作者: 钱兴坤
出版社:石油工业出版社 2015年11月
钱兴坤、单卫国所*的《亚洲LNG市场展望及价格机制创新(英文版)》Based on analyzing the market fundamentals and pricing mechanism in Asia, specifically in the 5 LNC consuming areas, the report put forward measures to safeguard supply to the Asian LNC Market and reduce Asian Premium. Excess emphasis on supply security and expanding imports will inevitably expose Asian gas buyers to more risks associated with international gas supply and unreasonable higher import price,both of which are the most urgent issues to be resolved jointly by Asian gas buyers.The report put forward a system of "3-D" counter-measures.The first dimension is dealing with gas industrial chain,which is composed of 4 side measures, i.e., supply expansion, demand streamlining, trade flexibility and rational pricing.The second dimension is geological dimension, dealing with both measures within a country and regiorial cooperation.The third dimension is timing for actions, dealing with both short term and long term measures.