课堂教学的源头活水,正本清源。 自成体系 “谢忠明课堂”自成体系,包含:词汇(基础)、听力(技巧)、阅读(难点)、作文(堡垒)、预测(实战演练)、全真(命题总结)……
English expressions for everyday use
简介: 《实力派上班族英语:生活英语精彩表现词典》涵盖了英语口语和写作的几乎所有的表达方式,包括以下5大板块的内容: 35类功能句型35类功能句型高度概括了英语口语的基本表达技巧,便于你快速掌握,举一反三。 英语的连接词连接词是句与句之间的粘合剂,能让你的表达通顺流畅。《实力派上班族英语:生活英语精彩表现词典》总结了7类连接词,使用要领一目了然。 生活英语300极短句《实力派上班族英语:生活英语精彩表现词典》精选的300个极短句都是老外挂在嘴边的惯用语和口头禅,短小精干,易学易用。 生活情景100主题涵盖100个生活场景,每个主题下集词汇库、实用句型、情景对话于一体。词汇库不仅收集本课词汇,还扩充收录相关词汇,实现词汇手册的功能。 mp3录音全部对话由美籍专家录制,方便读者纠正发音,增进听力,有效提高会话能力。