作者: 杨海儒 著
出版社:上海三联书店 2015年8月
简介: 杨海儒编著的《国际企业家精神与合法化》介绍:This study aims to explore what is the motivation of international entrepre neurship in the domestic market and how international entrepreneurial firms survive in foreign market. Based on a sample of 212 Chinese international firms, it examines the internationalization of organizational field as an antecedent of international entrepreneurship from a neoinstitutional theory perspective. Exploitative and exploratory learning are considered as conse quences of international entrepreneurship, because firms seek to achieve legitimacy in the host country. The nonlinear relationship between exploit ative and exploratory learning and performance are further tested.Findings suggest that isomorphic pressurefrom the organizational field will cause firms to engagein international entrepreneurial activities.