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简介:Includes poetry, short stories, essays, jokes, songs, and letters by Haim Isaac Karigal, Mordecai Shaftall, Haym Salomon, Jacob I. Cohen, Rebecca Samuel, Jacob Henry, Rebecca Gratz, Mordecai Manual Noah, Penina Moise, Isaac Leeser, Isaac Mayer Wise, Adah Isaacs Menken, Nathan Mayer, Emma Lazarus, Morris Rosenfeld, Yehoash, Sholem Asch, Mary Antin, Mani Leyb, I.J. Schwartz, Moyshe Nadir, Anzia Yezierska, Moyshe-Leyb Halpern, Joseph Opatoshu, Celia Dropkin, Anna Margolin, Edna Ferber, H. Leyvik, Fradl Shtok, Groucho Marx, Woody Allen, Gertrude Stein, Ludwig Lewisohn, A. Leyeles (Aaron Glanz), Charles Reznikoff, Jacob Glatstein (Yankev Glatshteyn), Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, S.J. Perelman, Louis Zukofsky, Berish Vaynshteyn (Berish Weinstein), Henry Roth, Tess Slesinger, Stanley Kunitz, Meyer Levin, Clifford Odets, Leo Rosten, Daniel Fuchs, Edwin Rolfe, Hortense Calisher, Paul Goodman, J.L. Teller, Muriel Rukeyser, Delmore Schwartz, Irwin Shaw, Karl Shapiro, Arthur Miller, Isaac Rosenfeld, Ephraim E. Lisitzky, Malka Heifetz Tussman, Kadya Molodowsky, Carl Rakosi, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Lionel Trilling, George Oppen, Chaim Grade, Emma Adatto Schlesinger, Gabriel Preil, Kate Simon, Tillie Olsen, David Ignatow, Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, Alfred Kazin, Irving Howe, Howard Nemerov, Grace Paley, Anthony Hecht, Shirley Kaufman, Denise Levertov, Norman Mailer, Louis Simpson, Gerald Stern, Allen Ginsberg, Irving Feldman, Philip Levine, Cynthia Ozick, Elie Wiesel, John Hollander, Philip Roth, Oscar Hammerstein, Irving Berlin, Lorenz Hart, Frank Loesser, Stephen Sondheim, Sheldon Harnick, Chaim Potok, Adrienne Rich, E.M. Broner, Bruce Jay Friedman, Harold Bloom, E.L. Doctorow, Jerome Rothenberg, Allen Grossman, Tova Reich, Marge Piercy, Mark Mirsky, Robert Pinsky, Max Apple, Irena Klepfisz, Steve Stern, Art Spiegelman, Charles Bernstein, Edward Hirsch, Miriam Israel Moses, Melvin Jules Bukiet, Jacqueline Osherow, Allegra Goodman, and others.
Network management : principles and practice = 网络管理 : 原理与实践 / 影印版
简介: 本书作者在网络管理、工程及操作上有着丰富的经验,他将这些宝贵的经验与现实世界中的实例相结合,介绍了网络管理的基本概念及最新技术。本书不是仅讲述某一特殊专门的网络技术,而是涉及了网络管理的基础,包括背景知识、技术、工具等,这些是所有网络管理者必须了解的。本书内容包括三个部分:第一部分提供连网及网络技术的背景知识,如集线器、路由器、网桥、转换器等;第二部分重点介绍了网络管理结构和协议,讨论了snmp管理、宽带管理及tmn;第三部分介绍了一些用于监控网络参数、网络管理应用程序、管理网络及系统等的工具。 内容:i.背景知识(1. 数据通信与网络管理概述 2. 计算机技术回顾)ii.snmp、宽带与tmn管理(3. 基本概念:标准、建模与语言 4. snmpv1:组织与信息5. snmpv1:通信6. snmpv27. snmpv38. rmon9. 宽带网络管理:atm网络10. 宽带网络管理:访问网络11. 电信管理网络)iii.管理工具、系统及应用(12. 网络管理工具及系统 13. 网络管理应用程序 14. 基于web的管理附录 osi管理) 作者简介: mani subramanian is a professor at georgia institute of technology,where he teaches a network manage-ment course based on his years of industry experience.he has led research and development at several networking corporations and has practical knowledge of networking and netowrk management.in1989,he has elected tech-nical kirector of the osi network management forum and was responsible for the first release of osi nm specificatiions.dr.subramanian received his ph.d.from purdue university.
Network Management Principles and Practice
简介: 本书系统地阐述了网络管理技术基础知识,如主要联网设备、网络管理协议和网络监视工具等。同时也涉及最新的网络管理技术,如事件关系服务质量等,既照顾到了网络管理知识的全面性,也对重要内容进行了适当深入的讲解和论述。 本书既适合做计算机专业本科网络建设和管理专业教材,也适合对网络管理技术感兴趣的读者。
简介:Cinema Today is a survey of world cinema and the films that have dominated our screens over the last thirty years. The period since 1970 constitutes nearly one third of the entire history of the cinema, what we might call its Third Age, since it began to develop a a medium in the early twentieth century. During the mid-twentieth century film consolidated its position as the most popular of all art forms and Hollywood became the powerhouse of world cinema. At the end of the 1960s, Hollywood's domination was increasingly challenged by new kinds of cinema from around the world and from other viewpoints, and as a result was forced to reinvent itself. The Third Age began with the emergence of the Hollywood blockbuster and the regeneration of the Hollywood industry. Cinema Today examines this history, while highlighting exciting new developments in cinema across the globe. Author Edward Buscombe begins with a look at the new Hollywood, its directors and genres, and its ability to react t o change which has resulted in Hollywood's continued dominance. These are the films that world audiences go to see in the millions, not just because of their superior production values, but because they tap into the dreams and fantasies of people the world over. He then surveys the cinemas of other significant centres of world production, such as Eastern and Western Europe, North Africa and Latin America, the Pacific Rim countries and the Bollywood film industry of India. Influential directors such as Steven Spielberg, Chen Kaige and Jean-:Luc Godard are featured alongside a new generation of film-makers including Paul Thomas Anderson, Lukas Moodysson and Samira Makhmalbaf. Films as diverse as Dil Se (Mani Rathnam, 1998), Yeelen (Souleymane Ciss茅, 1987), Talk to Her (hable con ella, Pedro Almod贸var, 2002), Casino (Martin Scorsese, 1995) and Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977) are all featured. Fully illustrated with over 700 images including film stills, posters and behind-the-scenes sho ts, this book also features in-depth case studies on a wide range of films. Cinema Today provides an unparalleded insight into the heart of the film industry. - Cover.
简介:This reader presents a selection of 43 excerpts and essays that cover many of the diverse issues, motives, theories, and concerns of feminism. McCann (women's studies, U. of Maryland, Baltimore County) and Kim (women's studies, U. of Maryland, College Park) have written introductions to the book and each of its three main sections, which are on definitions and movements, identity, and theory. The latter section focuses on poststructuralist theory, featuring writers that include Lata Mani, Joan W. Scott, and Carolyn Sorisio. Distributed by Taylor & Francis. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Ce cours est une introduction 脿 la mod茅lisation math茅matique et 脿 l'analyse num茅rique pour la chimie mol茅culaire quantique, un champ peu connu des math茅maticiens et pourtant riche en sujets d'investigation. Le point de vue choisi est celui du math茅maticien appliqu茅. Le cours est construit de mani猫re auto-consistante. Seules des notions de base en analyse fonctionnelle sont requises pour l'aborder. Les outils math茅matiques plus 茅labor茅s sont introduits progressivement et les connaissances n茅cessaires en physique et en th茅orie spectrale sont regroup茅es dans des annexes. On pr茅sente d'abord les mod猫les les plus utilis茅s en pratique. Puis, on analyse ces mod猫les d'un point de vue math茅matique (questions d'existence de solutions, d'unicit茅, ...). On introduit ensuite les diff茅rentes strat茅gies num茅riques employ茅es pour la r茅solution pratique, et on fournit, quand ceci est possible, des 茅l茅ments d'analyse num茅rique de ces m茅thodes. Les liens existants entre les mod猫les de la chimie mol茅culaire et des sujets connexes sont aussi explor茅s : mod茅lisation de la phase liquide, physique de l'茅tat cristallin, biologie, simulation des mat茅riaux, ... Le cours peut aussi int茅resser le chimiste ou le physicien curieux de comprendre les techniques math茅matiques dont rel猫vent les mod猫les qu'il utilise, et de d茅couvrir comment de telles techniques peuvent am茅liorer significativement l'efficacit茅 et la qualit茅 des simulations num茅riques.
简介:'Nature' is perhaps themost contested term in the social sciences. It has a huge variety of possible meanings, and an equally great number of implications as to what human life actually is and how it should be studied. Questions frequently raised include: What is 'nature'? What is 'human nature'? How does mankind act upon, change, mani... more 籶ulate and otherwise alter the 'natural world', and what might the consequences be thereof? How does the 'natural world' impinge upon human life? What are the moral and ethical issues involved in the areas just mentioned? Containing the main contributions that have been made within this field of study, these fascinating volumes include a new introduction that places the articles in their historical and intellectual context, as well as an extensive index and chronological table of contents. Previous titles in the series include Tourism(0-415-24364-5) 2004, 4 volumes and Material Culture(0-415-26718-8) May 2004, 5 volumes. Forthcoming titles include Political Geography(0-415-33210-9) June 2005, 4 volumes and Economic Geography(0-415-33841-7) 2005, 5 volumes. ?less
作者: 刘锴著
简介:《传染性法氏囊病毒的反向遗传操作研究》编辑推荐:传染性法氏囊病(Infection bursal disease,IBD)是由鸡传染性法氏囊病毒(Infectious bursal disease virus.IBDV)引起的鸡和火鸡的一种高度接触性传染病。这种病给世界各国的禽养殖业带来了巨大损失。自IBDV被发现至今新的变异株不断出现,分子结构的改变导致病毒致病力的改变及宿主对疫苗应答的改变,使传统的疫苗已不能控制其流行。而常规的从“性状一基因”的研究策略具有一定的局限性,研究者不能更有针对性地、主动地对各种病毒进行研究。因此,可以考虑反其道而为之,即从“基因一性状”,这样,反向遗传操作技术(Reverse genetics mani—pulation technique)应运而生。反向遗传操作技术的诞生和运用,开启了人们对病毒基因组进行人工操作以及详细了解病毒基因及其产物功能的大门。
简介:Cet ouvrage est la troisi猫me 茅dition 鈥?largement r茅vis茅e et augment茅e 鈥?du Trait茅 de nutrition artificielle de l'adulte dont la premi猫re 茅dition est parue 1998. Il est enti猫rement consacr茅, de mani猫re exhaustive, 脿 la nutrition clinique de l'adulte. Plus de cent trente scientifiques francophones : m茅decins, pharmaciens, biologistes, chercheurs, di茅t茅ticiens, infirmiers, faisant autorit茅 dans le domaine de la nutrition et du m茅tabolisme, rassembl茅s par la Soci茅t茅 Fran莽aise de Nutrition Ent茅rale et Parent茅rale (SFNEP), font le point sur leurs connaissances et de leur exp茅rience pour permettre de comprendre, diagnostiquer et traiter les atteintes nutritionnelles. La pr茅sentation claire et didactique (encadr茅s, sch茅mas, tableaux, mise en exergue de l'essentiel) permet un abord facile. Ce Trait茅, remarquable par la place faite aux bases m茅taboliques de la nutrition clinique, aborde avec pr茅cision les m茅canismes pathologiques, tout comme la conduite pratique des diff茅rentes th茅rapeutiques nutritionnelles afin de 芦 Nourrir l鈥橦omme malade 禄. Cette 茅dition prend en compte l鈥檈xtension r茅cente de la connaissance des relations entre nutrition et pronostic dans nombreux domaines de la pathologie. Elle fournira au sp茅cialiste le plus exigeant la synth猫se des connaissances actuelles dans des domaines qui ont 茅t茅 profond茅ment remani茅s et enrichis au cours de ces derni猫res ann茅es, notamment dans le domaine de la prise en charge de la d茅nutrition en milieu hospitalier. Instrument de travail et de r茅f茅rence, outil d'enseignement et de formation, cet ouvrage apportera une aide essentielle 脿 tous ceux qui se pr茅occupent de nutrition clinique et de m茅tabolisme : m茅decins (anesth茅sistes-r茅animateurs, nutritionnistes, gastro-ent茅rologues, n茅phrologues, pneumologues, cardiologues, canc茅rologues, g茅riatres, neurologues, chirurgiens, internistes), pharmaciens, biologistes et di茅t茅ticiens.
简介:Muhammad -- Isaac Newton -- Jesus Christ -- Buddha -- Confucius -- St. Paul -- Ts'ai Lun -- Johann Gutenberg -- Christopher Columbus -- Albert Einstein -- Louis Pasteur -- Galileo Galilei -- Aristotle -- Euclid -- Moses -- Charles Darwin -- Shih Huang Ti -- Augustus Caesar -- Nicolaus Copernicus -- Antoine Laurent Lavoisier -- Constantine the Great -- James Watt -- Michael Faraday -- James Clerk Maxwell -- Martin Luther -- George Washington -- Karl Marx -- Orville Wright and Wilber Wright -- Genghis Khan -- Adam Smith. Edward de Vere (better known as "William Shakespeare") -- John Dalton -- Alexander the Great -- Napoleon Bonaparte -- Thomas Edison -- Antony van Leeuwenhoek -- William T.G. Morton -- Guglielmo Marconi -- Adolf Hitler -- Plato -- Oliver Cromwell -- Alexander Graham Bell -- Alexander Fleming -- John Locke -- Ludwig van Beethoven -- Werner Heisenberg -- Louis Daguerre -- Simon Bolivar -- Rene Descartes -- Michelangelo -- Pope Urban II -- "Umar ibn al-Khattab -- Asoka -- St. Augustine -- William Harvey. Ernest Rutherford -- John Calvin -- Gregor Mendel -- Max Planck -- Joseph Lister -- Nikolaus August Otto -- Francisco Pizarro -- Hernando Cortes -- Thomas Jefferson -- Queen Isabella I -- Joseph Stalin -- Julius Caesar -- William the Conqueror -- Sigmund Freud -- Edward Jenner -- William Conrad Rontgen -- Johann Sebastian Bach -- Lao Tzu -- Voltaire -- Johannes Kepler -- Enrico Fermi -- Leonhard Euler -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- Niccolo Machiavelli -- Thomas Malthus -- John F. Kennedy -- Gregory Pincus -- Mani -- Lenin. Sui Wen Ti -- Vasco da Gama -- Cyrus the Great -- Peter the Great -- Mao Zedong -- Francis Bacon -- Henry Ford -- Mencius -- Zoroaster -- Queen Elizabeth I -- Mikhail Gorbachev -- Menes -- Charlemagne -- Homer -- Justinian I -- Mahavira -- Honorable mentions and interesting misses : St. Thomas Aquinas -- Archimedes -- Charles Babbage -- Cheops -- Marie Curie -- Benjamin Franklin -- Mohandas Gandhi -- Abraham Lincoln -- Ferdinander
简介:Cet ouvrage est la traduction fran莽aise d'un texte d茅sormais consid茅r茅 comme une r茅f茅rence dans le domaine 茅mergent de la bio-informatique mol茅culaire. Pavel A. Pevzner y traite des cartes g茅n茅tiques, du probl猫me de comparaison de s茅quences et d'alignement en passant par les puces 脿 ADN et le r茅arrangement g茅nomique. Il couvre ainsi une grande vari茅t茅 de th猫mes relatifs aux traitements algorithmiques et combinatoires de questions issues de la bioinformatique mol茅culaire et de la biotechnologie. 脡vitant, dans la mesure du possible, les consid茅rations th茅oriques et les formules complexes, l'expos茅 privil茅gie la pr茅sentation des notions de biologie et d'algorithmique qui interviennent de mani猫re fondamentale dans les m茅thodes 茅tudi茅es. Le contenu de cet ouvrage devient donc accessible aux sp茅cialistes de l'informatique qui n'ont pas de formation sp茅cifique en biologie comme aux biologistes ayant des connaissances limit茅es en informatique.
简介:Cet ouvrage est la deuxi猫me 茅dition 鈥?largement r茅vis茅e et augment茅e 鈥?de Th茅rapeutique du cancer, paru en 2002. Il est consacr茅, de mani猫re exhaustive, 脿 la strat茅gie th茅rapeutique des principaux cancers. Plus de soixante sp茅cialistes francophones, faisant autorit茅 dans le domaine du cancer, font le point sur leurs connaissances et leur exp茅rience pour permettre de comprendre, diagnostiquer et traiter ces tumeurs. Cet ouvrage apporte une information compl猫te sur les concepts th茅rapeutiques courants pour le traitement des tumeurs solides et h茅matologiques. Il d茅crit les modalit茅s th茅rapeutiques actuelles, dont les nouvelles th茅rapies cibl茅es et leurs effets secondaires, les tumeurs par localisation sans oublier les tumeurs rares et les traitements associ茅s. Les avanc茅es en mati猫re de traitements innovants, qu鈥檌l s鈥檃gisse de chimioth茅rapie, de chirurgie ou de radioth茅rapie, y sont 茅galement d茅velopp茅es. Une place importante est aussi accord茅e aux soins de support et 脿 la prise en charge psychologique. V茅ritable instrument de travail et de r茅f茅rence, cet outil d鈥檈nseignement et de formation apportera une aide essentielle 脿 tout interne et m茅decin sp茅cialiste charg茅s de traiter les cancers, au travers d鈥檜ne approche r茅solument interdisciplinaire. Jean-Fran莽ois Mor猫re est chef de service 脿 l鈥檋么pital Avicenne de Bobigny, Fran莽oise Mornex, chef de service de radioth茅rapie oncologique au centre hospitalier Lyon Sud et Denis Souli猫res est h茅matologue et oncologue m茅dical, de m锚me que directeur du laboratoire de biologie mol茅culaire du d茅partement d'h茅matologie du centre hospitalier de l鈥檜niversit茅 de Montr茅al.
简介:The world is an interdependent whole of which everything is an integral, complexly related, part. Yet current ways of thinking, and being, persistently separate social phenomena and the individual self from the multiple dimensions with which they are interconnected. The Integral Nature of Things examines this revealing paradox and its consequences in a variety of sites: everyday language, labour, advertising, technology, post-structuralist theory, political rhetoric, urban planning, sex, neoliberal globalisation. Mani demonstrates how even though the interrelations between things are obscured by the ruling paradigm, the facts of relationality and indivisibility continually assert themselves. The book interweaves prose with poetry and sociocultural analysis with observational accounts to offer an alternative framework for addressing aspects of the cognitive, cultural, political, and ethical crisis we face today.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Men who have completed prostate cancer treatment often find themselves facing new challenges and setbacks that do not necessarily recede along with the cancer. Many books endeavor to explain the different types of prostate cancer treatments, but most conclude once a treatment choice has been made, offering readers little in the way of guidance through the challenges of the post-treatment period. After Prostate Cancer: A What-Comes-Next Guide to a Safe and Informed Recoverypicks up where those books leave off. Dr. Arnold Melman, Chair of the Department of Urology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, offers a thorough description of what the prostate cancer recovery process is like and what readers can do to move themselves through recovery to the best possible health and long-term prognosis. Giving detailed explanations of what to expect and why based on diagnosis, treatment methodology, and other variables that make each man's post-treatment experience different, Dr. Melman offers strategies for mindfully and healthfully approaching post therapy issues, including confronting PSA measurement, erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence and psychological issues that are a common result of living through prostate cancer and treatment. Sharing the experiences of other prostate cancer patients in addition to accessible explanations of the available medical literature, Dr. Melman helps readers and their partners to get the best information, make the most informed decisions, feel comfortable with those decisions, and work through issues as they arise. Treatment is only the beginning of getting back to a healthy life after a diagnosis. After Prostate Canceroffers the best information to help readers with everything that comes next. "After Prostate Canceroffers readers order who are often faced with chaos. Melman and Newnham have written an informative guide for the recovering prostate cancer patient."--Mani Menon, M.D., The Raj and Padma Vattikuti Distinguished Chair and Director, Vattikuti Urology Institute, Henry Ford Health System "Now the hundreds of men who have benefitted directly from Dr. Arnold Melman's compassionate care for prostate cancer will swell into the thousands as the readers of this book take home his wisdom and sound advice. The information he provides is straightforward and practical, including both medical and emotional sides of the experience. This book is a welcome addition to the self-help library for prostate cancer survivors."--Leslie R. Schover, Ph.D., Professor of Behavioral Science, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center "This book summarizes the field of recovery after prostate cancer perfectly for the patient and his family. The authors cover all the topics that patients who have undergone treatment want to know about, including how to manage side effects. The text is readable and the information is imparted in an easy-to-understand style. I recommend this book to patients, their loved ones, and anyone else who has been affected by a prostate cancer diagnosis."--Ashutosh K. Tewari, M.D., M.Ch., Director, Prostate Cancer Institute and the LeFrak Robotic Surgery Center, Weill Cornell Medical College
作者: 三岛有纪子著;王蕴洁译
简介: 總是有一款麵包,可以帶給我們追求幸福的勇氣,讓即使平凡如水的日子,也都變得有滋有味。 ●拍成電影,由原田知世、大泉洋主演,口碑爆讚,好評不斷,DVD溫暖上市中! ●特別收錄全彩繪本《月亮和瑪尼》! 仔細咀嚼,那裡面不只有麥香和奶油味, 還有許多人的心意。 是這樣的小確幸,讓我們忍不住流淚的時候, 可以止住悲傷,重新出發。 總是有一款麵包,可以療癒情傷,讓你領悟愛情的真滋味。 就像被情人拋棄的香織,在「Café Mani」吃到「咕咕洛夫」麵包,終於知道可以一起分享的關係才能長長久久。 總是有一款麵包,可以化解歧見、消彌誤會,讓人與人之間更加靠近。 就像關係陷入冰點的未久和爸爸,當鬆軟的團圓麵包浸入南瓜濃湯中,父女兩人的心也漸漸融解…… 總是有一款麵包,可以讓你重新發現生命的美好。 就像女兒在地震中死去而失去生存意志的老夫婦,在人生的最後之旅中,因為熱騰騰的豆仁麵包,而找到繼續活下去的勇氣。 三年前的某一天,在東京的電車月台上,水縞尚叫住了差點輕生的理惠,素不相識的兩個陌生人,水縞尚卻衝口而出:「我們一起去月浦過日子吧!」於是在北海道一片碧藍的湖水和無際的草原之間,他們有了一間飄散著木頭香味的咖啡屋「Café Mani」。這裡只有季節,沒有時鐘;只有手工,沒有快速。水縞尚以簡單樸實的麵包,理惠則以季節食材做成的美味料理和手工咖啡,撫慰了許多人的心和胃,而更多的故事就這樣開始了……
作者: 贺明
出版社:中国旅游出版社 2018年10月
王志发所著的《稻城亚丁告诉你》讲述被誉为“ *后的香格里拉”的天地的确很美,甚至堪称**之 美。《稻城亚丁告诉你》放松心情行走其间,曾经虚 幻的香巴拉之境会在你眼前变得越来越真切,其可触 摸的形态、可聆听的音韵、可融入的气息,会让世外 桃源于你从此不再仅仅是一个遥远的梦想。
Preface Trip to and Thinking of Shangri-La
Chapter One Journey to Shangri-La
01. Flying to the Heaven on Earth
02. Visiting the King of Sichuan Mountains
03. Thoughts beside Luding Bridge
04. Meandering around the Old Town Moxi
05. Walking Across Xindu Bridge
Chapter Two allads of Shangri-La
06. Standing at the Foot of Paoma Mountain
07. On that East Mountain Top
08. Crossing over Danba Beauty Valley
09. Khampa Men Fulfilling Dreams
10. Birthplace of Visiting Marriage — Zhaba
Chapter Three Thought of Shangri-La
11. The Expectation to Red Rock National Park
12. The Expectation to Red Rock National Park
13. Continuing the Ancient Legend
14. Reconstructing Spiritual Home
15. Shambhala in the Heart
Chapter Four Soul of Shangri-La
16. Heavenly Road of Shangri-La
17. Ganden Thubchen Choekhorling Monastery (Litang Gompa)
18. Mani Stones in the Wind
19. Mysterious Tibetan Stupas
20. Ask of Dacheng Yading
Chapter Five Top of Shangri-La
21. Light of Daocheng Yading
22. Retaining the Mystery
23. Ageless Yading Village
24. Reflection of Shambhala
25. Wishes of Shangri-La
Postscript Story of Shangri-La
From Translator