English and American poetry
作者: 陈才宇[编著]
简介: This bilingual course, consisting of 16 lectures, is designed to im-prove students' knowledge of English and American poetry. In the firstchapter, I give a brief account of poetry ABC, including rules and formsof poetic composition. About 100 famous poems by 51 poets are selected.By reading these poems, students can enjoy the beauty of poetry in origi-nal. My brief introduction to the authors makes up a brief history of Eng-lish and American poetry. The selected poems have been translated intoChinese by myself: by reading the Chinese versions, students can have abetter understanding of English and American poetry and learn a bitabout translation skill.
I have six years' experience of teaching the bilingual course, first inZhejiang University, then in Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences, butI had no intention of publishing the lecture notes at all until my col-leagues encouraged me to print them. Without their encouragement andthe sponsorship from our college, the publication will remain a question,since poetry as a branch of learning is so declining in a highly-commercialized society. I sincerely hope this textbook will stimulatestudents' interest for reading and enjoying English poetry, so as toenhance their cultural quality.