Get the only official guide to the TOEFL test that comes straight from the test makers!If you're looking for the best, most authoritative guide to the TOEFL Internet-based test, you've found it! The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test is the one and only TOEFL guide specialty created by ETS-the people who actually make the test. It's packed with everything you need to succeed on the TOEFL test and help you get into the college or university of your choice. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the test, tell you precisely how the test is scored-and give you hundreds of authentic test questions to study for practice. That makes this guide your most reliable source for everything you need to know about the TOEFL test.
No other TOEFL guide gives you:
·Everything you need to know about the TOEFL iBT, straight from the test makers
·Hundreds of authentic TOEFL iBT questions and essay topics-sO you can study with the real thing
·In-depth analyses of the multiple-choice Reading and Listening sections,With valuable tips for answering test questions
·Detailed examination of the Speaking and Writing sections, with scoring information,real student responses-and actual raters' comments.
简介: The GRE General Test is changing. If you're taking the test on
or after August 1,
2011, you'll see new question types and a new test-taker friendly
design. Make sure
you have the most accurate preparation available! Turn to the
people who know the
new test best--the GRE test-makers at ETS.
This Official Guide has been created by the ETS team that
actually makes the
test. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the revised
exam and give
you hundreds of authentic test questions for practice! This guide
is packed with
everything you need to succeed on the test--and move forward
toward your
graduate or business degree.
简介: if you're looking for the best,most trustworthy guide to the new toefl ibt,you've found it !the offcial guide to the new toefl ibt is the one and only toefl guide specially created by ets-the people who actually make the test.that mean it's your most reliable source for everything you need to know about the new test.only ets can show you ezactly what to expect on the new internet-based toefl test,tell you precisely how is scorde-and give you hundreds of authentic test questions to study for practice!that's why this guide is your best choice for preaparing for the new toefl test.it's packed with everything you need to succeed on the test-and help you get inot the college or university of your choice!
简介:国际交流英语考试(Test of English for International Communication,缩写TOEIC),中文也称托业考试,是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,缩写ETS)于1979年为国际职业工作环境而设计开发的英语交流能力资格认证。由于托业考试能够对人们使用英语进行交流的能力做出公正客观的测量,所以迅速成为评估商业英语能力的标准。经过ETS研发专家多年来对英语语言以及在真实的国际商业场景中英语交际活动的研究,2007年ETS将推出新托业考试。新托业考试发生了许多重要的变化。在评估商业英语能力上将更加的公正和准确。本书针对新托业考试变化,分析新托业考试特点,指出新题型备考方法和应试技巧,并提供新托业考试模拟试题。本书共分为6个部分,分别为介绍、听力理解练习、阅读理解练习、新托业考试模拟试题、听力文本、新托业练习和模拟试题答案详解。本书包含2套完整的模拟试题,这些试题在命题模式和试卷结构上与新托业考试大纲完全一致。读者可以针对考试的需要,做完每套试题,由此来提高对考试时间的把握能力和有效评估考试的分数。