Warriors: Ravenpaw's Path #2: A Clan in Need 猫武士漫画版:乌爪的旅程之2:族群救星 ISBN9780061688669
作者: Erin
出版社:HarperCollins 2010年03月
Ravenpaw and Barley have been driven away from their farm by agroup of vicious cats. Now the two loners must turn toThunderClan—led by Ravenpaw's friend Firestar—for shelter. Firestartakes them in and promises to help them take back their home assoon as possible, but ThunderClan is in great danger. BloodClancats have been launching raids on ThunderClan's territory andattacking Clan patrols. Can Ravenpaw and Barley help Firestar andhis Clan fight off their enemies? And will they ever be able to gethome again?
WARRIORS MANGA IS UNSTOPPABLE: The sseven Warriors mangas on themarket have sold over 480,000 copies combined, and that doesn’tinclude Scholastic’s whopping 110,000 copies of the first manga inthe Tigerstar and Sasha trilogy! NEVER–BEFORE–SEEN MATERIAL:Readers have long clamored to hear more about what happened toRavenpaw after he left ThunderClan. This trilogy links to the firstWarriors arc, with familiar faces and highly anticipated scenesthat our voracious readers have never been privy to before. APURRFECT FORMAT: The manga style makes this trilogy accessible to awhole new readership as well as to the seasoned Warriors fans. Themanga is co–published with Tokyopop, the most well–known publisherof manga in the U.S. RECOGNIZABLE ARTIST: James Barry, the artistbehind the first fabulously successful Warriors manga trilogy (TheLost Warrior, Warrior’s Refuge, Warrior’s Return) will lend hisartistry to this trilogy as well. BECOME A WARRIOR CAT: In Fall2009, we will premiere the Warriors Adventure Game, a multi-player,interactive role playing game. Game rules and downloadables willlive online at www.warriorcats.com, and there will be 16 pages ofgame content in each of the hardcovers in the Warriors: Omen of theStars story arc. This game is sure to delight our existing fans andbring a brand new audience to the Warriors world! #1 NATIONALLYBESTSELLING SERIES: Each book in the Warriors: The New Prophecy andWarriors: Power of Three story arcs has been a New York Timesbestseller. The most recent Warriors hardcover, Power of Three #6:Sunrise, debuted at #4 on the series list. MORE THAN SIX MILLIONCOPIES SOLD: We’ve now sold more than 6 million net copies of allWarriors titles! A THRIVING ONLINE PRESENCE: Our Warriors website,www.warriorcats.com, is wildly popular and averages over 125,000unique visitors a month. Erin Hunter’s author tracker numbers areHUGE at over 90,000 subscribers! SUPER EAGER FANS: Warriors readersare among the most loyal and interactive out there, creating theirown websites with role playing games, fan art, YouTube videos, andlining up for hours to meet Erin Hunter. MANGA ISN’T JUST FORWARRIORS ANYMORE: We’ll have a brand new Seekers manga trilogybeginning Winter 2010 — Erin Hunter’s worlds and manga are theperfect match! SEEKERS SUCCESS: The first volume of Erin Hunter’sSeekers series, The Quest Begins, came out in May 2008 and has soldover 90,000 copies, and Seekers #2: Great Bear Lake and Seekers #3:The Last Wilderness both debuted on the New York Times bestsellerlist! ALSO THIS SEASON FROM ERIN HUNTER: ? Warriors: Omen of theStars #2: Fading Echoes (hc) ? Warriors: Power of Three #5: LongShadows (pb) ? Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise (pb) ? Seekers#4: The Last Wilderness (hc) ? Seekers #2: Great Bear Lake (pb) ?Seekers: Toklo’s Story (manga) MORE TO COME: We have four morebooks in the Omen of the Stars story arc, more Warriors manga, anew Warriors companion book and a new Warriors super edition onSummer 2010, plus much more in the pipelin