Algorithmic number theory : lattices, number fields, curves and cryptography /
作者: edited by J.P. Buhler, P. Stevenhagen.
简介:The advent of computers and especially sophisticated algorithms has gradually led to the emergence of algorithmic and number theory as a distinct field, after centuries of their submergence into other disciplines. Reflecting the wide used algorithmic and number theory in computer science, cryptography, and medicine, these 20 survey articles cover such topics as the Pell equation, basic algorithms and number theory, the quadratic sieve, primary testing algorithms, lattices, elliptic curves, number theory as an element of computational theory (and beyond), discrete logarithms, the effects of the number field sieve on discreet logarithms, finite fields, reducing the lattice basis to examine univariate polynomials, computing Arakelov class groups, computational class field theory, the algorithm theory of zeta functions over finite fields, congruent number problems and their variants, and an introduction to computing modular forms using modular symbols. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (