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Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
作者: (美)Alfred V. Aho等著;李建中,姜守旭译
简介: 本书深入讨论了编译器设计的重要主题,包括词法分析、语法分析、语法制导分析、类型检查、运行环境、中间代码生成、代码生成、代码优化等,并在最后两章中讨论了实现编译器的一些编程问题和几个编译器实例,每章都提供了大量的练习和参考文献。本书从介绍编译的原理性概念开始,然后通过构建一个简单的一遍编译器来逐一解释这些概念。 本书是编译原理课程的经典教材,作者曾多次使用本书的内容在贝尔实验室、哥伦比亚大学、普林斯顿大学和斯坦福大学向本科生和研究生讲授初等及高等编译课程。 本书作者alfred v.aho、ravi sethi和jeffrey d.ullman是世界著名的计算机 科学家,他们在计算机科学理论、数据库等很多领域都做出了杰出贡献。本书 是编译领域无可替代的经典著作,被广大计算机专业人士誉为“龙书”。本书一 直被世界各地的著名高等院校和科研机构(如贝尔实验室、哥伦比亚大学、普 林斯顿大学和斯坦福大学等)广泛用作本科生和研究生编译原理与技术课程的 教材,本书对我国计算机教育界也具有重大影响。 书中深入讨论了编译器设计的重要主题,包括词法分析、语法分析、语法制 导分析、类型检查、运行环境、中间代码生成、代码生成、代码优化等,并在 最后两章中讨论了实现编译器的一些编程问题和几个编译器实例,而且每章都 提供了大量的练习和参考文献。 本书可以作为高等院校计算机专业本科生和研究生编译原理与技术课程的 教材,也可以作为计算机技术人员必读的专业参考书之一。 [font color="#ff0000"][b][a href="http://www.china-pub.com/computers/subject/yuding/huazhang.html" target="_blank"]读大师名著,做it精英[/a][/b][/font]
简介:"India is now emerging as a major economic superpower, making it a place where more American and European companies and individuals are doing business. As these interactions increase, it is important for those working in India to have as much information as possible to succeed. Rajesh Kumar and Anand Kumar Sethi's Doing Business in India is a valuable resource in that respect. The authors start with a business history background and highlight both the evolution of India as a major economic player on the world stage, as well as what it takes to succeed in the Indian business environment. Kumar and Sethi describe the Indian political, socio-cultural, and economic environment and the constraints and opportunities that the environment poses for the foreign investor. The major thrust of the book is on spelling out the strategies that will work well for the foreign investor in India. Examples are provided of both successful as well as unsuccessful attempts to penetrate the Indian market. The insights Kumar and Sethi provide make this book a necessity for both scholars and practitioners hoping to learn more about business in India."--BOOK JACKET.
Premier e-business cases from Asia
作者: (韩)李在奎,(新加坡)颜国秀,(新加坡)维贾伊·赛蒂(Vijay Sethi)编;王晔等译
简介: 本书提供了基于信息技术建立创新战略的亚洲创新公司的全面纵览。本书由18个公司案例组成,这些全球性公司的本部都在新加坡或者韩国。它们的真实故事具有教育意义,给人以启迪,同时也令人激动和鼓舞,它们不仅告诉我们一些信息技术管理的做法,而且还有这些公司信息技术领导者的故事以及他们的高见。希望本书在给你提供大量信息的同时,还给你带来了乐趣。
Programming Languages:Concept & Constructs
简介: 本书是国外比较成功的一本讨论程序设计语言的教科书,已在一些学校使用多年。书的主要内容包括:引论、命令式程序设计、面向对象的程序设计、函数式程序设计、其他程序设计范型以及语言的描述六大部分。本书适合作为计算机及其相关专业本科高年级学生的教材或教学参考书,或作为研究生的基础课程教材或参考书,也适合其他相关的技术人员参考。本书的学习基础是学过用过一种或几种程序设计语言(最好是Pascal/C/C++),有一定程序设计经验,并对数据结构等计算机基础知识有所理解。
作者: Sethi
出版社:南海出版公司 2013年09月
简介: ★ 《追风筝的人》作者卡勒德·胡赛尼赞誉推荐 ★ 一个引人入胜的家族传奇,一个动人的成长故事,对于世界*动荡地区的睿智透视。 ★ 你真正了解过这个与中国关系*铁的国家,以及生活在那里虔诚而善良的人民吗? ★ 爱,因信仰如此纯净 ★本书对爱情的描摹如此生动,仿佛可以洞悉人的心灵。
简介:'Advance Praise Eye opener! Shifted my thinking about China and India's global impact' - Philip Kotler, Ph D S. C. Johnson, Distinguished Professor of International Marketing Marketing Department, Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University Prof. 'Jagdish Sheth does it again. He distills the implications of the growth of China and India through a wide ranging and thoughtful interpretation in "Chindia Rising" and its implications to global growth, prosperity, security and culture. A must read for all managers, politicians and security experts' - C.K. Prahalad Paul and Ruth McCracken, Distinguished University Professor, Ross School of Business The University of Michigan. 'Business leaders in East and West will surely read with interest Jagdish Sheth's thought provoking assessment of how the rise of China and India (Chindia) will prove to be an enormous boon to the worldwide economy. With his profound insight into global business trends, Prof. Sheth shows how Chindia's rise will not only stimulate the mature economies of the West but will also help birth economies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America' - Azim Premji, Chairman and Managing Director Wipro, Ltd. 'The rise of China and India will have a profound effect on businesses in the developed as well as the developing world. Any businessman who wants to be ready to benefit from these dramatic changes should read Dr Sheth's insightful book' - Patrick J. McGovern, Founder and Chairman International Data Group. 'With detailed analyses of companies, economic trends, and historical patterns, the noted business management scholar, Prof. Sheth convincingly suggests that the rise of China and India as 21st century global powers can be as beneficial to the world as was the rise of the US in the early 20th century. This is a useful source for not only business leaders but anyone interested in this tectonic shift that is underway in the world today' - Dr Vishakha N. Desai, President Asia Society. 'Jag Sheth has produced a thought provoking treatise on contemporary events involving China and India, which will have a major impact in the foreseeable future. India and China are the key players in globalization, that is changing the face of Asia, while transforming trade and commerce in the rest of the world. Sheth propounds an extremely well reasoned point of view of these developments, which will appeal to a wide cross section of readers around the world' - Ashok Ganguly Chairman, Firstsource Solutions & ABP Group. 'While there have been many paens sung to the phenomenal rise of Chindia (and BRIC's), by relating this rise contextually to US and European Economic and Commercial history, Jagdish Sheth has done us all a favor. This book not only makes it easier for us contextually, but also gives us insights into the huge challenges and exciting opportunities for the world. Finally, how Chindia affects the world will depend upon the qualities of the institutions they build. These will reflect their society, culture, aspirations and impact they wish to have on the world. This book gives us the first insights into some of the thinking in that direction' - Gautam Thapar, Chairman and CEO Avantha Group. 'Many articles and books have been written in the recent past on China and India, and their economic models and future. I find Prof. Jagdish Sheth's book "Chindia Rising" as a brilliant analysis of not only how China and India will occupy the prime position as two great economies in the future, but how they are different from economies that became success stories. Indeed in the 19th and 20th Century, Europe and U.S. were the main players, and later Japan and Korea, each followed a model based on their culture, resources, and markets. Both India and China are operating in a new environment, where capital is not scarce, entrepreneurship is a winner, globalization and communications is a reality for future growth, and we have abundance of bright human resources and huge domestic markets. These observations, and particularly the analysis of the differences between Western economies and Chindia, with enumerable examples, reads like a well researched case study; and certainly makes Prof. Sheth's book a 'Must Read' for all professional managers, entrepreneurs, economists, policy makers, and public at large. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the manuscript, and am grateful to Prof. Sheth for honoring me by sending me the manuscript before publication of this future best seller' - Suman Sinha, Chairman Bata India Ltd. '"Chindia Rising" is a visionary work encompassing multiplicity of dimensions of the unprecedented impact and influence of the two great nations, India and China, on the world's industrial, business and also political future of few hundred years. The book is destined to become a milestone and extensively studied by scholars, influencers of the international industrial scene and general public. Dr Sheth reminds the global business community of the fundamental significance of the economic rise of China and India. With his typical acuity, he sees beyond the temporary dislocations caused by outsourcing or trade imbalances and discovers a future of worldwide economic growth, job creation, and expanding opportunity. I strongly recommend this book to scholars, students, international business leaders and general readers' - Dr KRS Murthy CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board SUNrgi--Power of 1000 Suns. 'The Chindia phenomena is at its nascent stage. The world hasn't seen anything like it. The book comes at an appropriate time and evaluates the subject holistically. The large domestic market, the huge, young and growing population, the realization of the future imperatives by the respective governments, the compulsions of multinationals and the rise of private enterprise all are working in favor of China and India. The book will enable both governments and enterprises to think about the challenges of becoming a dominant global force, employability of the youth, issues preventing the rural-urban divide, sustainability, collaborative energy, security, patents and IPR issues. Every citizen of the world must read it' - Rajeev Karwal, Founder Director MILAGROW. 'What indeed jumps out is the new first generation companies emerging from China and India who are now global players. The sheer scale of Brownian movement of entrepreneurs in both the countries is moving the two global economies to operate globally; reading "Chindia Rising" is like reading a business thriller' - Sudhir Sethi, Founding Chairman & Managing Director IDG Ventures India Bangalore, India. 'So appropriate is the name of this book, "Chindia Rising". I have focused and worked within the Indian and Chinese business communities for three decades, and I have personally seen the growth and the positioning of 'Chindia' to accelerate far beyond the expectations of the global community. Dr Sheth continues to identify trends in the global economic landscape and so astutely explains how those trends impact our daily lives. I predict that this book will become a best seller and will continue the significant success that Dr Sheth has had within the global economic spectrum. Dr Sheth so clearly explains this trend of "Chindia Rising" that a reader can grasp the enormity of this trend while reading his book' - Kenneth A. Cutshaw, Honorary Consul of India Business Executive and Global Attorney.
作者: photos by Reto Guntli ; text by Sunil Sethi ; ed. Angelika Taschen.
简介: Described by Christopher Columbus as “the loveliest land ever beheld by human eyes,” Cuba’s sumptuous landscapes are marked by sun-drenched tobacco and sugar cane fields and its cities ripe with music, dancing, and jubilation. Celebrating the relics of Cuba’s revolutionary glory days, this book explores everything from the kinds of interiors seen in Buena Vista Social Club to top-notch luxury hotels and cultural heritage sites. Via a diverse selection of Cuban homes, hotels, gathering places, and more, Inside Cuba takes you on a colorful tour of Cuba’s most archetypal interiors. Just mix up a Mojito, pop in a Compay Segundo CD, and fire up a cigar—you’ll be in the perfect mood to savor these luscious Cuban gems.Highlights include:traditional time-worn homes bearing the patina of generations of habitationModernist houses—including one by Richard Neutra—and artists’ homesCuba’s best eclectic 20th century mansionsa sugar baron’s grandiose palacioPartagás cigar factory, one of Havana’s oldest and finestthe baroque building Palacio de los Capitanes Generalesthe spectacular and futuristic Mario Girona-designed ice cream haven that is Havana’s most popular hangouta home with a Lalique-designed interiorthe bars Ernest Hemingway frequented, the hotel where he stayed between 1932 and 1939, and the estate near Havana he purchased in 1940, where he wrote The Old Man and the SeaMafia casino hotelsDon Diego Velázquez’s Moorish-influenced home where gold was once processed before being shipped to Spain
Inside Asia. V.2, Vietnam, Hon g Kong, China, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines /
作者: photos by Reto Guntli ; text by Sunil Sethi ; ed. Angelika Taschen.
简介: Holy temples to posh hotels: exceptional interiors from Indonesia to Japan Zen. Soothing. Mystical. Meditative. All the most serene words in the world couldn?t begin to describe the effect of Asia's most beautiful interiors. Whether it's a monastery in Tibet, a coffee plantation in Java, or a Tadao Ando-designed house in Japan, each interior chosen for this book is remarkable not only for its aesthetics but for its spirit. The book is ?clothed? in a silk-like curry-colored fabric adorned with chrysanthemum flowers. These interiors have what it takes to transport you to a sacred place; breathe deeply, delve in, and be inspired. 51 locations in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong, China, and Japan Highlights include: ? holy temples and Buddhist monasteries ? posh hotels and charming guest houses ? Balinease bamboo architecture ? Javanese coffee plantations ? modern contemporary houses in Japan designed by Shigeru Ban, Kengo Kuma, and Tadao Ando
Setting global standards:guidelines for creating codes of conduct in multinational corporations
作者: (美)S.P. 塞西(S. Prakash Sethi)著;杜宁译
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 "Professor Kline has admirably succeeded in creating a cohesive treatment of a subject that encompasses highly diverse topics, academic disciplines, cultures, and regions. This book brings to life the vastly important, but poorly understood, nature of ethics, morality, and stewardship of private economic organizations. As a textbook, it would challenge both educators and students and enhance their understanding of globalization as to what it is, and how it ought to be."-S. Prakash Sethi, University Distinguished Professor of Management, Zicklin School of Business "John Kline has not only touched all the important ethical bases in the international business playing field, he uses applied ethical reasoning to insightfully put forth appropriate values for successfully navigating these difficult global business issues. His new book is a testament to and a roadmap for the position that value-based business decision-making is mandatory for the solution to international business problems."-W. Michael Hoffman, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Business Ethics, and Hieken Professor of Business and Professional Ethics, Bentley University "Ethics for International Business provides a valuable introduction to the ethical problems of doing business in an increasingly globalized world where the line between business and politics is often blurred. John Kline's political-economy approach manages to deal with the full complexity of the political, economic, and cultural environment faced by international managers in a structured, systematic, and very accessible manner. Highly recommended."-Stephen J. Kobrin, William Wurster Professor of Multinational Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania The newly-updated version of this groundbreaking textbook continues to provide a topical and relevant analysis of the ethical dimensions of conducting business in a global political economy. From a starting point of applied ethics, the book introduces a common set of normative terms and analytical fools for examining and discussing real case scenarios.
Programming Languages:Concepts and Concepts
作者: (美)Ravi Sethi著
简介:INTRODUCTION 1 The Role of Programming Languages 1.1 Toward Higher-Level Languages 1.2 Problems of Scale 1.3 Programming Paradigms 1.4 Language Implementation: Bridging the Gap EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 2 Language Description: Syntactic Structure 2.1 Expression Notations 2.2 Abstract Syntax Trees 2.5 Lexical Syntax 2.4 Context-Free Grammars 2.5 Grammars for Expressions 2.6 Variants of Grammars EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIG NOTES II IMPERATIVE PROGRAMMING 3 Statements: Structured Programming 3.1 The Need for Structured Programming 3.2 Syntax-Directed Control Flow 3.3 Design Considerations: Syntax 3.4 Handling Special Cases in Loops S.5 Programming with Invariants 3.6 Proof Rules for Panial Correctness 3.7 Control flow in C EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 4 Types: Data Representation 4.1 The Role of Types 4.2 Basic Types 4.3 Arrays: Sequences of Elements 4.4 Records: Named Fields 4.5 Unions and Variant Records 4.6 Sets 4.7 Pointers: ERiciency and Dynamic Allocation 4.e Two String Tables 4.9 Types and Error Checking EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 5 Procedure Activations 5.1 Introduction to Procedures 5.2 Parameter-Passing Methods 5.3 Scope Rules for Names 5.4 Nested Scopes in the Source Text 5.5 Activation Records 5.8 Lexical Scope: Procedures as in C 5.7 Lexical Scope: Nested Procedures and Pascal EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES III OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 6 Groupings of Data and Operations 6.1 Constructs for Program Structuring 6.2 Information Hiding 6.3 Program Design with Modules 6.4 Modules and Defined Types 6.5 Class Declarations in C++ 6.6 Dynamic Allocation in C++ 6.7 Templates: Parameterized Types 6.8 Implementation of Objects in C++ EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 7 Object-Oriented Programming 7.1 What is an Object? 7.2 Object-Oriented Thinking 7.3 inheritance 7.4 Object-Oriented Programming in C++ 7.5 An Extended C++ Example 7.6 Derived Classes and Information Hiding 7.7 Objects in Smalltalk 7.8 Smalltalk Objects have a Seff EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES IV FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING 8 Elements of Functional Programming 8.1 A Little Language of Expressions 8.2 Types: Values and Operations B.3 Function Declarations 8.4 Approaches to Expression Evaluation 8.5 Lexical Scope B.6 Type Checking EXERGISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 9 Functional Programming in a Typed Language 9.1 Exploring a List 9.2 Function Declaration by Cases 9.3 Functions as First-Class Values 9.4 ML: ImplicitTypes 9.5 DataTypes 9.6 Exception Handling in ML 9.7 Little Quilt in Standard ML EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 10 Functional Programming with Lists 10.1 Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp 10.2 The Structure of Lists 10.3 List Manipulation 10.4 A Motivating Example: DiHerentiation 10.5 Simplification of Expressions 10.6 Storage Allocation for Lists EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES V OTHER PARADIGMS 11 Logic Programming 11.1 Computing with Relations 11.2 Introduction to Proiog 11.3 Data Structures in Prolog 11.4 Programming Techniques 11.5 Control in Prolog 11.e Cuts EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 12 An Introduction to Concurrent Programming 12.1 Parallelism in Hardware 12.2 Streams: Implicit Synchronization 12.3 Concurrency as Interleaving 12.4 Liveness Propenies 12.5 Safe Access to Shared Data 12.6 Concurrency in Ada 12.7 Synchronized Access to Shared Variables EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES VI LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION 13 Semantic Methods 13.1 Synthesized Attributes 13.2 Attribute Grammars 13.3 Natural Semantics 13.4 Denotational Semantics 13.5 A Calculator in Scheme 13.6 Lexically Scoped Lambda Expressions 13.7 An Interpreter 13.8 An Extension: Recursive Functions EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 14 Static Types and the Lambda Calculus 14.1 Equality of Pure Lambda Terms 14.2 Substitution Revisited 14.3 Computation with Pure Lambda Terms 14.4 Programming Constructs as Lambda-Terms 14.5 The Typed Lambda Calculus 14.6 Polymorphic Types EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES 15 A Look at Some Languages 15.1 Pascal: A Teaching Language 15.2 C: Systems Programming 15.3 C++: A Range of Programming Styles 15.4 Smalltalk, the Language 15.5 Standard ML 15.6 Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp 15.7 Prolog Bibliography Credits Index
简介:Learn how large corporations can make real improvements in their standard business practices without jeopardizing their competitiveness in the global marketplace. S. Prakash Sethi, a preeminent business scholar and researcher on the activities of multinational corporations and global business issues, outlines a number of highly effective approaches by which corporate leaders can improve their credibility and ensure the protection of the human and civil rights of their workers across the globe. Order your copy today!
作者: Ashok Sethi,Thomas Kaus著;耿威主译
简介: 《实用口腔种植学-治疗程序与临床技巧》由世界知名口腔种植专家Sethi和Kaus编写,是一本全面介绍口腔种植技术的专著。全书从患者的筛选和治疗原则谈起,分步详细地介绍了患者评估、辅助诊断程序、即刻种植、骨量充足位点的延期种植、修复方案、骨扩张术、局部外置法骨移植、软组织成形外科等口腔种植知识。全书除了详尽的文字论述外,还配以大量手术图谱,以便于读者的理解和记忆。《实用口腔种植学-治疗程序与临床技巧》适合口腔种植医生、口腔全科医生学习、参考。