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作者: 朱琳
简介: 没有任何动物像狗一样陪着人类走过如此漫长的岁月;没有任何动物像狗一样,遭受人们的迫害和驱逐,依然忠贞…… 作为一种令人惊叹的灵性动物,狗不仅是宠物,还应是我们生活的一部分,是我们最亲密、最可信赖的朋友。它需要更多的关心、理解和尊重! 本书作者积30多年养狗经验,以自养的6只狗为例,翻阅大量史料,广引最新的科研成果,从讲述各种狗类的起源入手,分析了狗与狼、山狗及澳洲野狗等的演化异同,剖析狗的种种行为和心理,提供了许多简单易行的训狗方法,为爱狗人士呈现一本精彩绝伦,知识性强,全方位了解狗的范本。
作者: 杰克·伯恩斯坦
早在丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)获得诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize)之前很久,《投资心理学》( 1980年出版)的*版就已经写好了,其核心内容是如何掌握自我,将其作为一种手段,达到掌控市场的*终目的。由于杰克·伯恩斯坦(Jake Bernstein)是一名临床心理学家和交易员的背景,这本经典著作远远超前于它所处的时代。
作者: Stephen
出版社:Orion 2012年02月
In this first novel in his epic fantasy masterpiece, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger. He is a haunting figure, a loner, on a spellbinding journey into good and evil, in a desolate world which frighteningly echoes our own.
In his first step towards the powerful and mysterious Dark Tower, Roland encounters an alluring woman named Alice, begins a friendship with Jake, a kid from New York, and faces an agonising choice between damnation and salvation as he pursues the Man in Black.
Both grippingly realistic and eerily dreamlike, THE GUNSLINGER leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
And the Tower is closer...
简介:Paris in the twenties: Pernod, parties and expatriate Americans, loose-living on money from home. Jake is wildly in love with Brett Ashley, aristocratic and irresistibly beautiful, but with an abandoned, sensuous nature that she cannot change. When the couple drifts to Spain to the dazzle of the fiesta and the heady atmosphere of the bullfight, their affair is strained by new passions, new jealousies, and Jake must finally learn that he will never possess the woman he loves.Powerful, intense, visually magnificent, Fiesta is the novel which established Ernest Hemingway as a writer of genius(20031208)
The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
作者: Stephen
出版社:Orion 2012年02月
The final volume sees gunslinger Roland on a roller-coaster mix of exhilarating triumph and aching loss in his unrelenting quest to reach the dark tower. Roland's band of pilgrims remains united, though scattered. Susannah-Mia has been carried off to New York to give birth, Terrified of what may happen, Jake, Father Callahan and Oy follow. Roland and Eddie are in Maine, looking for the site which will lead them to Susannah. As he finally closes in on the tower, Roland's every step is shadowed by a terrible and sinister creation. And finally, he realises, he may have to walk the last dark strait alone...You've come this far, Come a little farther, Come all the way, The sound you hear may be the slamming of the door behind you. Welcome to The Dark Tower.
简介: 在线阅读本书 Series Description: Miley Stewart looks like a regular girl-next-door, but she's got a big secret. When the lights go down, Miley is the famous teen pop sensation Hannah Montana! Miley may be a celebrity when she's on stage, but she wants the rest of her life to be as normal as possible.The only people who know the truth about Miley's dual identity are her father, brother, and best friends Lilly and Oliver. But keeping that secret-and balancing schoolwith her newfound fame and fortune-is harder than Miley ever thought it would be. Hannah Montana #7: When Miley's scheming, look-alike cousin Luann pays a visit, she's surprisingly well behaved. Miley thinks they finally might have gotten over the rough patch from their childhood, and even invites Luann to the coolest Halloween party in town. But when Luann hog-ties Miley in her pop-star closet, Miley realizes she's made a big mistake! Will Miley's friends rescue her in time to stop Luann from revealing Miley's secret identity? Plus, when Miley's grandmother comes for a visit, Miley's brother Jackson seems to be getting more than his fair share of attention. Didn't anyone teach Grandma Stewart not to play favorites? Hannah Montana #8: Ever since Jake Ryan started acting on the TV show, Zombie High , Miley thinks he's become a huge egomaniac. So when he invites Miley to the school Seventies Dance, she says no. Then Hannah Montana guest stars on Jake's show, and Miley realizes she might have been wrong about her former crush-but is it too late? Plus, when Miley and Jake start using other people to make each other jealous, it's bound to backfire-Miley just never expected it would be on her! Hannah Montana #9: When Hannah Montana becomes a spokesmodel in a TV commercial for a new perfume, there's only one problem-she hates it! But when she gets an incredibly hot gift for being the new face of Eau Wow, Miley starts to reconsider. . . . But could she really go on TV and lie to the whole world? Plus, when Miley accidentally gets her brother Jackson fired from his job, she makes him Hannah Montana's assistant-with serious consequences!
作者: edited by Jake Y. Chen, Stefano Lonardi.
简介:This reference provides comprehensive data mining concepts, theories, and applications in current medical and biological research. Features include extensive coverage of biological sequences, structures, Imics, ontology, literature mining, biological concepts integrated with data mining techniques, case studies of biological applications, and more. It is intended for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners. Editors are Chen (informatics, Indiana U. School of Informatics) and Lonardi (computer science and engineering, U. of California, Riverside. The book's 80 contributors are professionals in biological data mining research. Annotation c2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Dust for Dinner尘暴过后ISBN9780064442251
作者: Turner
Jake and Maggy lived on a farm where they loved to sing anddance to the music from Mama's radio. Then terrible dust stormscame and ruined the land. The family had no choice but to auctionoff the farm and make the long, hard journey west toCalifornia-away from the dust storms, where the land is stillgreen. Along the way, Papa tries to find work, and Jake and Maggytry to help too. But what if Papa can't find a job? What ifCalifornia isn't better after all? Ann Turner's dramatic storyabout the dust bowl, set during the Great Depression andbeautifully captured in Robert Barrett's paintings, shows how onefamily stays together during difficult times.
Surviving the Applewhites 爱波怀特一家学校生存记 ISBN9780064410441
作者: Tolan
Jake Semple is a scary kid. Word has it that he burned downhis old school and then was kicked out of every other school in hishome state. Only weeks into September, the middle school inTraybridge, North Carolina, has thrown him out, too. Now there’sonly one place left that will take him—a home school run by themost outrageous, forgetful, chaotic, quarrelsome family you’ll evermeet. Each and every Applewhite is an artist through andthrough—except E.D., the smart, scruffy girl with a deep longingfor order and predictability. E.D. and Jake, so nearly the sameage, are quickly paired in the family’s first experiment in“cooperative education.” The two clash immediately, of course. Theonly thing they have in common is the determination to survive thefamily’s eccentricities. In Stephanie S. Tolan’s hilarious tale, alocal production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC—directed, stagecrafted,choreographed, and costumed by Applewhites—brings the familytogether and shows E.D. and Jake the value of the special giftsthey’ve ha
IMPRESSIVE SALES SURVIVING THE APPLEWHITES has netted more than460,000 units across all editions! AWARDS AND HONORS FOR SURVIVINGTHE APPLEWHITES ?Newbery Honor Book ?New York Times Bestseller ?ALANotable Children’s Book ?ALA Best Book for Young Adults ?ALAPopular Paperbacks for Young Adults ?ALA Booklist Editors’ Choice?School Library Journal Best Book ?Smithsonian Magazine NotableBook for Children ?New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age?New York Public Library’s “One Hundred Titles for Reading andSharing” ?Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children’s Book Award Masterlist(Vermont), ?Nebraska Children’s Choice “Golden Sower Award” nominee?Texas Lone Star Reading List ?State lists: Missouri, Illinois,Tennessee, South Carolina, Iowa ?Winner: Kentucky Bluegrass Award?Winner: William Allen White Award (Kansas) ?Book Links LastingConnection FANTASTIC NEW ART This repackage features terrific newcover art by Brett Helquist, who also did the jacket art forAPPLEWHITES AT WIT’S END—Stephanie S. Tolan’s long-awaited sequelto SURVIVING THE APPLEWHITES. We will publish APPLEWHITES AT WIT’SEND on the Summer 2012 list. ANNIVERSARY YEAR 2012 marks the tenthanniversary of SURVIVING THE APPLEWHITES. What better way tocelebrate than with a new cover and a hilarious sequel? Thisrepackage will include a teaser to APPLEWHITES AT WIT’S END. FUNNY,BUT WITH A SERIOUS PURPOSE The funny, offbeat look at an at-riskboy who has been kicked out of several schools and is sent to livewith a homeschooling family, this Newbery honor title has receivedimpressive acclaim and is a favorite among teachers, librarians,and young pe
The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
作者: Stephen
出版社:Orion 2012年06月
The pivotal sixth instalment in King's bestselling epic fantasy saga provides the key to the quest that defines Roland's life. In the next part of their journey to the tower, Roland and his band of followers face adversity from every side: Susannah Dean has been taken over by a demon-mother and uses the power of Black Thirteen to get from the Mid-World New York City. But who is the father of her child? And what role will the Crimson King play? Roland sends Jake to break Susannah's date with destiny, while he himself uses 'the persistence of magic' to get to Maine in the Summer of 1977. It is a terrible world: for one thing it is real and bullets are flying. For another, it is inhabited by the author of a novel called 'SALEM'S LOT. SONG OF SUSANNAH is driven by revelation and by suspense. It continues THE DARK TOWER series seamlessly from WOLVES OF THE CALLA and the dramatic climax will leave readers desperate to read the quest's conclusion.
Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe 大马克思与失踪的长颈鹿ISBN9780060099206
作者: Platt
Jake the giraffe is missing, and Big Max is on the case! Butis this mystery too big for even the world's greatestdetective?
BIG SALES Kin Platt’s first I Can Read Book, BIG MAX, has been astaple of the I Can Read Book list since it was first published in1965, and has total sales of over 300,000 copies. BIG MYSTERYMysteries are popular among beginning readers: the NATE THE GREATseries and Crosby Bonsall’s CASE OF THE... series (THE CASE OF THESCAREDY CATS, CASE OF THE HUNGRY STRANGER, et al) are perennialfavorites. BIG LAUGHS Kids will enjoy the humorous adventures ofBig Max, the detective who always travels by umbrella. BIG PRAISEFOR BIG MAX “The character of Big Max, a kind of miniature SherlockHolmes, is well drawn in both words and pictures.”—School LibraryJour
Everyday English snack,Preteens talk Ⅱ
作者: (美)坎菲尔德(Jack Canfield),Mark Victor Hansen,Amy Newmark编著;刘蒙之译
简介: 这本《每天读一点英文(与青春有关的日子)》由Jake Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen和Amy Newmark编著,刘蒙之译,有以下三大优势: ?收录了《心灵鸡汤》最经典、最脍炙人口的精彩篇目,用简短、精炼 的语言讲述了一个个青春闪耀的小故事。 ?关于青春的一切话题和成长的贴心建议,《每天读一点英文(与青春 有关的日子)》会为你精彩呈现,适合每天诵读。 ?这些故事会带你回到曾经张扬恣肆的日子,在赏析美文的同时,还可 以提高英语阅读能力。 ?精选50篇感人至深的美文,涵盖成长之痛、友情之深、亲情之切等与 青春有关的点点滴滴。收录的青春故事温情雅致,耐人寻味,不仅能让你在 回忆和感动中重温曾经的年少故事,也能与美国人同步阅读,是你学习英文 的最佳双语读本。
简介:A killer who gets away with murder once...Finds it easier to kill again...And again...and again... It's been 20 years since the night Jake Marcott was brutally murdered at St. Elizabeth High School. It's a night that shattered the lives of Lindsay Farrell, Kristen Daniels, and Rachel Alsace. It's a night they'll never forget. A killer will make sure of that... A 20-year reunion has been scheduled for St. Elizabeth's. For some alumni, very special invitations have been sent: their smiling senior pictures slashed by an angry red line... Three women have been marked for death. Tonight, as the music plays, and the doors of St. Elizabeth are sealed, a killer will finish what was started long ago, and the sins of the past will be paid for in blood...(Publisher)
简介:Before "The Firm" and "The Pelican Brief" made him a superstar, John Grisham wrote this riveting story of retribution and justice -- at last it's available in a Doubleday hardcover edition. In this searing courtroom drama, best-selling author John Grisham probes the savage depths of racial violence...as he delivers a compelling tale of uncertain justice in a small southern town...Clanton, Mississippi. The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young man. The mostly white town reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle -- and takes justice into his own outraged hands. For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his client's life...and then his own... "From the Hardcover edition."
简介: Book Description All good things must come to end. Constant Listener, and not even Stephen King can write a story that goes on forever. The tale of Ronald Deschain's relentless quest for the Dark Tower has, the author fears, sorely tried the patience of those who have followed it from its earliest chapters. But attend to it a while longer, if it pleases you, for this volume is the last, and often the last things are best. Roland's ka-tet remains intact, though scattered over wheres and whens. Susannah-Mia has been carried from the Dixie Pig (in the summer of 1999) to a birthing room -- really a chamber of horrors - in Thunderclap's Fedic Station; Jake and Father Callahan, with Oy between them, have entered the restaurant on Lex and 61st with weapons drawn, little knowing how numerous and noxious are their foes. Roland and Eddie are with John Cullum in Maine, in 1977, looking for the site on Turtleback Lane where "walk-ins" have been often seen. They want desperately to get back to the others, to Susannah especially, and yet they have come to realize that the world they need to escape is the only one that matters. Thus the audiobook opens, like a door to the uttermost reaches of Stephen King's imagination. You've come this far. Come a little father. Come all the way. The sound you hear may be the slamming of the door behind you. Welcome to The Dark Tower. Amazon.com At one point in this final book of the Dark Tower series, the character Stephen King (added to the plot in Song of Susannah) looks back at the preceding pages and says "when this last book is published, the readers are going to be just wild." And he's not kidding. After a journey through seven books and over 20 years, King's Constant Readers finally have the conclusion they've been both eagerly awaiting and silently dreading. The tension in the Dark Tower series has built steadily from the beginning and, like in the best of King's novels, explodes into a violent, heart-tugging climax as Roland and his ka-tet finally near their goal. The body count in The Dark Tower is high. The gunslingers come out shooting and face a host of enemies, including low men, mutants, vampires, Roland's hideous quasi-offspring Mordred, and the fearsome Crimson King himself. King pushes the gross-out factor at times--Roland's lesson on tanning (no, not sun tanning) is brutal--but the magic of the series remains strong and readers will feel the pull of the Tower as strongly as ever as the story draws to a close. During this sentimental journey, King ties up loose ends left hanging from the 15 non-series novels and stories that are deeply entwined in the fabric of Mid-World through characters like Randall Flagg (The Stand and others) or Father Callahan (Salem's Lot). When it finally arrives, the long awaited conclusion will leave King's myriad fans satisfied but wishing there were still more to come. In King's memoir On Writing, he tells of an old woman who wrote him after reading the early books in the Dark Tower series. She was dying, she said, and didn't expect to see the end of Roland's quest. Could King tell her? Does he reach the Tower? Does he save it? Sadly, King said he did not know himself, that the story was creating itself as it went along. Wherever that woman is now (the clearing at the end of the path, perhaps?), let's hope she has a copy of The Dark Tower. Surely she would agree it's been worth the wait. --Benjamin Reese From Publishers Weekly A pilgrimage that began with one lone man's quest to save multiple worlds from chaos and destruction unfolds into a tale of epic proportions. While King saw some criticism for the slow pace of 1982's The Gunslinger, the book that launched this series, The Drawing of the Three (Book II, 1987), reeled in readers with its fantastical allure. And those who have faithfully journeyed alongside Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake and Oy ever since will find their loyalty toward the series' creator richly rewarded.The tangled web of the tower's multiple worlds has manifested itself in many of King's other works— The Stand (1978), Insomnia (1994) and Hearts in Atlantis (1999), to name a few. As one character explains here, "From the spring of 1970, when he typed the line The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed... very few of the things Stephen King wrote were 'just stories.' He may not believe that; we do." King, in fact, intertwines his own life story deeper and deeper into the tale of Roland and his surrogate family of gunslingers, and, in this final installment, playfully and seductively suggests that it might not be the author who drives the story, but rather the fictional characters that control the author.This philosophical exploration of free will and destiny may surprise those who have viewed King as a prolific pop-fiction dispenser. But a closer look at the brilliant complexity of his Dark Tower world should explain why this bestselling author has finally been recognized for his contribution to the contemporary literary canon. With the conclusion of this tale, ostensibly the last published work of his career, King has certainly reached the top of his game. And as for who or what resides at the top of the tower... The many readers dying to know will have to start at the beginning and work their way up. 12 color illus. by Michael Whelan. From The Washington Post's Book World/washingtonpost.com The long march to the Dark Tower began in 1970 when Stephen King, still a fledgling writer with outsized ambitions, was an undergraduate at the University of Maine. It was then that he wrote the opening chapters of the first book in the series. The project faltered for a while, was eventually revived and has since proceeded in fits and starts, with gaps as long as six years between installments. Recently, in the aftermath of his near-fatal accident in 1999, King turned his full attention to this long, protracted saga, producing three large volumes in rapid succession. The seventh and final volume, The Dark Tower, should more than satisfy his voracious readers. It is an absorbing, constantly surprising novel filled with true narrative magic, a fitting capstone to a uniquely American epic. Inspiration for that epic comes from all points of the aesthetic compass. The primary source is Robert Browning's narrative poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came," which provided King with his central motif and a name for his carved-from-granite protagonist: Roland Deschain of Gilead. Other sources include J.R.R. Tolkien, L. Frank Baum, Clifford D. Simak and the work of filmmakers such as John Sturges, Akira Kurosawa and -- most centrally -- Sergio Leone. Leone's sprawling "spaghetti western" "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," created the template for Roland -- a distinctly Clint Eastwood-like figure -- and for the alternately brutal and beautiful landscape through which he journeys. That journey begins with the memorable opening sentence: "The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed." Roland, a lineal descendant of King Arthur, is the last gunslinger in a rapidly decaying world. He has embarked on a quest for the eponymous tower, which stands at the nexus of all times and places, binding together an infinite number of parallel worlds. The tower, held in place by a number of intersecting "beams," is under attack by a psychotic entity known as the Crimson King, who plans to tear it down and rule forever in the chaos that will follow. Roland's twin goals are to preserve the tower -- and, by extension, the worlds it supports -- and to climb to the room at the top of that tower, where an unknown fate awaits him. The first few volumes focus on Roland's efforts to draw a trio of prospective companions from three different versions of 20th-century America. The first of these is Eddie Dean, a heroin addict rapidly running out of hope and chances. The second is Odetta Holmes, a crippled civil rights activist with multiple personalities who eventually becomes known as Susannah. The third is Jake Chambers, an 11-year-old boy who returns from the dead to join Roland's cadre of apprentice gunslingers. These three form the core of the "ka-tet" (i.e., sacred fellowship) that will accompany Roland on his quest. They are joined, at various stages, by many others, including Father Donald Callahan, a central figure in Salem's Lot (1975), and a popular (and endangered) novelist named Stephen King, who has a crucial story to tell. By the time the final volume opens, the ka-tet is closer to the tower after surviving a daunting array of pitched battles, supernatural encounters, out-of-body experiences and journeys between worlds. On the heels of the multiple cliffhangers that ended the previous volume, Song of Susannah, a number of critical developments are under way. Jake and Father Callahan move toward a fateful meeting in a Manhattan restaurant called the Dixie Pig. Susannah gives birth to a murderous, shape-shifting entity named Mordred. Roland himself, accompanied by Eddie Dean, travels to the town of Lowell, Maine, where the border between worlds has grown thin and permeable. In time, the diminished ka-tet reassembles, resuming its increasingly treacherous journey. Their path leads from Algul Siente, where imprisoned "breakers" chip away at the two remaining beams, back to Maine, where Stephen King awaits his life-altering encounter with an out-of-control Dodge Caravan. From there, the path moves through a blighted, wintry landscape leading to a field of roses where the Tower awaits. King combines these diverse elements into an archetypal quest fantasy distinguished by its uniquely Western flavor, its emotional complexity and its sheer imaginative reach. In the course of nearly 4,000 pages, the Dark Tower saga fuses slightly skewed autobiography with an extravagant portrait of an imperiled multiverse. The series as a whole -- and this final volume in particular -- is filled with brilliantly rendered set pieces (including a stand-up comedy routine that turns unexpectedly lethal), cataclysmic encounters and moments of desolating tragedy. In the end, King holds it all together through sheer narrative muscle and his absolute commitment to his slowly unfolding -- and deeply personal -- vision. As King notes in his afterword, the series has become his "ubertale." As such, it has gradually established a web of connections with much of his earlier fiction. The most prominent example is the reappearance of Father Callahan, who was last seen in ignominious retreat from the vampire-infested village of Jerusalem's Lot. In his new incarnation, "Pere" Callahan is an affecting, multidimensional character for whom redemption, which once seemed impossible, has come suddenly within reach. Elsewhere in the series, Randall Flagg, architect of the apocalypse in The Stand (1978), shows up in a variety of guises, among them that of the man in black whose flight across the desert in volume one began the story. Also back are Dinky Earnshaw (Everything's Eventual) and Ted Brautigan ("Low Men in Yellow Coats"), who now work together as conscripted, ultimately rebellious "breakers." And Patrick Danville, who appeared briefly onstage in Insomnia, joins the ka-tet in the final stages of its journey and plays a pivotal role in the climactic confrontation with the Crimson King. Other, less overt references -- names, phrases and images that deliberately echo similar elements of earlier books -- are scattered throughout the text, creating the sense of a coherent, if loosely connected, fictional universe. Although King's detractors -- a vocal, often contentious bunch -- will doubtless disagree, The Dark Tower stands as an imposing example of pure storytelling. King has always believed in the primal importance of story, and his entire career -- encompassing 40 novels and literally hundreds of shorter works -- is a reflection of that belief. On one level, the series as a whole is actually about stories, about the power of narrative to shape and color our individual lives. It is also, beneath its baroque, extravagant surface, about the things that make us human: love, loss, grief, honor, courage and hope. On a deeper level still, it is a meditation on the redemptive possibility of second chances, a subject King knows intimately. In bringing this massive project to conclusion, King has kept faith with his readers and made the best possible use of his own second chance. The Dark Tower is a humane, visionary epic and a true magnum opus. It will be around for a very long time. Reviewed by Bill Sheehan From Booklist The end of King's quantitative magnum opus, the Dark Tower, some 34 years in the making and god knows how many thousands of pages long, begins where Song of Susannah [BKL My 1 04] left off. Boy gunslingers Jake and Pere Callahan (once upon a time, the priest of 'Salem's Lot) are entering the Dixie Pig Cafe in Manhattan, in whose backrooms the heir of two fathers--the evil Crimson King, lord of the Dark Tower, and the saga's hero, the gunslinger Roland Deschain--is aborning. Chief gunslinger Roland and Eddie Dean, whose fellow gunslinger and wife, Susannah, is bearing the horrid child in tandem with the formerly immortal Mia (two dads require two moms, though the moms are merged, the dads poles apart), are speeding to the rescue from Maine. Neither birth nor rescue is short-circuited, but abandon all hope that either develops straightforwardly. The tower is ever so digressively approached, and many die in the process. It would be unforgivable to leak just who in Roland's ka-tet--he, Eddie and Susannah, Jake, and the billybumbler Oy--achieves the tower with him, but saying that the tower is achieved gives nothing essential away. Despite plenty of action and quite a few unforeseen bombshells, this massive conclusion may strike some as drawn out. King leans on his talent for covering 30 seconds of action in, say, 30 pages, rather too often. But what the vast, allusive (to several other King books and plenty of others) tale is all about is more teasingly evident than ever before: it's a fable, possibly theological, of creativity--among, indubitably, other things. Ray Olson From Bookmarks Magazine "I’ve told my tale all the way to the end," King writes in the coda, "and am satisfied." Most readers will be, too. Satisfied, but also sad that after 22 years, nearly 4,000 pages, and seven installments, this archetypal fantasy quest series has ended. As in Song of Susannah, Dark Tower’s predecessor, King pens stunning set pieces, invents cataclysmic battles, and touches on familiar themes of good vs. evil. His writing is as powerful as ever—just imagine a demonic Mordred devouring his mother. But if there’s unanimous admiration for King’s genius, there’s no consensus about Dark Tower. Some critics argue that each piece of the convoluted plot fits into King’s larger vision. Others call the work imperfect for this lofty ambition of a greater whole. Some view King’s insertion of himself as a character as brilliant while others fault it as pretentious. But King fans and novices alike will find Dark Tower a "fitting capstone to a uniquely American epic" (Washington Post). Just don’t start in the middle. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.2 width:(cm)10.5
简介:WOULD SHE LOSE JAKE'S FRAGILE TRUST? Alone and penniless after her father's death, her show-jumping career in ruins, Tamsin reluctantly embarked on a mission for Emile, her employer-to persuade leading trainer Jake Newman to part with his top horse. Jake wasn't easily bought, however-and tamsinwasn't prepared for the powerful flare of attraction between them. Then just when she thought she'd shaken off Emile, disaster struck. Somehow she had to convince Jake she loved him and that she'd never intended to carry out Emile's unscrupulous plans...