作者: 爱德华钱宁 著,张存建 译
出版社:天津人民出版社 2015-6-20
简介:《美国历史(英汉双语版)》是美国哈佛大学著名历史学教授爱德华·钱宁专为美国学生撰写的一本关于美国历史的权威教材,它对此后的美国历史教科书产生了不朽的影响。全书从欧洲人发现美洲开始,重点讲述了1600~1900期间300年的美国历史。作者试图通过《美国历史》“唤起学生对历史的热爱,而不是死记大量轶事”,因为有些轶事没有多大重要性,有的又基于不可靠的资料。《美国历史》全书分15篇,共45章,归纳了485个知识要点,对学生把握全书的脉络与历史线索很有帮助。《美国历史》采用英汉双语形式出版,中文只是作为内容和阅读形式的一种补充,每章之后配有相应的练习题和教师建议。对国内学生来讲,这套书也是一本很好的英语学习读本。配合英文朗读,对提升英语水平一定更有帮助。 The aim of this book is to tell in a simple and concise form thestory of the founding and development of the United States. The study of thehistory of one's own country is a serious matter,and should be entered upon bythe text-book writer, by the teacher, and by the pupil in a serious spirit,evento a greater extent than the study of language or of arithmetic. No effort hasbeen made, therefore,to make out of this text-book a story book. It is atext-book pure and simple, and should be used as a text-book, to be studieddiligently by the pupil and expounded carefully by the teacher.