Great big treasury of Beatrix Potter
作者: (英)比阿特丽克丝•波特(Beatrix Potter)著;张媛媛译
简介: 《彼德免的故事》自1902年诞生以来,受到了全球父母和儿童的喜爱,在英国更是家喻户晓。比阿特丽克斯o波特的故事图文并茂,她亲手绘制的插图色彩淡雅、细腻真实,充满浓郁的自然风情与英国古典风格。在这些经典的系列故事里,虚构而拟人化的动物角色,在作者与读者丰富的想象世界里,展现了一个自然美好的世界。让孩子们懂得忠实友善、纯洁智慧的力量,避免任性、淘气、粗暴、贪婪、愚昧等不良行为。《彼德兔》的永久魅力,不仅在于作者独特的想象与专业的绘画技法,更源于她对自然与儿童强烈的热爱。一个多世纪以来,《彼德免》系列经典故事被译成36种文字,在全球110个国家出版,累计销量过亿册,在世界儿童的心中播撒下永恒的爱与美的种子。 让我们与孩子相依而坐,手捧此书,开始分享这些精彩的故事吧! “很久以前,有一只可爱的小兔子,他的名字叫彼德。。。。”
We are happy to bring this perfect set of gift edition to Chinese parents and children, and take you to the wonderland of Beatrix Potter. It's a classic for any family shelf. Let's Discover Beatrix's most famous character, Peter Rabbit, and meet his family and friends in this great book.
All the stories in this book were written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter. Her passion for the natural world lay behind the creation of her famous tales. A particular source of inspiration was the Lake District where she lived for the last thirty years of her life as a farmer and conservationist.
These classical stories have been translated in 36 languages and published in 110 countries. Peter Rabbit is living in the heart of all the global readers. Let's sit beside our child, with this great book in hands, and begins our bed story:
Once upon a time, there was a rabbit, his name was Peter Rabbit……