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作者: ( )瓦·阿本德洛斯著;李淑英译
简介: 阿图尔·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer,1789—1860),德国伟大的哲学家。他从小孤僻,傲慢,喜怒无常,并带点神经质。他对自己的哲学也极为自负,声称是一种全新的哲学方法,会震撼整个欧洲思想界。然而他的著作却常常受人冷落。在柏林大学任教时,他试图和黑格尔在讲台上一决高低,结果黑格尔的讲座常常爆满,而听他讲课的学生却从来没有超出过三个人。于是叔本华带着愤怒心情离开了大学讲坛。二者之间的对抗实际上是两种哲学倾向之间的较量。他失败了,因为他不属于那个时代。用叔本华自己的话说,他的书是为后人写的。事实也是如此,到了晚年,时代才和他走到了一起。他死后,有关他的哲学讲座逐渐将黑格尔排挤了出去,他一时成了德国最时髦的哲学家。 1818年叔本华发表了《作为意志和表象的世界》,从而奠定了他的哲学体系。然而该书出版十年后,大部分是作为废纸售出的,直到后来这种状况才有所改变,到1891年,《作为意志和表象的世界》已再版了十八次。叔本华是唯意志论哲学的创始人,他抛弃了德国古典哲学的思辩传统,力图从非理性方面来寻求新的出路,提出了生存意志论。人生就是一种痛苦,一个人所感受的痛苦与他的生存意志的深度成正比。生存意志越强,人就越痛苦。要摆脱痛苦的途径只有一条,就是抛弃欲求,否定生存意志。他认为一个人可以通过艺术创造和欣赏来暂时解脱痛苦,但最根本的解脱办法是进入佛教空、无的境界。 本书忠实于叔本华的思想,尽量从第一手资料出发,以“成功地把新的共同思考者引向伟大思想家的作品”为目的,让读者体会一个哲学家的境界。(贡巧丽)
Modernism, narrative and humanism /
作者: Paul Sheehan.
简介:Identifying a fundamental shift between 1850 and 1950, a turning away from the human as a given towards the human as a problem, the author examines how English language novelists grappled with the unmooring of humanism. He relates the writings of Conrad, Beckett, Woolf, and Lawrence to the philosophies of Darwin, Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer, investigating their varying valuations of the human. The writers' use of narrative form is identified as being central to their contribution to an antihumanist discourse. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:The diversity of Nietzsche's books, and the sheer range of his philosophical interests, have posed daunting challenges to his interpreters. This Oxford Handbook addresses this multiplicity by devoting each of its 32 essays to a focused topic, picked out by the book's systematic plan. The aim is to treat each topic at the best current level of philosophical scholarship on Nietzsche. The first group of papers treat selected biographical issues: his family relations, his relations to women, and his ill health and eventual insanity. In Part 2 the papers treat Nietzsche in historical context: his relations back to other philosophers-the Greeks, Kant, and Schopenhauer-and to the cultural movement of Romanticism, as well as his own later influence in an unlikely place, on analytic philosophy. The papers in Part 3 treat a variety of Nietzsche's works, from early to late and in styles ranging from the 'aphoristic' The Gay Science and Beyond Good and Evil through the poetic-mythic Thus Spoke Zarathustra to the florid autobiography Ecce Homo. This focus on individual works, their internal unity, and the way issues are handled within them, is an important complement to the final three groups of papers, which divide up Nietzsche's philosophical thought topically. The papers in Part 4 treat issues in Nietzsche's value theory, ranging from his metaethical views as to what values are, to his own values of freedom and the overman, to his insistence on 'order of rank', and his social-political views. The fifth group of papers treat Nietzsche's epistemology and metaphysics, including such well-known ideas as his perspectivism, his promotion of becoming over being, and his thought of eternal recurrence. Finally, Part 6 treats another famous idea-the will to power-as well as two linked ideas that he uses will to power to explain, the drives, and life. This Handbook will be a key resource for all scholars and advanced students who work on Nietzsche.
作者: (英)Christopher Janaway著;龙江译
简介: 德国哲学家当中,叔本华是最有可读性的一位。Christopher Janaway 编著的《叔本华》对叔本华的形而上学哲学体系进行了简洁的阐释,尤其 聚焦于叔本华思想的原创性特征。这种原创性启发了包括尼采、瓦格纳、 弗洛伊德、维特根斯坦等在内的许多艺术家和思想家。 作者将笔锋直接指向叔本华毫不妥协的悲观主义观点,即对人类个体 来说,最好的情况是不曾出生,只有圣人般的自我否定(摒弃欲望)才能 赋予生命价值。《叔本华》展示的叔本华,是一个具有战斗精神、气势咄 咄逼人、影响力非凡的思想家。
作者: translated with an introduction by Michael Grant.
简介: 这套丛书由季羡林、费孝通等39位著名学者分类选目,择定版本。涵盖哲学、伦理学、宗教学、政治学、经济学、社会学、人类学、心理学、法学、历史学等十大学科,大致包括了西方文明史上自古希腊、下至当代有代表性的人文社科经典。 这套书全部影印西方权威出版社的英文善本,原版为非英语的著作均取英译本(个别有特殊版本价值的原语版,如《哲学研究》等,将德、英文并收)。译者均为西方公认的一流翻译家。出版者表示:学术乃天下之公器,集典为历代之盛事。如此大规模影印英语原版或他语版英译本,旨在消除语言隔膜,让国人直接研究和吸收西方文明的精华,并可与国内已出版的中译本参照阅读和研讨,再一次显示中国文化对西方文明的巨大包容性。这是百年来西学东鉴的总结性展示,力求对中西文化的交流产生直接的影响。 “西学基本经典”由美国美达亚版权公司负责版权总代理,中国社会科学出版社、诚成图书有限公司制作。这套书的出版,方便了学人对西学经典的购买和查阅,不仅受到了图书界和学术界的欢迎,也具有一定收藏价值。 西学基本经典总目 哲 学: 1. 书 名:《理想国(Republic)》 作 者:柏拉图(Plato) 分类号: 15.0133/P718r/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《形而上学(Metaphysics)》 作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 分类号: 15.0136/A717m/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《第一哲学沉思录(Meditations on First Philosophy)》 作 者:笛卡尔(Rene Descartes) 分类号: 15.1331/D445m/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《人性论(A Treatise of Human Nature)》 作 者:休谟(David Hume) 分类号:15.1143/H921t/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《纯粹理性批判(Critique of Pure Reason)》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号:15.1845/K16c/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《判断力批判(Critique of Judgment)》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号: 15.1845/K16n/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《精神现象学(The Phenomenology of Mind)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:黑格尔(Hegel) 分类号: 15.1851/H465pe/1999/V.1-2/Y 8. 书 名:《联邦党人文集(The Federalist Papers)》 作 者:汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton) 分类号:35.5631/H217/1999/Y 9.书 名:《自由秩序原理(The Constitution of Liberty)》 作 者:哈耶克(F.A.Hayek) 分类号:15.0136/A717m/1999/Y 10.书 名:《小逻辑(The Logic of Hegel)》 作 者:黑格尔(Hegel) 分类号: 16.103/H465/1999/Y 11.书 名:《作为意志和表象的世界(The World as Will and Representation) 》 Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:叔本华(Schopenhauer) 分类号:15.1852/S373w/1999/V.1-2/Y 12.书 名:《查拉图斯特拉如是说(Thus Spake Zarathustra)》 作 者:尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche) 分类号:15.1866/N677t/1999/Y 13.书 名:《非此即彼(Either/Or)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:克尔凯郭尔(Kierkegaard) 分类号:15.31/K47e/1999/V.1-2/Y 14.书 名:《普通语言学教程(Course in General Linguistics)》 作 者:索绪尔(F.de Saussure) 分类号:41.1/S259c/1999 15. 书 名:《纯粹现象学导论(Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenom enology)》 作 者:胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl) 分类号:15.1872/H972s/1999/Y 16.书 名:《逻辑哲学论(Tractatus Logico Philosophicus)》 作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein) 分类号:16.03/W831a/1999/Y 17.书 名:《哲学研究(Philosophical Investigations)》 作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein) 分类号: 16.03/W831a/1999/Y 18.书 名:《存在与时间(Being and Time)》 作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger) 分类号: 15.1874/H465e/1999 19.书 名:《诗·语言·思(Poetry, Language, Thought)》 作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger) 分类号:42.23/H465/1999/Y 20.书 名:《存在与虚无(Being and Nothingness)》 作 者:萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre) 分类号: 15.1363/S251h/1999/Y 21.书 名:《真理与方法(Truth and Method)》 作 者:伽达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer) 分类号: 11.258/G123/1999/Y 伦理学: 1. 书 名:《尼各马可伦理学(The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle)》 作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 分类号: 17/A717/1999/Y 2.书 名:《道德情操论(The Theory of Moral Sentiments)》 作 者:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith) 分类号: 17/S642/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《论人类不平等的起源和基础(A Discourse on Inequality)》 作 者:卢梭(Jean-Jacques.Rousseau) 分类号:15.1343/R864d/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《实践理性批判(Critique of Practical Reason)》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号: 17.031/K16/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《道德形而上学基础(Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals) 》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号:17.031/K16/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《伦理学原理(Principia Ethica)》 作 者:摩尔(G.E.Moore) 分类号: 17/M822[2]/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《正义论(A Theory of Justice)》 作 者:罗尔斯(John Rawls) 分类号: 35.175/R261a/1999/Y 8. 书 名:《无政府、国家与乌托邦(Anarchy, State and Utopia)》 作 者:诺齐克(Robert Nozick) 分类号: 31.2503/N961/1999/Y 宗教学: 1. 书 名:《忏悔录(Confessions)》 作 者:圣·奥古斯丁(St.Augustine) 分类号:49.604545/A923/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《迷途指津(The Guide for the Perplexed)》 作 者:马蒙尼德(Maimonides) 分类号:49.77/M223/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《路德基本著作选(Basic Theological Writings)》 作 者:马丁·路德(Martin Luther) 分类号:49.62/L973/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《论宗教(On Religion)》 作 者:施莱尔马赫(F.D.Schleiermacher) 分类号:49.62/S341/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《人的本性及其命运(The Nature and Destiny of Man)》 作 者:尼布尔(R.Niebuhr) 分类号: 49.62/N665/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《神圣者的观念(The Idea of the Holy)》 作 者:奥托(Rudolf Otto) 分类号: 49.62/O-91/1999/Y 7.书 名:《教会教义学(Church Dogmatics)》 作 者:卡尔·巴特(Karl Barth) 分类号:49.62/B284/1999/Y 政治学: 1. 书 名:《政治学(The Politics of Aristotle)》 作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 分类号: 31.42/A717/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《君主论(The Prince)》 作 者:马基雅维里(Niccolo Machiavelli) 分类号:31.03/M149/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《利维坦(Leviathan)》 作 者:霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes) 分类号:31.55113/H682/1999/Y 4.书 名:《政府论(Two Treatises of Government)》 作 者:洛克(John Locke) 分类号:31.55114/L814/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《论法的精神(The Spirit of the Laws)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:孟德斯鸠(Montesquieu) 分类号:34.031/M779/1999/V.1-2/Y 6. 书 名:《论美国民主(Democracy in America)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville) 分类号:32.563/T632/1999/V.1-2/Y 7.书 名:《代议制政府(Considerations on Representative Government)》 作 者:穆勒(Mill) 分类号:31.25/M645/1999/YHayek) 8. 书 名:《自由秩序原理(The Constitution of Liberty)》 作 者:哈耶克(F.A.Hayek) 分类号:31.289/H417/1999/Y 9. 书 名:《联邦党人文集(The Federalist Papers)》 作 者:汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton) 分类号: 35.5631/H217/1999/Y 经济学: 1.书 名:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究(An Inquiryintothe Nature and Ca uses of the Wealth of Nations)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith) 分类号:27.443/S642/1999/V.1-2/Y 2. 书 名:《经济学原理(Principles of Economics)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:马歇尔(Alfred Marshall) 分类号:27.4447/M367p[8]/1999/V.1-2/Y 3. 书 名:《福利经济学(The Economics of Welfare)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者: 庇古(A.C.Pigou) 分类号: 27.4447/P633/1999/V.1-2/Y 4. 书 名:《经济发展理论(The Theory of Economic Development)》 作 者:熊彼特(Schumpeter) 分类号:27.444/K44/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《经济分析的基础(Foundations of Economic Analysis)》 作 者:萨缪尔森(Samuelson) 分类号:27.44481/S193/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《货币数量理论研究(Studies in the Quantity Theory of Mone y)》 作 者:弗里德曼(Friedman) 分类号:27.444931/S933/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《资本主义经济制度(The Economic Institutions of Capitalism) 》 作 者:威廉姆森(Williamson) 分类号: 27.44491/W731/1999/Y 社会学: 1.书 名:《论自杀(Suicide: A Study in Sociology)》 作 者:杜克海姆(Emilc Durkheim) 分类号:33.698/D963/1999/Y 2.书 名:《新教伦理与资本主义精神(The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism)》 作 者:韦伯(Max Weber) 分类号:49.21/W375/1999/Y 3.书 名:《货币哲学(The Philosophy of Money)》 作 者:席美尔(Georg Simmel) 分类号:29.75/S592a/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《意识形态与乌托邦(Ideology and Utopia)》 作 者:曼海姆(K.Mannheim) 分类号: 33.61/M282/1999/Y 人类学: 1.书 名:《金枝(The Golden Bough)》 作 者:弗雷泽(James G.Frazer) 分类号:49.9/F848/1999/Y 2.书 名:《西太平洋上的航海者(Argonauts of the Western Pacific)》 作 者:马林诺夫斯基(B.Malinowski) 分类号:33.715491/M251/1999/Y 3.书 名:《种族、语言、文化(Race, Language and Culture)》 作 者:鲍斯(Franz Boas) 分类号:33.7/B662/1999/Y 法学: 1. 书 名:《古代法(Ancient Law)》 作 者:梅因(H.Maine) 分类号:34.9/M225[5]/1999/Y 2. 书 名《法理学讲演录(Lectures on Jurisprudence)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:奥斯丁(J.Austin) 分类号:34.031/A936(5)/1999/V.1-2/Y 3. 书 名:《法律的社会学理论(A Sociological Theory of Law)》 作 者:卢曼(N.Luhmann) 分类号::35.19/L951a/1999/Y 4:书 名:《法律社会学之基本原理(Fundamental Principles of the Sociolo gy of Law)》 作 者:埃利希(E.Ehrlich) 分类号:34.031/E33/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《法律、宪法与自由(Law, Legislation and Liberty)》 作 者:哈耶克(F.A.Hayek) 分类号:34.031/H417/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《纯粹法学理论(Pure Theory of Law)》 作 者:凯尔森(H.Kelsen) 分类号:34.031/K29/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《法律之帝国(Law's Empire)》 作 者:德沃金(R.Dworkin) 分类号:34.031/D993/1999/Y 8.书 名:《法律的经济学分析(Economic Analysis of Law)》 作 者:波斯纳(Richard A.Posner) 分类号:34.038/P855/1999/Y 历史学: 1. 书 名:《历史(The Histories)》 作 者:希罗多德(Herodotus) 分类号:21.1223/H559/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《伯罗奔尼撒战争史(The Peloponnesian War)》 作 者:修昔底德(Thucydides) 分类号:21.1223/T532/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《编年史(The Annals of Imperial Rome)》 作 者:塔西陀(Tacitus) 分类号:21.1225/T118/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《上帝之城(The City of God)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:圣·奥古斯丁(St.Augustine) 分类号: 49.62/A923c/1999/V.1-2/Y 5. 书 名:《历史学:理论和实践(History: its Theory and Practice)》 作 者:克罗齐(Benedetto Croce) 分类号:21.03/C937/1999/Y 6. 书 名:腓力普二世时代的地中海与地中海世界(The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:布罗代尔(F.Braudel) 分类号:21.176/B825/1999/V.1-2/Y 7. 书 名:《历史研究(A Study of History)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:汤因比(A.J.Toynbee) 分类号: 21.03/T756/1999/V.1-2/Y
作者: Thucydides ; the Unabridged Crawley translation with an introduction by Joseph Gavorse.
简介: 这套丛书由季羡林、费孝通等39位著名学者分类选目,择定版本。涵盖哲学、伦理学、宗教学、政治学、经济学、社会学、人类学、心理学、法学、历史学等十大学科,大致包括了西方文明史上自古希腊、下至当代有代表性的人文社科经典。 这套书全部影印西方权威出版社的英文善本,原版为非英语的著作均取英译本(个别有特殊版本价值的原语版,如《哲学研究》等,将德、英文并收)。译者均为西方公认的一流翻译家。出版者表示:学术乃天下之公器,集典为历代之盛事。如此大规模影印英语原版或他语版英译本,旨在消除语言隔膜,让国人直接研究和吸收西方文明的精华,并可与国内已出版的中译本参照阅读和研讨,再一次显示中国文化对西方文明的巨大包容性。这是百年来西学东鉴的总结性展示,力求对中西文化的交流产生直接的影响。 “西学基本经典”由美国美达亚版权公司负责版权总代理,中国社会科学出版社、诚成图书有限公司制作。这套书的出版,方便了学人对西学经典的购买和查阅,不仅受到了图书界和学术界的欢迎,也具有一定收藏价值。 西学基本经典总目 哲 学: 1. 书 名:《理想国(Republic)》 作 者:柏拉图(Plato) 分类号: 15.0133/P718r/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《形而上学(Metaphysics)》 作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 分类号: 15.0136/A717m/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《第一哲学沉思录(Meditations on First Philosophy)》 作 者:笛卡尔(Rene Descartes) 分类号: 15.1331/D445m/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《人性论(A Treatise of Human Nature)》 作 者:休谟(David Hume) 分类号:15.1143/H921t/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《纯粹理性批判(Critique of Pure Reason)》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号:15.1845/K16c/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《判断力批判(Critique of Judgment)》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号: 15.1845/K16n/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《精神现象学(The Phenomenology of Mind)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:黑格尔(Hegel) 分类号: 15.1851/H465pe/1999/V.1-2/Y 8. 书 名:《联邦党人文集(The Federalist Papers)》 作 者:汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton) 分类号:35.5631/H217/1999/Y 9.书 名:《自由秩序原理(The Constitution of Liberty)》 作 者:哈耶克(F.A.Hayek) 分类号:15.0136/A717m/1999/Y 10.书 名:《小逻辑(The Logic of Hegel)》 作 者:黑格尔(Hegel) 分类号: 16.103/H465/1999/Y 11.书 名:《作为意志和表象的世界(The World as Will and Representation) 》 Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:叔本华(Schopenhauer) 分类号:15.1852/S373w/1999/V.1-2/Y 12.书 名:《查拉图斯特拉如是说(Thus Spake Zarathustra)》 作 者:尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche) 分类号:15.1866/N677t/1999/Y 13.书 名:《非此即彼(Either/Or)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:克尔凯郭尔(Kierkegaard) 分类号:15.31/K47e/1999/V.1-2/Y 14.书 名:《普通语言学教程(Course in General Linguistics)》 作 者:索绪尔(F.de Saussure) 分类号:41.1/S259c/1999 15. 书 名:《纯粹现象学导论(Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenom enology)》 作 者:胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl) 分类号:15.1872/H972s/1999/Y 16.书 名:《逻辑哲学论(Tractatus Logico Philosophicus)》 作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein) 分类号:16.03/W831a/1999/Y 17.书 名:《哲学研究(Philosophical Investigations)》 作 者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein) 分类号: 16.03/W831a/1999/Y 18.书 名:《存在与时间(Being and Time)》 作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger) 分类号: 15.1874/H465e/1999 19.书 名:《诗·语言·思(Poetry, Language, Thought)》 作 者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger) 分类号:42.23/H465/1999/Y 20.书 名:《存在与虚无(Being and Nothingness)》 作 者:萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre) 分类号: 15.1363/S251h/1999/Y 21.书 名:《真理与方法(Truth and Method)》 作 者:伽达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer) 分类号: 11.258/G123/1999/Y 伦理学: 1. 书 名:《尼各马可伦理学(The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle)》 作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 分类号: 17/A717/1999/Y 2.书 名:《道德情操论(The Theory of Moral Sentiments)》 作 者:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith) 分类号: 17/S642/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《论人类不平等的起源和基础(A Discourse on Inequality)》 作 者:卢梭(Jean-Jacques.Rousseau) 分类号:15.1343/R864d/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《实践理性批判(Critique of Practical Reason)》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号: 17.031/K16/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《道德形而上学基础(Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals) 》 作 者:康德(Kant) 分类号:17.031/K16/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《伦理学原理(Principia Ethica)》 作 者:摩尔(G.E.Moore) 分类号: 17/M822[2]/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《正义论(A Theory of Justice)》 作 者:罗尔斯(John Rawls) 分类号: 35.175/R261a/1999/Y 8. 书 名:《无政府、国家与乌托邦(Anarchy, State and Utopia)》 作 者:诺齐克(Robert Nozick) 分类号: 31.2503/N961/1999/Y 宗教学: 1. 书 名:《忏悔录(Confessions)》 作 者:圣·奥古斯丁(St.Augustine) 分类号:49.604545/A923/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《迷途指津(The Guide for the Perplexed)》 作 者:马蒙尼德(Maimonides) 分类号:49.77/M223/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《路德基本著作选(Basic Theological Writings)》 作 者:马丁·路德(Martin Luther) 分类号:49.62/L973/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《论宗教(On Religion)》 作 者:施莱尔马赫(F.D.Schleiermacher) 分类号:49.62/S341/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《人的本性及其命运(The Nature and Destiny of Man)》 作 者:尼布尔(R.Niebuhr) 分类号: 49.62/N665/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《神圣者的观念(The Idea of the Holy)》 作 者:奥托(Rudolf Otto) 分类号: 49.62/O-91/1999/Y 7.书 名:《教会教义学(Church Dogmatics)》 作 者:卡尔·巴特(Karl Barth) 分类号:49.62/B284/1999/Y 政治学: 1. 书 名:《政治学(The Politics of Aristotle)》 作 者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 分类号: 31.42/A717/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《君主论(The Prince)》 作 者:马基雅维里(Niccolo Machiavelli) 分类号:31.03/M149/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《利维坦(Leviathan)》 作 者:霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes) 分类号:31.55113/H682/1999/Y 4.书 名:《政府论(Two Treatises of Government)》 作 者:洛克(John Locke) 分类号:31.55114/L814/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《论法的精神(The Spirit of the Laws)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:孟德斯鸠(Montesquieu) 分类号:34.031/M779/1999/V.1-2/Y 6. 书 名:《论美国民主(Democracy in America)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville) 分类号:32.563/T632/1999/V.1-2/Y 7.书 名:《代议制政府(Considerations on Representative Government)》 作 者:穆勒(Mill) 分类号:31.25/M645/1999/YHayek) 8. 书 名:《自由秩序原理(The Constitution of Liberty)》 作 者:哈耶克(F.A.Hayek) 分类号:31.289/H417/1999/Y 9. 书 名:《联邦党人文集(The Federalist Papers)》 作 者:汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton) 分类号: 35.5631/H217/1999/Y 经济学: 1.书 名:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究(An Inquiryintothe Nature and Ca uses of the Wealth of Nations)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:亚当·斯密(Adam Smith) 分类号:27.443/S642/1999/V.1-2/Y 2. 书 名:《经济学原理(Principles of Economics)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:马歇尔(Alfred Marshall) 分类号:27.4447/M367p[8]/1999/V.1-2/Y 3. 书 名:《福利经济学(The Economics of Welfare)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者: 庇古(A.C.Pigou) 分类号: 27.4447/P633/1999/V.1-2/Y 4. 书 名:《经济发展理论(The Theory of Economic Development)》 作 者:熊彼特(Schumpeter) 分类号:27.444/K44/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《经济分析的基础(Foundations of Economic Analysis)》 作 者:萨缪尔森(Samuelson) 分类号:27.44481/S193/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《货币数量理论研究(Studies in the Quantity Theory of Mone y)》 作 者:弗里德曼(Friedman) 分类号:27.444931/S933/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《资本主义经济制度(The Economic Institutions of Capitalism) 》 作 者:威廉姆森(Williamson) 分类号: 27.44491/W731/1999/Y 社会学: 1.书 名:《论自杀(Suicide: A Study in Sociology)》 作 者:杜克海姆(Emilc Durkheim) 分类号:33.698/D963/1999/Y 2.书 名:《新教伦理与资本主义精神(The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism)》 作 者:韦伯(Max Weber) 分类号:49.21/W375/1999/Y 3.书 名:《货币哲学(The Philosophy of Money)》 作 者:席美尔(Georg Simmel) 分类号:29.75/S592a/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《意识形态与乌托邦(Ideology and Utopia)》 作 者:曼海姆(K.Mannheim) 分类号: 33.61/M282/1999/Y 人类学: 1.书 名:《金枝(The Golden Bough)》 作 者:弗雷泽(James G.Frazer) 分类号:49.9/F848/1999/Y 2.书 名:《西太平洋上的航海者(Argonauts of the Western Pacific)》 作 者:马林诺夫斯基(B.Malinowski) 分类号:33.715491/M251/1999/Y 3.书 名:《种族、语言、文化(Race, Language and Culture)》 作 者:鲍斯(Franz Boas) 分类号:33.7/B662/1999/Y 法学: 1. 书 名:《古代法(Ancient Law)》 作 者:梅因(H.Maine) 分类号:34.9/M225[5]/1999/Y 2. 书 名《法理学讲演录(Lectures on Jurisprudence)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:奥斯丁(J.Austin) 分类号:34.031/A936(5)/1999/V.1-2/Y 3. 书 名:《法律的社会学理论(A Sociological Theory of Law)》 作 者:卢曼(N.Luhmann) 分类号::35.19/L951a/1999/Y 4:书 名:《法律社会学之基本原理(Fundamental Principles of the Sociolo gy of Law)》 作 者:埃利希(E.Ehrlich) 分类号:34.031/E33/1999/Y 5. 书 名:《法律、宪法与自由(Law, Legislation and Liberty)》 作 者:哈耶克(F.A.Hayek) 分类号:34.031/H417/1999/Y 6. 书 名:《纯粹法学理论(Pure Theory of Law)》 作 者:凯尔森(H.Kelsen) 分类号:34.031/K29/1999/Y 7. 书 名:《法律之帝国(Law's Empire)》 作 者:德沃金(R.Dworkin) 分类号:34.031/D993/1999/Y 8.书 名:《法律的经济学分析(Economic Analysis of Law)》 作 者:波斯纳(Richard A.Posner) 分类号:34.038/P855/1999/Y 历史学: 1. 书 名:《历史(The Histories)》 作 者:希罗多德(Herodotus) 分类号:21.1223/H559/1999/Y 2. 书 名:《伯罗奔尼撒战争史(The Peloponnesian War)》 作 者:修昔底德(Thucydides) 分类号:21.1223/T532/1999/Y 3. 书 名:《编年史(The Annals of Imperial Rome)》 作 者:塔西陀(Tacitus) 分类号:21.1225/T118/1999/Y 4. 书 名:《上帝之城(The City of God)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:圣·奥古斯丁(St.Augustine) 分类号: 49.62/A923c/1999/V.1-2/Y 5. 书 名:《历史学:理论和实践(History: its Theory and Practice)》 作 者:克罗齐(Benedetto Croce) 分类号:21.03/C937/1999/Y 6. 书 名:腓力普二世时代的地中海与地中海世界(The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:布罗代尔(F.Braudel) 分类号:21.176/B825/1999/V.1-2/Y 7. 书 名:《历史研究(A Study of History)》Vol.1, Vol.2 作 者:汤因比(A.J.Toynbee) 分类号: 21.03/T756/1999/V.1-2/Y
作者: [德]叔本华 著,胡百华 译
出版社:山东画报出版社 2016年04月
简介:阿图尔·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer,1788―1860),德国哲学家,唯意志主义和现代悲观主义创始人。叔本华这个名字对于20世纪的中国知识分子是非常熟稔的,有很多人都或多或少地从他的思想和文字中获得精神支援,文学大家梁实秋也深受其影响,他尤为推崇叔本华的这本Maxims and Counsels,其弟子胡百华更奉此书为人生中第一哲学书。
简介: Wagner was one of the few major composers who studied philosophy seriously. Bryan Magee places the composer's artistic development in the context of the philosophy of his age, and gives us the first detailed and comprehensive study of the close links between Wagner and the philosophers - from the pre-Marxist socialists to Feuerbach and Schopenhauer. Magee explores the relationship between words and music, between the conscious and the unconscious mind, between art and philosophy. It tackles soberly and judiciously the Wagner whose paranoia, egocentricity and anti-semitism are repugnant, as well as the Wagner of artistic genius. The resulting text illuminates Wagner and the music-dramas in altogether new ways.
简介: Since its first publication in 1945, Lord Russell's A History of Western Philosophy has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject -- unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosophy from the rise of Greek civilization to the emergence of logical analysis in the twentieth century. Among the philosophers considered are: Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, the Atomists, Protagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Cynics, the Sceptics, the Epicureans, the Stoics, Plotinus, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Benedict, Gregory the Great, John the Scot, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Occam, Machiavelli, Erasmus, More, Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, the Utilitarians, Marx, Bergson, James, Dewey, and lastly the philosophers with whom Lord Russell himself is most closely associated -- Cantor, Frege, and Whitehead, co-author with Russell of the monumental Principia Mathematica.
简介:"This volume discusses the relationships between the philosophy of Mysticism with that of the world of more traditional philosophy and literature. The connections between these worlds are underscored as the author examines the works of Heraclitus, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Iris Murdoch, Yeats, AE (George Russell), T.S. Eliot, Woolf, Auden, Huxley, Lessing, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Tony Kushner, among others"--Provided by publisher.
简介:Schopenhauer's prize essay On the Freedom of Will is one of the classics of Western philosophy, dealing with the question of free will versus determinism. His treatment of the problem of free will is by no means obsolete, containing penetrating reflections relevant to contemporary discussion. The argument of the essay is clearly and rigorously presented, and reveals many basic features of Schopenhauer's thought. As such, it forms a useful introduction to Schopenhauer's philosophy in general. Equally, the essay can be studied with profit independently of Schopenhauer's metaphysical views. This new edition of the sole English translation of this classic text contains and expanded bibliography, index and preface in which the translator comments on recent scholarship on Schopenhauer. The translator's introduction puts the essay into the context of Schopenhauer's general philosophy and suggests some possible criticisms of his position.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The most comprehensive collection of its kind, Ethicsis organized into three sections, providing instructors with flexibility in designing and teaching a variety of courses in moral philosophy. Opening with Alasdair MacIntyre's discussion of the importance of the history of ethics, the first section, Historical Sources, moves from classical thought (Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Epictetus) through medieval views (Augustine and Aquinas) to modern theories (Hobbes, Butler, Hume, Kant, Bentham, and Mill). It culminates with the religiosity of Kierkegaard, the pessimism of Schopenhauer, the nihilism of Nietzsche, the pragmatism of James and Dewey, and the existentialism of Camus and Sartre. The readings are reprinted in their entirety wherever possible. The second section, Modern Ethical Theory, begins with James Rachels' overview of recent developments, and includes many of the most important essays of the twentieth century. The discussion of utilitarianism, Kantianism, egoism, and relativism continues in the work of major contemporary philosophers (Williams, Brandt, Feinberg, Foot, and Rachels). Landmark selections (Moore, Ross, Stevenson, Baier, Hare, Harman, and Gauthier) reflect concern with moral language and the justification of morality. The concepts of justice (Rawls), rights (Feinberg), and saintliness (Urmson and Wolff) are explored, as well as recent views on the importance of virtue ethics (MacIntyre and Rachels), and an ethic influenced by feminist concerns (Held). Peter Singer's discussion of the significance of applied ethics opens the third section, Contemporary Moral Problems. The readings present the current debates over abortion (Thomson, Tooley, and Sterba), euthanasia (Rachels and Foot), famine relief (Singer and Arthur), animal rights (Regan and Cohen), the death penalty (van den Haat and Nathanson), and affirmative action (Hill and Kekes).
简介:The phrase "the meaning of life" for many seems a quaint notion fit for satirical mauling by Monty Python or Douglas Adams. But in this spirited, stimulating, and quirky inquiry, famed critic Terry Eagleton takes a serious if often amusing look at the question and offers his own surprising answer. Eagleton first examines how centuries of thinkers and writers--from Marx and Schopenhauer to Shakespeare, Sartre, and Beckett--have responded to the ultimate question of meaning. He suggests, however, that it is only in modern times that the question has become problematic. But instead of tackling it head-on, many of us cope with the feelings of meaninglessness in our lives by filling them with everything from football to sex, Kabbala, Scientology, "New Age softheadedness," or fundamentalism. On the other hand, Eagleton notes, many educated people believe that life is an evolutionary accident that has no intrinsic meaning. If our lives have meaning, it is something with which we manage to invest them, not something with which they come ready made. Eagleton probes this view of meaning as a kind of private enterprise, and concludes that it fails to holds up. He argues instead that the meaning of life is not a solution to a problem, but a matter of living in a certain way. It is not metaphysical but ethical. It is not something separate from life, but what makes it worth living--that is, a certain quality, depth, abundance and intensity of life.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Although it is primarily concerned with such qualities as beauty and sublimity in works of art and in nature, and therefore is part of the thinking of humankind since there was a humankind, the term "aesthetics" was coined in the eighteenth century. However, the contributions here reflect a full sweep of thought from classic sources to modern theories and contemporary thinking on aesthetics and the philosophy of art. The 55 entries include the work of Plato, Aristotle, Platinus, St. Augustine, St. Bonaventure, the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, Burke, Lessing, and Kant, with modern theorists such as Schiller, von Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Tolstoy, Dewey, Heidegger, Adorno and Gadamer. Contemporary commentators are also well-represented, with Feagin and Meskin, Vacell, Danto, Dickie, Sibley, Mothersill, Nehamas, Carroll, Kivy and Devereaux. Suitable as an undergraduate text or even a professional reference. Annotation 漏2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 From Plato's Ionto works by contemporary philosophers, this anthology showcases classic texts to illuminate the development of philosophical thought about art and the aesthetic. This volume is the most comprehensive collection of readings on aesthetics and the philosophy of art currently available. Brings together the most significant writings in aesthetics and philosophy of art from the past 2500 years Each section includes a useful introductory essay which provides an overview of developments in the field Broken down into three sections: Historical Sources, Modern Theories, and Contemporary Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Thorough, systematic, and flexible, including two alternative tables of contents (historical and topical); an ideal textbook and guide to the field
简介: One of the greatest philosophers of the nineteenth century, Schopenhauer (1788-1860) believed that human action is determined not by reason but by 'will' - the blind and irrational desire for physical existence. This selection of his writings on religion, ethics, politics, women, suicide, books and many other themes is taken from Schopenhauer's last work, "Parerga and Paralipomena", which he published in 1851. These pieces depict humanity as locked in a struggle beyond good and evil, and each individual absolutely free within a Godless world, in which art, morality and self-awareness are our only salvation. This innovative - and pessimistic - view has proved powerfully influential upon philosophy and art, directly affecting the work of Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and Wagner among others.