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Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
作者: (英)J. K. 罗琳(J. K. Rowling)著;马爱农,马爱新译
简介: 哈利·波特十年历程完美谢幕,死亡圣器终揭神秘面纱——哈利·波特与死亡圣器,全球哈迷最后的狂欢。 《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》是“哈利·波特”系列的第七集,也是最后一集。十年前,J.K.罗琳创造了一个令人为之疯狂的幻想世界,并以幽默的方式玩着智慧的游戏;十年后,这列奇幻列车终于开到最后一站,许多有关哈利·波特的谜团正在一一解开,每个人静静迎接着自己的宿命。 《哈利·波特》系列原本是由英国Bloomsbury出版社和美国Scholastic Press出版社出版的读物。后来,它逐渐赢得了广大的青少年和成人的欢迎。哈利·波特系列的每一本书都代表着哈利在学校的某一年,跟着哈利的成长,每一本书都比前一本更复杂,更成熟。尽管作者说过她在出版第一本书以前就已经把整个系列的情节都想好了,但她也表示过在她写书的同时,她做了一些改正。哈利·波特系列的第一本书只有223页,而后来到了第5本,已经有766页厚。哈利·波特系列含有很多幻想和魔法的元素,而再跟侦探小说的结构结合。每一本书都有一个任务让主人翁去完成,而附加着关于魔法世界的信息和为未来故事所埋下的伏笔。所以,这本书吸引着很多读者去发掘哈利·波特的冒险将有什么样的结果。(这也是是本书畅销的一个原因)作者曾说过,第7本书将解开第6本书中的所有问题,也会解开整个系列中的所有谜团。 还有四天,哈利就要迎来自己十七岁的生日,成为一名真正的魔法师。然而,他不得不提前离开女贞路4号,永远离开这个他曾经生活过十六年的地方。 凤凰社的成员精心谋划了秘密转移哈利的计划,以防哈利遭到伏地魔及其追随者食死徒的袭击。然而,可怕的意外还是发生了…… 与此同时,卷土重来的伏地魔已经染指霍格沃茨魔法学校,占领了魔法部,控制了半个魔法界,形势急转直下…… 哈利在罗恩、赫敏的陪伴下,不得不逃亡在外,隐形遁迹。为了完成校长邓布利多的遗命,一直在暗中寻机销毁伏地魔魂器的哈利,意外地获悉如果他们能够拥有传说中的三件死亡圣器,伏地魔将必死无疑。但是,伏地魔也早已开始了寻找死亡圣器的行动,并派出众多食死徒,布下天罗地网追捕哈利…… 哈利与伏地魔在魔法学校的禁林中遭遇到了,哈利倒在伏地魔抢先到手的一件致命的圣器之下…… 然而,伏地魔未能如愿以偿,死亡圣器不可能战胜纯正的灵魂。哈利赢得了这场殊死较量的最终胜利…… 哈利波特(全7册)包含: 1。哈利·波特与“混血王子” 2。哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 3。哈利·波特与凤凰社 4。哈利·波特与火焰杯 5。哈利·波特与密室 6。哈利·波特与魔法石 7。哈利波特与死亡圣器
New SAT scholastic assessment test
光盘作者: 马虎编著
简介: 《NEW SAT词汇精选》针对SAT备考的考生。书中单词经过众多考生的考试检验,单词覆盖全面,针对性强。《NEW SAT词汇精选》的另外一个特点是提出了开创性的记忆方法,从单词的起源和英美文化入手,能够显著提高单词的记忆速度并加深对单词的理解。 为了方便考生背诵单词,《NEW SAT词汇精选》配有MP3光盘,光盘中系标准美音朗读,可作为考生的复习指导。
Geronimo Stilton #30: The Mouse Island Marathon 老鼠记者30: 老鼠岛马拉松 9780439841214
作者: Geronimo
简介:I admit it. I'm not much of a muscle mouse. So when I accidentally got signed up for the Mouse Island Marathon, I was so shocked that I lost my squeak! Me, run a marathon? But my friends and family were determined to help me cross that finish line. Holey cheese, I was never going to make it!
Special Edition Harry Potter Paperback Box Set 哈利波特套装 特别珍藏版 ISBN 9780545596275
简介: The perfect gift for collectors and new readers alike, we now present a breathtaking special edition boxed set of J. K. Rowling's seven bestselling Harry Potter books! The box itself is beautifully designed with new artwork by Kazu Kibuishi, and the books create a gorgeous, magical vista when the spines are lined up together. The Harry Potter series has been hailed as "one for the ages" by Stephen King and "a spellbinding saga" by USA Today. Now is your chance to give this set to a reader who is ready to embark on the series that has changed so many young readers' lives.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts I & II 哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子 ISBN9780751565355
作者: Rowling
这部舞台剧的故事大纲是由JK·罗琳、编剧杰克·索恩(Jack Thorne)与导演John Tiffany一起敲定的。整个剧本由杰克·索恩一人完成,据说作为狂热哈迷的他在接下这个差事后,一口气写了40页剧本。而JK·罗琳的存在则是为了对剧本整体走向和一些细节进行把关,保证整部剧符合罗琳笔下的魔法世界史实。
Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. The play will receive its world premiere in London's West End on 30th July 2016. It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school-age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.
如今身为工作繁忙的魔法部员工、丈夫与三个学龄孩子的父亲,Harry Potter的生活并没有比当年轻松到哪里去。
《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》英国版由Little Brown公司出版,美国版由Scholastic公司出版。
出版社: Little, Brown (2016年7月31日)
语种: 英语
商品尺寸: 16.4 x 3.2 x 23.7 cm
商品重量: 381 g
The Complete Harry Potter Collection 《哈利波特1-7全集》
作者: J.K. Rowling 著
简介:Now for the first time ever, J.K. Rowling’s seven bestsellingHarry Potter books are available in a stunning paperback boxed set!The Harry Potter series has been hailed as “one for the ages” byStephen King and “a spellbinding saga’ by USA Today. And mostrecently, The New York Times called Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows the “fastest selling book in history.” This is the ultimateHarry Potter collection for Harry Potter fans of all ages!
Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor神奇校车-海底探秘 9780590414319
作者: Joanna
When Ms. Frizzle drives the Magic School Bus full speed aheadinto the ocean, the class takes a submarine expedition that'sanything but ordinary. With a well-meaning lifeguard in tow, theclass takes a deep breath and learns about hot water vents, coralreefs, plant and animal life on the ocean floor, and more!
Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
Fly Guy #07: I Spy Fly Guy 苍蝇小子7ISBN9780545110280
作者: Tedd
When Fly Guy and Buzz play hide-and-seek, Fly Guy hides in hisfavorite place--the garbage can. But as Buzz finishes counting, thegarbageman drives away with the garbage and Fly Guy, too! A veryworried Buzz follows the truck to the dump, where he sees zillionsof flies. Where is Fly Guy?!
Time after time, Buzz thinks he spies Fly Guy, only to besnubbed, boinked, or bitten. Then he realizes they've been playinga game. He yells, "I give up. You win!" And Fly Guy leaves his newhiding place--he was on top of Buzz's hat all along!
作者: 何常在 著
Fly Guy Reader Collection 苍蝇小子5册套装 ISBN 9780545615327
作者: Tedd
HI! FLY GUY 你好!苍蝇小子(点击进入单本购买页面)
Hi! Fly Guy
Tedd Arnold'shilarious HI! FLY GUY, originally published in 2005, is now available inpaperback with foil on the cover!
Boy and flymeet and so begins a beautiful friendship. Er, and so begins a very funnyfriendship. Using hyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestsellingauthor/illustrator Tedd Arnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun.
This book isa Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book!
Super Fly Guy 超级苍蝇小子(点击进入单本购买页面)
Super Fly Guy
The secondbook in a humorous, award-winning series about a boy and his pet fly is nowavailable as a Level 2 reader!
Fly Guy lovesthe school lunchroom. But when the lunch ladies discover there's a fly in the cafeteria,chaos ensues!
Usinghyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustratorTedd Arnold creates an easy-to-read story that is full of fun and excitement.
Shoo, FlyGuy! 走开,苍蝇小子!(点击进入单本购买页面)
Shoo, FlyGuy!
The thirdbook in a humorous, easy-to-read series about a boy and his fly!
Fly Guyreturns home to discover that Buzz has gone on a picnic without him! Sad andhungry, Fly Guy takes off in search of his favorite food. He gets shooed awayfrom a hamburger, a pizza, a dog's bones, and even roadkill--leaving readers toguess what Fly Guy's favorite oozy, lumpy, smelly, and brown food couldpossibly be! Why, it's shoo-fly pie, of course!
Usinghyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustratorTedd Arnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun.
Fly High, FlyGuy! 飞高点儿,苍蝇小子!(点击进入单本购买页面)
Fly High, FlyGuy!
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read seriesabout a boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foil cover!
Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentally shuts him in thetrunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride!
First, Fly Guy gets lost at the picnic site--but he showsup in the garbage can. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up aspart of a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and at heamusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!).
Fly Guy MeetsFly Girl! 苍蝇小子遇到了苍蝇小姐!(点击进入单本购买页面)
Fly Guy MeetsFly Girl!
In the 8th book of the bestselling Fly Guy series, Fly Guyfalls in love!
Fly Guy has met his match, and her name is Fly Girl. FlyGuy can do fancy flying. Fly Girl can do fancier flying. Fly Guy can eat grossstuff. Fly Girl can eat grosser stuff. Fly Guy can say his boy'sname--Buzzzzzz! And Fly Girl can say her girl's name--Lizzzzzzz! Fly Guy istotally impressed, and totally smitten. Will Fly Guy and Fly Girl get marriedand leave Buzz without his dear pet?
Duck on a Bike [Audiobook, Unabridged] [Audio CD]鸭子骑车记ISBN9780545225960
作者: David
Caldecott Honor winner David Shannon applies his wonderfuloff-beat humor to the story of a duck who decides to try riding abike--and loves it!
One day down on the farm, Duck got a wild idea. "I bet I couldride a bike," he thought. He waddled over to where the boy parkedhis bike, climbed on and began to ride. At first he rode slowly andhe wobbled a lot, but it was fun! Duck rode past Cow and waved toher. "Hello, Cow!" said Duck. "Moo," said Cow. But what she thoughtwas, "A duck on a bike? That's the silliest thing I've everseen!"
And so Duck rides past sheep, horse, and all the otherbarnyard animals.
Fly Guy #11: Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! 苍蝇小子11 ISBN9780545222761
作者: Tedd
The New York Times-bestselling Fly Guy series goes on an action-packed adventure by boat, train, plane, and beyond!
Dad takes Fly Guy and Buzz for a car ride, but in a funny and wacky turn of events, Fly Guy is blown out of the car window and into a passing truck, where he lands in the driver's mouth! The driver spits him out, and Fly Guy tumbles onto a boat. Fly Guy then winds up on a circus train with an elephant and then an airplane ... and he just misses taking off with a rocket ship!
This easy-to-read adventure concludes with Buzz, Dad, and Fly Guy returning home on a bike. Fly Guy loves RIDEZZZ!
Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopy Pants 内裤超人与恐怖的史屁多教授
作者: Dav Pilkey 著
简介:In the fourth "epic novel" by the wildly popular Dav Pilkey, young troublemakers George and Harold are back with Mr. Krupp, the Jerome Horowitz Elementary principal they previously transformed into the superhero Captain Underpants with their 3-D hypno ring. This comic adventure begins in New Swissland, where everyone has a silly name. ("Just ask their president, the Honorable Chuckles Jingleberry McMonkeyburger Jr. or his lovely wife, Stinky.") New Swissland, just southeast of Greenland, is the home of the inventor of the Shrinky-Pig 2000 and the Goosy-Grow 4000--Professor Pippy P. Poopypants. When the professor decides to pitch his inventions in the United States, he is laughed out of every institution of higher learning because of his unusual name. Frustrated, he decides to become an elementary school science teacher where the innocent children will, he assumes, be accepting and loving.This is where his world collides with George and Harold's, who are not accepting of his funny name, but instead explode with laughter and promptly craft a new comic book called "Captain Underpants and the Pied Pooper of Piqua." This hilarious book will crack Pilkey fans up with tiny toilets of truth, evil gerbils, and even Cher's greatest hits. (The children--not notoriously good spellers--note: "All animal cruelty was simulated. No actual girbles were forsed to listen to Cher.") And what becomes of Professor Poopypants? He gets even, devising a method to convert all names into silly names. He creates a chart in which everyone has to use letters from their own first and last names to create a madcap moniker. In the end, George and Harold learn that it's not nice to make fun of people: "'Wow,' said Harold. 'I think this is the first time one of our stories ever had a moral!' 'Probably the last time, too,' said George. 'Let's hope so,' said Harold." --Flunky Pizza Chunks (Ages 8 to 12)
作者: 梅雨情歌 著
简介: 草根医生欧阳志远,医术精湛,修为深厚。在一次偶然的机会,他被聘为秘书。欧阳志远凭借自己高超的智慧和精湛的医术,扭转医院的歪风邪气,成功地救治了老将军的顽疾……漂亮性感的女记者、羞涩灵动的小护士、成熟风情的女老总、前卫刁钻的台湾大小姐,布满了他的周围,他的事业似乎前途光明,但也有一道道让人防不胜防的阴险陷阱等着他……在一次偶然的机会,进入了官场,被县长何振南聘为秘书。何振南要的秘书,不是只会给自己写稿子、打雨伞、端茶杯、开车门的哈巴狗,而是可以为自己分忧献计策的智囊。欧阳志远凭借自己的智慧,在傅山县和县长何振南团结在一起,让傅山县彻底的甩掉了贫困县的帽子,一跃成为全国最著名的绿色环保旅游大县。
A Bad Case of Stripes 糟糕,身上长条纹了!ISBN9780439598385
作者: David
Category: Making Friends"What we have here is a bad case of stripes. One of the worst I've ever seen!"Camilla Cream loves lima beans, but she never eats them. Why? Because the other kids in her school don't like them. And Camilla Cream is very, very worried about what other people think of her. In fact, she's so worried that she's about to break out in...a bad case of stripes!"Shannon's story is a good poke in the eye of conformity...and his empathetic, vivid artwork keeps perfect pace with the tale."-Kirkus Reviews, starred review.
作者: Judith
When Carlos brings a mystery rock to school, he hopes Ms. Frizzle will tell him what kind of rock it is. But the Friz doesn't like to tell when she can show....That's how the class ends up on a wild rock hunt in the Wild West, trying to solve a mineral mystery! They take a stagecoach ride, pan for precious gems, and even explore an old mine. Sure, the going gets a little rough at times--but this road trip rocks!
作者: Judith
Ms. Frizzle and the gang just want to study dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History. By mistake, they end up traveling through time to the actual Mesozoic era and come face to face with real meat-eaters!
Fly Guy #10: Fly Guy VS. The Flyswatter苍蝇小子10ISBN9780545312868
作者: Tedd
简介: A hilarious new Fly Guy adventure -- when Fly Guy joins Buzz sclass on a trip to a flyswatter factory, it s the "best field tripever!"When Fly Guy goes to school with Buzz, they learn that hisclass is taking a field trip to a flyswatter factory! BAD NEWZZ!Fly Guy tries to hide in Buzz s pocket, but when the tour guidestarts insulting flies, Buzz cannot help but stick his head out. Arobotic flyswatter named the Super Swatter detects Fly Guy, and FlyGuy causes a hilarious ruckus in his efforts to escape.At the endof this zany adventure, the flyswatter factory announces an end toits factory tours and the students use their free flyswatters asart to celebrate the "best field trip ever!"