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Developing digital short films
作者: (美)Sherri Sheridan著;任秀静,郝佳,刘璐译
简介:《数字短片创作(修订版)》以革新式的短片制作理论和创新方法教会读者用全新的数字技术将精彩的原创故事表现出来。通过阅读本书,初学者可迅速掌握并综合运用数字短片创作中的各种特技制作技术:已经具备一定经验的读者则可以开拓思路,进一步提高数字短片的制作水平和艺术表现力。本书目前已成为全球几百所影视学院和动画学院的经典教程。 全书分为三个部分:第一部分着重讲述数字短片背后的视觉思想以及短片剧本的创作要点;第二部分详述了短片前期制作过程以及如何更好地呈现影片思路,这包括拍摄入门、画面组成、可视化外观的开发等;第三部分探讨了不同生产环境中的DV、二维和三维手段,以及如何依托不同风格的技术力量来展开故事的讲述。本书由谢里登著。
作者: 刘芳[等]主编
作者: (美)Sherri Warner Hunter著;张晓杰,李东良译
简介:《混凝土雕塑》讲述了:请看一看你的周围吧:从公众广场中五彩缤纷的混凝土,到小山丘上的混凝土雕塑品和金色的混凝土的珠宝再到大块的混凝土浮雕。你就会发现曾经仅仅被当作建筑材料的混凝土,现在已经成为一种能够被大多数人用来表达艺术的应用广泛的材料。能够展示这些可以装饰你的庭院和花园的混凝土作品,我感到非常荣幸。不管你是有经验的雕刻家还是有伟大创造力的发明家,混凝土将成为你创作的源泉。如果忽视了混凝土的存在,你也许会终生遗憾的。回顾历史 在人类开始用石头建造房屋时,就在实践中创造了粘合剂。早期社会是用粘土作为粘合剂。古埃及人用石灰和石膏等作为粘合剂建造金字塔;古希腊人继续使用这种粘合剂并进行了推广。但是,发明水泥的是古罗马人,他们是用石灰、水等混合反应生成水泥。同时,值得一提的是与此相类似的先进建筑技术也曾在墨西哥和美国中部出现。在罗马帝国衰亡之后,这种技术失传了。直到1756年,一位英国的工程师约翰·史密顿,通过把石灰石和粘土以一定的比例相混合发明了水硬性水泥。在1824年,另一位英国土木工程师周塞·阿思德恩,通过混合一定比例的石灰和粘工,并在地面上研磨和煅烧,最终发明了水硬性水泥并且申请了专利。他称他的产品为波特兰水泥(普通水泥,硅酸盐水泥),原因是当水泥变硬后,颜色会像英国波特兰小岛上开采出来的石灰石。 1871年,在美国宾夕法尼亚州的克陪雷,波特兰水泥由大卫·思乐贷款第一次投入生产。不久,第一个可以生产水泥的粗糙的燃烧室诞生了,接着英国著名的工程师富·冉思木发明了水泥专业窑,并申请了专利,大大推进工业技术的发展。托马斯·爱迪生更进一步发展了水泥窑,这导致了作为建筑材料的混凝土的应用日益普遍和混凝土作品日益增多。爱迪生逐渐认识到混凝土应用领域的广泛性,甚至把它应用到铸造家具模型。
Goodnight,Goodnight Construction Site 晚安,工地晚安美国亚马逊畅销第一绘本 IBSN9780811877824
作者: Sherri
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun setsbehind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get readyto say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck,Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—sothey'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play!With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheldand sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all agesbegging for more.
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun sets behind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get ready to say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—so they'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play! With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheld and sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all ages begging for more.
作者: 克里斯托弗
出版社:机械工业出版社 2017年10月
目 录对本书第1版的赞誉推荐序译者序作者简介前言致谢*部分 恶意软件第1章 恶意软件传播 51.1 恶意软件仍是王者 51.2 恶意软件的传播现状 51.3 为什么他们想要你的工作站 61.4 难以发现的意图 61.5 这是桩生意 71.6 恶意软件传播的主要技术 71.6.1 社会工程 81.6.2 文件执行 91.7 现代恶意软件的传播技术 121.7.1 StormWorm 131.7.2 变形 141.7.3 混淆 161.7.4 动态域名服务 181.7.5 Fast Flux 191.8 恶意软件传播注入方向 201.8.1 电子邮件 201.8.2 恶意网站 231.8.3 网络仿冒 251.8.4 对等网络(P2P) 281.8.5 蠕虫 311.9 小结 32第2章 恶意软件功能 332.1 恶意软件安装后会做什么 332.1.1 弹出窗口 332.1.2 搜索引擎重定向 362.1.3 数据盗窃 432.1.4 点击欺诈 452.1.5 身份盗窃 462.1.6 击键记录 492.1.7 恶意软件的表现 532.2 识别安装的恶意软件 552.2.1 典型安装位置 552.2.2 在本地磁盘上安装 562.2.3 修改时间戳 562.2.4 感染进程 572.2.5 禁用服务 572.2.6 修改Windows注册表 582.3 小结 58第二部分 Rootkit第3章 用户模式Rootkit 623.1 Rootkit 633.1.1 时间轴 643.1.2 Rootkit的主要特征 643.1.3 Rootkit的类型 663.2 用户模式Rootkit 673.2.1 什么是用户模式Rootkit 673.2.2 后台技术 683.2.3 注入技术 713.2.4 钩子技术 793.3 用户模式Rootkit实例 813.4 小结 87第4章 内核模式Rootkit 884.1 底层:x86体系结构基础 894.1.1 指令集体系结构和操作系统 894.1.2 保护层次 894.1.3 跨越层次 904.1.4 内核模式:数字化的西部蛮荒 914.2 目标:Windows内核组件 924.2.1 Win32子系统 924.2.2 这些API究竟是什么 934.2.3 守门人:NTDLL.DLL 934.2.4 委员会功能:Windows Executive(NTOSKRNL.EXE) 944.2.5 Windows内核(NTOSKRNL.EXE) 944.2.6 设备驱动程序 944.2.7 Windows硬件抽象层(HAL) 954.3 内核驱动程序概念 954.3.1 内核模式驱动程序体系结构 964.3.2 整体解剖:框架驱动程序 974.3.3 WDF、KMDF和UMDF 984.4 内核模式Rootkit 994.4.1 内核模式Rootkit简介 994.4.2 内核模式Rootkit所面对的挑战 994.4.3 方法和技术 1014.5 内核模式Rootkit实例 1194.5.1 Clandestiny创建的Klog 1194.5.2 Aphex创建的AFX 1224.5.3 Jamie Butler、Peter Silberman和 C.H.A.O.S创建的FU和FUTo 1244.5.4 Sherri Sparks 和 Jamie Butler创建的Shadow Walker 1254.5.5 He4 Team创建的He4Hook 1274.5.6 Honeynet项目创建的Sebek 1304.6 小结 131第5章 虚拟Rootkit 1335.1 虚拟机技术概述 1335.1.1 虚拟机类型 1345.1.2 系统管理程序 1355.1.3 虚拟化策略 1365.1.4 虚拟内存管理 1375.1.5 虚拟机隔离 1375.2 虚拟机Rootkit技术 1375.2.1 矩阵里的Rootkit:我们是怎么到这里的 1385.2.2 什么是虚拟Rootkit 1385.2.3 虚拟Rootkit的类型 1395.2.4 检测虚拟环境 1405.2.5 脱离虚拟环境 1465.2.6 劫持系统管理程序 1475.3 虚拟Rootkit实例 1485.4 小结 153第6章 Rootkit的未来 1556.1 复杂性和隐蔽性的改进 1566.2 定制的Rootkit 1616.3 数字签名的Rootkit 1626.4 小结 162第三部分 预防技术第7章 防病毒 1677.1 现在和以后:防病毒技术的革新 1677.2 病毒全景 1687.2.1 病毒的定义 1687.2.2 分类 1697.2.3 简单病毒 1707.2.4 复杂病毒 1727.3 防病毒——核心特性和技术 1737.3.1 手工或者“按需”扫描 1747.3.2 实时或者“访问时”扫描 1747.3.3 基于特征码的检测 1757.3.4 基于异常/启发式检测 1767.4 对防病毒技术的作用的评论 1777.4.1 防病毒技术擅长的方面 1777.4.2 防病毒业界的领先者 1777.4.3 防病毒的难题 1777.5 防病毒业界的未来 1797.6 小结和对策 180第8章 主机保护系统 1828.1 个人防火墙功能 1828.2 弹出窗口拦截程序 1848.2.1 Chrome 1858.2.2 Firefox 1868.2.3 Microsoft Edge 1878.2.4 Safari 1878.2.5 一般的弹出式窗口拦截程序代码实例 1878.3 小结 190第9章 基于主机的入侵预防 1919.1 HIPS体系结构 1919.2 超过入侵检测的增长 1939.3 行为与特征码 1949.3.1 基于行为的系统 1959.3.2 基于特征码的系统 1969.4 反检测躲避技术 1969.5 如何检测意图 2009.6 HIPS和安全的未来 2019.7 小结 202第10章 Rootkit检测 20310.1 Rootkit作者的悖论 20310.2 Rootkit检测简史 20410.3 检测方法详解 20710.3.1 系统服务描述符表钩子 20710.3.2 IRP钩子
Goodnight,Goodnight Construction Site 晚安,工地晚安美国亚马逊畅销第一绘本 IBSN9780811877824
作者: Sherri
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun setsbehind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get readyto say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck,Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—sothey'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play!With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheldand sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all agesbegging for more.
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun sets behind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get ready to say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—so they'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play! With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheld and sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all ages begging for more.
Developing digital short films
作者: (美)Sherri Sheridan著;任秀静,郝佳,刘璐译
简介: 电影市场正在向创建数字化的产品转变。数字电影的前期制作与传统 电影不同。本书对数字影视制片等前期创作提出了新颖独到的step-by- step过程。书中将探讨人物角色、背景设计、蓝屏思路、特殊效果以及简 单的二维角色动画技术怎样为叙事服务。全书共分三部分,第一部分着重 讲述数字产品的视觉思想的创作以及一个短片剧本的创作;第二部分着重 讲述短片的视觉前期制作以及电影制片者如何去思考以最好地呈现他们的 影片思路,这包括拍摄入门、画面组成、开发可视化外观、彩色示意图, 以及创建情节串联图板和动画;第三部分探讨了不同生产环境的DV、二维 和三维手段,以及它们如何依托展现不同风格的技术力量展开故事的讲述 。 本书以革新式的短片制作理论和创新创意方法让行业内更多的年轻人 从中获益,教会他们用全新的数字技术把创作的精彩故事表现出来。初学 者可通过本书迅速掌握数字短片的各种特技制作技术以及综合运用的方法 。中、高级用户可通过本书提高数字短片的制作水平,开拓思路和提高艺 术表现力。该书目前亦已成为全球几百所影视学院和动画学院的经典教程 。
简介: Health Promotion in Practice is a practice-driven text that translates theories of health promotion into a step-by-step clinical approach for engaging with clients. The book covers the theoretical frameworks of health promotion, clinical approaches to the eleven healthy behaviors—eating well, physical activity, sexual health, oral health, smoking cessation, substance safety, injury prevention, violence prevention, disaster preparedness, organizational wellness, and enhancing development—as well as critical factors shaping the present and the future of the field. Written by the leading practitioners and researchers in the field of health promotion, Health Promotion in Practice is a key text and reference for students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners. "Finally, a signature book in which practitioners of health promotion will find relevant guidance for their work. Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin and Joan Arnold have compiled an outstanding cast of savvy experts whose collective effort has resulted in a stunning breadth of coverage. Whether you are a practitioner or a student preparing for practice, this book will help you to bridge the gap between theory and practice-driven empiricism." —John P. Allegrante, professor of health education, Teachers College, and Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University "The models of health promotion around which Health Promotion in Practice is built have a sound basis in current understanding of human development, the impact of community and social systems, and stages of growth, development, and aging. This handbook can provide both experienced health professionals and students beginning to develop practice patterns the content and structure to interactions that are truly promoting of health." —Kristine M. Gebbie, Dr.P.H., R.N., Columbia University School of Nursing
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Angel, near Evansville, Indiana, is one of the most important archaeological sites associated with the prehistoric Mississippian society. Over two million artifacts have been recovered, but not systematically analyzed until now. Hilgeman (anthropology, Indiana Southeast U.) surveys the pottery shards and in so doing provides scholars of Mississippian culture an in-depth chronology of the site. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 By analyzing the pottery found at a well-known archaeological site, Hilgeman constructs the long-awaited timeline for the rise and decline of this ancient society.Located near present-day Evansville, Indiana, the Angel site is one of the important archaeological towns associated with prehistoric Mississippian society. More than two million artifacts were collected from this site during excavations from 1939 to 1989, but, until now, no systematic survey of the pottery sherds had been conducted. This volume, documenting the first in-depth analysis of Angel site pottery, also provides scholars of Mississippian culture with a chronology of this important site. Angel is generally thought to have been occupied from before A.D. 1200 to 1450, but scholars have been forced to treat this period as one chronological unit without any sense of the growth and decline of the society that occupied it. Using radiocarbon assays and an analysis of its morphological and stylistic attributes of pottery, Sherri Hilgeman is able to divide the occupation of Angel into a series of recognizable stages. She then correlates those stages with similar ones at other archaeological excavations鈥攅specially nearby Kincaid鈥攎aking it possible to compare Angel society with other native cultures of the lower Ohio Valley. Through this important contribution to native pottery studies, Hilgeman opens a window into the lifeways of prehistoric Angel society and places that society in the larger context of Mississippian culture. 聽 聽 Publisher Summary 3 Located near present-day Evansville, Indiana, the Angel site is one of the important archaeological towns associated with prehistoric Mississippian society. More than two million artifacts were collected from this site during excavations from 1939 to 1989, but, until now, no systematic survey of the pottery sherds had been conducted. This volume, documenting the first in-depth analysis of Angel site pottery, also provides scholars of Mississippian culture with a chronology of this important site.