Your Favorite Seuss: A Bakers Dozen by the One and Only Dr. Seuss [Hardcover] 你最爱的苏斯博士 ISBN9780375810619
作者: Dr. Seuss (苏斯博士) 著
出版社:Random House US 2004-10-1
简介: From his very first book to his very last book, here in onebig volume are 13 classic Dr. Seuss stories, everyone's favorites.All of the words and virtually all of the illustrations areincluded. Each story is prefaced by a short essay by someone whoselife was changed by Dr. Seuss or who is simply an unabashedadmirer. Also included are photographs of Dr. Seuss, memorabilia,and original sketches from his books. The stories included are: Andto Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, Horton Hears a Who!,McElligot's Pool, If I Ran the Zoo, Happy Birthday to You!, Dr.Seuss's Sleep Book, Yertle the Turtle, The Cat in the Hat, How theGrinch Stole Christmas!, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax, TheSneetches, and Oh, the Places You'll Go! Theodor Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) was born March 2, 1904, anddied September 25, 1991. With introductory essays to each story by: Barbara Bader, Author and Critic Stan and Jan Berenstain, Creators of The Berenstain Bears Audrey Geisel, Widow of Dr. Seuss Peter Glassman, Children's Bookseller Starr LaTronica, Children's Librarian John Lithgow, Actor and Children's Book Author Barbara Mason, Kindergarten Teacher Richard H. Minear, Author of Dr. Seuss Goes to War Christopher Paolini, Author of Eragon Charles D. Cohen, Author of The Seuss, the Whole Seuss, andNothing but the Seuss Pete Seeger, Folksinger Christopher Cerf, TV Writer, Composer, and Producer Lane Smith, Children's Book Illustator