简介:Anthology of key statements from a range of disciplines, including four editorial essays which place the readings in their theoretical and historical context. It is divided into three parts: "Cultures of the visual," "Regulating photographic meanings," and "Looking and subjectivity." Texts are: "The natural attitude," by Norman Bryson; "Rhetoric of the image," by Roland Barthes; "Art, common sense and photography," by Victor Burgin; "Myth today," by Roland Barthes; "Panopticism," by Michel Foucault; "The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction," by Walter Benjamin; "The image-world," by Susan Sontag; "Separation perfected," by Guy Debord; "The bottom line on planet one: squaring up to The Face," by Dick Hebdige; "On the institutions of photography," by Simon Watney; "The social definition of photography," by Pierre Bourdieu; "Reading an archive: photography between labour and capital," by Allan Sekula; "Photography’s discursive spaces," by Rosalind Krauss; "The museum’s old, the library’s new subject," by Douglas Crimp; "Living with contradictions: critical practices in the age of supply-side aesthetics," by Abigail Solomon-Godeau; "Evidence, truth and order: a means of surveillance," by John Tagg; "Feeble monsters: making up disabled people," by Jessica Evans; "Marketing mass photography," by Don Slater; "Ideology and ideological state apparatuses (notes towards an investigation)," by Louis Althusser; "Fetishism," by Sigmund Freud; "The scoptophilic instinct and identification," by Otto Fenichel; "The subject," by Kaja Silverman; "Fantasia," by Elizabeth Cowie; "The other question: the stereotype and colonial discourse," by Homi K. Bhabha; "Visual pleasure and narrative cinema," by Laura Mulvey; "Desperately seeking difference," by Jackie Stacey; "White privilege and looking relations: race and gender in feminist film theory," by Jane Gaines; "Sexuality in the field of vision," by Jacqueline Rose; "The fact of blackness," by Frantz Fanon; "Alexander von HumboldtMauri ertikel: