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简介: Designed as a video-based textbook of ophthalmic surgeries, Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgeries covers the entire spectrum of ocular surgeries, divided into Basic and Advanced editions. Both the Basic and Advanced editions are entirely video-based teaching products with high quality, narrated videos. With 129 videos, Video Atlas of Basic Ophthalmic Surgeries contains nearly 10 hours of state of the art video teaching. Each video is edited in such a way that the viewer can quickly grasp all the relevant information without having to sit through extensive, unedited surgical videos. Each surgical video is accompanied with narration so that the viewer can watch and listen to each step during the surgery and learn by demonstrated example. Some Video Sections and Topics Include: ? Oculoplasty and Orbit o Upper eye lid cyst excision, Quickert suture, Evisceration, and more ? Conjunctiva and Cornea o Gunderson Flap, Corneal Biopsy, Graft Complications, and more ? Refractive Surgery o Aberropia, Intacs with femtosecond, Limbal relaxing incisions, and more ? Cataract and IOL o Gas Forced Infusion, Little rhexis trick, Foldable capsular rings, and more ? Glaucoma o Exploring the Schlemm’s canal, Trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C, Limbus based trabeculectomy, and more ? Pediatric Ophthalmology o Pediatric cataract extraction, Medial rectus recession, Lateral rectus resection, and more ? Retina and Vitreous o Vitrectomy machine choice, Subretinal band removal, Vitreous surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and more Led by Amar Agarwal and joined by associate editor Soosan Jacob and their 170 contributors, this user-friendly video-based textbook is the ideal way to successfully understand and immediately apply the given techniques in a clinical environment. It is a must-have for those specializing in individual fields of ophthalmology; practicing ophthalmologists; students, fellows and residents in ophthalmology; as well as libraries and teaching institutions. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS This DVD can play on a DVD player or through your computer. If you wish to view it on your computer, you will need a DVD drive and DVD software to view, such as InterVideo WinDVD, CyberLink, PowerDVD, Sonic CinePlayer, ATI DVD, etc. This software is commonly preinstalled or provided with any computer that has a DVD drive. ?
Optical and optoelectronic instrumentation
简介: 《光学及光电子学设备与技术》一书详述了近年来先进的光学及光电 子学领域的技术设备。伽戈利编著的《光学及光电子学设备与技术(影印 版)》对各种光电子设备做了深入浅出的论述,附有大量的习题,语法直 观易于阅读。《光学及光电子学设备与技术(影印版)》既可作为光电子 学相关领域专家的重要参考资料,又可作为当前光电子学教学中所需的实 用教材,也可以作为研究人员的参考书,对当前光电子学课程教学能起到 很好的补充作用。
The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses
作者: (美)阿玛尔·毕海德(Amar V. Bhide)著;魏如山,马志英译
简介: 任何一个想要创办或者发展一家企业的人都该阅读这本书。它将严谨的理论分析与对数百家新企业的实地研究和数据很好地结合起来。作为第三代企业家,我发现毕海德准确地捕捉到了企业家在成功过程中所面对的挑战和所采用的自由开放的战略 被我们称作是企业家精神的神秘事物到底是什么?企业家到底做些什么事情,成功需要特殊的品质和技能.还是仅仅需要运气?大型公司可以吸取企业家的创业经验吗?风险资本的作用是什么? 在一个充满奇闻轶事和民间传说的领域,这本里程碑式的著作将十多年的深刻研究与当代商业和经济理论融为一体,为理解企业家精神提供了一个详尽的分析框架,提供了一种崭新而又深刻的研究视角。通过对数百家成功企业的研究,作者发现,典型的企业在创业时无不出身卑微,因陋就简。由风险资本资助的计划完善的企业只是一种例外。诸如比尔·盖茨和萨姆·沃尔顿此类的企业家开始捕捉的机遇规模很小、不确定性很高,他们没有多少资本,几乎不做市场调查,也缺少技术创新。相对于远瞻未来的能力、交易谈判的能力和招募顶级团队的能力而言,应对不确定性和意外情况的能力、面对面的直销能力以及管理二流员工的能力要更为重要。 将一个因陋就简的新兴企业发展成为一家世人瞩目的大型公司必须进行彻底的变革,企业不再采取适应机会市场的“机会主义的调整”策略,而要遵循抱负远大的战略指引。这要求企业家具备一些创业初期并不重要的品质,比如雄心壮志、勇担风险。成熟企业必须以一种管理有序的方式来开展创新活动。英特尔和默克这样的公司会把资源集中起来用于开展大型创新项目,而积极进取的企业家却心有余而力不足。大型创新项目的成功需要仔细地遴选投资方案,谨慎地制定投资计划。而且需要协调的是为数众多的普通员工而不是少数几个自我激励的天才员工。 对于任何梦想开创自己事业的人士,力图发展现有公司的企业家或管理者,以及想要理解这一重要经济现象的学者而言,这本清晰简明的管理学著作都是必读之作。
简介:商品描述《肚皮舞入门教程》邀请到了“肚皮舞超级明星团”中的四位世界顶级的肚皮舞演员和老师为舞蹈爱好者们分解教授肚皮舞的基本动作,这套教程也是首次引进中国并特别加赠了一张肚皮舞音乐CD,并不是每个人都有机会跟随Sonia,Bozenka,Amar Gamal和Saida这样世界顶级的肚皮舞老师学习的,如果舞蹈爱好者们想打下坚实的肚皮舞的动作基础,伴随着美妙的音乐加上这版专业教材将会成为他们学习过程中的必需品。 01 SLIDES 02 CONTRACTIONS 03 CIRCLES 04 UNDULATIONS 05 FIGURE EICHTS 06 HIP DROPS 07 SHIMMIES 08 BASIC TRAVELING STEPS 09 ENGLISH OR SPANISH LANGUAGE OPTION
Constitution and criminal procedure:first principles
作者: (美)阿希尔·里德·阿马(Akhil Reed Amar)著;房保国译
简介:宪法性刑事程序——在不同方向上可以有非常不同的解释。我们的宪法并非所有内容都是关于刑事程序的,刑事程序也非所有内容都应当被宪法化。这种在宪法和刑事程序之间逻辑上的裂隙,在当今法学院中与社会学逻辑上的割裂相匹配,宪法性法律和刑事程序被典型地作为独立的课程,由各自的学者群体来讲授。 无论作为个人或是群体,在我们大部分优秀的宪法学者中,很少有人对于第四、第五和第六修正案进行过广泛的分析。而相反,在美国刑事程序的主要的学术声音中,很少是宽宏大气的宪法研究者发出的。 好的宪法性法律还必须对先例给予关注,但是在这个领域中最高法院的判例法,是非常复杂的,有时是荒谬的,并且经常是矛盾的。问题的部分原因在于,伯格法院和伦奎斯特法院经常没有分享沃伦法院的理念,对于不赞成的判例,习惯性地选择在没有推翻它们的情况下进行区分。在这个策略之后的第二十五年,《美国判例汇编》对于每一个抽象概念,都在相反的方向上充满了突破性言语。 但是,这种两代人之间的紧张仅仅是问题的一部分。 深层的问题在于,最高法院从来没有一致地和明显地发展宪法性刑事程序的理念。 沃伦法院自相矛盾,沃伦之后的法院也是这样。在不同的条款和修正更多>>
Making a Fortune : Learning from the Asian Phenomenon创造财富:从亚洲现象中学习
Asian entrepreneurs and businesses have created wealth faster than the rest of the economy. Asian wealth now creates and sustains more jobs than it has ever done. It stimulates growth in industries and places that would struggle without the engine of entrepreneurship. Asian wealth is diversifying and modernising, it crosses the generational divide. If you want new and old economy wealth, it's in these pages. If you want modern and traditional management practices, they are in this book. If you want a new generation of entrepreneurs and wealth creators, then read on.
"Nobody understands better what makes British Asian entrepreneurs tick.
Spinder provides a fascinating insight into business leaders and the
inspirational stories behind their success." Amar Singh, Evening Standard
"A refreshing and intelligent insight into Asian entrepreneurship in the 21st century" Sathnam Sanghera, The Times
"This is an important book that is being published at just the right time. With immigration a hot topic of conversation and ever-present in political and media circles, this book lays out the contribution of first, second and third generation Asians to the UK in terms of wealth creation, employment and host of other issues. It tells some good stories and has a powerful message for everyone who reads it."
Academic and author Dr. Spinder Dhaliwal is a recognised and leading expert in her field. Spinder has written extensively about the Asian business community and compiles 'Britain's Richest Asians' in Success magazine for Eastern Eye reflecting her long held interest in the field. She wrote the influential study "Silent contributors - Asian Female Entrepreneurs and Women in Business" which highlighted this important, yet often neglected, issue. Her report for Barclays Bank entitled, 'Asian entrepreneurs in the UK" received global attention.
Spinder knows all about the challenges of the Asian entrepreneur from first hand experience. Her parents, who came to the UK from the Punjab in the 1960's, ran a corner shop in which Spinder balanced the demands of a busy family business with high academic achievement
She has been a regular contributor to the Asian media and, in the past few years, has become an increasingly influential figure in more mainstream circles. She was the founder and director of the centre for Asian Entrepreneurial research and is a Board Member of the Institute of Small Business and Enterprise. Spinder is also invited to address audiences as a speaker, is a freelance writer and helps major organisations target and understand the Asian community.
简介: The complete, authoritative DEITEL¨ LIVE-CODE introduction to C++, object-oriented programming (OOP) and object-oriented design (OOD) with the UML? 2 C++ is one of the most popular object-oriented programming languages. This new edition of the world’s most widely used C++ textbook introduces game programming with the Ogre libraries. "An excellent ‘objects first’ coverage of C++ that remains accessible to beginners. The example-driven presentation is enriched by the optional UML case study that contextualizes the material in an ongoing software engineering project."–Gavin Osborne, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology "Introducing the UML to students early on is a great idea."–Raymond Stephenson, Microsoft "Good use of diagrams, especially of the activation call stack and recursive functions."–Amar Raheja, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona "Terrific discussion of pointers—probably the best I have seen."–Anne B. Horton, Lockheed Martin "Great coverage of polymorphism and how the compiler implements polymorphism ‘under the hood.’ I wish I had such a clear presentation of data structures when I was a student."–Ed James-Beckham, Borland "Includes a nice introduction to searching and sorting, and Big-O."–Robert Myers, Florida State University "Ogre is a free world-class rendering engine that has been used in several commercial games. The Ogre chapter is a great introduction, providing well documented and easy to understand examples that will have you creating your own simple computer games in no time! "–Casey Borders (Creator of OgreAL), Sensis Corp. "Getting a new user to the stage of creating a functional and playable Ogre-based computer game in 40 pages is a great achievement."–Steve Streeting (Creator of Ogre), Torus Knot Software Ltd. " The Boost/C++0x chapter will get you up and running quickly with memory management and regular expression libraries, plus whet your appetite for new C++ features being standardized."–Ed Brey, Kohler Co. "Excellent introduction to the Standard Template Library (STL). The best book on C++ programming for the serious student!"–Richard Albright, Goldey-Beacom College "Just when you think you are focused on learning one topic, suddenly you discover you’ve learned more than you expected."–Chad Willwerth, University of Washington, Tacoma "The most thorough C++ treatment of I’ve seen. Replete with real-world case studies covering the full software development lifecycle. Code examples are extraordinary!" –Terrell Hull, Logicalis Integration Solutions C++ How to Program, 6/e, provides a comprehensive coverage of object-oriented programming in C++, including several major integrated case studies: the GradeBook class, the Time class, the Employee class and the optional OOD/UML? 2 ATM System.
简介:《橘儿 Clémentine:巴萨诺瓦咖啡馆 Café de Bossa》专辑收录12首Bossa Nova风格曲目,选取《Caminhos Cruzados交错的道路》、《Sina命运》、《L’ étoile du bonheur(When You Wish Upon a Star) 幸福之星(当你向星星许愿)》等代表作品、60年代开启Bossa nova热潮的经典名作《Garota De Ipanema 来自依帕内玛的女孩》、外加新版本的《Al Anochecer (Alternate Version) 黄昏》,让您在午后的咖啡馆静静品味,爱不释手。 巴萨诺瓦Bossa Nova,是一种融合巴西森巴舞曲和美国酷派爵士的一种"新派爵士乐",承袭choro和samba-cancao的部分特色而又自成一格,乍听简洁轻快。巴萨诺瓦结构复杂;乐器的音阶或和弦转换的行进方式变幻莫测,往往乍听下以为可以掌握旋律的起落和节奏,和弦一转换后即捕足不及。 橘儿的巴萨诺瓦咖啡馆听起来轻松柔和、将巴萨诺瓦的慵懒甜美、浪漫性感发挥得无拘无束,她不仅将Bossa Nova这种融合桑巴与爵士的巴西新音乐演绎得如梦如幻,更借由她那与生俱来的好嗓音和音乐天分浑然天成地展示了来自巴黎的音乐特色。 01 água De Beber 可口的水 02 Caminhos Cruzados 交错的道路 03 Garota De Ipanema 来自依帕内玛的女孩 04 O Barquinho 小船 05 Sandalia Dela 她的凉鞋 06 Sina 命运 07 Al Anochecer (Alternate Version) 黄昏(改变版本) 08 Outra Vez 再一次 09 Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar 我知道我会这样爱你 10 Retrato Em Branco e Preto 黑白照片 11 So Nice (Summer Samba) 真好(夏季桑巴) 12 L’ étoile du bonheur(When You Wish Upon a Star) 幸福之星(当你向星星许愿) 推荐曲目 01 Garota De Ipanema 来自依帕内玛的女孩 02 Sina 命运 03 L’ étoile du bonheur(When You Wish Upon a Star) 幸福之星(当你向星星许愿) 橘儿 来自巴黎的女歌手Clementine(橘儿),从小就在爵士音乐的成长环境中呼吸着随性因子,有着相当随性的性格,唱起歌来,弥漫着忘我一般的即兴风雅。她那微温、微甜的歌声,蕴藏着来自生活中的无限浪漫情怀,予人一份极为享受生活风雅与休闲情趣的味道,这样的歌声,徜徉于爵士、森巴与bossa nova的音乐天地之间,无论是身处湛蓝的海边、街头的咖啡店,还是独坐在家里的客厅中,她的唱作就像是你的心情装潢一般,为你的心情换上恣意的色彩,为你的心情建构一处专属于你的随想空间。 80年代末期,橘儿在热爱爵士乐的老爸所创立的Orange Blue Label厂牌初试啼声,92年开始,橘儿陆续与前Pizzicato Five 灵魂人物小西康阳、融合爵士/放克队伍Incognito的Bluey灌录一系列传统爵士与新潮爵士乐风的专辑。日本各类型厂商纷纷选用橘儿的歌曲作为广告曲,更无形中拓展了她的歌声亲和力。97年起,橘儿一方面持续发表传统爵士演唱专辑,一方面也开始接触bossa nova乐风、巴西音乐,随后更将自己的爵士歌唱风格与bossa nova乐风融合在一起,营造出一种颇适合在咖啡馆聆听的歌唱风格。 橘儿形容为度假音乐大全的“Heure D'ete”(97)、流露咖啡馆听觉气氛的“Couleur Cafe”(99)、洋溢巴西热带风情的“Les Voyages”(2000)、bossa nova乐风大作“Cafe Apres-Midi”(2001)都是橘儿奠定bossa nova/休闲音乐歌唱风格的代表作。2002-04年间,橘儿陆续发行选唱60/70年代流行经典歌曲的专辑《30C》以及揉合了bossa nova与咖啡馆音乐风格的《Cle》、《Soleil》等专辑。
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This volume is the third of the three volumes that collect the Rudolphs' life works over a period of fifty years since their first visit to India in 1956. Volume III comprises four parts: Identity Politics, Interpreting Lives: Gandhi and Amar Singh, Making US Foreign Policy, and Writing as Public Intellectuals. The five essays in the first section, Identity Politics, discuss caste and the politics of identity as a dominant category in the Indian political scenario. In the four essays in the second section, Interpreting Lives: Gandhi and Amar Singh, the Rudolphs address their central concern, that is, the method, validity, and scope of subjective knowledge available from first person narratives such as an autobiography or a diary. In the five essays in the third section, Making US Foreign Policy, the authors address the causes of regional instability in South Asia; how US policy impacts the South Asia region; and the interaction of foreign and domestic politics. The nine essays in the last section, Writing as Public Intellectuals, are distinguished from academic writing and were written to influence thought and opinion in the American public sphere.
简介: many warn that the next stage of globalization--the offshoring of research and develoment to china and india--threatens the foundations of western roserity. but in the venturesome economy, acclaimed business and economics scholar amar bhidé shows how wrong the doomsayers are. using extensive field studies on venture-caital-backed businesses to examine how technology really advances in modern economies, bhidé exlains why know-how develoed abroad enhances--not diminishes--roserity at home, and why trying to maintain the u.s. lead by subsidizing more research or training more scientists will do more harm than good. when breakthrough ideas have no borders, a nation’s caacity to exloit cutting-edge research regardless of where it originates is crucial: "venturesome consumtion"--the willingness and ability of businesses and consumers to effectively use roducts and technologies derived from scientific research--is far more imortant than having a share of such research. in fact, a venturesome economy benefits from an increase in research roduced abroad: the success of ale’s iod, for instance, owes much to technologies develoed in asia and euroe. many layers--entrereneurs, managers, financiers, salesersons, consumers, and not just a few brilliant scientists and engineers--have ket the united states at the forefront of the innovation game. as long as their venturesome sirit remains alive and well, advances abroad need not be feared. read the venturesome economy and learn why--and see how we can kee it that way.
简介:"Illustrative Guide to Cataract Surgery by Dr. Amar Agarwal is a unique book that includes clinical photographs, medical illustrations, and videos to explain the most common techniques and steps in cataract surgery. With more than 700 illustrations ophthalmologists and residents will visually learn the most essential procedures in cataract surgery, photo-by-photo. The content, comprised from leading ophthalmic surgeons, is structured into systematically divided sections such as phaco surgery, microincisional cataract surgery, challenging cases, and complications. It allows for quick reference, without having to search through voluminous books. Each image is supplemented with concise, informative text that helps further explain the techniques. In addition, video instruction is offered through a companion website, with each book purchase. Using the same approach as the book, the website presents videos that match each technique or step in cataract surgery. Just a few of the procedures explained: Vertical chopping Bioxial microincisional cataract surgery Posterior Polar Cataract Iris hooks in small pupil phaco Injectable glued IOL And more With a combination of matching photos and illustrations alongside brief text and website, Illustrative Guide to Cataract Surgery stands apart from traditional books"--Provided by publisher.
作者: Amar
出版社:电子工业出版社 2020年02月