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简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Now in its third edition, Criminal Profilingis established as an industry standard text. It moves evidence-based criminal profiling into a full embrace of the scientific method with respect to examining and interpreting behavioral evidence. If focuses on criminal profiling as an investigative and forensic process, helping to solve crime through an honest understanding of the nature and behavior of the most violent criminals. Throughout the text, the author outlines specific principles and practice standards for Behavioral Evidence Analysis, focusing on the application of theory and method to real cases. Criminal Profiling, Third Edition, is an ideal companion for students and professionals alike, including investigators, forensic scientists, criminologists, mental health professionals, and attorneys. With contributing authors representing law enforcement, academic, mental health, and forensic science communities, it offers a balanced perspective not found in other books on this subject. Readers will use it as a comprehensive reference text, a handbook for evaluating physical evidence, a tool to bring new perspectives to cold cases, and as an aid in preparing for criminal trials. * Best-selling author Brent Turvey defines the deductive profiling method, which focuses on examining the nature and behavior of criminals in order to solve crimes * Contributing authors represent law enforcement, academic, mental health, and forensic science communities for a balanced perspective * Completely revised with 35% new material including updates on the latest advances in evidence-based profiling New to this edition * New cases in every chapter * New chapters in logic and reasoning * New chapter reviewing non-evidence based profiling methods * New chapter on mass homicide * New chapter on terrorist profiling and interviewing Publisher Summary 2 Now in its third edition, Criminal Profilingis established as an industry standard text. It moves evidence-based criminal profiling into a full embrace of the scientific method with respect to examining and interpreting behavioral evidence. If focuses on criminal profiling as an investigative and forensic process, helping to solve crime through an honest understanding of the nature and behavior of the most violent criminals. Throughout the text, the author outlines specific principles and practice standards for Behavioral Evidence Analysis, focusing on the application of theory and method to real cases. Criminal Profiling, Third Edition, is an ideal companion for students and professionals alike, including investigators, forensic scientists, criminologists, mental health professionals, and attorneys. With contributing authors representing law enforcement, academic, mental health, and forensic science communities, it offers a balanced perspective not found in other books on this subject. Readers will use it as a comprehensive reference text, a handbook for evaluating physical evidence, a tool to bring new perspectives to cold cases, and as an aid in preparing for criminal trials. * Best-selling author Brent Turvey defines the deductive profiling method, which focuses on examining the nature and behavior of criminals in order to solve crimes * Contributing authors represent law enforcement, academic, mental health, and forensic science communities for a balanced perspective * Completely revised with 35% new material including updates on the latest advances in evidence-based profiling New to this edition * New cases in every chapter * New chapters in logic and reasoning * New chapter reviewing non-evidence based profiling methods * New chapter on mass homicide * New chapter on terrorist profiling and interviewing
简介: Now available again, Parallel Time is the acclaimed coming-of-age memoir that sees an eminently successful New York Times journalist candidly looking back on his past and addressing questions of loyalty to his family, race, and class. Parallel Time is an evocative memoir that poses universal questions: Where does the family end and the self begin? What do we owe our families, and what do we owe our dreams for ourselves? What part of the past is a gift and what part a shackle? For Brent Staples, there is the added dimension of race: moving from a black world into one largely defined by whites. As the oldest son among nine children, Brent grew up in a small industrial town near Philadelphia. First a scholarship to a local college and then one for graduate study at the University of Chicago pulled him out of the close family circle. While he was away, the industries that supported the town failed, and drug dealing rushed in to fill the economic void. News of arrests and premature deaths among Brent's childhood friends underscored the precariousness of his perch in a world of mostly white achievers. A younger brother became a cocaine dealer and was murdered by one of his "clients." His death propelled Brent into a reconsideration of his childhood and coming-of-age that offers vivid portraits of family and place, of values that supported and pressure that tore apart, of the appeal and pain of entering a predominantly white world, and of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the black world he grew away from.
简介:Now in a thoroughly updated new edition (the first since 1995), Petrology remains the most student-friendly undergraduate level text covering all three major rock groups. As always, the new edition organizes a vast body of literature from its wide-ranging subject, presenting what is essential to geology majors in a way that is accessible and at an appropriate level. The new edition welcomes Brent Owens as the new lead author for the chapters on igneous rocks, complementing Harvey Blatt's role for the sedimentary chapters, and Robert Tracy's for the metamorphic chapters. Petrology, Third Edition Text Art Download All text art is downloadable in a .zip file at http://www.whfreeman.com/college/pdfs/petrology.zip
简介:◎聯合推薦: 前美國國家安全顧問/史考克羅夫 中央研究院政治研究所研究員/吳玉山 政大經濟系教授、立法委員/李紀珠 前美國在台協會台北辦事處處長、前美國駐中國大使/李潔明 亞洲基金會執行長/林添貴 政治大學副校長/林碧炤 海基會董事長/洪奇昌 前外交部長、臺中市長/胡志強 中央研究院政治研究所助研究員/徐斯儉 前國安會副秘書長、中華經濟研究院副院長/張榮豐 中國時報執行副總編輯/郭崇倫 中國台商投資經營協會理事長/陳明璋 前駐南非大使/陸以正 外交部政務次長/楊子葆 台大政治系教授/楊永明 政治評論家/楊照 前美國國防部長/裴利 東吳大學政治系教授/劉必榮 前美國國務卿/歐布萊特 前行政院副院長、前陸委會主委/蔡英文 前外交部部長、國泰慈善基金會董事長/錢復 台灣經濟研究院副院長/龔明鑫 《脆弱的強權》立論獨到之處,就在對美、中大國博奕得出看似弔詭的論斷:中國晉身世界強權,這點已無疑義,但中國卻是個脆弱的強權。中國崛起確實可能帶給許多國家威脅,甚至在軍事上擦槍走火,但原因不全在於中國國力強大所致,而是隨著中國經濟崛起,造成政治弱化,這才是中國「脆弱」之所在。 以經濟力量來說,美中貿易赤字現象表現了中美經濟互賴的格局形成,並反映的是中國改革開放,重新融入世界市場之後,造成東亞經濟結構的轉型和重組所致。日本、臺灣、南韓、新加坡等東亞發展型國家把生產基地轉進中國大陸,生產的產品再以美國為出口市場。所以美對日本、臺灣、南韓、新加坡等國的貿易逆差則是相對遞減,若以「整體區域」而論,貿易逆差變化的幅度並沒有想像中嚴重。 但是,隨著冷戰美蘇「二元」對抗體系崩潰,美國成為唯一的超級強權,這種「單極」結構沒有多元大國作為合縱連橫的轉圜空間,中國的崛起勢必直接衝撞美國的國家和國際利益。 中國追獵原物料和能源所衍生的政治效應,更是催化了這種安全困境。中國為促進經濟發展,維繫中共的統治正當性,必須投入石油能源支撐中國的經濟成長。可是中國本身的石油生產無法自給自足,而仰賴的進口石油有百分之七十來自中東和非洲。這使得中國以經濟援助作為後盾,積極介入傳統上屬於美國等西方國家的勢力範圍,從而牽制美國全球的戰略利益。 中國和美國口中的無賴國家伊朗簽署七百億美元的石油合約,而爆發種族屠殺的蘇丹,更是中國在非洲的第二大石油進口國。同時,為了保護石油運輸航道,中國近來積極拓展海權力量,以求超越胡錦濤口中的「麻六甲困境」。中國在能源上的任何舉措,到最後都會碰觸到美國的全球利益。 在這種安全困境之下,美中任何誤判都有可能引爆不可收拾的軍事衝突,加上中國國力坐大,但是隨著經濟轉型而來的權威弱化,使得風險更加提升。 謝淑麗由此把分析的焦點轉向中國內部政治的制度結構和領導人的權力條件。改革開放後,中共在表面上仍維持壟斷政治權力的局面,不過社會的階級、利益、價值日趨多元,甚至包括利益團體的形成,官僚體系決策的多層化,社會經濟的多元化,這樣的發展勢必造成中國一黨體制本身的變化。 加上江澤民和胡錦濤出身科技官僚世代,沒有毛、鄧的「奇魅」(charisma)特質,也都在接班之後才開始建立軍中人脈,派系網絡的綿密度又不及毛、鄧,六四天安門事件的陰霾揮之不去,江、胡尤須慎防黨的領導階層公開分裂,軍隊的離心離德,大規模的社會動亂。這使得江、胡的決策,處處遷就軍隊、宣傳、安全部門的組織利益,戒慎恐懼,因為深化經改勢必會動搖馬列主義等意識型態原則。 領導人為了鞏固共產黨領導,維護改革開放的社會秩序,只好以民族主義取代馬列主義,作為意識型態的動員力量。而台灣議題無疑是最能展現民族意識、國家統一的符號。 從天安門事件之後,中共訴諸民族主義來建立統治合法性,加上江澤民欲以完成統一作為自己歷史定位的目標,開始加強對台戰備。此時台灣在李登輝主政下,挾著民主轉型以及西方對於天安門事件的反感,找到宣揚台灣主體性的空間。然而,時隨勢轉,胡錦濤記取江澤民的教訓,採取「軟的更軟,硬的更硬」的彈性手腕,加上中國加入WTO之後外資大量進入,中國的發展一日千里。又回過頭來刺激了世界各國的「中國威脅論」情結。 謝淑麗這一路分析下來,中國內有種種因社會劇烈變遷造成的問題,又有可覆可載的強烈民族主義,迫使中國領導人有可能鋌而走險,採取冒進的對外政策,轉移內部矛盾。 從這幾層意義來說,崛起中的中國為國際均勢平添變數,而中國發展所造成的諸多問題,更使得中國充滿罩門,而成為一個脆弱的強權。 「我們此時特別需要以務實的觀點來看待崛起的中國。謝淑麗以局內人的眼光來看中國政治,對驅動中國領導人的因素有紮實的瞭解。《脆弱的強權》是一本重要且必要的書。」 ──前美國國家安全顧問/史考克羅夫(Brent Scowcroft) 「謝淑麗的書點出,中國崛起也對中國領導人提出了極大的挑戰。他們會如何面對挑戰,不僅會影響中國、美國,也會影響整個世界。」 ──前美國國防部長/裴利(William J. Perry) 「對台灣而言,面對日益強大的中國,如何避免衝突;如何維繫主權尊嚴、確保國家安全與經濟發展,雙方的互動是無可迴避的重要課題,台灣本具有先天優勢,應能以更積極自信開放的態度面對,我們需要更全面客觀地了解中國,本書無疑提供了絕佳的參考依據。」 ──海基會董事長/洪奇昌 「出版時機絕佳,此書一出,還在試圖客觀描寫新中國的研究可以不用做了。《脆弱的強權》引人入勝,資料豐富,是一大成就。」 ──前美國國務卿/歐布萊特(Madeleine K. Albright) 「相信大多數在台灣的兩岸及國際關係研究者、決策者及執行者,在閱讀本書時,會不時驚嘆謝淑麗敏銳的觀察能力。這種能力來自於謝淑麗三十餘年浸淫在中國問題的研究及實務處理;謝淑麗將她對於中國在不同時期、不同地方及不同事件中的觀察,作有系統的整理及結構性的思考,並加以檢驗,成功地導出一個重要的結論,也就是本書的書名 ── 「脆弱的強權」。有志於兩岸及國際事務者,不可不讀。」 ──前行政院副院長、前陸委會主委/蔡英文 「中國崛起是目前國際關係、亞太研究的重大議題之一,當然也是主要強國外交政策所要考慮的重要因素。它影響的層面不但涉及國際安全和經濟、地區發展,和個別國家的利益更是息息相關,對於台灣未來的發展尤其重要。《脆弱的強權》提供了一個宏觀、但不同角度的思考,分析深入淺出,把中國大陸的各項問題、展現的成就和自我的調整作了完整的討論,是一本適合研究者和決策者閱讀的專書。對於中國大陸的未來並沒有預言,這項工作應該由每位讀者去判斷。本人非常樂意推薦這一本兼具專業性和通俗性的著作。」 ──政治大學副校長/林碧炤 「謝淑麗犀利點出中國崛起「維持成長並訴諸民族主義」策略、「內外問題轉化交夾」兩難處境,並勇於自承「潛藏美中兩國社會中『敵國圖像』」可能危機,彷彿撥開雲霧,清楚呈現指向台灣的「達摩克里斯之劍」(Sward of Damocles)。」 ──外交部政務次長/楊子葆 「謝淑麗教授於一九七一年以首批美國研究生身份進入中國大陸,三年後取得麻省理工學院政治學哲學博士後,執教於聖地牙哥加州大學。一九九三年起主持「東北亞合作對談」,邀集美、俄、中、日、兩韓六方面的官員與學者作安全對話。柯林頓第二任政府中擔任國務院亞太事務副助卿。她對中國問題理論與實務兼備,本書內容精湛,由各不同界面說明大陸的優項和缺陷。她認為大陸越發展、富庶、其領導人所面對的挑戰越大,的確發人深省。」 ──前外交部部長、國泰慈善基金會董事長/錢復 「本書令人眼界大開,在詳述中國亮麗經濟發展的同時,挖掘了嚴重的內部問題。眼裡只有上海高樓大廈的觀察家信口開河,勾勒出一幅扭曲的圖像,而謝淑麗則提供一劑醒腦的務實看法。」 ──前美國在台協會台北辦事處處長、美國駐中國大使/李潔明 「本書深刻分析過去中國崛起十年的陰影,呈現出中國在經濟成長亮麗數字背後的猶豫決策與內外壓力;但本書並非唱衰中國,反而透過對大量事件與人物的深入剖析,讓我們更為認識中國崛起的挑戰。對於台灣讀者而言,在兩岸關係將要有新展開之際,本書會是重要的參考與借鏡。」 ──台大政治系教授/楊永明 「作者用務實的態度,破解了過去對中國崛起的迷思,點出了中國的恐懼,中國的脆弱,以及美國與中國相處之道。有細部的研究發現,也有大格局的歷史思維。無論研究美中關係,還是研究歷史長河中,大國的崛起與互動,這本書都非常值得一讀。」 ──東吳大學政治系教授/劉必榮 「《脆弱的強權》對中國領導階層的思維邏輯有相當深入的分析,更指出在中國崛起的背後,其實最脆弱或惶惶不安的是中國共產黨的領導階層。而這種脆弱性,可能帶來誤判與戰爭的風險,這才是中國真正威脅之所在。本人曾在一九九○─二○○三年間,擔任李登輝總統及陳水扁總統的國家安全幕僚,閱讀本書有關台灣問題的分析時,即使事過境遷,但仍覺獲益匪淺。台灣各界,不管喜不喜歡中國,尤其是政府官員、在中國投資的企業主,以及學者,我都認為應該深入閱讀《脆弱的強權》。」 ──前國安會副秘書長、中華經濟研究院副院長/張榮豐 「謝淑麗以其與中國領導官員接觸的三十多年經驗,雖不吝正視中國的崛起與強大,但卻也直陳其內部的脆弱與不穩定性,提供了讀者更深刻瞭解中國的視野及觀點。」 ──台灣經濟研究院副院長/龔明鑫 「《脆弱的強權》的觀點揉合了學者的冷靜與外交官的現實,勾勒出一幅貼近真實的中國面貌,為容易陷入兩極的台灣社會提供了一個客觀認識中國的機會! 」 ──中央研究院政治研究所研究員/徐斯儉 ■作者簡介 謝淑麗 作者謝淑麗早在1971年,就以首批美國研究生的身份進入中國大陸,並面見周恩來,回美國之後往學術方面發展,在取得麻省理工學院政治學哲學博士之後,入聖地牙哥加州大學任教。1993年起主持「東北亞合作對談」,邀集美、俄、中、日、兩韓六方面的官員與學者作安全對話。 1997年,謝淑麗被國務卿歐布萊特延攬入柯林頓政府,擔任國務院亞太事務副助卿,掌管美國對中國、台灣、香港、蒙古事務,至2000年卸任。柯林頓發表對台新「三不」,中美軍機擦撞、美國誤炸南斯拉夫中國大使館等危機,都是發生在謝淑麗任職期間。之後謝淑麗再回聖地牙哥加州大學,目前擔任政治學教授,兼全球衝突與合作中心主任。
简介:"An unprecedented look behind the scenes at the "most powerful committee in the history of the world" - the men and women closest to the president of the United States who make America's decisions affecting war and peace, who are the architects of everything from covert operations to market bailouts, from secret negotiations to combating terrorism. Running the World draws back the curtain on this shadowy world and in so doing reveals never-before-known details of the very human interactions that have shaped recent history, the rivalries and petty jealousies, the ambition, the moments of vision and greatness, the drama and the humor that suffuse the everyday events and great moments that marked the six decades since the end of World War II.". "The book is based on 130 exclusive interviews with many of the best-known and the most significant figures to have played a central role in shaping America's national security and foreign policies, including Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Madelaine Albright, Brent Scowcroft, Robert Rubion, Larry Summers, Tony Lake, William Perry, James Woolsey, and scores of others. The importance of the National Security Council, and all the formal, informal, highly visible and secret groups associated with it, has never been clearer than it is today. David Rothkopf depicts with an eye for both personal detail and historical implications the real events from which today's headlines and Tom Clancy novels are drawn - and includes, for the first time, an in-depth look at the inner workings of the Bush administration from many of its most important current and former players."--BOOK JACKET.
简介:The regulation of offshore decommissioning is a complex subject that requires attention in relation to immediate practical problems, as well as more long-term solutions that would address transparency and stability considerations. The defining moment for regulation of offshore decomissioning came in the form of the Brent Spar episode during the 1980s which unveiled an emotive public clash between different stakeholders (including host governments, oil companies, environmental pressure groups, the fishing industry, shipping interests, and the general public) and the possibility of 'regulatory failure'. This meant that external events could in certain extreme circumstances override lawfully sanctioned activities, and therefore that the removal and disposal of disused installations/pipelines would have to be consistent with international environmental standards and values. Sustainable development is the most widely accepted yardstick against which decommissioning regulations should be assessed. Thus, this study on 'sustainable decommissioning' looks forward to the next stage of the unfolding evolutionary process of decommissioning regulations.
作者: (美)琳奈特·布伦特·萨德瓦德(Lynnette Brent Sandvold)著;冯杨译
简介: 《超级科学书》由萨德瓦德所著。 《超级科学书》内容如下: 相信吗?在家里,我们就能制造出太阳系、化石、喷发的火山,还可 以做出会跳舞的意大利面条、会飞的老鹰、自由升降的潜水艇,当然,也 可以观察到植物的汗水、我们的呼吸…… 不可思议吧! 好吧!我们承认这是一部发现科学、了解科学的实验书。它用我们身 边最常见的素材解释说明了几十个科学概念。解释清晰明了,实验简单易 行。会让孩子在有趣的动手实验中发现科学的真相,进而喜欢科学,爱上 科学。 为什么不试着满足下孩子的科学好奇心呢?
作者: (美)霍瑞修·爱尔杰著;刘洋译
简介:SIX GOTHIC TALES selected and condensed by the editors of The Reader's Digest: JAMAICA INN, by Daphne du Maurier MISSION TO MALASPIGA, by Evelyn Anthony MISTRESS OF MELLYN, by Victoria Holt THE HIGH VALLEY, by Jessica North THUNDER HEIGHTS, by Phyllis A. Whitney TREGARON'S DAUGHTER, by Madeleine Brent- If you are a member, please Log In to request it. - Or join the Club and get this book for Free.]" />Post This Book+ ReminderLogin | RegisterISBN-13:9780895770608 ISBN-10:0895770601 Publication Date:1985 Pages:640 Rating: Currently 4.1/5 Stars. 9
简介:Litigating Products Liability Class Actions provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on key strategies for successfully representing clients in products liability class action lawsuits. Featuring partners from some of the nation's leading law firms, these experts guide the reader through the process of collaborating closely with clients to develop a successful litigation strategy. These top lawyers offer their advice on collecting key evidence, choosing and preparing expert witnesses, and determining whether to settle or bring a case to trial. From studying the product and its users to managing the entire discovery process, these authors stress the importance of conducting comprehensive groundwork before fully forming an argument. Additionally, these leaders discuss relevant decisions and upcoming trends impacting products liability class actions. The different niches represented and the breadth of perspectives presented enable readers to get inside some of the great legal minds of today, as these experienced lawyers offer up their thoughts around the keys to success within this ever-evolving area of law. Inside the Minds provides readers with proven business and legal intelligence from leading C-Level executives and lawyers. Each chapter offers thought leadership and expert analysis on an industry, profession, or topic, providing a future-oriented perspective and proven strategies for success. Each author has been selected based on their experience and C-Level standing within the business and legal communities. Chapters Include: 1. Roberta D. Anderson, Partner, K&L Gates LLP, "Utilizing Recent Case Law to Develop Effective Products Liability Class Action Strategies" 2. Wystan Ackerman, Partner and Chair, Class Action Team, Robinson & Cole LLP, "Recent Developments and Anticipated Trends in Defending Products Liability Class Actions" 3. Susan T. Dwyer, Partner and Chair, Product Liability Practice Group, and Ronald J. Levine, Partner and Co-Chair, Litigation Department, Herrick Feinstein LLP, "Products Liability Class Actions: Early Case Assessment" 4. Joseph W. Hovermill, Shareholder, Miles & Stockbridge PC, "Old Tricks for New Dogs: Attacking Class Certification in 'Economic Loss' Products Liability Class Actions" 5. Brent R. Austin, Partner, Wildman Harrold Allen & Dixon LLP, "Consumer Fraud Products Liability Case Theories and Strategies" 6. Mark S. Adams, Partner, Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP, "Developing Class Action Strategies Based on Recent Key Decisions" 7. James Comodeca, Partner and Chair, Products Liability Practice Group, and Gabrielle Hils, Partner and Member, Products Liability Practice Group, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, "CAFA, Wal-Mart v. Dukes, and Other Key Developments in Class Action Litigation" Appendices Include: Appendix A: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes Appendix B: AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion Appendix C: Smith v. Bayer Corporation Appendix D: Recent Trends in Product Liability Class Action Litigation Appendix E: ADR Case Evaluation Worksheet Appendix F: Sample Agreement to Exchange Information and Attempt Settlement Appendix G: CPR Procedure for Resolving Product Liability Claims
简介:State and Local Government: Sustainability in the 21st Centuryexamines the social, economic, institutional, and environmental factors that promote or threaten the sustainability of today's state and local governments. Ideal for students who are approaching the subject for the first time, this accessible and engaging introduction covers all of the essential issues faced by contemporary state and local governments. Representing three generations of teaching and scholarship, authors Christopher A. Simon, Brent S. Steel, and Nicholas P. Lovrich provide students with a broad range of perspectives. They draw on a variety of current materials including their own research, the work of distinguished scholars, and the latest literature in the field. State and Local Governmentalso contains a variety of helpfulpedagogical tools: * "How to Get Involved" boxessuggest various ways that students can follow--and actively participate in--their state and local governments. * Chapter introductionshelp students to identify key concepts right from the start of each selection. * Key Terms and end-of-chapter Study Questionsreinforce chapter material and promote active learning. * Informative imagesprovide students with visual cues for recalling chapter content. Supplements include aCompanion Website (www.oup.com/us/simon)as well as a comprehensiveTest Bankfor instructors. Designed to facilitate and encourage lifelong civic engagement,State and Local Government: Sustainability in the 21st Centuryspeaks directly to today's college students. This is especially important because their generation will determine whether we meet the challenge of sustainability or continue to slide toward irretrievable environmental damage. This timely and provocative volume is ideal for courses in state and local government and can also be used as a supplemental text for courses in public policy, environmental policy, and public administration.
Engaging minds:changing teaching in complex times
作者: Brent Davis,Dennis Sumara,Rebecca Luce-Kapler著;毛齐明译
简介: 本书是教学领域中最新研究成果的总结,它为一线教师的教学实践提供 了切实可行建议。本书主题包括: 认知 ?知识本质的几种看法 ?感知的生物和文化根源 ?常态和发展的建构与解构 ?记忆和知识的本质 学习 ?学习和学习系统的跨学科研究 ?学习观的历史和现状 ?智力和创造性的学习 ?学习技术和人类可能性 教学 ?教学观的历史演变和新观点的兴起 ?全纳教学观和批判教学观 ?重构教学实践 ?教学生活的伦理之维 本书可作为课程与教学、学习论、教育社会学以及人类发展等专业人员 的理想读物,也可作为具体学科教学人员的参考书籍。
简介:"In this book, William W. Newmann examines the way presidents manage their advisory process for national security decision making and the way that process evolves over the course of an administration's term. Three detailed case studies show how the president and his senior advisors managed arms control and nuclear strategy during the first terms of the Carter, Reagan, and G. H. W. Bush presidencies. These studies, enhanced by interviews with key members of the national security teams, including James Baker, Brent Scowcroft, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, reveal significant patterns of structure and adaptation. They provide a window to how decision making in the modern White House really works, at a moment when national security decisions are again at the top of the agenda."--BOOK JACKET.
Sales 2.0:improve business results using innovative sales practices and technology
作者: (美)Anneke Seley,(美)Brent Holloway著;舒文琼,刘江译
简介: 互联网和在线交流等高科技革命改变了人们的沟通方式和购买方法, 但是尚未引起销售战略的变革。销售2.0——一种新的、更好的销售途径, 可以用来确定客户并与之交流;它是一种销售艺术,能够在现今的在线时 代不断更新最佳销售实践,创造可预测、可衡量的销售业绩。 本书解密了正在浮现的销售2.0潮流,提供了可以在组织中使用的框架 ;全面论述了为什么要创新销售,创新销售2.0是什么;讨论了销售2.0的 成功案例及启示;展示了如何根据客户机会来配置销售资源,以实现更好 的销售资源分配和区域覆盖。本书有理、有例、有操作“节奏”,教你如 何去实践销售2.0,回避可能出现的各种偏差,正确运用并不断创新销售 2.0。本书对各类公司的管理者、营销人员有着广泛的指导、参考价值。
简介:"The definition of an owl had always pleased him: a night bird of prey...sharp talons and soft plumage which permits noiseless flight...applied figuratively to a person of nocturnal habits. 'I am The Owl,' he would whisper to himself after he had selected his prey, 'and nighttime is my time.'" Jean Sheridan, a college dean and prominent historian, sets out to her hometown in Cornwall-on- Hudson, New York, to attend the twenty-year reunion of alumni of Stonecroft Academy, where she is to be honored along with six other members of her class. There is, however, something uneasy in the air: one woman in the group about to be feted, Alison Kendall, a beautiful, high-powered Hollywood agent, died just a few days before, drowned in her pool during an early- morning swim, the fifth woman in the class whose life has come to a sudden, mysterious end. Also adding to Jean's sense of unease is a taunting, anonymous fax she has just received, referring to her daughter, Lily, a child she had given up for adoption twenty years ago, the offspring of a romance between her and a West Point cadet killed in an accident a week before graduation. She had always kept the child's existence a secret, so who has found out? And why the implied threat now? Struggling to conceal her fears, Jean arrives at the hotel where the reunion is being held. One by one she sees the other honorees, including Laura Wilcox, the class beauty, whose dazzling exterior belies the fact that her television career is sinking, and the four men who, like Jean, had spent four bitterly unhappy years at Stonecroft: Carter (formerly Howie) Stewart, an acerbic and successful playwright, once the class nerd; renowned child psychiatrist and talk-show celebrity Mark Fleischman, who has never been able to resolve the pain of his own adolescence; Gordon Amory, a media mogul, hardly recognizable as the awkward boy who was the butt of cruel jokes; Robby Brent, a popular comedian, whose caustic humor emanates from a childhood of rejection. Omnipresent is an old classmate, Jack Emerson, the chairman of the reunion, whose reasons for spearheading the event may be motivated by something other than class spirit. At the award dinner, Jean is introduced to Sam Deegan, a detective obsessed for years by the unsolved murder of a young woman in Cornwall, who may also hold the key to the identity of the Stonecroft killer and the source of the anonymous threat to her child. She does not suspect that among the distinguished people she is greeting is The Owl, a murderer nearing the countdown on his mission of vengeance against the Stonecroft women who had mocked and humiliated him, with Jean his final intended victim. In Nighttime Is My Time, Mary Higgins Clark creates a riveting novel of psychological suspense, penetrating behind the pervading faa虈de of status and respectability to depict the mind of a killer.
Writing CGL Applications with Perl
作者: (美)Kevin Meltzer,(美)Brent Michalski著;eTranslation工作室译
简介:《用Perl开发CGI应用程序》通过大量示例全面讲述如何使用Perl开发CGI应用程序,主要内容包括:表单和文件处理、Cookie、跟踪点击和使用计数器、使用mod_perl Apache模块、连接POP3服务器接收E-mail、数据库交互处理、用HTML::Mason将Perl嵌入HTML、通过Web进行远程文件管理、创建动态图像以及XML。书中对示例代码进行了逐行解释,在每章的最后还给出了相应的练习,以便加深读者对所学知识的理解,掌握实际的编程技巧。 《用Perl开发CGI应用程序》适合于使用Perl编写CGI应用程序的初学者,书中提供的一些特殊工具和编程技巧,对于具有一定Perl编程经验的读者也能从中获益。
作者: Stilianos E. Kountakis,Brent A. Senior,Wolfgang Draf主编;余洪猛,赵长青主译
简介: 额窦疾病的诊疗可能一直是耳鼻咽喉科医生在技术上最具挑战性的课 题之一。错综复杂的解剖,加上狭窄的孔隙与相关的锐角操作径路导致了 其他鼻窦手术所遭遇不到的复杂性。本书内容详尽,由30多位世界一流的 鼻科学家参与撰写,将有助于阐明这一难题。详细讨论各种额窦疾病的解 剖、病理生理,为深入阐述内外科治疗的章节提供了知识背景。对于包括 传统的开放径路和显微镜径路以及最新的内镜径路在内的多种外科径路, 都在书中进行了讨论。本书图文并茂,为鼻科医生处理额窦疾病所必备。
简介:An Accessible and Systematic Stock Screening Method to Improve Profits Praise for SCREENING the MARKET "Marc Gerstein turns the chancy art of picking stocks into a screen-based science. Next time someone tells you to do your stock market homework, tell them you read this book." -Thom Calandra, Editor in Chief, CBS.MarketWatch.com "Many times on my radio show my listeners ask what they can read to help them with their investing. Marc has hit the nail on the head with his four-step method to find, analyze, buy, and, the hardest part for many investors, when to sell stocks. I will now recommend Screening the Market as a must-read for all investors, beginning to advanced." -Brent Wilsey, Host of Smart Investing, KFMB AM 760 San Diego, California "A must-read for investors looking to dissect the stock market and find winning stocks. Gerstein simplifies the seemingly complex process of screening stocks, a key tool of the pros, to make it accessible for all investors." -Matt Krantz, Reporter, USA Today
简介:Trust is an important factor in risk management, affecting judgements of risk and benefit, technology acceptance and other forms of cooperation. In this book the world's leading risk researchers explore all aspects of trust as it relates to risk management and communication. Drawing on a wide variety of disciplinary approaches and empirical case studies (on topics such as mobile phone technology, well-known food accidents and crises, wetland management, smallpox vaccination, cooperative risk management of US forests and the disposal of the Brent Spar oil drilling platform), this is the most thorough and up-to-date examination of trust in all its forms and complexities.The book integrates diverse research traditions and provides new insights into the phenomenon of trust. Factors that lead to the establishment and erosion of trust are identified. Insightful analyses are provided for researchers and students of environmental and social science and professionals engaged in risk management and communication in both public and private sectors.Related titlesThe Tolerability of Risk (2007) 978-1-84407-398-6
简介:Trust is an important factor in risk management, affecting judgements of risk and benefit, technology acceptance and other forms of cooperation. In this book the world "s leading risk researchers explore all aspects of trust as it relates to risk management and communication. The authors draw on a wide variety of disciplinary approaches and empirical case studies on topics such as mobile phone technology, well-known food accidents and crises, wetland management, smallpox vaccination, cooperative risk management of US forests and the disposal of the Brent Spar oil drilling platform. The book integrates diverse research traditions and provides new insights into the phenomenon of trust, including the factors that lead to the establishment and erosion of trust. Insightful analyses are provided for researchers and students of environmental and social science and professionals engaged in risk management and communication in both public and private sectors.
Tourism research methods:integrating theory with practice
作者: (澳)B. W. 里切(Brent W. Ritchie),(英)P. 伯恩斯(Peter Burns),(英)C. 帕尔默(Catherine Palmer)主编;吴必虎,于海波等译校
Competitive destination:a sustainable tourism perspective
Universal principles of successful trading:essential knowledge for all traders in all markets