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Brief history of collection hobby in China
作者: 李雪梅著
作者: 盐饱昌嗣编辑;许嘉祥译
简介: 培育眾多U艇官兵的小型潛艇U-Boat Type II AU艇II A型■Special NAVY 1/72 U艇II A型■製作、撰文:五味馨■Special NAVY 1/72 German Submarine U-Boot Typ II A■Modeled & Text by KOARU GOMI(前言)II A型是以芬蘭海軍訂購的CV707 Vesikko(水貂)為基礎開發而成,船身結構大量採用焊接方式結合,有效減輕重量、提升性能。最高航速為水面13節、水中6.9節,續航力則為1050海浬(水面12節時)。武裝有53cm魚雷發射管3門、2cm單管機砲1門。II A型的U-1~U-6都在1935年夏季竣工,由於這時軍方已經預定要量產續航力加長的II B型,所以II A型只有建造這6艘而已。II A型在第二次世界大戰爆發後的頭2年曾投入波羅的海沿岸、執行戰鬥任務,但主要的任務還是留在基爾軍港當作訓練艦艇,培育出了眾多的U艇官兵。(本文)■關於這盒套件以開發飛機模型聞名的Special Hobby廠,新成立了「Special NAVY」這個品牌,主攻艦艇市場,推出的第一款產品是1/72的XXIII型潛艇,接著,又推出了本篇的主角『U艇II A型』。套件內包含有塑膠製船身、艦橋等主要零件,以及鉛錫合金、蝕刻片、鋁材車削等零件,算是一種複合材質套件。■製作這盒套件細節普通,所以這次細部改造的重點,是要把這件作品提升到Revell出品的1/72的VII C型的水準。就像一般的潛艇套件一樣,零件數量很少,只要打磨一下,就能組合出大概的外觀,再來就是要自行追加細節了。不過,並非所有艦艇都曾經留下清晰的照片可做為參考資料,所以這回我們是參考盒面彩繪和套件的完成照片,以呈現「氣氛」為首要的改造目標。 < TOP>
简介: 日本HOBBY JAPAN CO.,LTD.所*的《敢达模型大全(2016)》可说是一本为纪念敢达模型35周年而出版的珍藏版敢达模型图鉴。书中集结了近1700款敢达模型!从“1:144比例敢达”到2016年*新款套件,除SD敢达系列外,几乎网络了所有比例的敢达模型。书中以新品、PG版、MG版、HG版、RG版、OTHER ITEMS、旧套件系列来划分成若干单元,全面详尽地对敢达模型套件进行了展示和介绍,可称是一本敢达模型爱好者不可或缺的典籍,也将会帮助您*加全面地了解和收集敢达模型。
简介: 《我要低碳生活(英文版)》主要内容:Glaciers are melting and sea levelS are rising.Environmental protection is swiftly becoming one of the most urgent ehallenges for humankind.Yet environmental protection does not necessarily mean global summits or high technologies,nor is it just a hobby for the affluent.Its potential lies in everyday attitudes and a call to action. This iS not a comprehensive popular science reader about climate,but a very straightforward and convenient guide to low—carbon life.Based on Chinese people’S current lifestyles,through concerns inside and outside our homes and issues for the future,the book aims to help readers realize that environmental protection iS notjust a catchphrase or a fashion.Everyone may partake init.Low—carbon life iS not impossible to achieve,and everybody may benefit from changes that at first may seem trivial,but are environment—friendly actions close to our daily lire.A host of useful tips and experiences make the book very practical and valuable.
作者: 唐京晶
Topic 1: Coffee Shop Part 1 of 3: Meeting a Friend at a Coffee Shop 1
Topic 1: Coffee Shop Part 2 of 3: Meeting a Friend at a Coffee Shop 2
Topic 1: Coffee Shop Part 3 of 3: Meeting a Friend at a Coffee Shop 3
Topic 2: Shopping Part 1 of 3: Getting Shopping Advice 4
Topic 2: Shopping Part 2 of 3: Meeting a Friend to go Shopping 5
Topic 2: Shopping Part 3 of 3: Getting Shopping Advice 6
Topic 3: Movies Part 1 of 3: Inviting a Friend to a Movie 7
Topic 3: Movies Part 2 of 3: Meeting a Friend at the Movies 8
Topic 3: Movies Part 3 of 3: Critiquing a Movie 9
Topic 4: Wedding Part 1 of 3: Being Invited to a Wedding 10
Topic 4: Wedding Part 2 of 3: Going to a Rehearsal Dinner 11
Topic 4: Wedding Part 3 of 3: Attending a Wedding 12
Topic 5: Chatting with Co-workers Part 1 of 2: Discussing Real Estate 13
Topic 5: Chatting with Co-workers Part 2 of 3: Discussing TV Shows 14
Topic 6: Getting Fit Part 1 of 3: Invited to Boot Camp 15
Topic 6: Getting Fit Part 2 of 3: The Obstacle Course 16
Topic 6: Getting Fit Part 3 of 3: Surviving Boot Camp 17
Topic 7: A Friend Gets Sick Part 1 of 3: Taking A Sick Day 18
Topic 7: A Friend Gets Sick Part 2 of 3: Visiting A Sick Friend 19
Topic 7: A Friend Gets Sick Part 3 of 3: Checking In On A Friend 20
Topic 8: Moving Apartments Part 1 of 3: Discussing Rising Prices of Rentals 21
Topic 8: Moving Apartments Part 2 of 3: Moving Into A New Place 22
Topic 8: Moving Apartments Part 3 of 3: Settling Into A New Place 23
Topic 9: Gardening Chitchat Part 1 of 3: Improving Air Quality in the Home 24
Topic 9: Gardening Chitchat Part 2 of 3: Selecting Plant Varieties 25
Topic 9: Gardening Chitchat Part 3 of 3: Eating Organic Foods 26
Topic 10: Joy of Pregnancy Part 1 of 3: Expecting A Child 27
Topic 10: Joy of Pregnancy Part 2 of 3: Cost of Raising Children 28
Topic 10: Joy of Pregnancy Part 3 of 3: Baby Shower 29
Topic 11: Parents In Town For A Visit Part 1 of 3: Family Pressures 30
Topic 11: Parents In Town For A Visit Part 2 of 3: Aging Parents 31
Topic 11: Parents In Town For A Visit Part 3 of 3: Discussing Home Care 32
Topic 12: Going on a Diet Part 1 of 3: Dieting After Winter 33
Topic 12: Going on a Diet Part 2 of 3: Taking A Cheat Day 34
Topic 12: Going on a Diet Part 3 of 3: Seeing Results 35
Topic 13: Group Dance Lessons Part 1 of 2: Invited to Salsa Lessons 36
Topic 13: Group Dance Lessons Part 2 of 2: A Patient Dance Partner 37
Topic 14: High School Reunion Part 1 of 2: Reunion Anxiety 38
Topic 14: High School Reunion Part 2 of 2: After the Reunion 39
Topic 15: Board Game Night Part 1 of 2: Hosting a Board Game Night 40
Topic 15: Board Game Night Part 2 of 2: Playing a Board Game 41
Topic 16: Super Bowl Party Part 1 of 3: Invited to a Super Bowl Party 42
Topic 16: Super Bowl Party Part 2 of 3: Attending a Super Bowl Party 43
Topic 16: Super Bowl Party Part 3 of 3: Half Time During the Super Bowl 44
Topic 17: Hometown Part 1 of 3: Visiting Wife's Hometown 45
Topic 17: Hometown Part 2 of 3: Anxiety About Visiting the In-laws 46
Topic 17: Hometown Part 3 of 3: Returning to the City 47
Topic 18: A Couples' Night Part 1 of 2: Trouble Finding Things In Common 48
Topic 18: A Couples' Night Part 2 of 2: Finding Mutual Interests 49
Topic 19: Taking Evening College Classes Part 1 of 3: Going Back to School 50
Topic 19: Taking Evening College Classes Part 2 of 3: Balancing Work And School 51
Topic 19: Taking Evening College Classes Part 3 of 3: Managing the Workload 52
Topic 20: Going To A Funeral Part 1 of 2: Funeral Letter 53
Topic 20: Going To A Funeral Part 2 of 2: Observing a Friend's Funeral 54
Topic 21: Wine Tasting Part 1 of 3: Invited to a Wine Tasting Event 55
Topic 21: Wine Tasting Part 2 of 3: Taking a Wine Tasting Tour 56
Topic 21: Wine Tasting Part 3 of 3: Touring Distilleries 57
Topic 22: Starting A Family Business Part 1 of 3: Opening Up Shop 58
Topic 22: Starting A Family Business Part 2 of 3: Getting Passed the Red Tape 59
Topic 22: Starting A Family Business Part 3 of 3: Promotion Planning 60
Topic 23: Vacationing At A Ski Resort Part 1 of 3: Road trip 61
Topic 23: Vacationing At A Ski Resort Part 2 of 3: Choosing Skis Or Board 62
Topic 23: Vacationing At A Ski Resort Part 3 of 3: First Day Skiing 63
Topic 24: Getting Into House Flipping Part 1 of 4: First Flip 64
Topic 24: Getting Into House Flipping Part 2 of 4: A Good Buy 65
Topic 24: Getting Into House Flipping Part 3 of 4: Ready For The Market 66
Topic 24: Getting Into House Flipping Part 4 of 4: Risky Investment 67
Topic 25: Buying A Classic Car Part 1 of 3: Riding On Country Roads 68
Topic 25: Buying A Classic Car Part 2 of 3: Environmentally-Friendly Classics 69
Topic 25: Buying A Classic Car Part 3 of 3: Classic Cars As Investment Vehicles 70
Topic 26: Annual Meeting In Hawaii Part 1 of 2: Business Expense 71
Topic 26: Annual Meeting In Hawaii Part 2 of 2: Good Experience In Hawaii 72
Topic 27: Finding a Babysitter Part 1 of 2: Needing A Night Alone 73
Topic 27: Finding a Babysitter Part 2 of 2: Our Regular Sitter 74
Topic 28: Helping A Friend Through A Divorce Part 1 of 2: Divorce 75
Topic 28: Helping A Friend Through A Divorce Part 2 of 2: Prenuptial Agreement 76
Topic 29: Getting A Hobby Part 1 of 3: Glass Blowing 77
Topic 29: Getting A Hobby Part 2 of 3: First Try 78
Topic 29: Getting A Hobby Part 3 of 3: Make Figurines 79
Topic 30: Parents' 40th Anniversary Part 1 of 3: Planning Their 40th 80
Topic 30: Parents' 40th Anniversary Part 2 of 3: A Model Marriage 81
Topic 30: Parents' 40th Anniversary Part 3 of 3: My Dad Is The Romance Coach 82
Topic 31: Weekend Antiquing Part 1 of 3: Never Miss The Piccadilly 83
Topic 31: Weekend Antiquing Part 2 of 3: Steampunk Creations 84
Topic 31: Weekend Antiquing Part 3 of 3: Antiques Wait For No Man 85
Topic 32: Going Green Part 1 of 3: Paperless Office 86
Topic 32: Going Green Part 2 of 3: Green Is the New Black 87
Topic 32: Going Green Part 3 of 3: Maybe It's Just Hype 88
Topic 33: Going to a Baseball Game Part 1 of 3: East vs. West 89
Topic 33: Going to a Baseball Game Part 2 of 3: Learning the Rules 90
Topic 33: Going to a Baseball Game Part 3 of 3: The Best Part of Baseball 91
Topic 34: Taking My Nephew to Comic Con Part 1 of 3: Some Girls Like Sci-Fi 92
Topic 34: Taking My Nephew to Comic Con Part 2 of 3: Brave Costumed Nerds 93
Topic 34: Taking My Nephew to Comic Con Part 3 of 3: One Very Nerdy Girl 94
Topic 35: Staying at a Bed & Breakfast Part 1 of 3: A Place with a View 95
Topic 35: Staying at a Bed & Breakfast Part 2 of 3: Booking an Oregon Cottage 96
Topic 35: Staying at a Bed & Breakfast Part 3 of 3: The Romantic Oregon Coast 97
Topic 36: Going to a Jazz Club Part 1 of 2: Appreciating Jazz 98
Topic 36: Going to a Jazz Club Part 2 of 2: Their Signature Cocktail 99
Topic 37: Attending a Family Reunion Part 1 of 2: A Picnic at the Park 100
Topic 37: Attending a Family Reunion Part 2 of 2: Homemade is the Best 101
Topic 38: Touring an Art Exhibition Part 1 of 2: Informal Business 102
Topic 38: Touring an Art Exhibition Part 2 of 2: A Virtual Time Machine 103
Topic 39: Going on an Information Diet Part 1 of 3: Information Overload 104
Topic 39: Going on an Information Diet Part 2 of 3: Information Diet Week 105
Topic 39: Going on an Information Diet Part 3 of 3: Biain Needs To Reset 106
Topic 40: Losing a Wallet Part 1 of 3: Retracing Steps 107
The fine art of flower arranging /
作者: text by Nancy D'Oench ; coordination by Bonny Martin ; photography by Mick Hales.
简介:In this volume 170 colour photographs record fashionable as well as traditional and historical styles of flower arranging. In arrangements created for the dinner table and the living room, in spectacular designs for competition halls and museums and in botanical sculptures for the garden, the art of this hobby is presented. The text reveals how the best arrangers create their floral masterpieces and gives the reader how-to advice and inspiration to create their own arrangements.
作者: D.G.hessayon
简介:Revised and updated, twice the size--and with over two and a half million copies sold! He's the world's best-selling gardening author and this is now the definitive manual on flower gardening. As big as The Houseplant Expert, the new, greatly expanded, and amazingly comprehensive Millennium Edition is packed with every detail, every secret, and ... more 籩very trick Hessayon has uncovered through years of experience. Filled with facts on everything from choosing the right type of flower to cultivate, to increasing stock, to learning the ins-and-outs of flower care, to the special growing details that only an "expert book" can provide, it's truly the only flower guide you'll ever need. With an incredible array of available flowers shown, and complete A to Z dictionaries of annuals and biennials, border perennials, rockery perennials, bulbs, and hobby plants, there is everything you need to select the perfect flowers. Color photos of every one, plus all the varieties of each--with choice of site, climate, propagation techniques, and more--make sure everything goes smoothly. But because things occasio nally do go wrong even in the most well-tended gardens, a special section on plant troubles contains a full "rogues' gallery" of potential problems--and ways to nip them in the bud. 256 pages (all in color), 7 1/4 x 9 1/2. ?less
简介:Written for Esquire magazine late in Fitzgerald's career, The Pat Hobby Stories is a bittersweet, humorous recollection of a down-and-out Hollywood screenwriter trying to break back into show business who has better success breaking into bars. Copyright 漏 Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
简介:Discusses advances in the analysis of beer and wine, sensory characterization, technological applications in production, and new ways to make beer and wine at home. The 14 articles, from a symposium in San Francisco, April 1992, might be of interest to professionals and students in the industry, adepts in the hobby, or scientifically sophisticated connoisseurs. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
简介:Shells have delighted people throughout the ages. Early navigators brought shells back with them from far-off parts of the globe. Yet even today, whether close to home or on distant shores, a stroll on a beach can often result in beautiful shell finds. Shells have become decorative objects and collectors' items. In The Complete Encyclopedia of Shells you will find pictures and descriptions of a vast array of shells from all over the world. The vast majority of the nearly 100,000 species of mollusks that occur worldwide possess a shell. The true-to-nature photography in this encyclopedia gives you an impression of the best-known species of shell that occur worldwide in both tropical and temperate regions. To make searching easier, the species' groups and the species within those groups, have been arranged alphabetically according to their scientific genus. Particular attention has been paid to include species that can be easily obtained by collectors and vacationers, whether by trading, searching the beach, or purchased across the counter for a reasonable price. The Complete Encyclopedia of Shells is a wonderful work of reference that enables you to identify shells, be it a hobby or a course of serious study. Book jacket.
简介:Bremerhaven: Das neue Tor zur Welt. Werder Bremen: Der Knüller an der Weser. Kultur: Die Hochburg der Stifter Erscheinungsjahr: 2010 m. zahlr. Farbfotos, Beil.: Merian extra Hobby/Freizeit Gewicht: 360 gr / Abmessungen: 269 mm x 192 mm x 7 mm Die Lust am Understatement Das kleinste Bundesland, der kleinste ARD-Sender, und das wohl kleinste Wahrzeichen - die Bronzeplastik der Bremer Stadtmusikanten, immerhin Weltkulturerbe, ist grade mal zwei Meter hoch. Echte Bremer l?sst das kalt. Wahre Gr??e zeigt sich in Bremen nicht in lautem Protz und Prunk. Der gediegene Wohlstand des hanseatischen Bürgertums zeigt sich in Kultur, Forschung und Sport: Die Kunsthalle, die Weserburg, die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, das Focke-Museum oder das Schifffahrtsmuseum geh?ren zum Besten ihrer Gattung. Zeitgen?ssische Architektur wie das Universum und das Klimahaus beeindrucken ebenso wie Bremens Meeresforschungsinstitute. Dies alles gedeiht im Kleinen und ohne gro?es Tamtam. Und wirklich wichtig ist den Bremern nur eines: das Werder vor dem HSV steht.
简介:Whether you produce crafts as a hobby or as a profession, it's important to remember that if you sell your work, you're in business, and every business person must know the essentials if he or she is to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. The Crafts Business Encyclopedia, with its easy-to-use format, will allow you to manage your business with the same careful and creative skill you devote to your work. The Encyclopedia defines and discusses hundreds of terms and will guide you toward a complete understanding of many aspects of the crafts business, including the following: protecting work by copyright; advertising and selling crafts effectively; managing bookkeeping, invoices, and credit; buying appropriate insurance; and calculating taxes. Entries are listed alphabetically with handy cross-references to related sections, and helpful appendixes list organizations and publications vital to today's crafts artist. Success or failure, profit or loss: each of these depends on how you run your affairs, manage your money, find your markets, solve your problems. If you love your work and if you want to be in the crafts business through the nineties and beyond, let The Crafts Business Encyclopedia be your guide.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 For aquatic animal health professionals, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and students, Roberts (veterinary technology, Medaille College), an owner of an animal hospital and an ambulatory aquatic practice, provides a unique and comprehensive guide that addresses managing the health and well-being of ornamental aquatic animals. The 21 chapters, which are by veterinary and aquatic specialists from the US and UK, summarize nonlethal aquatic diagnostics and medicine in a clinical context, and discuss anatomy and physiology, the ornamental fish industry and hobby, stress in fish, water quality, and ponds and aquaria; fish health, including biosecurity, nutrition, parasites, and the identification and treatment of specific diseases and syndromes; and how to treat fish, including transporting and examining them, diagnostic techniques, surgery and wound management, necropsy, and neuroplasia. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Fundamentals of Ornamental Fish Healthis a complete guide to managing the health and well-being of ornamental aquatic animals. Grounded in the foundations of fish medical care, the book summarizes nonlethal aquatic diagnostics and medicine, putting the information within a clinical context. Providing a comprehensive overview of the subject, Fundamentals of Ornamental Fish Healthequips aquatic animal health professionals with all the information needed to competently and effectively treat these patients, from transporting and examining fish to diagnostic techniques and the identification and treatment of specific diseases and syndromes.
简介:The science and common sense behind creating an inexpensive, flourishing marine aquarium Marine Aquarium Keeping is the first complete, step-by-step handbook to bring scientific perspective and insight to the practical basics of assembling and successfully maintaining a conventional marine aquarium. While minimizing gadgetry and underscoring a s... more 籭mple, commonsense regimen of looking, seeing, and understanding, author and marine biologist Stephen Spotte offers logical, chapter-by-chapter guidance to every facet of the hobby?from choosing equipment and setting up an aquarium, to selecting healthy animals and maintaining a flourishing underwater environment. Inside, readers will discover:How to make a new aquarium suitable for sustaining lifeHow to select healthy animals from species demonstrating good captive survivalThe step-by-step basics of routine maintenanceHow to easily meet the nutritional requirements of marine animalsThe key to disease preventionThe use of seawater and artificial seawatersThe living subgravel filterAquarium decorations as shelter spaces and as aesthetic featuresThe marine aquarium as a living communityAn extensive health and disease section offers detailed, easy-to-follow treatment regimens, several unique to this volume, for a variety of common diseases. Current controversies and popular myths surrounding aquarium keeping, such as the benefits of supplemental light and the superiority of plastic filtrants, are also examined. A wealth of black-and-white and color photographs that strikingly depict marine animals in their natural habitat bring key facets of the text to life. Indispensable to the amateur aquarist who appreciates both the beauty and science of this fascinating pastime, this newest edition of the popular classic is the complete guide to successful, inexpensive marine aquarium keeping. ?less
简介:Text engl.-dtsch.-franz?s. Erscheinungsjahr: 2009 w. num col. photos, 1 two-col. map. Hobby/Freizeit Gewicht: 2406 gr / Abmessungen: 310 mm x 250 mm x 33 mm Hrsg. v. Taschen, Angelika / Text v. Rübesamen, Kristin Ihnen steht der Sinn nach einem Kurzurlaub, in dem man sich wirklich entspannen und die Batterien neu aufladen kann? Dann sollten Sie es mit einem Yoga-Retreat versuchen. Selbst wenn Sie nicht nach v?lliger Erleuchtung streben - ein inneres Leuchten schadet auf keinen Fall und das tritt garantiert nach einem Retreat ein. Denn Yogis kennen sich mit dem positiven Einfluss der Natur und des Feng Shui auf K?rper, Geist und Seele aus, und so finden sie immer die sch?nsten Umgebungen für ihre Retreats. Die gesunde biologische (und meist vegetarische) Küche führt zum Entschlacken und verhilft zu neuer Energie in kurzer Zeit,- nicht zu vergessen die t?glichen Yogaübungen, angeleitet von den bekanntesten und besten internationalen Yogalehrern. Und ob allein, mit einem Freund oder Partner oder in der Gruppe, Sie werden fast immer auf nette Mitreisende treffen. Um den richtigen Ort mit guten Lehrern zu finden, hat Angelika Taschen für Sie die sch?nsten und besten Yoga-Retreats in aller Welt gesucht - darunter ein exotisches Luxushotel in Bhutan, einen spirituellen Ashram in Indien, ein Bauerngut in der Toskana und ein Beach Resort in Mexiko. Aber seien Sie gewarnt: Yoga kann ganz schnell zu einer Lebenseinstellung werden, und bevor Sie es sich versehen, planen Sie Ihren Tagesablauf und sogar Ihren Urlaub rund um Ihre Yoga-Praxis.