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WOW! Photoshop终极CG绘画技法—专业绘画工具Blur's Good Brush极速手册
光盘作者: 杨雪果 著
出版社:电子工业出版社 2014年06月
简介: 颠覆传统数字绘画概念,***强数字绘画笔刷工具横空来袭 全国1000多家游戏公司和设计院校学子必备的绘画工具 设计师、原画师、插画师不容错过的饕餮圣典 著名CG绘画大师杨雪果耗时十年倾力研发的高效仿真Photoshop绘画笔刷 超过10万用户体验堪称*完美的CG绘画工具 超过450种专业笔刷让你的创意发挥到极致 杨雪果老师是国内屈指可数的专业、敬业的作者之一。在固有的思维里,很难将艺术家和技术男联系在一起。走近杨老师,我惊诧地发现,眼前的有着雕塑面孔的帅哥竟然能完美地融艺术与技术于一体!杨老师的作品大气深邃,获奖无数,对计算机图形图像技术的研究绝不亚于优秀的程序猿,他深谙“人驾驭软件而非被软件束缚”之道,从3ds max到Photoshop,经过其手,必定研发改造,让软件真正成为帮助人们实现创意的辅助工具。 Blur's Good Brush自2007年11月1.0版本问世以来不断受到业内专业人士的不断肯定与支持,经过杨雪果6年来不断的更新改进,目前已升级到7.0 Pro版,如今已经成为中国数字绘画界首推的创作工具,国内外知名度极高,无论是学校还是公司都有着无数的用户群体,甚至被国外CG行业人士追捧。 但即便是CG绘画大师,对于Blur's Good Brush工具的使用仍然有难以驾驭的地方。为此,杨雪果将自己对CG绘画的心得和领悟,特别是数字绘画中的光影表现一一倾囊相授,旨在将本套工具的开发理念和具体运用技法传达给大众,推广数字时代绘画创作的新方式与新方法,改变创作者的作画体验。
作者: (韩)克里斯·徐著;千太阳译
简介:《跟着美剧学英语看这本就够3》本书主要集结了近些年最火爆、最受欢迎的美剧中最常用、最地道的口语表达,从Friends、Sex and the City到Desperate Housewives,以及关于破案的CSI,再到后来上演的Gossip Girl、Big Bang Theory、Good Wife等众多不同素材的美剧。所以,在本书中我们归纳了使用频率最高的对话,最大范围地收集有关美剧的内容。《跟着美剧学英语看这本就够3》是《跟着美剧学英语看这本就够1》和《跟着美剧学英语看这本就够2》的无敌升华版。是结合前两本在内容上更有难度,但是学起来却越来越轻松。因为已经基本掌握了美剧1和美剧2的学习套路,再学习美剧3会更加得心应手。独一无二的学习方法,清晰系统的字母分类,把美剧中每一句经典的台词讲解的详细,准确,让读者学到最地道,最流行的口语。本书还填补了“错过会后悔的美剧表达形式”,最大程度的呈现了更多美剧对话,让读者越学越上瘾。
作者: 人民教育出版社[等]编著
简介:2013人教版新目标英语七年级上册主编 刘道义 郑旺全 David Nunan ISBN 9787107244704 印次:2012年6月第1次 预备篇 Starter Unit 1 Good morning! Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 正文 Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Unit 2 This is my sister. Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Unit 7 How much are these socks? Unit 8 When is your birthday Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.
作者: 陈琳主讲示范
简介: 区域减肥法,精确锁定,尖端修身。世界小姐选美形体急训指定项目,无与伦比的人体美化“工程”。 精密形体测评+精密运动计划+形体仪态训练,科学精密的局部雕塑体系,世界小姐选美大赛一周形体急训指定项目。 陈琳,自幼接受芭蕾舞蹈训练,拥有专业舞蹈演员的良好身体素质和优美形体。通过多年不懈的教学实践和广泛的国际培训交流,荣获中国健美协会国家一级健身指导员、高级形体教练资格认证,取得国际舍宾协会教练、国际形体芭蕾专业导师称号,活跃于舍宾和形体芭蕾专业塑身领域。现受聘于全国多家高尚健身会所,并担任多家电视台健身频道签约教练。 Shaping纤臀运动系统:消除手臂内侧赘肉,紧实手臂外侧线条,雕琢出与身体曲线完美呼应的纤纤玉臂。 Shaping美胸运动系统:“聚拢”胸形,有效防止松驰下垂,促进胸腺再次发育,增加乳房组织的弹性和柔软度。 Shaping塑背运动系统:打造拥有完美肩线、清晰脊柱沟、诱人腰背C曲线的美背,自信挑战露背装! Shaping美腹运动系统:深层锻炼腹部核心肌群,粉碎顽固脂肪,赶走“游泳圈”,获得平坦结实的美腹。 Shaping纤腰运动系统:专攻腰部脂肪堆积区,增加腹外斜肌的力量和柔软度,炼成盈盈一握的小蛮腰。 Shaping翘臂运动系统:科学训练臂肌,保持臀襞纤维束的坚韧,防止臂部下垂,增加挺臂度。 Shaping美腿运动系统:全面雕塑腿部肌群,让大腿修长结实、小腿玲珑纤细。杜绝橘皮纹,还可有效预防和矫正O形、X形腿。 Shaping矫正体态运动系统:强健脊柱,挺拔身姿,和驮背、塌腰、斜肩等不良体态SAY GOOD BYE! Shaping整体塑型运动系统:全身美化,均衡、匀衡、匀称、协调、舒展、优美的身型是舍宾形体雕塑的终极目标。 舍利营养顾问:不用节食,美食与运动相得益彰,吃出窈窕无双的好身段。 舍宾形体仪态训练:形体语言训练,让你在举手投足间,尽显高贵与优雅。 舍宾时尚造型导师:精致得体的服饰妆扮,突出身材优点,穿出魔鬼身段和最佳品位! 精美全彩BOOK+高清教学影碟:国际舍宾协会教练亲自示范,详尽细致的动作和要领分析、功效解析,局部塑型,精确到位!
WOW!Photoshop终极CG绘画技法-专业绘画工具Blur's Good Brush极速手册(第2版)
光盘作者: 杨雪果
出版社:电子工业出版社 2017年05月
本书是畅销图书《WOW!Photoshop终极CG绘画技法——专业绘画工具Blur's Good Brush极速手册》的第2版。本书不仅将为您带来前所未有的绘画体验,还新增了Photoshop笔刷制作的详细教程,让您摆脱传统绘画的技法束缚,以全新的角度学习新时代的数字绘图技术,从根本上改变对于CG绘画的观念。
本书以数字绘画界*受欢迎的原创Photoshop笔刷工具Blur's Good Brush为主要内容,为您分类细致地讲解每一支画笔的具体功能与运用,为用户提供方便的画笔功能速查和基本使用的介绍;同时本书也将为您展现作者10余年数字绘画研究的丰硕成果,和对艺术创作的独特理念,深入浅出地为您讲解不同类型的数字绘画技法和绘画相关重要理论知识,并详细介绍了Photoshop笔刷的设计方法和要领,带领您进入一个全新的绘画领域,开拓您的思维与视野,快速提升您的绘画技能和深入体验数字平台作画的乐趣与魅力。
随书光盘附赠Blur's Good Brush 5.1和7.0版本的笔刷工具、Blur's Good Brush创作实例过程图演示一章电子书,以及基础和实例教学视频,还附赠了大量素材。书中提及的法线贴图工具及相关素材请到http://www.fecit.com.cn/files/download/31294.rar下载。作者: Judith Rink (Author), Tina Hall (Author), Lori Williams (Author)
简介:Reference for K-12 PE and classroom teachers, directors, principals, and administrators overseeing physical activity programs and wellness policy compliance. Text for college PE majors and elementary classroom education majors. Also a reference for community youth program leaders. Physical activity doesn’t have to be confined to physical education class. Many schools are discovering the benefits of incorporating physical activity throughout the day. In fact, schools increasingly need to do so as requirements for weekly minutes of physical activity expand beyond the time available for physical education class. With Schoolwide Physical Activity: A Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Conducting Programs, K-12 classroom teachers and administrators will learn how to design and conduct activity programs that not only meet wellness policy requirements and goals but also motivate and encourage all students to be physically active. The premise of this innovative guide is that physical activity in schools is not the sole responsibility of the PE teacher. It is the responsibility of all administrators and teachers—and is most successful when it is integrated throughout the curriculum. To that end, Schoolwide Physical Activity highlights the role of elementary classroom teachers in providing opportunities for physical activity, and it offers an array of tools and programs for teachers to incorporate in their classrooms. At the secondary level, the book creates a vision of a good physical activity program and then shows secondary teachers and administrators how to achieve that vision. Through this text, teachers and administrators receive • a blueprint for building a comprehensive and coordinated K-12 physical activity program; • ready-to-use activities and forms; and • program ideas that address both the needs and desires of all children, not just the small percentage who gravitate toward physical activity. Schoolwide Physical Activity comes with a CD-ROM that contains all the printable activities, forms, and tools from the book and over 200 activities for classroom teachers, inclusive transitional activities, integrated lessons, and simple games and dances. The comprehensive guide includes a Web site with an instructor guide, presentation package, and test package. This resource will help teachers and administrators see their roles and responsibilities in a new light and gain stakeholder support for wellness and activity programs, and it will assist in coordinating efforts among all involved in providing students with safe and appropriate programs that will transform their schools into more active places for learning.
作者: (韩)克里斯·徐著;千太阳译
简介:《跟着美剧学英语看这本就够了1》本书主要集结了近些年最火爆、最受欢迎的美剧中最常用、最地道的口语表达,从Friends、Sex and the City到Desperate Housewives,以及关于破案的CSI,再到后来上演的Gossip Girl、Big Bang Theory、Good Wife等众多不同素材的美剧。所以,在本书中我们归纳了使用频率最高的对话,最大范围地收集有关美剧的内容。首先,本书中收录的所有有关表达方式的例文,都选用了接近当地Writer’s Group美剧表达方式的内容。而且本书听力选用的都是原音,只要多读,多听,之前听不懂或被忽略的部分渐渐地就会变清晰起来。其次,尽可能地将美国现场版的英语收录到本书中,这与常规的英语会话教材是不同的。我们要把能听清楚的部分一点点累积下去,之后就会渐渐地对英语产生兴趣,也会发现英语会话和听力有了前所未有的进步。最后,通过More Expression、错过会后悔的美剧表达形式以及Supplement,更大限度地呈现了经典美剧对话,并且都有详细的解释,所以即使是读者从未接触过的内容,理解起来也会非常轻松,让你快速成为美语达人!
作者: 姚振汉 等编
出版社:清华大学出版社 2006年8月
简介: The 9th EPMESC was successfully held in Macao, November of 2003. At the end of the conference the Board of the EPMESC series decided that the next conference will be held in a city of the mainland of China. Also I was assigned to be the Chair person of the Conference. No doubt this is a great honor to me and also a challenge for the situation that there are so many professional international conferences in computational mechanics happened frequently in the world. After the successful organizing of WCCM6 in Beijing, September of 2004, I engaged to organize the 10th EPMESC. First of all, choose the venue of the Conference. After some investigation and a lot of negotiation we came to see the site of the venue, Sanya, Hainan Island, the south-most city in China. Finally we made the decision. The most important reason of the choice is the ecological environment of this city. It is beneficial to our health after a hard working. We scientists and engineers need a good relax place after heavy duty and a place to enjoy the life with friends and family. Sanya is an ideal one and a real green city. Blue sky and white cloud, peaceful sea and the long beach with white sand, shells and pearls, no pollution and no industry, everything is so beautiful. After the first call for paper, the response is unexpected strong. We got more than 190 abstracts from 23 countries and regions. About half participants come from the mainland of China. The rest are from Macao of China, Japan, Portugal, Australia, USA, Germany, Russia, Poland, Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, UK, Israel, Indonesia, France, Spain, India, Korea, Czech, Chile, Hong Kong and Taiwan of China etc. We are glad to have so many friends from so many countries and regions to get together for exchanging their professional research results and taking part the social activities. We have the honor to invite many famous experts in computational mechanics to give plenary and semi-plenary lectures in the conference. Serge Cescotto, Genki Yagawa, Zhenhan Yao are the plenary speakers. Win Kam Liu, Fred W. Williams, Roman Lackner, Ioannis Doltsinis, Helder Rodrigues, Nasser Khalili, Nori Miyazaki, Yao Zheng, Yeong-Bin Yang, Ka Veng Yuen, Gui Rong Liu, Chung-Bang Yun and Dajian Han are the semi-plenary speakers. All of them have achieved a great progress in their own fields of computational mechanics. I appreciate their outstanding contribution to the conference. This is the mark of the scientific level of this conference. As one of the highlights, the student paper competition is the traditional program retained in the history of the EPMESC series. This will keep the young students to track the latest advances in research of computational mechanics. Also it will encourage them to claim the peak top of the science and technology. I like to thank my friend, Prof. Kai Meng Mok of University of Macau, for his assistance in organizing the student paper competition. I like to thank my friend, Prof. Zhenhan Yao of Tsinghua University, for his outstanding work on the proceedings. He did a long term and patient work on the abstracts and papers in full length. He carefully read all the papers and abstracts and corrected a lot of mistake. He made this proceedings be a consistent valuable reference and beautiful looking. I also like to thank my colleagues, Dr. Yongqian Chen and Yang Kuei, for their assistance in my work. I like to appreciate the China National Science Foundation for their generous support. I wish the success of EPMESCX and the health of all the participants. I hope we will have a pleasant time in Sanya, 21-25 August 2006.
简介: "...it comes as a gratifying surprise to find that just two people have been able to compile a comprehensive treatise, The Immune Response, on the topic...sets a high standard of excellence in the immunologic literature." - Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. for THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." - Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci, The Children's Hospital at Westmead for Doody's: 3 Star Review "A major strength of this text is that two authors wrote it with the assistance of two contributors, so that the information is integrated across the chapters and the style is consistent throughout rather than each chapter being written by a different author or set of authors with the editors then trying to integrate the information afterward. ...an excellent new textbook that combines excellent chapters on basic immunology with very good introductory chapters on clinical disorders related to immunology. This book will be particularly useful to serious students entering the field or to those in the field who want a well-written update across the breadth of immunology" - Andrew Saxon for CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (Jan 2006) "...transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter, without the jarring inconsistency of writing styles that sometimes plagues multiauthor texts. The original two-color illustrations, fullcolor plates, and ample sidebars and summary boxes make for a pleasing, learner-centered book. The Immune Response is a well-written, well-organized, learner-centered text that is suitable for undergraduates, medical and graduate students, and more advanced learners of immunology." - James T. Li for JAMA (March 2006) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage..." -Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA (2004) "...very timely, reads very well, and should be of great interest to those wanting to get a start in understanding Immunology..." - Juan-Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker, Sunnybrook & Women's College Heath Sciences Centre, USA (2004) "The illustrations are terrific...One of the things I especially like is the use of the "Introducing..." and "More about..." sections. These give students a taste of what is to come without overwhelming them with details." - Douglas Green, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, USA (2004) "...straight forward style...crystal clear definitions of complex immunological concepts...Uncomplicated style effortless for the reader to move from one section to the next, comfortable, unforced learning experience..." -Gillian Wu, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, Canada "A very readable and enjoyable text... Historical background is a nice idea that is essentially overlooked in many competing texts...contemporary and would be easy to recommend..." -Richard M. Locksley, Department of Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, HHMI, San Francisco, CA, USA "I particularly like the clear and conversational style of the prose...chapters are a delight to read...I {also} like the format of presentation with boxes for the specialists and plenty of illustration... This will be an important contribution to the field of Immunology." -Noel R. Rose, Director, Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA "This book is an important contribution, providing the reader with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune system in both health and disease...This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologies or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." -Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children's Hospital at Westmead) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage." -- Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA, 2004 "...it comes as a gratifying surprise to find that just two people have been able to compile a comprehensive treatise, The Immune Response, on the topic...sets a high standard of excellence in the immunologic literature." - Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. for THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." - Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci, The Children's Hospital at Westmead for Doody's: 3 Star Review "A major strength of this text is that two authors wrote it with the assistance of two contributors, so that the information is integrated across the chapters and the style is consistent throughout rather than each chapter being written by a different author or set of authors with the editors then trying to integrate the information afterward. ...an excellent new textbook that combines excellent chapters on basic immunology with very good introductory chapters on clinical disorders related to immunology. This book will be particularly useful to serious students entering the field or to those in the field who want a well-written update across the breadth of immunology" - Andrew Saxon for CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (Jan 2006) "...transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter, without the jarring inconsistency of writing styles that sometimes plagues multiauthor texts. The original two-color illustrations, fullcolor plates, and ample sidebars and summary boxes make for a pleasing, learner-centered book. The Immune Response is a well-written, well-organized, learner-centered text that is suitable for undergraduates, medical and graduate students, and more advanced learners of immunology." - James T. Li for JAMA (March 2006) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage..." -Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA (2004) "...very timely, reads very well, and should be of great interest to those wanting to get a start in understanding Immunology..." - Juan-Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker, Sunnybrook & Women's College Heath Sciences Centre, USA (2004) "The illustrations are terrific...One of the things I especially like is the use of the "Introducing..." and "More about..." sections. These give students a taste of what is to come without overwhelming them with details." - Douglas Green, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, USA (2004) "...straight forward style...crystal clear definitions of complex immunological concepts...Uncomplicated style effortless for the reader to move from one section to the next, comfortable, unforced learning experience..." -Gillian Wu, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, Canada "A very readable and enjoyable text.... Historical background is a nice idea that is essentially overlooked in many competing texts.....contemporary and would be easy to recommend..." -Richard M. Locksley, Department of Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, HHMI, San Francisco, CA, USA "I particularly like the clear and conversational style of the prose...chapters are a delight to read...I {also} like the format of presentation with boxes for the specialists and plenty of illustration... This will be an important contribution to the field of Immunology." -Noel R. Rose, Director, Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA "This book is an important contribution, providing the reader with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune system in both health and disease...This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologies or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." -Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children's Hospital at Westmead)
作者: 弗兰西斯·H·伯内特
出版社:天津人民出版社 2016年01月
A Little Princess is a Britishchildren's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, first published as a book in 1905.It is an expanded version of Burnett's 1888 short story entitled Sara Crewe :or, What Happened at Miss Minchin's, which was serialized in St. NicholasMagazine from 1887 to 1888.
A Little Princess is full of good,strong female characters, and shows its readers that being a princess isn’tabout being beautiful rich daughter of a king, trapped in a castle, waiting forher prince. It’s about being a virtuous, kind and generous person, no matterwhat your circumstances.
Based on a 2007 online poll, the U. S.National Education Association named the book one of its “Teachers’ Top 100Books for Children”. In 2012 it was ranked number 56 among all-time children’snovels in a survey published by School Library Journal. It was the second oftwo Burnett novels among the Top 100, with The Secret Garden number 15.
作者: 浩瀚,钟乐平主编
简介:俗语说“Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her.(知福会享者,才是幸福人。)”欧·亨利的生活名言便是“Life is fine and enjoyable,yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.”是啊,生活是美好的,而时尚生活中跟我们息息相关的休闲娱乐项目及一些有趣的人、事、物,又该怎么用英语表达呢? 为了让读者能从时尚生活中享受幸福,也享受轻松说英语的乐趣,本书特别设计了新鲜生活、时尚娱乐、先锋运动以及流行趋势四大主题,模拟时尚生活的情景如:去酒吧、去蹦极等,相信本书会是一缕和煦的阳光,照亮英语学习之路,也为读者的生活增情趣。 新鲜生活。向读者展示了新新人类的最新享受生活的方式。 时尚娱乐。如今,娱乐圈的炫彩已经弥漫到生活的各个角落,您晓得这些最新娱乐动态吗? 先锋运动。生命在于运动,运动是时尚生活中必不可少的一部分。 流行趋势。您知道什么正在流行中,什么将会是最流行的趋势吗?高新科技、数码视听的全新生活已经引领了更多>>
简介:《Good Job!职场英语(第2版)》章节设置:1.认识工作2.公司内部联络3.硬件设备的使用4.工作事务5.对外的联络6.人事相天问题7.社交与旅游。每个场景均编排了丰富的对话、单词/词组、实用语句、听力练习等内容,帮助上班族提升沟通能力、提高工作效率,同时有助于提高TOEIC应试能力。 《Good Job!职场英语(第2版)》还提供各种办公设备的英语用法,搭配实物彩图,令您如临职场实境,激发学习兴趣,增强记忆效果。 DoaGoodJob,提升自己的职场竞争力,就从现在开始!该书程度约为中级至中高级,适合广大上班族或大专院校相关课程使用。
100 days to better health, good sex and longlife
光盘作者: (美)艾力克·斯蒂文·犹蒂那夫(Eric Steven Yudelove)著;何中清,何清秀译
简介: 人类总是不断地寻求各种方法,让自己更健康、更长寿。本书分14个星期逐步向您介绍最具强健身心效果的道家气功、六愈声练习、八段锦、自我按摩术、性功夫、内笑和开启内丹。本书中为你传授的方法在美国受到热烈追捧,被誉为“最有效的中国传统健康术”。天天10分钟,你就会变得更健康、更性福、更长寿! 本书分14个星期逐步向您介绍最具强健身心效果的道家气功、六愈声练习、八段锦、自我按摩术、性功夫、内笑和开启内丹。在第一个星期你就将接触到真正的道家功夫。如果你想使你的内心达到和谐、平衡,请你每天抽出10分钟,这本书介绍的方法一定会让你更健康、更长寿、更幸福!
AQA GCSE (91)biology. Teacher pack Sunetra Berry, Louise Smiles; series editor: Ed Walsh.
光盘作者: Louise Smiles (Author), Ed Walsh (Editor)
简介:Collins AQA GCSE (9-1) Biology Teacher Pack will help you develop and embed the skills your students need to succeed in all three assessment objectives, while providing a clear and supportive route through the new, more challenging GCSE content. Written by a team of expert authors for the 2016 specification, this book provides a ‘go-to’ guide to support teachers throughout the course. Teach with confidence using an introduction to the new specification, schemes of work, plans for co-teaching the different courses, and a comprehensive set of editable lesson plans and worksheets. • Written by experienced teachers for the new 2016 specification • Detailed lesson plans, with learning objectives, learning outcomes and a clear teaching and learning cycle that introduces, challenges, embeds and consolidates ideas and understanding • Supports all students to make good progress, with three levels of differentiation in every lesson plan • Stretches more able students with extend activities in every lesson • Ready to use worksheets and practical sheets for recording investigative work • Technician’s notes with equipment lists and set-up instructions for practicals • Flexible Scheme of Work to help you introduce and plan for the new specification
Being logical: a guide to good thinking
作者: (美)D.Q. 麦克伦尼(D.Q. McInerny)著;赵明燕译
简介: 《简单的逻辑学》作为最畅销的逻辑学科普入门书,被香港中文大学奉为40本英文经典之一,被哈佛大学校内书店视为皇冠书籍,还曾位列台湾诚品网络书店英文畅销书榜第一名,同时,还是国内最畅销、读者热评近2万条的五星好书,本书再经湛庐文化策划出品,重磅回归。 这是一本足以彻底改变你思维世界的小书。正如著名行为学家孙路弘所说:缺乏逻辑已成为社会的一种流行病症:逻辑紊乱症候群。而《简单的逻辑学》就如一场及时雨,一本治愈社会疾病的宝典,的确是应该人手一册。 作者D.Q.麦克伦尼在书中提出了28种非逻辑思维形式,抛却了逻辑学一贯的刻板理论,转而以轻松的笔触带领我们畅游这个精彩无比的逻辑世界,让你沉醉其中,欲罢不能。
Modern biopharmaceuticals. V.4, Design, development and optimization /
光盘简介: Due to the impressive accumulation of out-standing results, presented by brilliant, privileged and creative thinkers, this unique book reads like the ‘Who is Who’ of biotechnology. Never before has such an impressive group of individuals contributed to one biotechnology book, including Nobel Prize laureates Robert Huber, Thomas R. Cech, and Manfred Eigen as well as authors from the world's most famous academic institutes and biotech companies, such as ETH Zurich, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Harvard Medical School, Max-Planck-Institute, Fraunhofer-Institute, Moscow Academy of Sciences, London Imperial College and Baxter, Invitrogen, MorphoSys, Roche, and Schering AG. Published as a comprehensive four volume set, this title also includes a CD-ROMcontaining additional information and videos. Modern Biopharmaceuticals describes: THE FIRST cloned human embryo THE FIRST myocardial regeneration with embryonic stem cells THE FIRST artificial kidney THE FIRST biopharmaceutical from a transgenic animal THE FIRST individualized medicine THE FIRST plasma-free Factor VIII THE FIRST approved human cell line THE FIRST oral insulin, etc. “... an outstanding collection of articles from groundbreaking scientists, comprehensively describing the many novel ways cells are being deployed toward human good ...” James D. Watson, “DNA Codebreaker” & Nobel Prize Laureate (Physiology or Medicine, 1962) Modern Biopharmaceuticals is an essential reference work for biotechnologists, clinicians, medical doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical chemists, bio-chemists, molecular biologists, medicinal chemists, as well as all those working in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, or medicinal institutes.
World link developing English fluency,Student book.2
光盘作者: Susan Stempleski,Nancy Douglas,James R. Morgan[编]
简介:World Link是全球著名教育出版集团美国圣智学习出版公司(CENGAGE Learning)最畅销的核心产品系列,适合初级至中高级英语学习者使用。第一版由上海外语教育出版社引进后,一直受到国内使用学校和师生一致的高度评价。现第二版经全面更新和提升,更体现了当代最先进的外语教育理念和方法。高频词汇、核心语法、全球性话题、400分钟视频及320分钟音频,World Link(第二版)旨在帮助学习者在全球一体化背景下流畅.自信地用英语沟通思想、交流情感,赢得资源并最终实现个人梦想。 学生用书(第二版)中更新与提升的内容有: ·每单元增设一段全新的脱口秀视频-Good Morning World; ·词汇学习经拓展后,系统覆盖了各类高频率使用的单词、短语、表达和常用搭配等; ·技能训练注重帮助学习者掌握有关听、说,读、写等的多种策略和方法; ·配套资源更加丰富:学生用书附赠的学生学习光盘、《视听教程》学生用书及所附赠的课堂教学光盘(DVD-ROM),为学生提供更多的语言输入和训练;教师用书附赠的教师资源光盘为教师提供用于课堂内外的拓展活动资料和教学工具;互动式教学资源包(DVD-ROM)集学生用书、练习册、视频、音频及其他内容于一体,可用于互动白板或数据投影仪,辅助教师课堂教学。
英文共同题名:Refreshing spoken English
光盘作者: 高鹏,赵敏,李腾主编
简介: 一直想找出一个合适的词语来形容学习英语的体验,在某一天看见对面刚刚建造起来的大楼时突然发现原来学习英语就像是建房子。良好的语音基础是地基,一砖一瓦等于一个单词和一个短语,语法即是房屋架构,而增添的限定词就好比是房屋的装饰物……《从零开始 简单交流》帮助大家在英语学习上建立良好的基础,积累砖瓦。 “a good start is half of the success.”对我们广大英语学习爱好者特别是初学者来说,掌握正确的发音是学好英语的重要开始。《从零开始 简单交流》第一章是标准语音篇,首先对每个音标进行了细致的讲解并配以实图展示,使大家有更加直观的了解。了解发音要领后,再听录音进行模仿并进行一系列的练习。在这一章里对一些重要的重音、连读、弱读、爆破等现象以及语调的变化特点等也进行了相应的说明;第二章帮助大家掌握一些基本词汇,按照字母数的增加逐级提高难度;第三章为常用句型篇,分为了解句型特点、跟读高频句式、说出惯用句型、背诵句套经典几个方面。第四章为分类词汇篇,在这一章里我们要先听各类词汇的标准发音并了解相关扩展词汇,然后学习短语搭配并进行简单的对话练习。为了便于大家理解,所有的对话均附有汉语翻译,第五章精选生活中常用情景让大家进一步学习如何用英语进行对话交流。 《从零开始 简单交流》有如下特色:(1)从语音、词汇、句型、对话四个方面循序渐进地指导大家学习英语,层次分明且相互衔接,四位一体更加便于我们加强记忆;(2)所选的内容贴近生活实际,通俗易懂,书中设置的套句模板使大家能够举一反三;(3)选材广泛,涉及家庭、娱乐、学习、工作、地理、生物、科技、经济等方面。 《从零开始 简单交流》可以作为口语课堂教材,也可用于自学。使用对象为在校本、专科大学生;准备参加英语口试的学生;出国英语口语培训学员;各类社会英语口语受训人员以及英语口语自学者等。
The Complete Adventures of Curious George 好奇猴乔治冒险全集 9780547391007
光盘作者: H. A. Rey 著
简介: "This is George. He lived in Africa. he was a good littlemonkey, and always very curious." With these words, H.A. and Margret Rey introduced the world toCurious George, and the world has loved him ever since. The talesof this cheerful and resilent little heror have kept generations ofreaders enthralled and entertained. This lavish 70th Anniversaryedition includes an introduction by Leonard S. Marcus, Publisher'sPerspective by Anita Silvey, retrospective essay by Dee Jones withphotographic album of Margaret and H. A. Rey, and the sevenoriginal tales of Curious George: Curious George, Curious GeorgeGets a Medal, Curious George Flies a Kite, Curious George Rides aBike, Curious George Goes to the Hospital, Curious George Takes aJob, and Curious George Learns the Alphabet. Thisvolume also includes two audio CDs with recordings of the sevenstories--more than one hour of storytelling! The Complete Adventures of Curious George will be treasured byGeorge's many fans, young and old.
100 days to better health, good sex and longlife