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Li Lanqing’s essays on music,the classical music of europe
光盘作者: [李岚清著]
简介: 本书是一本音乐普及读物,也是一部关于音乐与人生、音乐与工作、音乐与教育的交响诗般的著作,图文并茂,集艺术性、教育性和思想性于一体。全书包含音乐家传略、作者札记、作品选介及音乐常识与名词解释四部分,仿佛是一首如歌的行板,以亲切朴素的叙述方式,通俗易懂的语言,通过陈述50位欧洲经典音乐大师的心路历程,展示了欧洲经典音乐三百余年的历史。尤为可贵的是,李岚清同志从非专业音乐工作者的角度,将自己几十年来对欧洲经典音乐的爱好与理解,以及音乐给人生的启悟都凝练于文字中,为我们打开崭新的视野:音乐给人以直击心灵的力量,让我们的生活更有情趣、思维更有创意、工作更有效率、领导更有艺术、人生更加丰厚。 书中配有近100幅由中央美术学院教授亲笔绘画的音乐家肖像图,不仅具有很高的欣赏价值,而且使全书更为丰富生动,增加读者的阅读兴趣。书中还附有音乐欣赏光盘(DVD)一张,选收部分音乐家的经典作品或乐曲的选段,并请有关专家介绍如何欣赏。它们将辅助读者更好地认识音乐、理解音乐、读懂音乐,进一步加深对音乐的感悟。本书从文字斟酌到章节编排,从插图选编到光盘乐曲的挑选,都充分体现了李岚清同志的独具匠心和对普及、推广经典音乐的殷切期望。
作者: 露西·M·蒙哥马利
简介:Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.Written for all ages, it has been considered a children’s novel since themid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an11-yearold orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert,a middleaged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them ontheir farm in Prince Edward Island. The novel recounts how Anne makes her waywith the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town.The original book is taught to students around the world. It has beenadapted as film, made-for-television movies, and animated live-actiontelevision series. Plays and musicals have also been created, with productionsannually in Canada since 1964 of the first musical production, which has touredin Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan.Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 millioncopies and has been translated into 20 languages.《绿山墙的安妮》是一部甜蜜的描写儿童生活的小说,是一本感动家长、老师和孩子的心灵读本。作者的语言清新自然,笔触生动幽默,以细腻的笔触来描写主人公内心深处的情感变化,故事情节一波三折,引人入胜。马修和马瑞拉兄妹对安妮发自肺腑的疼爱和无私的付出,感人至深,而安妮纯真善良、热爱生活、坚强乐观的形象更让人掩卷难忘。高度评价这部小说,称“安妮是继不朽的之后最令人感动和喜爱的形象”。由于本书的世界性影响,每年都有数以万计的各国游客慕名前往加拿大爱德华王子岛探访小说主人公生活的足迹。这部加拿大儿童文学名著自1908年问世以来,已被译成数100多种文字,在全球销售达几千万册,并在加、美、英、法、德等国相继被搬上银幕或拍成电视剧,风靡欧美。
Heinz Guderian:The Blitz Wizard Sweep Through Europe
简介:古德里安是德国陆军一级上将,内粹德国“闪击战”忠实的执行者,深受世人推崇的坦克装甲兵之父。他指挥部队,所向披靡:击败波兰,铁蹄踏碎法兰西,创造了令世界震惊的战绩,他具有敏锐的洞察力,往往让对手措手不及;他擅长捕捉战机,令敌手无喘息余地。他学得希特勒赏识,并为部下所拥戴,甘心为其赴汤蹈火。 本书主要围绕古德里安在装甲部队的建立与发展应用上,对其一生进行描述,力求翔实地介绍他一生的经历。虽然他在军事上的作为、思想可以人为效仿学习,但是对其助纣为虐的行为,希望读者引以为戒。
Asia link:interpreting Asia interpreting Europe
光盘作者: Jack Lonergan[主编];肖晓燕,杨柳燕译注
简介:《走进口译——欧盟亚欧口译项目多媒体教学资料》(附DVD)是欧盟“亚洲联系项目”(Asia-Link Programme)全额资助的“亚欧口译培训合作项目”(Interpreting Asia Interpreing Europe)的成果体现。 亚洲口译培训合作项目旨在通过培养优秀的口译教学人才促进亚洲和欧洲的经济、文化和政治交流。作为合作成果之一,项目参与方共同推出了欧盟亚欧口译DVD。厦门大学口译教研小组作为项目的重要参与方以及在口译训练方面最有经验的合作伙伴,为DVD的构思和制作做出了重要的贡献。口译考研小组奉献了自己在口译培训方面多年积累的智慧和心血,并进行了大量的真实口译场景和专家讲话的拍摄工作。 以欧盟亚欧口译DVD为基础的《走进口译——欧盟亚欧口译项目多媒体教学资料》利用了最新的口译研究成果和多国合作的优势,融合了口译培训的精粹,形式生动活泼,场景风趣幽默,讲解深入浅出,是不可多得的口译教学资源。
Hitchhiker’s guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server:best practice architectures and examples
光盘作者: (美)William R. Vaughn,(美)Peter Blackburn著;沈洁,杨华译
简介:《Visual Studio与SQL Server开发指南:最优架构与实例(第7版)》主要内容:Hitchhiker’s Guide系列丛书有哪些特别之处?也许了解一点过往情况有助于弄清这个问题。在20世纪80年代,我为Microsoft University(MSU)工作,主要工作内容是编撰培训材料和进行培训授课。不过,当时的技术主题(例如,OS/2和Quick Basic)现在已经过时了。当Microsoft与Sybase合作开发针对OS/2的SQL Server时,MSU和我被雇来为开发人员建立培训课程,内容包括:关系数据库设计、TSQL编程、DBLibrary编程以及其他相关主题。我负责管理并指导培训者。该课程持续了差不多5年时间——每周授课3-5天,每月授课三周。在这一过程中,所有人都对SQL Server有了更全面的了解和实践。 当MSU结束之后,我编写了首本Hitchhiker’s Guide: Hitchhiker’s Guide to VBSQL。这《Visual Studio与SQL Server开发指南——最优架构与实例》的标题与Douglas Adam的书毫无关系—— 他的书带有向导性质(与Europe on $5 a Day类似),主要针对利用Visual Basic开发SQL Server前端应用的人员。首本Hitchhiker’s Guide也帮助我获得了在Visual Basic文档小组担任创作者的工作机会。该书的第一版并没有对Visual Basic(1.0)、DBLibrary、SQL Server以及它们之间的内部关联机制作详细介绍。很多提示和技术来自我所编写的培训教材以及与SQL Server开发人员、MSU学生的交流。虽然《Visual Studio与SQL Server开发指南——最优架构与实例》包含相当多的技术内容,但我试图通过某些使用得并不恰当的例子将相对枯燥的主题变得幽默易懂。第1版Hitchhiker’s Guide交由Microsoft Press出版,但是Microsoft Press更希望出版与Power Builder有关的书,而不是出版与DBMS(例如SQL Server)有关的书。这种想法实在很奇怪。因此,我自费出版了前三版Hitchhiker’s Guide。这些书在美国的销量非常不错,并且行销海外。我曾将这些书的版权卖给一位香港的朋友,他使这些书在中国也有了很好的销量。遗憾的是,我从版权中并没有获得任何回报。 每个版本的Hitchhiker’s Guide都在上一版的基础上有所发展。随着Visual Basic及SQL Server的发展与成熟,我对它们的理解也在不断扩展。每本Hitchhiker’s Guide都关注于当前最新的Visual Basic与SQL Server的接口与功能,同时,每本Hitchhiker’s Guide也对ODBC、DAO、ODBC Direct及ADO接口作出了明确定义,并说明了利用Visual Basic工具访问这些数据接口的方法。我很喜欢思考这些书是否真正将Microsoft及数据访问小组的注意力转移到使用者所面临的实际问题上。这些使用者包括我的学生、顾客以及经常保持联系的读者。我会把针对公共问题的新方法放在下一版丛书中。这么多年以来,我用很多时间与开发人员团体进行交流,这些交流方式包括会议、新闻组以及培训课程。如果某位读者遇见我并针对数据访问提出了更好的解决方法,那么这个方法很可能会出现在Hitchhiker’s Guide丛书中。 最终,Hitchhiker’s Guide丛书前三版的畅销使得Microsoft Press提出出版第4版的要求。当和出版社达成共识(由我负责所有版本的控制)之后,我同意了Microsoft Press的出版要求。在接下来的几年中,Microsoft Press出版了更新后的第5版和第6版。这些书都至少被翻译成8种语言,包括日语、西班牙语、法语、德语、匈牙利语、意大利语、韩语以及中文。
简介: "The number one agenda item for leadership development is Global leadership and doing business effectively in the different regions of the world. These skills are absolutely critical for business success, and this book articulates clearly how leaders need to navigate around the world to foster long-term relationships and to build successful global businesses. This timely 7th edition will be one of our most valued resources for guiding executive and leadership development worldwide." --James K. O'Hern, Director of Leadership Development, Honeywell "My students (some experienced, international managers among them) have found this book useful in the past. However, as the authors point out, even cultural differences and our reactions to them are changing, so I am delighted to see this new edition, bang up to date with references to the impact of the war in Iraq and the use of the latest commuications technology on cross-cultural understanding. The book reviews some of the more important studies and theories about cross-culture and almost every aspect of our working lives from organisational change through diversity to work life balance. The authors show how cultural issues can impact some of our received management wisdom and they offer some good, solid practical advice in each chapter on what this means for the international manager, leader and negotiator. In the second part of the book the authors explore specific regions, country by country. All in all, this is one of the most complete books about management in the modern global world. The cross-cultural dimension of the book makes it a must-read for any young or experienced manager working internationally out of corporate headquarters or working full time overseas." -- Christopher Howard-Williams, International consultant and executive education provider "Moran has done it again. As we grow globally, Managing Cultural Differences, 7th Edition should be used as a business solution to navigate the international roadmaps. This insight to understanding culture and business will add profits to any organization understanding the managing of cross cultural differences." Michael H. Johnson, Senior Vice President, Penson Financial Services, Inc. "The authors apply proven frameworks for understanding the dimensions of culture to the current global business arena. Experienced practitioners and novices alike will find take-aways that enhance their leadership and communication skills. The authors clearly articulate the value of understanding multiple perspectives, taking the book beyond the realm of a text. As a result, it is an indispensable tool for all of us who live and work in today's geo-political environment." -- Frank R. Lloyd, Ph. D., Associate Dean, Executive Education, SMU Cox School of Business "This is a very special book and one that has significantly improved from edition to edition even though it was very good to start with. It is essentially about global leadership and it intends to increase the effectiveness of international business leaders in unfamiliar international contexts by providing much of the necessary background familiarity. While most comparative management texts focus mainly on cultural differences, this book is special because it offers historical backgrounds and sociopolitical contexts that are usually ignored. These are helpful contexts for understanding how someone from a different national culture contexts him/herself. The span of the historical contexts offered is quite amazing. The Korean section begins with Korean prehistory, and the Chinese section is also all encompassing. The real value of this book is that it is intended to be practical and useful. The information is intended to help managers in international business situations helpful tips to avoid culture based blunders that would wreck negotiations before they even begin; tactics for avoiding or dealing with conflicts or disagreements in culturally appropriate ways; and strategies for negotiating effectively - both in general and in the specific international contexts that managers could face in their international business careers. The emphasis is on strategies and tactics for effective communication, relation-ship building, and negotiating in culturally sensitive ways. What is truly amazing is the scope achieved in this book. The authors have managed to offer high value insights for virtually every nation and region in which one could imagine that business could be conducted. This is a major reference work that could usefully be on any international manager's bookshelf. Not only are the obvious destinations - Europe, North America, Japan, China, India - covered, but there are useful sections on the Middle East, Latin America and even Africa that would be hard to find anywhere else. And all of this is in a single book, easy to carry, comprehensive and updated right to the present. I cannot think of another book that achieves this purpose with such economy and practicality. I would certainly recommend the book as a text for students, but it is also a book that an international manager might consider carrying in his suitcase when s/he travels to Asia and may find him/herself doing business with a variety of individuals from different countries over the course of a single road trip. As an East Asia expert, very familiar with conditions in China, Japan and Korea, I am confident that these sections are very current and very helpful. Having used this book myself a number of years ago, I can also say without reservation that this edition should replace previous ones on a manager's bookshelf. It is a lovely book filled with potential usefulness. Following its recommendations could help build a relationship and make a sale that might otherwise be lost." -- Neil Remington Abramson; Associate Professor of Strategy; Segal Graduate School of Business Administration; Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, Canada
Europe Yearbook.Vol.9(2004~2005)
光盘作者: 周弘主编;中国社会科学院欧洲研究所,中国欧洲学会[编]
Annual report on the development of Russia, East Europe and Central Asia.2008
光盘作者: 邢广程主编
简介: 就俄罗斯东欧中亚国家的发展而言,2007年既是相对平稳的一年,也是暗流涌动的一年。种种迹象表明,俄罗斯外交正在转向强硬,一场凭借能源优势对抗西方技术优势的长期博弈似乎已悄然拉开了帷幕。 俄罗斯东欧中亚地区2007年的发展呈现以下特点:(1)经济快速、平稳发展,旧的问题有所缓解,但通胀反弹成为新问题;(2)政局尚不稳定,一批国家出现政治危机;(3)地区内部分合有度,各方都在积蓄力量,但矛盾爆发为期不远;(4)“科索沃问题”升级,东欧反导基地问题成为焦点;(5)俄罗斯加大抗争力度,以期改变对其不利的军事政治格局。 俄罗斯东欧中亚地区原是苏联势力范围。时至今日;俄罗斯与西方的关系仍然决定着独联体地区形势的走向,并影响着中东欧地区形势的发展。俄罗斯对西方政策的调整基于以下几个因素:首先,世界大国的定位是俄罗斯外交的动力源;其次,俄罗斯对于世界形势有了新的判断;第三,俄罗斯自身实力增强,并看好今后的发展;第四,俄罗斯对外部环境的要求有所降低。 从根本上讲,俄罗斯国际地位的提升主要靠能源——过去八年间其综合国力的提高依赖能源,能源成为其对外活动最有力也是最有效的武器,其未来的发展也以“高油价时代的到来”为前提。俄罗斯对西方政策转向强硬,从物质基础的角度讲,就是凭借能源优势对抗西方的技术优势。 对俄罗斯经济发展的最大挑战是如何实现从资源依赖型经济向创新型经济的转变。“赶超经济”仍是俄罗斯人对本国经济的定位,具体目标就是到2020年进入世界经济前五强,并在此过程中完成向创新型经济的转变。 俄罗斯发展模式开创于普京执政时期,并将随着普京继续活跃在俄罗斯政治舞台而延续下去。在国家的作用下,集中资源于发展的主要方向,确也可能推动国家战略目标的实现,或许能够达到“赶超”之目的。 总之,俄罗斯与西方的斗争不仅是能源优势与技术优势的对抗,同时也是俄罗斯发展模式与西方发展模式间的竞争。
简介:Like no book before it,Preachers of Hateuncovers an ancient hatred that threatens the life and livelihood of every American. The “new” anti-Semitism targets not only Jews, but Americans specifically and the West in general. It targets our values, our lifestyle, and our freedoms. It is the single most important issue we face ... more 粀hen trying to make sense of the Arab world. Most Americans will be stunned to discover the depth and extent of anti-Semitic hatred in today’s Middle East and Europe, and that many Muslim leaders are not just encouraging it, but spending a great deal of money to spread the lies that spawned the terrorists responsible for the September 11 attack on America. In Preachers of Hate, bestselling author Kenneth R. Timmerman (who is not Jewish) contends that, besides Islam itself, the core unifying force in the Muslim world is a virulent strain of anti-Semitism that postulates the existence of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. From the pulpits of fiery Muslim clerics to the Arab street, and to the highest reaches of government and state-sponsored media, there is a belief that this thousand-year-old conspiracy has already taken hold in America and is now, especially after the war in Iraq, about to do the same in the Middle East and beyond. It is seen as no less than Muslims’ historical destiny to prevent such a takeover, and to do so by any means possible. To misunderstand the ferocity of that belief is to vastly underestimate the resolve of many Muslims to repel America, Israel, and all things Western. Timmerman explores the roots of this hatred, examining its history, the religious sources upon which it draws, and how it is being transmitted to young people growing up in Arab societies by their leaders, their teachers, and their mosques. He documents how U.S. and European Union money has been used to finance hatred in Palestinian schools. He exposes the double-talk of Arab leaders and their supporters in the West. As it so often was throughout history, this new strain of Jew hatred is really about much more than Jews. They get attacked first, when the enemies of America can’t attack Americans. However, what begins with the Jews never ends with the Jews. “Is there a conspiracy between America and the Jews?” asks Timmerman. “Indeed there is: A common heritage, a dedication to improving the human condition through compassion and tolerance of differences—a conspiracy of freedom. And that is why they hate us.” As with the Jews throughout history, America has been “unfairly successful.” As have the Jews, Americans have “profited” from the misery and poverty of others. If you hate Jews, you must also hate America. Such is the simple logic of the anti-Semite. Such, increasingly, is the logic of the Middle East. It is a message that is reinforced day in and day out by the official government-sanctioned Arab media, from the streets of Egypt, London, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Paris, and Gaza, and in the mosques where impassioned clerics quote verbatim texts like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a pillar of anti-Semitic hatred that originated in czarist Russia. As America reasserts her role in the Middle East and attempts to bring peace between Jews and Arabs, Preachers of Hateis an essential book that reframes a very complicated issue as a matter of life and death. From the Hardcover edition. ?less
Annual report on the development of Russia, East Europe and Central Asia.2009
光盘作者: 邢广程主编
简介: 2008年是俄罗斯、中东欧和中亚地区很不平常的一年。俄罗斯总统选 举、科索沃独立事件、俄格战争、俄美关系紧张、国际金融危机蔓延以及 年底俄乌“斗气”等,所有这些都使上述地区的形势出现了不同于以往的 变化。 普京不谋求连任第三任总统,俄罗斯的最高权力更替沿着宪法所规定 的轨道得以完成。“梅普组合”是俄罗斯奇特的权力配置。此种最高政治 权力的组合在俄罗斯历史上实属罕见。 俄格冲突虽然发生在欧亚大陆的腹地,但该事件本身却具有世界性的 战略意义。它带给我们很多值得思考的问题。 发源于美国的国际金融危机对俄罗斯、中东欧和中亚地区产生了很大 的影响,这些地区的经济发展速度已明显放缓。与国际金融体系联系密切 的国家受影响比较严重,如俄罗斯和匈牙利,而乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯 坦等国家则受金融危机影响不是十分严重。 观察原苏联和东欧地区的局势,离不开历史因素。时至今日,苏联解 体所带来的一系列连锁反应依然没有完结。
Cambridge BEC vantage 4 self-study pack
光盘作者: 剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部编著
简介:《剑桥BEC真题集(第4辑·中级)》内容简介:CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL PUBLISHER OF EXAMINATION PAPERS FROMCAMBRIDGE ESOL - AN ESSENTIAL PART OF ANY STUDENT'S EXAM PREPARATION.This 4th collection of examination papers for the BEC Preliminary provides all the exam practice you need. It contains: four official examination papers that provide authentic exam practice a helpful overview of the BEC Preliminary exam to familiarise you with its format photocopiable answer sheets so you can practise transferring your answers answer keys and recording scripts making it ideal for self-study. An audio CD containing the recorded material for the Listening paper is also available.The Cambridge BEC Preliminary examination correspondsto Council of Europe Level B2 (ALTE Level 3).
Cambridge BEC higher 4 with audio CD and answers
光盘作者: 剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部编著
简介:《剑桥BEC真题集(第4辑·高级)》内容简介:CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL PUBLISHER OF EXAMINATION PAPERS FROMCAMBRIDGE ESOL - AN ESSENTIAL PART OF ANY STUDENT'S EXAM PREPARATION.This 4th collection of examination papers for the BEC Preliminary provides all the exam practice you need. It contains: four official examination papers that provide authentic exam practice a helpful overview of the BEC Preliminary exam to familiarise you with its format photocopiable answer sheets so you can practise transferring your answers answer keys and recording scripts making it ideal for self-study. An audio CD containing the recorded material for the Listening paper is also available.The Cambridge BEC Preliminary examination correspondsto Council of Europe Level C1 (ALTE Level 4).
Cambridge BEC preliminary 4 with audio CD and answers
光盘作者: 剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部编著
简介:《剑桥BEC真题集(第4辑·初级)》内容简介:CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL PUBLISHER OF EXAMINATION PAPERS FROMCAMBRIDGE ESOL - AN ESSENTIAL PART OF ANY STUDENT'S EXAM PREPARATION.This 4th collection of examination papers for the BEC Preliminary provides all the exam practice you need. It contains: four official examination papers that provide authentic exam practice a helpful overview of the BEC Preliminary exam to familiarise you with its format photocopiable answer sheets so you can practise transferring your answers answer keys and recording scripts making it ideal for self-study. An audio CD containing the recorded material for the Listening paper is also available.The Cambridge BEC Preliminary examination correspondsto Council of Europe Level B1 (ALTE Level 2).
简介:Antitrust policy in the United States and Europe relies increasingly on economic analysis. Economic theory and empirical analysis play a central role in antitrust decisions in the courts and in the formulation and enforcement of policy. Antitrust cases are argued using sophisticated economic thinking; both plaintiffs and defendants in U.S. v. Microsoft, for example, made extensive use of game theory, the economics of information, and transaction cost economics in their arguments. In this CESifo volume, specialists from the United States and the European Union examine conceptual and empirical issues involved in antitrust policy in light of recent developments in the field.The first three chapters address theoretical issues that have been important in recent antitrust actions: durable goods markets, two-sided markets and platform competition, and tying arrangements. Contributors then take up empirical concerns, discussing such topics as bundling and tying as seen in the market for cold and pain-relief medicine; the political aspects of merger control; and market definition and differentiated products in the car and soft drink markets. Contributors also address antitrust and regulatory issues in markets with imperfect information, examining comparative advertising and incentives for information disclosure. The final chapter treats the ownership structure of cable television networks and its effect on competition in the local access market. The importance of economic analysis in antitrust policy makes this overview of recent theoretical and empirical developments essential reading for academics and policymakers.Contributors:Mark Armstrong, Francesca Barigozzi, Randy Brenkers, Duarte Brito, Jay Pil Choi, David S. Evans, Vivek Ghosal, Jos Jansen, Franco Mariuzzo, Martin Peitz, Pedro Pereira, Michael Salinger, Frank Verboven, Michael Waldman, Patrick Paul Walsh, Ciara Whelan
作者: (澳)约翰·赫斯特(John Hirst)著;席玉苹译
简介: 本书热销欧美,中文繁体版2010年4月出版,即跃居台湾诚品连锁书店 、金石堂连锁书店、博客来网络书店畅销榜Top10超过半年。 澳大利亚知名历史学家约翰·赫斯特在本书中的一场引人入胜的探索 ,为我们梳理出欧洲文明所以能改变全世界的各种特质。 作者从三大元素:古希腊罗马文化、基督教教义以及日耳曼战士文化 开篇,描述了这三大元素如何彼此强化,又相互对立,最终形塑为欧洲文 明的内核;继而在诸多世纪以来催生帝国与城邦,激发征服与十字军东侵 ,造就出许多性格截然分明的人物──如仁慈的皇帝、好斗的教皇、侠义 的骑士,乃至世上第一批享受繁荣和启蒙果实的公民。 本书以清晰、幽默、发人深省的笔调,杂以活泼的插图,叙述了一个 不同凡响的文明。
简介:The original edition of this text was published in German in 2004, followed by a second German edition in 2007. This English-language version (with editing by Simon R. Platt) makes available a valuable resource to a wider audience. Jaggy has brought together in an organized and consistent manner a remarkably in-depth treatment outstanding for its coverage of neurological examination, principles of investigation, neuroimaging, neurosurgery, neurophamacology, electrodiagnosis, and MRI based neuroanatomy--as well as coverage of clinical aspects, each structure of the nervous system in turn. Animal neurologist Jaggy (Vetsuisse Faculty Bern), a specialist in epilepsy in the dog, is affiliated with the Bern School of Clinical Animal Neurology as are most of the contributors (a handful each are from Germany, Italy, elsewhere in Europe, and the US). Distribution in North America of this English-language version of the text is by Blackwell Publishing. The included CD-ROM contains videos of clinical investigations and clinical cases demonstrating various diseases. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Report on development of Russia & Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries (2006)
光盘作者: 邢广程主编
简介: “裂变在延伸,斗争在延续”,2006年俄罗斯东欧中亚地区的国际形势发展中,裂变和斗争的烈度有强化的趋势。欲知这一动荡地区的种种进程的内在联系,请翻开本书,这里中国社科院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所资深研究人员为您深入剖析。 “皮书”是社会科学文献出版社近几年来推出的大型系列品牌图书,综们上一系列权威研究报告组成,在每年的岁末年初对每一年度有关中国与世界的经济、社会等各个领域的现状和发展态势进行分析和预测。 该系列图书的作者以中国社会科学院的专家为主,多为国内一流研究机构的一流专家,他们的看法和观点,体现和反映了对中国与世界的现实和未来最高水产的理解和认识,具有不容置疑的权威性。 每册皮书均附有数据库光盘(ssdb3.0)。该光盘既是电子书,又是数据库,安装可享受pdf格式下的舒适阅览;输入任意字词,均可快速查询、检索。该光盘还具有累加功能,能够反多本皮书的资读自动累加在一个系统里,构建成一个具备无限扩容与增值空间的数字资讯库。
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Known widely in Europe as "interpretive narrative archaeology," the practice of using creative methods to interpret and present current knowledge of the past is gaining popularity in North America. This book is the first compilation of international case studies of the various artistic methods used in this new form of education鈥攐ne that makes archaeology "come alive" for the nonprofessional. Plays, opera, visual art, stories, poetry, performance dance, music, sculpture, digital imagery鈥攁ll can effectively communicate archaeological processes and cultural values to public audiences. The 23 contributors to this volume are a diverse group of archaeologists, educators, and artisans who have direct experience in schools, museums, and at archaeological sites. Citing specific examples, such as the film The English Patient, science fiction mysteries, and hypertext environments, they explain how creative imagination and the power of visual and audio media can personalize, contextualize, and demystify the research process. A 16-page color section illuminates their examples, and an accompanying CD includes relevant videos, music, web sites, and additional color images. In their Introduction, the editors invoke the ancient muses to inspire the modern presenters and interpreters of archaeological research. They aptly quote George Santayana, from his poem "The Power of Art": ". . . may our hands immortalize the day When life was sweet, and save from utter death The sacred past that should not pass away." John H. Jameson Jr.is an archaeologist and John E. Ehrenhardis Director at the National Park Service's Southeast Archeological Center in Tallahassee, Florida. Christine A. Finnis research associate at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Oxford in England. Publisher Summary 2 This book and its accompanying CD examine how information derived from archaeological investigations can be presented artistically to educate the general public.
作者: 黄长著,孙越生,王祖望主编
简介: 《欧洲中国学》是一部大型的按国别叙述的专题性著作,共200余万字,包括法国、英国、荷兰、德国、奥地利、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、意大利、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、帝俄苏联俄联邦等17部分。尽管它没有包括全部欧洲国家,但是它已经涵盖了英法德俄等诸大国,取名《欧洲中国学》是当之无愧的。各国的排序是以各国中国学出现的先后排列的,各国中国学出现的标志是该国高等学府设立中国学课程,准此,本书的时间跨度是19世纪初至20世纪末,将近200年,如果从其序幕阶段——明末清初欧洲各国传教士的文化交流活动算起,那就是400年了。本书资料丰富,内容广泛,对于研究中欧文化交流具有重要的参考价值,对于当今中欧文化交流的开展也具有积极的现实意义。 [
Cashcrop halophytes : recent studies : 10 years after the Al Ain meeting /
光盘作者: edited by Helmut Lieth and Marina Mochtchenko ; with contributions from members of the EUCA "Sust...
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The editors (of the U. of Osnabr眉ck's Institute for Environmental Systems Research, Germany) believe that the use of halophytes may solve some of the problems associated with the increasing salinization of agricultural land. They present the result of research projects conducted in Europe to examine "Sustainable Utilisation of halophytes in the Mediterranean and subtropical dry region." They describe the use of halophytes for marginal land reclamation or as cash crops themselves. Related irrigation and salinity tolerance questions are addressed. The chapters include discussion of salinity tolerance analyses, chemical contents of useful halophytes, field scale test experiments, and other recent research. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 This volume follows up a seminal meeting, presenting reports on progress made with recommendations made there. The text reports on the development of pilot projects and on the organization of an international organization. All this will serve as the foundation for future efforts to develop the common utilisation of cash crop halophytes.
Hitchhiker’s guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server:best practice architectures and examples