Sid the Science Kid: The Trouble with Germs 科学小子希德:微生物大麻烦ISBN9780061852589
作者: Frantz
出版社:HarperCollins 2010年03月
When Sid’s dad catches a cold, Sid has to be careful not toget sick too. But why does Sid need to wash his hands all the time?And what are germs, anyway? With a little investigating at home andat school, Sid is ready to get to the bottom of THE TROUBLE WITHGERMS
NEW SHOW ON PBS SID THE SCIENCE KID is featured in PBS’Preschool Block and airs on nearly 100% of PBS stations. Sid airsbefore Super Why and Clifford, and follow Curious George - the #1rated preschool show. PBS has committed to stripping the series fortwo years. PHENOMENAL LAUNCH In its September 2008 debut, Sid theScience Kid tied for #1 among Moms with Kids under 3, with a 1.7rating. The series also received a 3.5 kids 2-5 rating, ranking asthe 12th highest-rated week-day show in the US with kids 2/5.Common Sense Media chose Sid the Science Kid as the best 2008 TVseries for kids age 4. PARTNERSHIP WITH HASBRO Hasbro is the masterlicensor for all SID THE SCIENCE KID toys and games! STRONG ONLINEPRESENCE Sid has his own web page on PBS’s main site! AMAZINGANIMATION A Henson Company production, SID THE SCIENCE KID utilizesdazzling animation technology, combining Henson’s proprietaryreal-time puppeteer performances with computer-generated animation.EVERYDAY INVESTIGATIONS Sid is a naturally curious boy who tacklesthe questions every kid wonders about, from how a juice box strawworks to why birds can fly without a pla