简介:Grade 2-5 Cole and Degen have struck at the core once again to produce an exciting,attractive,and informative science book for young readers。Children who entered Ms。Frizzle’s classroom in The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks (Scholastic,1986),are in for another exhuberant,intriguing field trip。This time, it’s to the center of the earth。Surprises abound through each strata down to the very inner core where it is hot,hot,hot。The class collects rock samples before the bus is expelled from the earth’s core in a volcanic eruption。Illustrations are in watercolor cartoon format and attendant “balloons” contain pertinent information or students’humorous asides。There are also pages from students’reports on rocks。A tongue-in-cheek section at the end discusses the real and fantasy aspects of the book。Containing uncluttered text and illustrations, it is an anticipatory page-turner full of exciting adventure from school yard to volcano and back。Mary Lou Budd, Milford South Elementary School。
简介: The field trip to the planetarium is foiled when the museumturns out to be closed, but Ms. Frizzle saves the day. The MagicSchool Bus turns into a spaceship and takes the class on a tripzooming through the atmosphere, to the Moon, and beyond! Withup-to-date facts about the solar system, revised for thisedition. 弗瑞丝小姐班上的学生个个兴高采烈,因为他们要去参观天文馆。谁知竟然休馆!幸好,神奇的老师有办法挽救这一切。样车变成了一艘太空船,直接穿越了大气层,载着弗瑞丝小姐和班上的同学冲向月球和更远的外太空!对弗瑞丝小姐来说,这虽然只是踩上油门踏板一小步,对神奇校车迷来说,却是扩大想像力的一大步——跟随着神奇校车飞入太空,展开前所未有、最棒的太阳系探索之旅!
简介:The class is learning about nocturnal animals-creatures of the night. But Ralphie decides Ms. Frizzle is a vampire, and he's driving the rest of the class batty. That's when the Magic School Bus grows wings and flies into an old caste full of bats. If they hang around for a while, will the kids find out the truth about Ms. Frizzle? From an episode of the animated TV series produced by Scholastic Entertainment Inc. Based on The Magic School Bus books written by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degen.